The Seven Giants of Zhenglian looked at Harry with his hands on his knees and his hands on his knees, dumbfounded as he looked at Harry, who had a red face and was breathing heavily.

"Are you running?" Hal Jordan said in shock.

Harley took out a towel and a huge 4L kettle from the God of War. After wiping off her sweat, she unscrewed the lid and drained nearly 1L of light green liquid.

"Ha~" she breathed out comfortably, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Superman touched his nose and said, "We were betting just now on what kind of gorgeous pose you would make on the stage."

"It turns out we all guessed wrong. I didn't expect you to run here on two legs." The Flash said strangely.

"Let you see through it, I am still the King of Heaven Mountain?" Harry said calmly.

"Where's Yebi? In order to increase the special effects of the appearance, you made it gather a group of 'auspicious clouds' under its feet, white auspicious clouds, and colorful auspicious clouds. Why are they gone today?" Wonder Woman asked.

"What is our purpose today? Environmental protection! In order to reduce carbon emissions and promote the theme of 'protecting the ocean, it starts with me', I have decided from now on to use low-carbon, environmentally friendly, scientific and healthy products wherever I go. Way to travel." Harley said seriously.

Other heroes were doubtful, and a few simple ones, such as The Flash and Cyborg, looked shocked and moved.

Bateman pondered for a moment and asked in a low and hoarse voice: "Last night you and Yebi went to hell. Sure enough, something happened in hell, causing the devil to flow into the earth in the material world again, and then, did it stay there?"

Dachao was stunned and asked again: "What happened in hell?"

“Two angels are carrying out ‘hedonism reform’ in hell. From now on, there will be no more unreasonable and useless punishments in hell.

Demons and evil spirits lay on the earth looking up to the sky.

The demon, who had nothing to do and was too panicked, began to sneak out of hell.

However, Remiel has always arranged for a clone to shout the summoning spell at the gate of hell."

Harley briefly talked about the reform of hell before emphasizing: "My running has nothing to do with Yebi staying in hell as an apprentice. I also ran often when it was there. Running makes me healthy and makes the world more environmentally friendly."

"You have yellow light energy. Isn't it environmentally friendly to use yellow light energy to fly here?" Hal said disapprovingly.

"No one has yet proven that emotional spectrum energy is 'pure, true, green energy.' In fact, all high-level energy can infiltrate nearby life and change the environment within the energy coverage, which is not much different from nuclear radiation. ." Harley said.

"Hurry up and call the people under the sea." Bateman said calmly.

"Do you still need to urge me? I've already sent them a message."

Dachao looked serious and said slowly: "Actually, Harley's behavior of insisting on high-intensity exercise every day and integrating spiritual practice into all aspects of life is worth learning from.

Ask yourself, how long has it been since our strength has increased?

Or, aside from becoming more proficient in the use of power, has the transcendent hero ever grown? "

Several heroic giants were stunned.

“But Harley’s growth rate, visible to the naked eye, has never stopped.

Some time ago, she fought with two clones of Satan for tens of thousands of kilometers.

In full view of the public, she did not use any tricks and tactics to win the final victory. At that time, all the extraordinary mages were shocked and shocked that she 'suddenly' became stronger.

We are also shocked.

But after being shocked, I recalled carefully and found that she did not suddenly become stronger, but was improving at a constant speed.

She never stopped training with a purpose. "

The giants were deep in thought.

Harley raised her head and smiled triumphantly, "I also think that one day, I can become the 'God of Diligence'."

"It's not that I don't exercise, but after thousands of years of training, my strength has reached its limit. If I exercise again, I can only maintain my condition, but cannot make any qualitative improvement in my skills and strength." Diana said helplessly.

Then, she looked at Harley again with complicated eyes and said, "Your strength is not diligence. The Amazons on Paradise Island exercise every day. Exercise is both work and leisure, but their improvement rate is not as fast as yours.

Maintaining continuous improvement in strength after exercise, this growth talent is the most terrifying. "

"Hey, what kind of talent do I have?" Harley waved her hand, "I am an ordinary mortal, except for my natural beauty, everything else is ordinary.

Today's achievements all depend on training.

Of course, hard work will definitely be of no use. You will also need the chance encounters and appropriate training methods. "

Aquaman crossed his arms and said calmly: "Time is limited in a person's life. Spending too much time on exercise will definitely affect daily life and work.

If your goal is to pursue strength, you can work hard to exercise.

If you only regard superheroes as a part of your life, there is no need to waste time that should be enjoyed in the present. "

"A mortal's life is limited. If you look at those magicians, there are many who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years."

Shui Xingxia sighed: "But the question is, among the thousands of practitioners, how many of them can increase their lifespan through practice?

Moreover, as your lifespan increases, your family and friends will still be mortals.

They all died of old age, what's the point of living alone? Of course, this is just my opinion and you don’t have to agree. "

"So, all these years, your 'Sea King Magic' has been wasted?"

