I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 804 Is there a bug in the experience jar?

"Brother Odin, are you okay?"

Harley first bought a "500,000 meritorious rescue" insurance policy from the Voice of Heaven, and then "calmly" left the "Nantianmen Floating Island" that had turned into nothingness, and met Odin on the outskirts of heaven.

His condition was not too miserable, except that his wide-brimmed hat was gone and his coat was in pieces. Judging from the situation, it was probably similar to Zauliel. He was affected by a powerful attack and was not directly hit by Lucifer anywhere. .

No one died, Harley was disappointed.

If He dies, Valahar will lose his master and become hers completely.

"The wings were taken away by Lucifer." Odin said coldly with his messy hair.

Harry spread his hands and said helplessly: "I told you from the beginning that Shilipo does not provide guest rights because my strength is limited.

Moreover, as long as you are not blind, you can see that Lucifer is full of hatred for me. It is impossible for me to deliberately set up a trap.

The God King should have been on the outskirts of heaven, not too far away, right?

Do you know what Lucifer just did? "

Odin was indeed watching nearby, and he heard clearly even the words Harley scolded Lucifer.

Therefore, he was 100% sure that this time it was indeed not Harley who was treacherous and setting up a trap to deceive the gods.

But he was even more depressed because they were really cheated.

"Give me Varahar, I will be unlucky today." Odin said dullly.

"Hey, God King, you can't say that." Harley straightened her face and said seriously: "We have completed the transaction, paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand."

Odin narrowed his one eye and said coldly: "So, you plan to occupy the Hall of Valor forever?"

"One hundred years." Harley sighed: "If I were stronger than you, I would definitely not return the Hall of Valor to you. After all, Lucifer's Wings were lost in your hands.

But who makes the situation stronger than the people? I am willing to bear this loss with you. "

Odin breathed a sigh of relief first. The witch's words were unpleasant, but they were considered "sincere". She also knew to return Valahar to him, but her tone of dismissing the responsibility aroused the anger in his heart.

"Are you still wronged? If you hadn't eaten Lucifer's flesh and used his wing bones to make soup, would Lucifer be so angry?"

Harry said with a dull face: "King of Gods, don't forget that when we tasted the 'Lucifer Soup' before, you applauded loudly and even ate five bowls of it! Five bowls is not enough."

Odin blushed slightly and shouted loudly: "Your words and deeds seriously misled me, making me think that Lucifer didn't care about his wings being treated like that.

When you took the wings out, the skin and flesh had been chewed off, and there were even marks from your teeth on the bones.

If Lucifer cared, He should have attacked you. "

"Perhaps the 'bird wings' I dealt with in the Sandman Palace were blocked from perception across the dream dimension? Without the wings, his true power was greatly reduced." Harley guessed.

Then she said aggrievedly: "You and I are both victims in this matter. Lucifer obviously can't afford to play with that little trash, carrying out a sneak attack."

If I lose, I can't resist the temptation and fuse my wings to fill the hole left by Him, will He laugh?

If I resist the temptation but am torn apart by the devil or god king who cannot bear the temptation of wings, will He laugh?

Apparently, He does.

But He only allows himself to laugh and does not allow his opponent to win. Does this make sense? "

Odin said solemnly: "Varahar will lend it to you for five years, and the original will be returned to you after five years."

"Five years is too short. If you say a hundred years, it will be a hundred years."

Harley quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and Odin accepted the current result.

"Lucifer threw his wings back to heaven." Odin said quietly.

Harry smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, He almost killed me with those wings. Now the wings are stuck in the gold brick wall of Silver City, and no one can touch the voice of the sky. Maybe it is also afraid.

If the God King is not willing to give in, can I say hello to Tian Zhisheng and let you go in and get it? "

"Ten years, at most ten years. In ten years, I will go to Quinn Manor to pick up things."

Odin left a sentence, and before she could react, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared without a trace.

Except for old Odin, no one came to heaven to find her, which made Harley very dissatisfied.

Of course the gods should come to her.

Not to ask for an explanation, but to pay back the money!

Anti-match fixing, consulting fees, insurance, spinach, dozens of gods, totaling nearly 100 million!

After staying in heaven for half a day, Harley couldn't help but used Sandman's robe to enter the dream kingdom again.

The guests had already left, and she was greeted by a female seductress with pointed ears and messy chestnut hair.

"I've never seen you before. New here? From Wonderland?" Harley asked.

"Miss Quinn, it's me, Nora. My brother and I came here to attend the auction, and my brother gave me to Mengjun." She said awkwardly.


Nora is an elf noble lady with noble status, elegant and melancholy temperament, perfect appearance, and feeds on flower petals.

Her brother also bought an insurance contract worth tens of millions to ensure that the female elves who enter hell every seven years will no longer suffer misery.

But Harry stared at her for a long time, but couldn't find any appearance or temperament in her that was related to the elegant and delicate female elf. Well, the melancholy temperament was still there.

"You are a goblin." Harley said.

"The fairies in Wonderland like to use little tricks to turn themselves into elves. This is my state without makeup." Nora said shyly.

The female elf's thick long hair that was as bright as gold has turned into dry and knotted chestnut hair; her fair and smooth skin has become rough and dull, with small spots and black spots; her straight and small nose has become a The round and snub nose; the delicate oval face turned into a pointed chin; the big watery eyes shrank a bit, giving a more sinister look; and the height and long legs were also shortened.

If her Tiantianshan mobile phone had such "beautifying effects", would it be sold like crazy?

