I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 847 Threesome on Saturday Night

After leaving the Earth's Inner Sea, Harley parted ways with everyone.

Zha Kang covered his cheek with gills, cursed and returned to Gotham.

Aquaman holds the golden trident, takes his mother and Mela, and returns to the royal city of Atlantis on the sea monster Karasen King.

Bateman continued to follow the conflict on land and sea.

Harley and Ivy stayed near the Great Trench, seducing the Trench people on the edge to gain experience.

Millions of sea monsters are a huge pool of experience.

Harley wondered if she could take the opportunity to push her experience to level 90 or even higher.

After staying in the trench for a week, he didn't even attend the ceremony where Aquaman was crowned King of Atlantis.

She was not present in the "Second Sea and Land Peace Negotiations" between Neptune King Arthur and Zheng Lian.

A week later, 60% of level 88 was upgraded to 15% of level 89. Harley covered the wound on her shoulder armor and turned to Ivy: "Let's go back."

"Aren't you going to continue practicing?" Ivy asked doubtfully.

Even to Ivy, Harley did not tell the truth and only said that she was practicing "thick skin and hard work".

One must understand the ‘Law of the God of War’ in fighting and bloody battles.

This is also the "truth" about her strength growth that she revealed to the outside world.

Even if an attentive person discovers that she has been beaten and injured to increase her strength, they will only be more convinced of the "truth" she announced.

Harley will not tell anyone the secret of upgrading and defense.

"Look -" Harley unbuttoned and lifted the collar, letting Ivy check the scars on her shoulder blades.

"Ah, scales?" Ivy only glanced at it, then touched it gently to confirm, then her expression changed drastically, "Harry, tiny fish scales are growing on the wound. Are you infected by the 'poisonous water'?"

"don’t worry."

The eight major specialties were activated at the same time, and dirty blood gushed out from where the scales on the shoulder armor were.

When the blood turns to normal bright red, the skin returns to its former whiteness and delicateness.

Harley looked out the window at the dark and deep trench and said in a complicated tone: "The first generation of Neptune was right, there is also a small amount of 'Flood poison' in the sea monster's body, and the venom also contains a trace amount of the Tears of Death.

This place is really a dangerous place. Anyone who lives here for a long time will turn into a sea monster sooner or later, even if he doesn't die.

This is probably also the origin of the rumor that "the Haigou tribe has mutated due to environmental changes". "

If you choose Tears of Death for your ninth specialty, you will kill two birds with one stone when you upgrade here. You can earn experience and collect some Tears of Death. Now.

"We have to leave now. I can overcome the Flood poison, but our spaceship is reaching its limit."

There are too many sea monsters and they are too powerful.

A single soldier has the strength of an ordinary Atlantis soldier, with average attributes of around 40 or 50 points, and some mutants exceed 70.

N metal alloy is only strong enough and has no indestructible properties.

At least this airship doesn't have the special enchantment of 'indestructible'.

Of course, the main reason is the limited experience that sea monsters can provide.

She has been shopping here for a week, and the efficiency has become so low that she feels that it is not worth the injury.

When the two returned to Quinn Manor, the second land and sea peace negotiations were still continuing.

Harley turned on the TV to casually understand the process, then got into the black magic meditation room and "pulled out" the emotional elements from her head.

It was the "pure love of an old couple" given to her by Paul and Tess, who had transformed from evil spirits into holy spirits after the last successful exorcism.

When people's subjective consciousness thinks that "love" is a heart, the emotional element of love takes on the form of love in Harley's hands.

Red, translucent, like a jelly.

"Bang bang~~bang bang~~"

As before, the antimatter origin in her body surged fiercely, resonating with the emotional elements.

Ever since she received "love", this kind of resonance that made Harley feel uncomfortable in her chest and stomach and suppressed her soul has never stopped.

That's why she planned to deal with them as soon as she got home.

"The emotional elements instinctively want to merge with the antimatter source. Why? Do you want to let them merge?"

Harley was very conflicted in her heart. She was very curious about what she would get after the fusion, but her spiritual sense also had a faint premonition of crisis, and something bad would happen after the fusion.

"The Voice of Heaven refuses to reveal even a single bit of information."

Harley hesitated for a long time, then put away the emotional elements, took out her mobile phone and dialed Constantine's number.

Although that guy likes to trick people, his knowledge and ability to deal with crises are still very good.

Moreover, with him by his side, he can survive any accidents.

"Beep beep beep" the cell phone dialed, but no one answered.

Harley tried twice more, and finally locked the location of Zha Kang's phone - the "Forgotten Bar" in the Midnight Building in Gotham Manhattan.

Before Harley's rise, the dark magic emperor of Gotham was the magic master Midnight, who had lived for hundreds of years and had friends all over hell and heaven.

He is in Chelsea, Manhattan. This Chelsea is not the same place as Chelsea in the UK. It is the art center of Gotham, where many art people live. The cultural atmosphere is very avant-garde, from the hippies in the early years to the prosperous minority surnames in the United States recently. Groups are centered around this place.

And magic and art seem to be brothers, or lovers.

In short, Chelsea has a lot of people who are into art and magic, so Midnight Dad put his "Midnight Bar" there.

Later, because he was afraid of "Witch Harley", he moved his base to Blüdhaven next door.

The original ‘Midnight Building’ became vacant.

Later, Harley purchased the building and planned to give it to Father Midnight again and bribe him to become his little brother.

Midnight Dad politely refused, and the building has been rented out as an ordinary shop.

Until a few years ago, Nick and Zatanna found her and rented the building to open a magic bar, filling the void left by Midnight Dad's departure.

