I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 854 Being targeted

On the day Harley and Constantine returned to Oa.

Origin wall.

Heavenly Father and Metron fly side by side.

A stone sculpture of a demon god flew against the wall.

"I am the Father of Creation Star, answer me, God on the wall, is the light of life behind you?"

Every time a rock statue is encountered, Heavenly Father sends it a spiritual message.

They don't shout directly with their mouths.

As early as when the origin wall was cracked by Harley and Constantine, Metron already knew that the equation of life was inside the wall.

It was also from that time that he began to think about how to find the equation of life from the wall.

For this purpose, the god of knowledge created a loudspeaker: a cross between a vinyl record player's speaker and a stethoscope.

Metron was wearing an earpiece, and Heavenly Father faced the trumpet and shouted to the stone sculpture with the power of supreme authority.

Well, Heavenly Father is on the same level as Darkseid and is also a supreme being.

Every cry of the Heavenly Father stirred up circles of white light from the trumpet.

The longer it hangs on the wall of origin, the more integrated it is with the wall and the harder it is to communicate with the outside world.

It is difficult to hear the "voice" of the outside world, and it is impossible to give an obvious response.

For example, the gods and demons who were tricked by Harley into the wall of origin that day.

When they first hung up, they could communicate with each other across a distance and yell at Harley.

But a few years have passed, some weak gods have become silent, and the powerful gods have begun to have difficulty communicating.

Some of the gods and demons that were hung on the wall eons ago, even if they are still conscious, cannot hear the words of the people standing above them.

People standing above it cannot sense its weak response.

Therefore, Metron specially built a set of amplification equipment.

"Does this really work?"

On the other side, Heavenly Father was still busy communicating with Metron.

"You doubt me, great Father?"

"I know no one is wiser than you, but we've been going on for months now and haven't received anything useful."

Metron said: "Witches Harley and Constantine both communicated with the beings behind the wall when they were hanging on the wall.

Since they can sense the existence behind the wall, other gods and demons are also possible.

In fact, although we didn't get any useful information, we met a lot of stone sculptures that could respond these days. "

"The existence behind the wall" The thick and thick eyebrows on Heavenly Father's forehead climbed into an "M" shape.

"Will our act of obtaining the life equation alarm her or be disturbed by her?"

Metron was silent for a while and then said in a low voice: "Of course it will be, but as long as the origin wall is not broken, she will not be able to interfere with reality, let alone escape."

The expression on Heavenly Father's face relaxed a little, and he asked slowly: "Why can Witch Harley shake hands with her? Even Darkseid and I can't withstand the erosion of the power of origin."

“I heard God intervened.”

"Heard?" Heavenly Father frowned again, "The God of Knowledge sitting on the Mobius Chair still needs to listen to others? Witch Harley is just a mortal."

"She is a mortal who is favored by God and can be regarded as God's spokesperson in the world." Metron said in a dull voice.

After that, the two were silent for a long time, until the Möbius Chair shook slightly, Metron's eyes widened, and he suddenly stopped.

Heavenly Father, who was still flying at high speed, could not react in time. He was thrown thousands of kilometers away in an instant, and even the human figure was invisible.

"what you do?"

Heavenly Father, who came back to find Metron, was angry.

"Just now, the Möbius Chair received the breath of the Life Equation in the material universe."

The God of Knowledge's face was full of surprise, his eyes flashed with white light, and his tone was uncertain.

"How can it be?"

The look on Heavenly Father's thick, bearded face was more suspicious than shocked, and there was no joy at all.

“Since I got the Möbius Chair, I have become one with it, and the range it can touch is my field of perception.

From the moment I discovered that Darkseid had obtained the Anti-Life Equation, I opened my perception field to the maximum to ensure that the Anti-Life Equation would not sneak up on the Genesis Star.

It also ensures that every piece of information related to the equation of life cannot slip away from my eyes.

It was at this moment that I became aware of the equation of life.”

Metron paused for a moment, closed his eyes and sensed it carefully, "It's not complete. It's probably just a small part of the life equation, but it has been activated and is functioning unscrupulously."

"You mean, someone got it and is still using it?" Heavenly Father said seriously.

Metron nodded slightly, "If it hadn't been used by someone, causing the aura of the equation to spread, I wouldn't have been able to detect its existence."

Heavenly Father pursed his lips, held the blunt-tipped scepter in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Who is using it? Where is it?"

"I'll use the mother box to teleport over now to check."

As he spoke, Metron looked at Heavenly Father and asked with his eyes if he was allowed to leave at this time.

"I am with you," said the Heavenly Father.

Metron said: "The material universe cannot bear your existence. Wherever you appear, the universe will collapse to that point. Unless you use a clone."

"I am a clone now, and my main body is shouting here. Isn't it boring?" Heavenly Father said.

Metron, who used his true body to accompany Heavenly Father to find the equation, was silent for a moment, "Okay, I'll open the sonic boom channel."


The white light exploded with a sonic boom sound, and the two new gods disappeared beside the origin wall.


Above the Green Lantern Corps headquarters on Oa, a white light suddenly flashed, followed by a sonic boom-like roar, and the figures of Heavenly Father and Metron appeared.

"Sonic boom tunnel?!"

"Apocalypse invasion?"