"Why did you change to bare makeup?" Harley asked.

"Mengjun's request is that it's good for me to do this." Nora touched her face and thought about it: "I haven't revoked the 'fairy trick' in ten years."

"Well, dreams have countless forms, and you can indeed appreciate the original beauty of each race." Harley nodded and asked, "Where is he?"

"In the garden, talk to Miss Nada."

"Nada," Harley thought for a while, rubbing Valahar in the living room, gaining combat experience from the never-ending battle inside, and did not go to the garden to disturb the long-separated couple.

Seeing Nada again, Harley suddenly understood why Morpheus fell in love with her.

Different from the miserable and withered state in the last hell, she is like a rose that has absorbed the rain, dew and sunshine, full of vitality and full of charm.

The appearance of the black girl is not easy to evaluate, but at least she is very generous and bright.

The temperament is superb.

The fusion of a benevolent and wise king and a pure and infatuated woman.

There is insightful wisdom and charming innocence in the eyes, which is very charming.

"Hi, Nada. I'm Harley Quinn, Morpheus's friend. It's great that you two can finally get married." Harley greeted with a smile.

"Hello." Nada was a little cautious, "Who are you?"

Harley knew her, but this was the first time she saw Harley.

"No, I'm not. I did become a god recently, but you can just treat me as an ordinary person."

Morpheus said: "I want to send Nada away."

"Leave?" Harley asked doubtfully, "Finally, we rescued her, but where are we going to send her?"

"Same as ten thousand years ago, I wanted her to stay and be my queen, but she refused. Now I will take her to reincarnate." Morpheus sighed.

"You can also help souls reincarnate?" Harley just asked in surprise, then suddenly said: "That's right, you are in charge of the dream paradise - the green grassland for idlers, so helping people reincarnate is nothing."

The relationship with the Lord of Dreams was too close, and the attitude in the relationship was too casual, which made Harley ignore the fact that Morpheus was a supreme being.

"Nada, have you really decided?" Murphys looked at the black queen steadily.

"I've been in hell for ten thousand years." Nada smiled bitterly at first, then showed a look of relief and expectation, "I won't lie to you, I'm tired and just want to escape from it all.

I don’t know anything about reincarnation, but my dear, it’s strange that I’m not afraid at all, but rather looking forward to it.

Do you get me?

I love you and it has not changed to this day, but I really want to embark on a new journey. "

My heart is tired and my love can no longer move.

Morpheus sighed softly: "Okay, we can start now. I will take you to Hong Kong."

"Why Hong Kong?" Harley asked curiously.

"Nada's character and racial culture are somewhat similar to those of the Chinese Empire. Moreover, the United States is too chaotic, full of superheroes and super criminals, and city-destroying crises break out every day. I hope Nada can be more relaxed in her next life." Morpheus said.

"Well, if you think about it this way, it is true that China is the safest, but why not other inland cities? In terms of the cultural heritage of China, Hong Kong is definitely not as good as the mainland."

Morpheus raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have any good recommendations?"

"Go to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. As long as you are born into a local family, it will probably be good. At least you don't have to worry about future employment and housing problems."

"Money is not a problem, Nada must have been born in a wealthy family." Morpheus said.

"Then it doesn't matter. If you have money in the Great Celestial Empire, you will be happy."

Morpheus stretched out his hand to Nada, "Let's go."

"After I leave, will you still remember me?" Nada asked.

"I will always care about you, Nada." Morpheus said softly.

Nada held his hand, "Will I know? I know you are caring about me."

"You will forget everything and really start over. But it doesn't matter, someone remembers everything in the past, and I will always remember it."

The two turned into light and shadow and disappeared into the Sandman Palace, disappearing in front of Harley and Fairy Nora.

About half an hour later, Morpheus suddenly appeared with a look of sadness on his face.

"She was reincarnated?" Harley asked.

"Well, I helped her choose a small blessing home where the husband and wife are loving and the family is harmonious."

"What do you want from me?" He looked at her and asked.

"Lucifer raided my auction, and the gods dispersed before they had time to settle the bill. He hasn't been heard from since. It seems he wants to pretend to be dead," said Harley.

"I can not help you."

"I don't expect you to help me collect the bill, I just send a message to let them know that I have not lost my memory. Moreover, the interest will be calculated from this moment on.

I can run away from the monk, but I can't run away from the temple.

In fact, I really hope they pretend to be dead. With 5% interest per year, I can make millions in net income even if I do nothing for a year, hahaha - Huh? ! "

Harley was smiling triumphantly, but suddenly her expression froze, her eyes widened, and her voice got stuck in her throat.

"How is that possible?!" She stood up suddenly and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Morpheus asked confused.

Harry waved his hand, held his breath and concentrated, his consciousness firmly locked on the level experience jar.

no response.

After three breaths, there was still no response.

Half a minute later, just when Harley thought the bubbles were an illusion, "Gudong, gudong."

All thoughts are unified, energy is concentrated, and there will never be hallucinations.

The experience jar suddenly bubbled up on its own without being attacked? !

"Have you seen the undead?"

Harley looked left and right, and she was indeed not attacked.

After turning off all eight defensive specialties and sensing carefully, there was still no sign of being attacked.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar is bubbling again.

"What's wrong with you?" Morpheus asked again.

"Please help me see if anyone is plotting against me?" Harley asked.

Morpheus frowned and said, "You mean a curse? I didn't notice anything. This is the Kingdom of Dreams. If there is one, it shouldn't be hidden from me."

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled again.

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