"What's the 'sea king's power'?" Aquaman asked in confusion.

"The training technique of the Atlantean royal family. I have fought against the people under the sea, and I have also fought against your half-brother. They are both proficient in the 'Zebel Combat Technique', which combines magic and martial arts. It is very Powerful." Harley said.

"Oh, that technique of drawing the power of water." Aquaman was stunned and nodded: "I know it, but I haven't had the chance to use it. I haven't practiced it for a long time."

"When you need it, I'm afraid you won't have time to practice." Harley said meaningfully.

Aquaman frowned and said, "Do you think Orm and I will have a conflict during this negotiation?"

"Sooner or later."

"I'm not interested in the chair under his butt." Aquaman said solemnly.

"This is not something you can decide." Harley sighed: "You are thirty-three this year, and Orm is twenty-six and seven. He knew about your existence, but he never sent anyone to deal with you.

It means that he may not like you, but he has never thought about parricide.

But why did he 'suddenly' change his mind after decades of peace? "

Aquaman pursed his lips and said solemnly, "I will ask him personally."

After that, the few of them stopped talking and stood silently on the edge of the cliff until half an hour later.


Four huge water splashes suddenly exploded on the gentle sea surface, and four marine battleships flashing light blue fluorescence emerged from the water.

Five people from the Four Kingdoms came.

In addition to the lords of the four kingdoms, there is also Princess Mela of Zebel.

The light-blond haired Orm was in the first place. He glanced at the seven giants of Zhenglian and said directly: "We can represent the Atlanteans, but can you represent all mankind?"

Bateman said solemnly: "We represent a powerful force that can make all your plans fail."

"This is just your own opinion, it doesn't mean you can really do it." Aum said coldly.

"Everyone, the purpose of our negotiation is to eliminate conflicts." Harley reminded.

"Om, what do you want?" Aquaman asked with a complicated expression.

This was the first time he saw this brother and the first time he talked to him.

Orm looked calm, "Do you know the history of the United States?"

Aquaman was startled, his eyes flickering and he said, "Probably."

He graduated from high school, did not go to college, and received a happy education.

However, he does not lack education. Vico, the Prime Minister of Atlantis, has been secretly teaching him martial arts, tactics, politics, and the history and culture of Atlantis.

"Probably?" The King of Atlantis raised his eyebrows with a sarcastic look on his face, "Is the history of the Indians' demise included in your 'probably'?"

"Indians." Arthur frowned and thought for a while, then turned to ask Superman, "Is it possible that there is another hidden reason behind the demise of the Indians?"

Superman didn't quite understand what Orm wanted to say for a moment.

"Your Majesty Aum, the land people have no intention of occupying the land where you live."

Orm said lightly: "Today's land civilization is like the European refugees who just got off the Mayflower, but the Atlanteans don't want to be Indians who 'die for comfort'.

We can see through your history what you will definitely do in the future. "

Dachao said kindly: "Actually, in recent years we have also been reflecting on some of the atrocities committed back then, such as demarcating Indian reservations and revising textbooks to deny the heroic status of colonial leaders.

Some extreme groups even tore down statues of Columbus.

I believe that tomorrow will be better, whether it is life or people, and better Americans will never repeat the barbaric behavior of the past. "

Orm's eyes were clear, and he shook his head and said: "Superman, I understand human beings better than you, and I understand the reflections in your mouth better than you.

It's not that you have become better people, but that after your material life is guaranteed, you begin to pursue spiritual satisfaction such as "I am pursuing justice" and "I am just and kind."

When you do something, you don’t realize from your heart that it is right and needs to be done.

Just advocating the new political correctness and reaping the benefits.

The spiritual benefits are no different from the material benefits you took from the Indians. "

"Are you too prejudiced against humans? You are humans too." Hal frowned.

Aum asked: "In the past ten thousand years, it has been the most important period in the history of the development of human civilization. Have there ever been people from the bottom of the sea who have appeared and interfered with the progress of your civilization?


We didn't deal with you the way you dealt with the Indians.

The Atlanteans are different from you. The only thing we have in common is our human appearance.

You are greedy, chaotic, evil, and arrogant. Our level of civilization far exceeds yours.

Civilization not only represents technology, but also culture and cultivation. "

"The Kryptonians are more advanced than you, and Brainiac has almost reached the pinnacle of individual civilization." Bateman said solemnly.

Nereus glanced at Harley and said, "You guys are going too far. Orm, tell us what we want realistically."

"Atlantis has only one request." Orm glanced at the heroes and said calmly: "The right to survive without interruption.

I don't care what you do on land.

But starting from today, people on land are not allowed to dump garbage and toxic substances into the ocean in any way, they are not allowed to exploit seabed resources indiscriminately, and they are not allowed to overfish marine fish.”

The seven giants of Zhenglian communicated with each other for a while, and then Superman came forward and said: "These requirements are basically reasonable. We can sit down and discuss them in detail."

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