The name of the bar is the same as the 'Forgotten Bar' in the alternate dimension transfer station, with two meanings: like the Forgotten Bar, all magic characters are welcome to come here for exchange activities; Nick has solidified a door that leads directly to the true Forgotten Bar, even if there is no All magic apprentices can use it.

Because she was going to a public place in the magical world, Harry first put on a white sportswear with a hood and running shoes, then stepped on the air, ran hundreds of meters in the air, and quickly ran in the direction of Zha Kang.

At this time, at 6:30 pm in January 2016, the sky was dark and cold, and bits and pieces of goose feather snowflakes covered the gray streets and rooftops of Gotham.

On the big screen in Times Square, Lois Lane was chatting and reporting the latest progress of land and sea negotiations to the public. Even if pedestrians were in a hurry, they couldn't help but stop and look up.

No one knew that a figure was running over their heads.

A few kilometers passed in a matter of seconds, and Harley didn't even break a sweat.

She walked through the lobby of the "Magic Club" without anyone else, went up to the second floor, and found the toilet door with a "under maintenance" sign.

Behind the door, a muscular man with a nose ring crossed his arms and looked at her coldly, "Miss, you are looking in the wrong place, or..."

He pointed to his badge, "What's on it?"

There is no word on the breastplate, but the magic apprentice can use the most basic "letter display" to read the content on it, or the official mage can directly see through the trick on it.

Because the bar is owned by Zatanna and Nick, Harley doesn't intend to embarrass the doorman.

"Fire." She glanced at it and said.

"Boom!" The palm-sized breastplate quickly burst out with a string of small flames, burning out a flaming Latin word.

"Welcome to the Oblivion Bar."

There were many guests, and the huge hall of 1,000 square meters was almost packed with "extraordinary artists" dressed in non-mainstream styles.

However, compared with Midnight Dad's mixture of humans, angels, demons, and hybrids, the business of this store is slightly lighter. There are only humans, no angels or demons, and the levels are not high.

At first glance, magic apprentices accounted for 99% of the total. Only one or two formal mages were treated as bosses and were surrounded by apprentices to explain magic knowledge.

Harley didn't want to look for Nick or Zatanna today, nor did she ask for news about them. She went straight to the door of the back bedroom.

Zha Kang's cell phone is inside.

After she dialed her cell phone again, she could even hear the ringing at the door.

——No one answered the phone, and no one answered the knock on the door. However, there is an obvious curse placed on the door.

With this thought in his mind, Harry took a few steps back, gathered all his thoughts together, concentrated his energy, and ran in small steps.

"Deng, Deng, Deng -" After running for five steps, quantum displacement was randomly triggered, and her body "swooshed" through the wooden door, as well as the warning and defensive magic on the door.

The next moment, she came to a 30-square-meter single bedroom.

"Shit, what are you playing at?" Harley was stunned.

"Ah-" Zatanna screamed, clutching her chest.

"Oh my God! Harley, you, you -"

Nick lay on Constantine and looked up at Harley who suddenly appeared behind the door, shocked and embarrassed.

Constantine lay flat on the floor, only glanced sideways, and said disapprovingly: "She must be the one who has been calling me just now. She is in such a hurry, so it is not surprising that she found her here. Nick, please continue."

The three of them are all naked, but there is no such thing as a threesome. If the magic circle shining under them is removed, even if they are not stacked on top of each other, it will be misunderstood.

At this time, Harley observed a little and found that the magic power of the three people was connected together, and a complex magic ritual was going on.

But in order to stimulate the magic power, they did use the magic spell of 'stimulating desire and converting desire into magic power'.

Nick was still lying on Zha Kang, looking at Harley and asking in surprise: "There is a high-level defensive magic that I personally drew on the door. Why doesn't it work at all?"

"She used quantum displacement, and ordinary divine formations can't guard against it." Zha Kang said calmly.

"Harley, can you go out for a moment?" Zatanna said with a blushing face.

Harry scanned the three of them one by one without dodge.

Well, look at the runes on their skin.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"This is our 'Saturday Night,'" Constantine said.

Harley immediately thought of Jim Carrey's "Saturday Night" movie, the scene where three goofy buddies sit in a car and shake their heads together.

"So, what are you playing this Saturday night?"

Nick hesitated and said: "Try a new magic. If you are interested, just watch from the side. It will be over soon."

Harry looked around and saw that the room was not big. The double bed was erected, leaving room to draw a magic circle. There were no chairs except the bed. The clothes of Constantine and others were thrown on the floor in the corner.

She took a few steps back and stood close to the door, watching their performance.

Zatanna was a little shy, Nick was also uncomfortable, and Constantine acted like no one else was around.

Zatanna and Nick used an almost flirtatious approach to leave scars on Constantine's body. They bit him with their teeth and pinched him with their fingers. Zhacon groaned with enjoyment.

It lasted about five minutes, as Nick and Zatanna tied Constantine tightly with ropes and stuffed him into the empty closet.

"This is-" Harley vaguely understood something.

"Harley, it's time to witness a miracle." Zatanna said excitedly.

Nick took out the clock and started counting, one minute, two minutes, three minutes

As time passed, Harley's expression became more and more serious, and the palms of her fists were unknowingly wet with sweat.

None of the four people said anything, and they waited for half an hour.

"Buzz-whoosh!" There was a blue light flashing in the crack of the door in the closet, and then Constantine was seen like a transparent man, slowly and hurriedly walking through the wooden door and coming out of the closet.

"Oh my god, the price magic didn't break out immediately, and it was extended for more than half an hour?!" Harley exclaimed.

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