I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 88 Long live eternal punishment!

Harley didn't do anything. She didn't point a gun at them. She didn't deliberately use the melon grenade as a health ball.

But the two murderous drug hawkers just sat there shivering, as if shrouded in a halo of fear, forgetting that they had pistols in their waists.

"Boss Harley, although we work for the GCPD, we have never offended you." Ivan forced a dry smile.

Harley was also a little surprised by the two dealers' reactions.

This is too exaggerated, she is ready to be shot twice more!

Although the defense expertise at level 20 has not yet been selected and cannot be upgraded to level 21 for the time being, the experience tank at level 20 is still mostly empty.

"Don't get excited. I'm not a bad person. It's just that I can't stay in Gotham anymore. I'm planning to run away and I'm short of travel expenses." She smiled.

The two of them felt a thump in their hearts, and their eyes unconsciously moved to the backpack next to Ivan.

All the money collected from the distribution points today is here.

"Since Sister Harley has spoken, we brothers should also give our full support."

Moses quickly took out the money from his pocket, and when he touched the pistol in his waist, he struggled internally.

In the end, the numerous corpses of the GCPD shattered all his impulse and courage.

They also watched the live broadcast that day and saw with their own eyes that she came and went with ease amidst the hail of bullets from the GCPD. That kind of crazy fighting method is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Like the GCPD, they were frightened.

"You are sending beggars away. Is this money enough for a ferry ticket to Europe?" Looking at the piles of green bills in the hands of the two gangsters, Harley simply pulled out her pistol.

"Oh, no, this is really all the cash we have. Otherwise, I'll give you the gold chain too." Seeing the barrel of the gun, Moses and the two became even more frightened.

"Bang!" Harley blasted Moses' head, and the red and white stuff spread all over the car.

"Fake, you don't have to think about why I'm targeting you two 'neighbors'!"

"Ahhh!" Ivan was just like Hans's daughter at noon today, almost losing his mind in fear.

"Scream again and I'll kill you." Harley took two steps back, and the smell of urine and feces filled the air from under Alvin.

Ivan stopped screaming and quickly threw the money bag beside him out of the window.

"That's all the money."

"About how much?" Harley kicked the backpack, which wasn't too heavy.

"More than 24,000 knives." Ivan's face was filled with snot and tears.

"I heard from Boss Sasse that the 'GCPD Trafficking Organization' has strict rules and regulations, with unified delivery, unified collection of money, and unified dividend distribution.

As a secondary dealer, who would you give this money to? asked Harley.

"I, I can't say it, I will die if I say it-"

"Bang!" Harley shot him in the head.

"Ahhhhhh!" Howls sounded like a slaughtering pig from the underground cars and garages.

The dead cannot scream, and the scream came from an old Volvo that had just entered not far away.

"Bang bang!" Two shots accurately blew out the headlights of the car, and Harley cursed: "Are you from Gotham? Are you still making a fuss when you see a dead man? Howl again, and I will send you to keep him company!"

They stopped shouting and stopped. They opened the car door, bent over and ran back with their heads in their hands.

Harley opened the door of the Ford Mustang and pulled Alvin, the white man on the passenger seat, out of the car.

He took out the devil's horn from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.


! Using the devil's horn as a bridge, if this person's soul does not ascend to heaven, please let him answer my call! "

It was a spell that Constantine taught her and she used for the first time.

"Uh-huh!" She covered her forehead and groaned. For a short moment, it seemed that she had stayed up all night, and she suddenly became very tired.

"Hoo ho ho -" In the almost closed underground car and warehouse, a cold and strong wind suddenly blew, and it was centered on the bodies of Harley and Alvin.

The wind seems to have a shadow, bringing shadows to this space that even light cannot penetrate.

"Shit, Constantine didn't lie to me, it really worked."

Harley took a few steps back in fear.

At this time, Ivan's body also changed.

His muscles shriveled, his skin took on a plastic-like gray sheen, and his hair crawled out of his head like nematodes, flying in the air like a ball of seaweed.

Both hands are also deformed, like the hands of a devil, with sharp and long nails, and fins between the fingers to hold mucous membranes.

But the most exaggerated thing is the mouth with the devil's horn inserted into it, and the lips protrude upward, shaped like a funnel.

"I, where am I, I'm so cold, mom, ah, ah, I can't find my way home, ah, I'm burning in the flames, it's so painful, where on earth am I -"

The dead are talking, like an old stereo playing old videos, with some salsa noises in the distortion.

Harley swallowed and asked, "Tell me, who will you give the money to?"

"Money, ah, I remembered, it's you, wuwuwu——" it howled miserably, and the wind became stronger.

"I order you to tell me the answer." Harley said.

"No, I will only say one thing - it was Witch Halle who killed me, it was Witch Halle who killed me, it was Witch Halle -"

"Bang!" Harley stepped forward with a stupefied expression and kicked his neck into a "7" shape.

"It was Witch Halle who killed me, it was Witch Halle who killed me!"

It was still shouting, the sound getting louder and shriller, the lights turned pale, and black spots climbed up the corners of the wall and the concrete floor.

Black rust flew off the car's exterior and surrounded Harry like dust.

Harley's expression condensed, knowing that this area was being pulled into the Shadow Realm again - the intersection of Limbo and Hell.

She hurriedly bent down and prepared to pull out the devil's horn.

