I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 823 Copying Homework

"Oh my God, my God, what happened?" the football commentator yelled in panic outside the screen.

The TV footage was originally showing a football match at Camp Nou, the ‘Derby of the Century’ between Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Suddenly there were several muffled "bang bang bang" sounds, and dozens of sewer manhole covers beside the stadium flew ten meters high, like cannons from the sky.

Then, dozens of black and yellow turbid water columns spurted out.

Even the permeable rainwater wells under the turf began to emit large streams of sewage.

It's all domestic sewage, stinking sewer water and feces.

Many members of the two teams on the court were splashed with sewage, or simply tripped and fell into the mud.

"Eh~~~" Ivy bared her teeth in discomfort, "The two most famous football stars in the world are rolling in the mud together, how miserable!"

The camera flashed, and the evening news of "The Wrath of Atlantis" once again focused on London, England.

Like Barcelona, ​​the British capital city has become a city of excrement and rubbish, with its harbors filled with excrement and its wells spewing excrement.

Selena sighed: "We are no better than them. The docks and cruise ships are also filled with excrement and hazardous waste."

Ivy said angrily: "The people under the sea are so shameless. They know that Gotham is Harley's territory, but they still don't know how to avoid it?

Don't they know that even demons are now avoiding Harley? "

Harley waved her hand and said: "It's good to avoid being too conspicuous. I am also a victim. Gotham is like other seaport cities. No one pays attention to us and suspects that we have some secret deal with the people under the sea." .”

"You really don't mind? Are you going to suffer this secret loss silently?" Selina asked doubtfully.

"I will definitely not suffer a loss. When this storm subsides, the people under the sea will compensate me ten times!"

Just as she was talking, Harley's cell phone rang. She took it over and saw it was a video call from the White House.

"Harry, the underwater people are attacking us!" the horse gang leader said loudly.

"If you don't even use a weapon, what kind of attack is it?" Harley said disapprovingly.

"Why are there no weapons? Biological and chemical weapons are also weapons. Shit, my wife was fainted and my child almost drowned on the street." The horse gang leader shouted excitedly: "There have been casualties from various places along the coast, many of them big shots.

For example, Hollywood star Leonardo was caught in a tide of feces while having a water gun fight with his girlfriend on the beach, and is now undergoing gastric lavage in the emergency room.

The people at the bottom of the sea are too poisonous. Not only do they have domestic wastewater, excrement, garbage, but also industrial drainage, and even shit. I don’t know how those fish people did it, but scientists have detected a large amount of toxic heavy metals in the sewage, which are even very strong. of radiation. "

Harley was speechless, "Aren't these all thrown into the sea by humans?"

The horse gang leader touched his nose and hesitated: "Well, we. If we want to develop and survive, we can only discharge it into the ocean. Otherwise, the high waste disposal fees will kill the government's finances."

"Don't people on the seabed develop and survive?" Harley sighed: "It is no longer news that plastic waste, heavy metals, and radiation are found in marine organisms.

The Atlanteans lived in the ocean, breathed oxygen and obtained moisture from sea water, and suffered the same poisons as fish. "

"Harry, which side are you on?" the horse gang leader shouted with a glare.

"Mr. President, I am the president of the Blue Ocean Environmental Protection Organization, and you are also the honorary officer. Have you forgotten?" Harley reminded.

"Really?" The horse gang leader thought for a while and then said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I have my name in too many environmental organizations, so I don't remember 'Blue' very well. Oh, Wei Lan, I have an impression. Is he your companion?" The Amazon promoted by Miss Ivy... Ah, no, the Amazon is forest environmental protection."

He scratched the back of his head and said awkwardly: "How many environmental organizations have you established?"

"More than forty, right?" Harley was a little unsure, "Anyway, I'll save everything I can."

"Hey, this will cost a lot of money, right?" The horse gang leader took a breath.

"It's not much, it's all used to deduct taxes. The taxes I pay every year are not as much as the housekeeper who helps me look after the door." Harry said.

The horse gang leader's mouth twitched and said: "Even if you are an environmentalist, but now the people on the seabed have caused human lives, human lives are always more important than environmental protection, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Many people on the Internet say that Atlantis has done a good job. It should use filthy garbage and excrement to clean this filthy world." Harley said.

"You are different from those extremists, you are the Galaxy Admiral!" the caravan leader shouted.

Harley said: "I do not agree with the behavior of the Atlanteans. In fact, when the death toll is announced, I will also pray for them on Facebook and express regret for the suspension of the "Sea and Land Peace Agreement."

Of course, Atlantis must also be condemned for its radical behavior. "

The caravan leader felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

How can you do my job? I haven't stepped down from the presidency yet!

"Harley, you should take action to attack the underwater people and teach them how powerful they are." He advised earnestly.

"Mr. President, have you forgotten? I am the middleman. The crisis in Atlantis has always been the responsibility of the superheroes from the Justice League." Harley said.

"They don't work."

"Why doesn't it work? Aren't they busy doing disaster relief now?"

“What I want is for disasters not to happen, rather than just watching them happen and then going to rescue them,” the caravan leader sighed.

