I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 843 The strange first-generation Sea King

There are seven basic powers in the DC universe. They are not seven types, but two opposite each other. There are seven categories and fourteen types, and each type may continue to differentiate.

For example, the stasis force and the speed force combine to form the seven basic speed forces.

There was something strange about Pappetua.

If the relative forces between the two are divided into positive and negative, the speed force is positive and the stagnation force is negative.

The seven powers he needs are all negative: Stasis, Invisible Emotional Spectrum, Tears of Death, Wind of Nothingness, Black Apple, Sixth Note, and Year of the Villain.

Many powers have strange names, vague concepts, and cannot be described in words.

Harley originally knew nothing about powers such as the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness, but she had been to the place where time originated.

In Papetua's "creative hand" of creating the world, she truly felt the seven conceptual powers.

Harley still didn't understand what they were, how they came about, and what they were for.

But she has seen them and sensed them, and she will know what kind of basic power they are the next time she encounters them.

At this moment, at the entrance to the Tomb of the First Sea King in the Earth's Inner Sea, she felt the power of life connection spreading in ripples in all directions.

The 'negative energy' corresponding to the life connection force is the tears of death.

She had no idea what they served.

But it is certain that the life connection power was created by Aquaman.

Her ninth defense specialty seems to be in place.

"What was that just now?" Constantine's 'Spell of True Knowledge' was running at a high speed, but the solemnity and confusion on his face did not diminish at all. "It not only touched the blood, but also seemed to be connected to the subconscious. How do you feel?"

Bateman said: "The body was shaken and he was gone."

"My spiritual sense seemed to be connected to something for a moment, and then quickly disconnected before I could sense it. Well, it's like my brain became a host, connecting to the Internet for an instant, and then disconnecting for an instant." Ivy said.

"How is Arthur? Why is there no movement in the pool?" Mela asked nervously.

"He should have succeeded." Harley said.

"Boom!" After the words fell, a golden figure exploded out of the water, and the golden magic light spread freely from his body. In an instant, everyone felt that a sun was rising.

After landing, the magic power fluctuations subsided, the light converged, and Aquaman with golden scales appeared in front of everyone.

"Impossible" King Om shouted excitedly and vomited another mouthful of blood.

Aquaman is still the same.

However, the brown "sheep's head" leather jacket was replaced by golden scales that were as close-fitting as yoga clothes.

When he entered, his empty hands also had a pair of green metal gloves.

But the most eye-catching thing is the golden trident that is as tall as him.

The magic power that was as bright as the sun before came from it.

"Impossible, Karason is so powerful, you can't solve it quietly."

King Om shook his head repeatedly, looking a little confused.

Aquaman smiled proudly, then quickly faded his smile, and said calmly: "Who said that if you get the trident, you must kill Karason?"

"If you don't kill it, how can you get the trident?" King Om muttered.

"I talked to it and told it I needed the trident, and it moved out of the way." Aquaman said with a smile.

Om lost his temper and shouted: "You ask it to leave, and it will leave? Why?"

"You can also tell it to get out of the way." Aquaman said.

"How to do it?"

"Tell it to it, you have to let it understand what you want it to do, right?" Aquaman said.

"I said, I roared at it and told it to get away." Orm said blankly.

"Arthur, stop teasing him. Karason got out of the way, not because it understands human speech, but because of your talent." Harley walked to Aquaman and touched the trident. The magic was restrained and she didn't feel it. to the previous vitality.

"What did you do just now? How did you activate that kind of fluctuation that is connected to all things?"

"Why are all things connected, oh." Aquaman just wondered, then suddenly said: "The trident is not just there for people to take casually, the bones of the first generation of Neptune are holding it.

Even if Karason gets out of the way, I still have to pass the test of the first generation Aquaman to get the trident. "

"What test? You can't go in for more than half a minute." Orm asked.

"Well, let me think about it." Aquaman plucked at his wet long hair and said uncertainly: "I held the trident and seemed to see many dolphins, crabs, and squid. They were probably marine life. I saw them in an instant. Thousands, too many for me to remember.

Then a golden energy flowed into my body from the remains of the first generation Neptune, and my body seemed stronger.

Not only did it have strange power, but this magical armor also turned into nanoparticles and was wrapped around my body. "

King Om broke through his defense again and shouted out of control: "What kind of test is this?"

Harley looked at him with pity and said: "Look at it, the so-called test is a talent test.

If you have talent, you have everything. If you don't have talent, no matter how hard you work and how ambitious you are, it will be of no use. "

"Talent?" King Om glared at the illegitimate brother, "What talent do you have? Talking to fish?"

Aquaman frowned and said, "Although I don't think talking to fish is a great talent, Karason said that the first generation Aquaman can also communicate with marine creatures."

"Talking to fish is the greatest trait of our Atlantis royal family." Atlanna supported her younger son, but looked at her eldest son with pleased eyes.

