I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 825 The Third Heroes’ Meeting

On Thanksgiving afternoon, the poop tide hit.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Atom lost contact.

When news came out that heroes from the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, France and Canada had suffered heavy casualties, the United States was in an uproar, other countries were in an uproar, and the world was in an uproar.

Batman received the news and immediately sent a message to Aquaman requesting a meeting through the Wayne Group's "Bat Satellite" and persuaded him to implement the "Atlantis Defense Plan" in the evening.

Immediately afterwards, the watchtower sent a rally signal to the heroes of the Zhenglian League, but several giants of the Zhenglian League received orders to go to the Sky Eye Club for a meeting immediately.

The order came from the Galactic Admiral.

Half an hour later, the six giants of the Zhenglian, the two giants of the Justice Society, the largest freedom fighter, the president, several generals of the Ministry of Defense, the speaker, and the chairman and vice president of the Sky Eye Society sat neatly on both sides of the square conference table.

The heroes on one side, the government officials on the other, Harley taking the lead.

In addition, according to her usual practice, she called a famous reporter who was strict-mouthed, rational and objective to come and listen.

She had originally chosen Nora Long.

But under the disapproving looks of Superman and General Lane, he reluctantly named Lois.

"You used to call me Louise, but now you call her Nora instead. Aren't you obviously making her look bad?" Dachao complained to her in a low voice when no one was around.

"My name is Nora Long. Am I not giving you face?"

Dachao said angrily: "Come on, Harley, I'm not a simple child. I know you want to embarrass Louise and make me make sandwich cookies, which makes you feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, in order to prove that I am not a quarrel, from now on, I will never deliberately neglect your wife. Every time I call Nora Long, I will definitely call her." Harley said.

Dachao's expression began to twist.

"What? You don't want Nora Long to come? That's fine. I'll tell Nora Long that Superman doesn't want you to come."

"I surrender! Call her both."

At this moment, the two Daily Planet reporters sitting side by side as observers in the corner were as embarrassed as if they had a nail hidden under their buttocks.

Harley glanced at them, satisfied, and officially started the meeting, "Aquaman is not here?"

The remaining giants of Zhenglian looked at Bateman.

Bateman said directly: "Congressman Quinn, I know your purpose of convening this meeting.

I have made arrangements that the crisis in Atlantis will be resolved in a few days. "

"What did you do?" the caravan leader asked immediately.

Bateman raised his right hand and glanced at the Bat-Watch. At this time, almost an hour had passed since he parted with Aquaman.

With Aquaman's speed, almost everything that needs to be said and done is done.

Thinking of this, he said frankly: "I want Aquaman to replace Orm."

"What?" Several government leaders did not react for a while.

"Aquaman is the son of the royal family of Atlantis, the former Queen Atlanna, and an ordinary citizen of the United States. He is the illegitimate son of Atlantis, the eldest son, and the half-brother of Orm.

There is an ancient tradition in Atlantis - the duel of kings.

That is to say, the direct bloodline of the royal family competes for the crown of Atlantis through duel.

As long as Aquaman becomes the King of Atlantis, he, who has the blood of both land people and undersea people, will become the cornerstone of the peaceful bridge between us and the undersea people. "

"This" except for Harley and the other five giants from Zhenglian, everyone else looked shocked.

"Aquaman is actually from the royal family of Atlantis, are you sure?" the horse gang leader asked in surprise.

Bateman nodded slightly.

The caravan leader was still puzzled and asked: "Why would the Queen of Atlantis, a ruler of a high civilization..."

He paused and changed the question: "Who is Aquaman's father?"

Bateman said calmly: "It concerns Aquaman's true identity, and I am not in a position to disclose it."

The caravan leader turned to General Lane, "Tell me."

General Lane glanced at the Zhenglian boss and first explained: "Aquaman is big, has long blond hair, is thick and wild, is often naked, and has unique tattoos on his body. By the way, he never wears a mask. .

Therefore, his identity has been discovered by many people because of his unusual physical appearance. It is not that the military is specifically keeping an eye on you.

Moreover, please rest assured that the military uses a "special guard dog system" and the information is kept strictly confidential and will never be leaked. "

After saying "There is no three hundred taels of silver here", he took out the military tablet and opened Aquaman's file.

"A lighthouse keeper looks so rough." The horse gang leader touched his face, feeling unbalanced.

He had met Mela and could guess what the Queen of Atlantis had in appearance and temperament.

But how could such a peerless fairy flower be taken over by a rough man?

Old Curry is not as handsome as him, not as cultured as him, not as rich and tasteful as him, but not as good as him in everything except being big.

Why hasn't he met a queen of advanced civilization?

"The plot is like a Hollywood movie, but the male protagonist should be replaced by a diamond actor like Bruce Wayne."

That way he will feel more balanced.

Bateman was stunned.

The caravan leader complained bitterly, put down the tablet, returned to the topic, and asked: "Baitman, I want to know, did you plan all this in advance, or did you think of this method on the spur of the moment?"

Bateman said in a low and hoarse voice: "Mr. President, don't worry, this is not a sudden inspiration.

I discussed this plan with Aquaman after the crisis in Atlantis broke out. "

The caravan leader thought for a moment and raised three fingers. "I have three questions. First, why did you choose this time, not before, not after our meeting?"

"When Aquaman and I discussed the King's Duel Plan, he had never seen Orm in person, but he was being hunted by his assassins.

At that time, he was angry and was happy to teach his asshole brother a lesson.