"Now that the whole world is affected by disasters, you shouldn't feel any pressure, right?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"If everyone is really unlucky together, of course I won't feel too much pressure, but the eastern countries across the Pacific Ocean will not be affected at all." At this point, the horse gang leader began to gnash his teeth, "It was clearly agreed that we should fool the people under the sea together. , but they were so active. Not only did they achieve the target for the month, but they also exceeded it by 78%, which is simply crazy.”

"Oh, it turns out the east side was not affected."

Harley frowned. None of the Western TV stations she watched just now broadcast the comfortable life of the East.

"They are probably laughing at us," the caravan leader said.

"Have you talked to them?" Harley asked.

"Just finished the video conference."

"You still dare to hold a video conference? All the information from the White House has been leaked through the sieve."

"We have loaded the watchdog system this time, which should be able to avoid the Atlanteans' eavesdropping." The caravan leader said.

"Well, that must be no problem!"

After hanging up the phone, Harley opened the Watchdog backend and played out the complete video communication of the horse gang leader.

Well, Westerners’ electronic devices and social software all have backdoors. This is a theorem.

After becoming an American capitalist, Harley cannot violate it.

She saw a big shouting match.

"As promised at the beginning, everyone should do what they can, instead of doing nothing. We only did what we could, without any reluctance."

"No matter how awesome you are, you can't achieve the 178% goal 'without any reluctance'! This is because Orm intends to set the intensity of the 'Ocean Cleanup Plan' at the limit of the Earth's government."

"No, it is not the limit of all governments on the earth, but the weighted average limit of all countries."

"You mean that we have lowered Orm's assessment of the efficiency limit of the 'Earth Government'?"

Ivy leaned her head over and smiled: "He told the truth."

"They are not that efficient, right? Are they not afraid of affecting their own economy and life?" Selina asked confused.

Harley thought for a while and guessed: "They know the attitude of other countries on the earth - to fool the people under the sea and delay the outbreak of the conflict.

I also know the thoughts of the people on the bottom of the sea - to formulate an ocean cleanup plan that is difficult for all countries on the earth to complete, so that people on land cannot complete the task, and then take the opportunity to go crazy.

In this way, no matter how painful, tiring or difficult it is, they must grit their teeth and persevere.

It only takes a month to hold on until the people in the sea go crazy.

When the people under the sea attack, the superheroes of the Justice League and Justice Society will definitely respond.

If the superheroes win, the 'Om Ocean Protection Act' will become a decoration, and they will not have to go through the next stage of hardship.

If the undersea people win, all countries around the world will have to strictly implement the 'Om Act'. If everyone suffers together, they will not suffer anymore.

Regardless of whether they win or lose, they have avoided the "city flooded with feces and water" this time and reduced hundreds of billions of losses.

Compared with their efforts, well, their efforts were not in vain. The nearby sea areas were cleaned up, benefiting the country, the people, and the whole world. "

"Are they too cunning?" Ivy asked in surprise.

"I can't say cunning, they are smart, but our government is too slow and too clumsy." Selina sighed.

Another week has passed, and the aftermath of the garbage wave is still affecting the affected coastal cities.

As the invisible emperor of Gotham, many parliamentarians and officials came to ask Harley for instructions: How to deal with the marine garbage and sewage rolled into the city? Should they be thrown back into the sea, or should they be transported to the countryside for burial at a huge cost? Or, a more efficient and cost-effective method without side effects?

Harley has many methods, but they can only solve temporary problems and cannot be used as a routine method to spread to cities around the world.

She just left it up to them to decide whether this year's municipal budget could be looser.

Even government officials are very busy, but the superheroes still have no reaction to the behavior of the underwater people.

"What are you doing? Netizens are scolding you for not doing anything."

Harley couldn't help but call Superman.

"Well, have you noticed the attitude of the people under the sea towards a certain country in the East?" Superman asked.

Harry didn't know why, but still said: "They overfulfilled their tasks. It's not surprising that the people under the sea didn't dump garbage into their city."

Superman said bitterly: "The US government has done nothing in the past month, and other countries have only done some superficial work.

I know exactly what they are thinking.

They have no intention of doing any ocean purification at all.

Just waiting for the Justice League, waiting for you, waiting for us to help deal with the undersea people.

Even if some coastal cities are destroyed as a price, it is worth it in the eyes of politicians.

The people under the sea launched an attack, the superheroes were enraged, and the two heroes fought. The heroes won the battle, and the politicians celebrated with a toast, continuing to waste resources and pollute the environment.

I don’t want superheroes to be a reason for them to slack off in government.

I want to turn the Atlantis crisis into an opportunity to raise the environmental awareness of the country and the people and change the bad production and living habits of the past.

So, I went to the League of Nations and talked face-to-face with representatives from various countries. The Justice League would not take action against the Undersea People.

Since a certain country in the East has delivered perfect answers, other countries can definitely copy the work.

Even if we only achieve half of it, we can completely improve the current marine environment and give an explanation to the people under the sea. "

"What do you think?" Harley looked strange, "Did they start copying homework in the past week?"

"Many countries in Asia and Europe have taken action, and the results are good." Dachao said with a smile.

"Where is the United States?" Harley asked again.

Dachao's smile disappeared, "Reality will force everyone to roll up."

Another month later, the pollution wave hit again. Some Asian and European countries were spared, and the United States was spared.

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