I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 812 Changes in Atlantis

"You and Naboo can communicate with parallel universes. How did you treat peers back then?" Harley asked curiously.

Old Shazam's expression changed slightly and he remained silent.

Harley's eyes flickered, "Before you become gods and gain the uniqueness of the universe, you should have many peers like ordinary people, right?

Now there are countless parallel universes, but there is only one Shazam and one Naboo."

Lao Sha praised: "The masters who can cultivate to become gods are all the pride of heaven, and they encounter countless adventures during their cultivation.

Since it is an adventure, it can never happen again, and the possibility of repetition is extremely low.

For example, my Singularity Spell is only one example in the multiverse, and your God of War in Heaven is only one copy.

Therefore, a mage who becomes a god almost embarks on a life path that is different from all peers. As long as there is no contact, the similarities between peers will eventually disappear completely.

Therefore, after you obtain the strangeness and stand out from your peers, do not lend your power to them and let them follow the same path as you.

If there is a battle between avenues in the future."

"It will be very dark and bloody. You never want to see such a scene." The old wizard said in a gloomy tone.

"I have lent my power." Harley told her story.

"God didn't stop me at that time." She added.

Old Shazam's eyes were full of envy, "You are truly blessed to be able to see the true face of God many times."

Harley smiled proudly, "Have you seen it?"

Old Shazam straightened up and said, "I have seen the projection of King Michael!"

"Haha." Harry smiled proudly and said nothing.

Old Shazam turned his attention away from her and said, "Since God didn't stop me, it only means one thing, they can't threaten you.

Either you will no longer be 'Harley Quinn' after reincarnation, and your fate will no longer be the same; or the gap between you and your peers is too great, they are all ordinary people, and they cannot repeat some of your strangeness no matter what. .

For example, God’s care for you.

As long as God does not change his mind, it is almost impossible for a second ‘Witch Harley’ to appear. "

Harry frowned and said, "From what you said, are there any possibilities for my peers to become peers again?"

"Of course, the rebirth option given by God is to be 'reborn according to one's own will.' If it were you, would you like to be reborn as another person, or do it again?" Old Shazam said.

"But now there is only one universe left." Harley said.

"You have completed an unprecedented restart of the universe, so you have forgotten about the flow of time? As long as there is life in the material universe and life has thoughts, it will make choices.

As long as there is choice, parallel universes will be born, and there are countless parallel universes in the super-time flow. "

"A living, heavy 'soul' can be reborn in the ethereal super-time flow and become a false, 'light' person in the illusory world."

Harley's face wrinkled slightly. She could accept this theory rationally, but the common sense of a mortal made her feel strange.

Old Shazam said lightly: "It's the same soul, but the way the soul exists is different. It can be like a living person like your grass-headed god, or it can just be a piece of digital information.

It can be a powerful evil spirit, full of what you call a 'sense of quality'.

It can also be so illusory that it almost does not exist, and can only be seen by those who are dying and undergoing transformation.

The souls of mortals and the souls of gods are different, but they are both souls; the souls of the material universe are different from the souls in the time stream, but they are also souls. "

"It makes sense, but if they are reborn in the super-time flow, can they still pass on the 'God of War Experience' to me?"

"You can also gain martial arts experience by watching others fight. No matter how 'illusory' the hyper-time flow is, it is more real than watching a battle." Old Shazan said.

But what she needs is not combat experience, but "the power of experience", a kind of energy.

"You lent your power to many people, right?" Old Shazam asked.

"Four peers, one Wonder Woman."

Old Shazam stared into her eyes and asked again: "You seem to know the taste and get a lot of benefits from Wonder Woman, but you are greedy in your heart and want more, so you found me and wanted to find a few more." 'debtor'?"

"I'm not greedy, okay, you generally understood it correctly." Harley said awkwardly.

"Where do you get so much power?"

"I am born with divine power."

Old Shazam thought thoughtfully, "It seems the rumors are true. You stole the ghost's magic power and bit Lucifer's wings, and you gained a lot."

"Nonsense, I didn't, I didn't steal!" Harley immediately denied it three times.

Old Shazam waved his hand and said calmly: "I also made my fortune by stealing supernatural powers. There is no need to pretend in front of me. I can't possibly discriminate against you."

Harley laughed easily, "Oh, that's right, you are the big thief, I'm just a little thief. Senior, I'm disrespectful."

Shazam's old face twitched a few times, "Compared with you, I, an old thief, am ashamed. The waves behind you in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!"

After a few random 'compliments', he added: "However, that's not what I want to say. Even if you have sufficient divine power, you should not choose multiple 'gods' in the same universe."


"Shazam's Curse is a magic. Just like ordinary magic, the more you practice, the more proficient you become. The more proficient you are, the more effective it can be.

Just like your natal magic spell, if you use it after being promoted to an archmage, it will have a stronger effect than when you are a formal mage. "

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Harry failed to understand the point of the old wizard's words.

Old Shazam said: "The problem is, you don't know the Shazam Curse at all. You can lend divine power through the 'Shazam Law' and rely on the Shazam Contract.

Shazam Contract is not your personal contract, it is actually my exclusive artifact.

I can use it as I please, but there are restrictions on the rest of you signatories. "

"Oh, you mean, practicing the Shazam Curse is equivalent to building your own 'signal station' and signing a Shazam contract, but it is using your home's Internet. You have limited the Internet speed for your 'guests.'" Harley If you have something to think about.