Those Lanterns who are rebuilding the Green Lantern headquarters have stored the space-time data of the sonic boom channel in the Green Lantern ring a few years ago, so they can immediately detect the arrival of Heavenly Father.

However, they have not even repaired the Green Lantern headquarters at this time, let alone the defense systems that were previously spread across the Oua star system.

There are not many Green Lanterns, only about ten people.

Before they could get around, Heavenly Father and Metron landed outside the window of a ward in the medical hospital as if there was no one around.

"Gunther, you—" He almost went blind after just one glance at the window.

On the other hand, Metron, the God of Knowledge, was probably well-informed and had no trouble on his face. He said calmly: "My perception is not wrong. Their emotions have been distorted by the equation of life.

Looking at this situation, 80% of it is related to ‘love’ and ‘desire’. "

"Oh my God!"

"Ring of Oa, what are the guardians doing with Hal?!"

The green lights who flew over with a "swish, swish" had no time to shout and ask "Who is coming?", they were startled by the very discordant, noisy and intense sound in the room.

However, Constantine had already controlled the character of life and ran away with Harley before Heavenly Father arrived.

None of the Green Lanterns and New Gods who gathered around were contaminated by the characters of life.

In addition, because of the loss of the "source of pollution", the little blue man and Hal Jordan were quickly awakened by the supreme power of Heavenly Father.

It took about ten minutes.

Hal Jordan wakes up first, followed by Gunther, and then the other green lights.

Thanks to their strong strength and firm will, it is not certain whether ordinary people would be able to regain their sanity.

after an hour.

"What happened?" Heavenly Father asked.

Hal Jordan sat on the edge of the bed, covering his face and saying nothing.

The little blue man was suspended in mid-air, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"The equation of life is not in you." Heavenly Father glanced at them, "Who used it to inspire your love?"

Hearing the word "love", Hal Jordan wanted to burst into tears and run away.

Escape to the end of the universe, turn your back to the world, and bury your face in the wall of origin.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Darkseid?" the red-skinned Koruga asked.

"I am the Supreme Lord of the Creation Star, Heavenly Father, and the eternal enemy of Darkseid."

Heavenly Father glanced at Ganser, and solemnly explained the relationship between Genesis and Apokolips, and him and Darkseid.

He and Ganser are both officers of the Essence Society. Although they are not close, they at least understand each other.

But looking at the performance of the Green Lantern Corps, it is obvious that the little blue man did not disclose the information about the New God to the Lantern.

"Why haven't I heard of you before? When Darkseid invaded the material planet, you, the mortal enemy of Apokolips, did not appear."

The female revolutionary Koruga looked suspiciously and made sharp questions.

The Heavenly Father’s calm, bearded face showed no shame or embarrassment, but anger, “Mortal, you have no right to question God.

However, I can forgive your rudeness, Genesis and Apokolips signed an armistice many years ago.

I cannot break my oath and send troops to stop Darkseid's invasion.

The situation has changed now. He has obtained a weapon powerful enough to break the balance. The multiverse is in an unprecedented crisis. Only I can protect you.

You must cooperate with me and give me the answers I need. "

There were several unruly Green Lanterns who wanted to sneer at Heavenly Father's "protection", but when they faced his majestic and powerful eyes that exuded a faint golden glow, they immediately felt an inexplicable pressure on their souls, making them unable to express their laughter and laughter. Humiliating words.

"Where is Harley? And that Constantine." Hal looked up and asked his Green Lantern teammates.

"They left Oa and returned to Earth. They also talked about the internal affairs of the Green Lantern Corps." The red-skinned woman looked at Hal, and then at the little blue men standing in a row with expressionless faces. She suddenly felt that "internal affairs" had a different meaning. .

Her red face began to twist again.

"Witch Harley?" Metron's expression changed slightly and asked, "Is the equation of life in the hands of Witch Harley?"

Hal glanced at him, his expression guarded, and he remained silent.

After a moment of silence, the little blue man Apas said: "The equation of life should not appear in the material universe. No one can control its power."

"You mortals have no authority, and of course you cannot control the equation of life." Heavenly Father said proudly.

"Heavenly Father, you can't control it either. Chasing it is equivalent to pursuing disaster." Ganse said.

Heavenly Father said: "The Anti-Life Equation has fallen into the hands of Darkseid, and I need the Life Equation to compete with him.

If I can't stop him, can you imagine what kind of catastrophe will befall this universe? "

The little blue men communicated with each other with their eyes for a while, and then began to clear the place, letting all the green lights leave, leaving only the guardians and the master of the creation star to talk secretly.

Hal quickly flew into the sky and disappeared into Oa.

The other Green Lanterns were used to being obedient to the little blue man, so they didn't ask any questions if they had any doubts in their minds.

"How many anti-life characters does Darkseid have at his disposal?" Gunther asked.

Metron said: "His anti-life equation is indeed incomplete, but it is not less than 70%."

"How many life equations does Witch Harley master?" Heavenly Father asked.

"Only one character."

Gunther did not hide anything, and explained in detail the origin of Harley's emotional elements and the process of combining the emotional elements with the origin of the Anti-Monitor to generate the life character.

"The Earth is indeed a special place," Heavenly Father murmured thoughtfully, "Perhaps, the Earth can be turned into a trap."

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