“It’s not just about communicating with sea creatures, it also represents the dominion of the ocean. No sea creature can refuse you, not even Karason, not even the sea monsters in the trench.

They are all your servants, the sea is your territory, and you will be crowned king, Sea King! "

"Oh, No——" King Orm struggled and yelled, "I defeated him in the King's Duel, in front of the representatives of the undersea people and the land, in the Ring of Fire Arena, and defeated him in public. It’s the king.”

Atlanna quickly touched his cheek and comforted him: "My child, 'Lord of the Ocean' is just a metaphor, not necessarily the King of Atlantis."

"No, I want to be the King of Atlantis." Arthur pursed his lips, looked into his mother's eyes, and said firmly: "I have experienced the pain of losing a loved one, and it is very uncomfortable. I will not allow the same." happened again.

Becoming the King of Atlantis gives you control over your own destiny and makes everything easier. "

Only by becoming the king of Atlantis can he fight against the Atlantean nobles who had exiled his mother.

Can better guard against revenge from Orm's family.

It can bear all responsibilities and conflicts, let father and mother find peace, and end the land and sea disputes.

"Arthur." Atlanna understood her son's thoughts with just one glance.

Her eyes turned red again.

King Orm's eyes were also red, "I won't agree, I am the King of Atlantis."

Aquaman glanced at the complicated-looking Atlantis soldiers beside him and said calmly: "The King's Duel is not over yet. We will continue after you recover from your injuries."

Harry shook the trident again and asked: "Arthur, you can talk about your housework after you go back. I want to ask, what is under the pool?"

"Just Karasen and the empty underwater palace."

Harley said: "I want to go in and have a look, you go with me."

"What are you looking at?" Aquaman asked confused.

"Why did the first Sea King place his tomb here? What's so special about this place?"

Aquaman couldn't answer and didn't refuse her request.

The mouth of the pool is not big, barely big enough for the Owl Airship to get in vertically.

However, after going more than two hundred meters into the pool, the space suddenly opened up.

They even saw the remains of buildings hundreds of meters high.

Karason had disappeared, and Aquaman told him to follow the underground river and leave the narrow tomb.

It was said to be a tomb, but Harry didn't see any exquisite and dangerous mechanism designs or priceless burial objects.

A wide stone chair was placed directly at the end of the underwater cave, with a few bones left on it.

There are no inscriptions left.

It gives the impression that the first generation Aquaman randomly found a water hole, and then sat on a stone chair without any modifications to wait for death.

"There's nothing to see, let's go back." Aquaman said boredly.

"Don't you find it strange? There are Atlantis-style buildings on the island, and there are also deep in this pool, but as a mausoleum, it is too dilapidated and has not been decorated in any way." Harley said.

"What's weird? The Earth's Inner Sea is obviously the territory of the Trench Clan. It's normal to leave ruins on the island." Aquaman said disapprovingly.

Harley said: "The thing that surprises me the most is the trench tribe. Even if the environment of the trench is harsh, they can hide in the inner sea.

The sunshine here is bright, the climate is pleasant, and there is no human pollution. It should be a paradise. "

Constantine stared at the ancient stone throne, his eyes flickering and said: "Give me a piece of the bones of the first generation of Sea King, and I will try to summon its soul."

Aquaman glared at him, "Even if he is not my ancestor, he still handed over his inheritance to me."

Harry moved his eyes flexibly and smiled: "You probably got his power, but do you know the mission?"

Aquaman was stunned and said, "What other mission is there?"

"You'll know if you ask."

When Aquaman hesitated, she had already opened the airship door.

There was no groundwater flowing in, so Harley used the yellow light energy to open a portal in advance, shrouding the stone throne that contained the remains.

Looking at only a few vertebrae and hand bones left on the stone throne, Batman wondered: "Why are there only so few bones left? Didn't you say before that the trident was held in its hand?"

Aquaman recalled for a moment and said: "It was a very complete skeleton before. After I held the trident, there seemed to be strange power flowing from its bones to my body."

Constantine jumped out of the airship and came to the throne. His palms gently touched the wet rock chair and bones, and his eyes shone with silver-blue light in the dark water.

"This is not the cemetery of the first generation of Sea King. He should be guarding a secret treasure or a door."

Bateman was also observing carefully. After watching for a long time, he found no useful information except that he inferred that the first generation of Aquaman was as tall and burly as Aquaman.

"Where did you draw this conclusion?" he asked.

"a feeling."

Constantine turned around and looked around, carefully observing the surrounding environment, terrain, buildings, and ocean currents, and asked: "Aquaman, in the history of Atlantis, is there any legend about the first generation of Aquaman changing his faith?"

"Of course not. He is the greatest king and the benchmark for all Atlanteans."

Constantine frowned, "Something's wrong."

"Did you find anything?" Bateman looked at Zha Kang and asked.

Constantine reached out and pointed at the stone wall above the throne and the ornate stone buildings on both sides, and said, "The runes on them are related to sacrificial prayers, but none of them belong to Poseidon."

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