But later we negotiated with the undersea man, and he met Orm and exchanged a few words, which basically resolved the misunderstanding - Orm did not like and even hated his half-brother, but in the past twenty years, he has never He didn't really want to kill him; he sent someone to assassinate him because he thought Aquaman was planning to return to Atlantis to usurp the throne.

At that time, their relationship was not harmonious, but there was no hostility either.

Therefore, Aquaman was repelled by the 'King's Duel Plan'.

But Orm's recent series of actions gave me a terrible guess - he has the means to destroy the land instantly, either with weapons or magic.

Then I told Aquaman my conjecture and convinced him that when the 'sign of great destruction' appeared, he had to go to Atlantis immediately to complete the 'Duel of Kings' plan. "

General Lane's expression changed slightly, "Great destruction, does it mean the collapse of the continent?"

Batman glanced at Harley, who looked pale, and said: "The people under the sea may be able to destroy the land, but they cannot kill all the people on the land.

The remaining land people are extremely powerful, and their revenge is enough to destroy Atlantis.

Therefore, the great destruction refers to the destruction of both sea and land, and the destruction of the world. "

"Ah!" the two reporters covering their mouths exclaimed.

The horse gang leader looked at Harley worriedly, "Is it so critical?"

Harley hesitated and said, "It's hard to say."

"How can it be difficult to say?"

Harley said: "Baitman's inference is well-founded and very logical.

To be honest, I also have the same guess, that Orm has a big killer weapon that can destroy the continent.

With the level of civilization of the people under the sea, it would not be surprising to destroy the planet.

It is indeed dangerous.

But Orm's plan was guessed by Bateman early and a response plan was prepared, so we don't need to be too anxious. "

"If you had guessed that Orm had a big weapon, why weren't you anxious before? Did Bateman tell you the plan a long time ago?" Louise couldn't help but interjected.

Harley shook her head, "I'm not in a hurry because I also guessed that Zheng Lian could guess Orm's plan."

Louise looked suspicious.

The caravan leader believed it and said thoughtfully: "Om's performance was so obvious that even I guessed that he was well prepared for the war."

Then he looked at Bateman, "Second question, will Orm accept Aquaman's challenge?"

"definitely will."


"He is too proud and sincerely looks down on the mainlanders and his half-breed brothers," Bateman said.

"Last question, can Aquaman win the Duel of Kings?"

Bateman pointed at Harley and affirmed: "I asked the 'God of War' for advice, Aquaman will definitely win."

Before everyone looked over with questioning eyes, Harley had already waved her hand and said: "I didn't say Aquaman will win. I only said Aquaman is more talented and has a high probability to be stronger than Orm."

"If you are strong and talented, don't you have to win?" Louise asked doubtfully.

Harley pointed at Superman, "Theoretically, he is the strongest, but how many times has he lost?"

"Kingdom duels are public duels in the arena, which should ensure fairness and justice." Bateman said.

"This is all your guess." The Speaker frowned.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz" Harley's cell phone suddenly vibrated in her down jacket.

She lowered her head, took out her cell phone and hid it under the table, glanced at it secretly, and answered it in public.

Everyone frowned. You shouldn't bring your cell phone to such an important meeting. You should turn it off if you bring it. You can't answer it in public if you don't turn it off.

However, she had a special status, so they just watched and waited quietly.

The other person only said a few words and hung up the phone.

Harry met everyone's gaze and said strangely: "A call from King Zebel, Nereus, inviting me to participate in tonight's 'King's Duel'."

"Ah, so quickly, Aquaman convinced Orm?"

"It's so efficient, it only took so long."

"Baitman guessed it all right. Orm really agreed. The plan went smoothly."

Everyone was surprised and happy, and looked at Bateman with more admiration.

Wonder Woman wondered: "Why did Nereus call you? Even if the duel between kings is not considered a family scandal, there is no need to disclose it to us when there is a conflict between the land and sea clans."

"Probably to increase fairness." Dachao guessed.

Harley smiled lightly and said: "What's so strange about this? The people of the sea are not a closed race that isolates itself from the country. They also communicate with the outside world.

When holding large-scale events, respected and world-renowned ‘multiverse bosses’ are often invited as special guests. "

"Highly respected."

Everyone felt awkward at first, but after thinking about her record and reputation, they felt relieved.

Bateman glanced at Cyborg first, and when he saw him shaking his head slightly, he frowned and said, "Are you alone?"

"You can open your phone and take a look to see if there are any missed calls." Harley said.

Hearing this, most of the participants began to take out their mobile phones and turn them on to check.

On the contrary, the six giants of Zhenglian were indifferent.

The Justice League Watchtower will send Cyborg a message if outsiders are looking for them.

Cyborg is a cyborg, so he doesn't buzz or vibrate when a call comes in, or the ring jingles.

"No." The horse gang leader was not too disappointed.

"Me neither." Louise was very disappointed.

The old Flash, who was always present but always transparent, sat at the end of the long table, closest to her, and asked casually, "Why did the people under the sea call you?"

"King Om knows my mobile phone number and Watchdog email address. He called me last time and invited me to give him an exclusive interview.

This king's duel is a major event related to the underwater kingdom and world peace, so reporters should be present. "

Louise said, subconsciously looking at Da Chao and General Lane.

General Lane was dumbfounded. He himself had not received the invitation.

Da Chao thought for a moment with a look of embarrassment on his face and said, "Harry, can you bring someone with you?"

Harry saw the interaction between the couple and said with a smile: "Of course, as a highly respected and extraordinary giant, it is normal to have several servants, maids and so on, right?"

"This" Dachao hesitated and squinted at Louise from the corner of his eyes.

Louise looked ugly.

Nala Lang next to her reacted very quickly, raised her hand and shouted: "I would like to be a maid."

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