"You bastard, don't scream!" Suddenly, another person's voice came from the horn-shaped mouth of the corpse.

Then Alvin really stopped barking.

"Hi, Witch Harley?"

Harley was really shocked, "Who are you? How do you know me?"

"Hey hey hey, you asked me who I am, hey hey hey" the man laughed lowly.

"The devil's horn connects to hell, are you a devil from hell?" Harley realized something.

Strangely, she was not so scared, but rather excited.

"In the name of Satan, the Legion of Eternal Punishment greets you!"

"Are you kidding me? A big shot like Satan would notice me?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Of course, His Majesty Satan will pay attention to all enemies of the Holy Crusade." said the devil on the opposite side.

"Hell pays so much attention to the return of the Son of God, even Satan is always watching?" Harley asked in surprise.

"You know so much, but not enough." said the devil.

Harley's eyes flashed and she asked, "What's your name?"

"Hehehe, you are really a qualified black magician. I am the judge of hell and am happy."

"Uh" In such a serious and treacherous environment, this silly name suddenly popped up, making Harry want to laugh.

"Brother Huanxi, what is the deep meaning behind the coming of the Holy Son?"

"Don't call me brother, you don't deserve it!" Huan Xi said unhappy.

"Okay, happy judge."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Harley's lips, sooner or later you will know how powerful Sister Harley is.

"Join the Legion of Eternal Punishment, and I will tell you the secret of the coming of the Holy Son." Huanxi said.

"Are you here to get me to join the gang?" Harley asked strangely.

"You're still of some use." Huanxi said lightly.

"First tell me what Hell wants me to do." Harley said.

"Sacrifice the holy relic to His Majesty Satan, you won't need it anyway, and then kill a few more crusaders, that's all your value." Huanxi said lazily.

There was a hint of ridicule in Harry's eyes, Satan was nothing more than that, he didn't even know that the cross had a new owner.

She was really distracted.

As long as the participants themselves don’t talk about things related to God, no one can get a glimpse of them through the power of “omniscience”.

"What if I don't agree?" Harley asked.

"What do you disagree with? Do you still plan to reconcile with the Crusaders? It's either this or that, the party is the same as the enemy, and there is no neutrality. You have thought clearly." Huanxi sneered.

"Is it possible that I don't even have the value of being lured, so I just start threatening you?" Harley said with a dull face.

"Crash!" Dead ghost Ivan's eyes suddenly opened like his mouth, and a silver fountain emerged from the eye hole, which was a silver coin.

"This is your reward for the significant reputational damage you have done to the Advent Crusade in the material world in recent months.

Don't think that the money is of no use to you. Charon's silver coins are treasures to any black magician.

For example, in my name, you can buy any demon with silver coins, as long as the price is enough. "

"Uh, thank you." Harley looked at the pile of silver coins and felt that the world had become so magical!

However, she seems to remember that there is an extremely difficult and useful black magic in the "Book of Truth" - summoning the hell carriage requires the use of hell coins.

"By serving the Legion of Eternal Punishment, you can gain incredible wealth, huge magic power, endless lifespan, and even all kinds of rare treasures that you can't even imagine.

The more you do, the more you get, the more you get. Hehehe, I look forward to the day when you truly become a member of Eternal Punishment! "

The gloomy and proud laughter, with some arrogance and sarcasm, gradually disappeared.

The eye holes closed again, and Alvin continued to howl miserably: "It was Witch Harley who killed me, it was Witch Harley who killed me, it was -"

"Boo!" Harley's voice stopped abruptly as she pulled out the devil's horn that was covered in fishy saliva from its mouth.

The trumpet mouth disappeared, and Ivan's demonized corpse was no different from before.

The howling wind dissipated, the decayed black spots on the floor and walls disappeared, and the lights became warm and colorful again.

Cars that were almost weathered into skeletons were restored to their original appearance.

Nothing has changed.

Hearing the whistle again from the parking garage gate, Harry felt as if he was dreaming.

But she knew she was not dreaming, because there was a small pile of silver coins around Alvin's head.

He leaned over and picked one up.

An ancient coin that is cool and has a high quality.

"The Eternal Punishment Legion is so confident, aren't you afraid that I will take the money and run away?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Her expression became serious.

Hell Judge is definitely not stupid.

Just like Falcone is not afraid of some Gotham gangster taking his money and doing nothing, the Legion of Everlasting Punishment is confident that she will fall?

"Sigh, compared to the troubles of the Legion of Punishment, the GCPD and the Church have suddenly become so dull."

Harley didn't care much about running away.

What difference does it make to the Legion of Eternal Punishment to run to Mexico, Morocco, or Hong Kong?

Shaking her head, she cheered up again, "It turns out that Devil Horn can only ask the murderer. I will kill one and keep the other later.

Let him listen to his brother's howl in hell, and he should become docile and obedient, and then send him to be reunited with his brother! "

Harley put the silver coins into her purse, left the garage calmly, and headed to the next drug dealer's home.

Let me explain again, the main plot of the first stage of this novel is the giant beast (one of the strongest existences in DC), a major event in the magic world. The arrival of the Holy Son is also prepared for the giant beast. The plot of the American drama "Gotham" will be interspersed with this major event as "daily life".

In addition, regarding Chapter 82, someone seemed to have reported him before and he was locked up in a small dark room for a period of time. I modified the last part of the plot - the part where Jerome the clown is watching the news while shooting and shooting.

It has now been unblocked.

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