It took Old Shazam a while to understand what she meant, and he nodded: "The power of miracles comes with a price.

When you truly master the Shazam spell, you will discover how much burden your soul will bear in the sea of ​​laws of the multiverse when you "borrow divine power to earn experience."

Through Shazam's Law, your soul builds a bridge of information and power: 'You - the Sea of ​​Universal Law - the borrower of divine power'.

If there are no restrictions, you will borrow resources from outside like crazy, dozens or hundreds of people, how can I bear it?

In fact, except for you, all the other gods who signed the Shazam Contract have mastered the Shazam Curse.

The contract only adds a layer of insurance to the secret of their divine power, and they will not borrow power through the contract. "

Harley smiled and said, "I just want to learn the Shazam Curse. One of the reasons why I came to you this time is to learn it."

After learning the Shazam spell, those bad Harleys shout "Hallelujah", and she can sense it and lend her power.

"Your Martial God's Law has not yet taken shape, it has only initially touched the Law Sea, and the magic power has not been activated in your body yet." Shazam said doubtfully.

"Well, I used the 'God of War' God of Heaven gifted to me by God as a rule, and the salary that Heaven gave me - 'Power of God' as the magic power to drive the spell."


Through communication of ideas, Old Shazam taught Harley the ‘Shazam Curse’.

Harry added: "Teach me the missing person spell too."

"I can teach you the missing person spell, but you must agree to one condition." Shazam said seriously.

Harley's heart moved, and she suddenly said: "You want me to help you search for 'Thunder Shazam' like the Stranger, right? It doesn't matter, I will take over this task."

Then she sent a message to her little brother and asked them to bring all the family nephews to Quinn Manor and let her try them out one by one. If she could make one of her own become Thunder Shazam, that would be perfect.

"No, my request is that you don't bother me again in the future, and don't help me find a successor. I can't believe it, I can't believe it," Old Shazam said with a wooden face.

Harley looked a little worried, "Shazam Wizard, the final decision is in your hands. Even if the person I am looking for is not what you want, you can refuse it. As for slandering me like this?"

"Witch Harley, let me tell you the truth." Old Shazam looked down. Selina was holding her child and looking at the pictures carved on the stone wall boredly.

He changed to spiritual transmission and said: "All miraculous power has a price. Of course, Thunder Shazam is no exception. What a benefit, what a high price."

If I let you get your wish and adopt the little girl as your heir, will you remain indifferent when it comes time for her to pay the price in the future? "

"What price?" Harley asked.

Old Shazam didn't answer and continued to torture his soul, "Or will you kill me, the creditor? Without a debt collector, she naturally doesn't have to pay back the debt."

"No, how dare I?" Harley's eyes flickered.

"Hmph, you are the most daring person in the multiverse. You dare to attack even the God King of Naboo." Old Shazam glared at her, "I think that my strength and prestige among human mages are not as good as those of Naboo, so I don't dare to expect that. You treat me differently, so I might as well have nothing to do with you.

As long as I don't get infected with you, I can avoid countless troubles in the future. "

——Old man, you are really self-aware, but you are so respectful and shy of me, how can I still lie to others?

Harley began to reflect in her mind, was she too strong, only winning but not losing, so that no one would play with her?

Then, she considered whether to take revenge on old Shazam, for example, find the future Thunder Shazam, what is his name?

"Let's go." Old Shazam began to drive people away.

Harley sighed and took Selena and little Helena back to Quinn Manor.

As soon as she entered the house, Ivy came over mysteriously and whispered: "The people under the sea are looking for you."

Harley was stunned, "Atlanteans? Where are they?"

"It's not the Atlanteans, it's the stupid red-haired fishman from the Kingdom of Zebel."

"Princess Zebelmela?" Harry asked in surprise.

Mela didn't have a good relationship with her. Now she came here at night and quietly. Could there be another trouble in the underwater kingdom?

"She is a guest from afar, why do you call her a stupid fish?"

"Weren't you the first to call her a 'stupid fish'? When Krypton invaded, you made her spin around like a stupid fish." Ivy pouted.

"Hey, how many years ago did the Krypton invasion happen? Where is she?"

"At the dock, she hid in the river and refused to come up. If she hadn't taken the initiative to trigger the plant alert, I wouldn't have known she was here.

By the way, she wants you to go to the dock quietly without exposing your traces. There may be people under the sea hiding in the river watching Arkham Island. "Ivy said.

"It looks like something big happened."

With a solemn look on her face, Harley first went to the treasure room to take out the 'Musical Conch' that Mela had given her at the God of War Banquet, then entered the meditation room, all the magic circles were activated, and finally wrapped herself in the Sandman robe, and came to the dock without leaving a trace. .

"Witch Harley, here!"

Mela felt the breath of the conch and got out with her head pressed against the shell of the yacht.

"Why are you, your majestic Princess Zebel, so embarrassed?" Harley asked in confusion.

Meila said: "My father wants to see you, come with me quickly."

"What happened?"

"Om wants to flood North America and provoke a life-and-death battle between the people on the seabed and the people on the land." Mela said seriously.

"That guy has water in his head, but he's still tired of living." Harley said in surprise.

"Alas, the matter is very complicated. I can't explain it at the moment. Come with me quickly. It's not far away. It's Cien Port, 500 kilometers to the north."

"Cien Harbor, Aquaman?"

"Yeah, it's also related to Aquaman."

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