I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 802 The Wrath of Satan

There was only one god king on site, Odin, but there were many main gods.

None of these gods doubted that the thing in the giant test tube was not the Wings of Lucifer.

The supreme and majestic magic power, the power of law that shines with gold and silver, and the personality of Satan that exerts great pressure on the soul. They are just naked and exposed in front of the gods.

Even those who were most skeptical of the Witch's character now firmly believed that Harley was not lying and that she really took out Lucifer's Wings.

But the question is, why don't the wings have black feathers, purple skin and golden fascia?

Why is there only a skeleton left of it? !

Why is this skeleton still cooking in the pot?

Why are there chopped green onions, star anise, cumin, and ginger slices in the pot?

Why does it smell so good?

Why am I drooling?

Why does it look so much like a pot of soup?

Oh, by the way, Witch Harley just said it directly, this is called "Lucifer Soup"! !

"Old Odin's one eye!" Odin put his hand on his forehead and groaned in shock, "Witch Harley is too crazy, too lawless, too heartless, too"

"Mother Fuck!" Loki recovered from his stunned state and sighed dejectedly: "I lost. In terms of crazy tricks, I am no match for Witch Harley. I would like to call her the strongest 'God of Crazy'!" "

"It's so terrible. Witch Harley actually stewed Lucifer."

Susanoo wiped the sweat from his forehead tremblingly, his face as pale as paper.

He had planned to default on the debt before.

A treasure worth 16.2 million Heavenly Merits. If you get the Hell Key, it will be absolutely worth the money.

But even the hair on the key didn't touch it, and he was unwilling and heartbroken.

But now, in order not to be stewed by the witch, he had to discuss it with his mother, father and brothers and sisters after he returned.

"Everyone, don't be stunned, come here and get a small gift." Harley patted the hot test tube wall and said with a smile: "Each person has a bowl of soup. You can choose to have wontons, noodles, or eat rice with soup, or just drink the soup. "

As he spoke, a grass-headed god brought a stack of sea bowls, which were almost half a person high. The mouth of each bowl was as big as a plate.

Harley hooked her fingers, and the yellow light energy tool revealed a tube and inserted it into the test tube. Hot soup flowed from the port.

She set an example by picking up the bowl and drinking the soup in one go.

"Ha~~~" Harley exhaled a breath of hot air from her mouth and sighed with satisfaction: "What a soup! A supreme power belonging to Lucifer exploded between the taste buds. I seemed to see holy angels dancing under the moon.

The aroma of chopped green onions seems to have chemically reacted with the creation laws of the Supreme Being. What is in your mouth is not soup, but the essence of the world.

It's obviously just soup, but it has a moist chewing feel, as if chewing elastic beef tendons. Well, it should be the power of the personality, which embodies the essence of the paste. Okay, it's so good, I have to have another one. bowl. "

As she said this, she actually filled another bowl and tasted it with intoxication on her face.

"Gudong, Gudong" the gods began to swallow their saliva.

"Witch Harley, give me a bowl!" Thor couldn't help but stepped forward and shouted.

"What kind of soup do you want, noodle soup, wonton soup, rice soup?" Harley asked.

Thor tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "How about adding a few slices of mutton?"

"I don't have any mutton here." Harry was embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, I have it!" Thor whistled to the outside, and two tall and powerful goats stepped on the void and jumped over.


Thor laughed as he tore off the sheep's neck, bloodied it, skinned it, and picked out the meat with skillful movements.

"Are these two divine sheep your mounts?" Harley asked with a frown.

"Hahaha, my goats are more magical than you think, as long as I knock them on the head." He gently tapped each of the two goat heads with the meow hammer.

The skeleton wrapped in sheepskin seemed to be inflated, with muscles bulging out. The eyes that were staring at death regained their brightness, and after blinking a few times, they came to life again.


"It can be used as a mount and eat meat. This sacred sheep is pretty good!" Harley's eyes lit up.

Thor handed over a piece of mutton leg meat and urged: "Hurry and help me make mutton soup!"

Harry did not pick up the meat. He only controlled the yellow light energy tool to use a small knife, quickly cut off dozens of paper-thin mutton rolls, and poured hot soup into it. The fragrant mutton soup was ready.

"Snort, snore." Thor opened his mouth and drank it all in one breath.

"How is it?" Loki asked curiously.

"One more bowl." Thor raised the bowl high.

"One bowl per person, this is a small gift. If there is anything left, I will scoop it out for you then." Harley said.

"How do you feel?" Odin asked.

"Feeling." Thor scratched the fluffy messy hair, "I want to have another bowl."

Odin said with a dull face: "I ask you if you have the power to explode between your taste buds, the law is as mellow as ointment."

"I don't know. It didn't pass through the taste buds and went directly into the throat." Thor touched his belly and recalled the taste: "But it is indeed different from the usual mutton soup. It feels warm in the belly and feels so comfortable."

"Give me a bowl of soup." Odin decided to try it himself.

"You want mutton or something else?" Harley asked.

"Just a bowl of soup."

Harley handed over a bowl.

Odin took a small sip, squinted his eyes and tasted it for a while, and drank slowly.

But slowly, his expression became more and more serious.

"Good soup!" After finishing the drink, he said in a deep voice.

"Where is it?" Anubis stared at Him and asked.

Odin raised his head and glanced at Harley above the owl airship, and said: "The soup contains the breath of the supreme power, but there is no trace of Lucifer's original magic power. Ordinary mages will not be imbued with their own magic power if they drink it. The cooking techniques are very good." clever!"

Harley smiled proudly, and if there was any trace of magic left leaking out, she would have long since sucked it dry.

Lucifer's wings are composed of four parts: 1. Material blood, flesh, skin, bones, and feathers; 2. Lucifer's original magic power; 3. The 'Satan's Law' hidden in the bone marrow, which can represent part of the authority of hell; 4 .The person of Lucifer, or the destiny belonging to the first fallen angel, can be obtained to replace the original Lucifer to a certain extent.

Harley only wants the second ingredient - the source of magic.

However, the second, third, and fourth ingredients are not as distinct as feathers, meat, and bones. They are mixed together to form the 'Lucifer Power'.

Harley thought hard and finally decided to give up the power in the bone marrow and eat the rest.

In the dream dimension, she hid in the secret room provided by Morpheus. She first plucked the hair, then "pickled" the two wings with stomach acid, soaked the hard skin and flesh until soft, applied seasonings, and grilled them, like Like eating tiger skin and chicken feet, he gnawed all the meat off the wings.

Well, the stomach acid from her level 8 Food Defense feat couldn't melt the flesh on Lucifer's wings.

The skin and flesh must be shaved off, so that they completely lose the protection of the supreme power, and then put in the stomach and slowly melt away.

If the wings were still on Lucifer, her stomach acid would have no effect on it.

Harley only received the original power of Satan.

After all were converted into bloodline power, the attributes reached 59 points, almost 60 points!

A full increase of 15 points.

The increase in physical attributes caused by bloodline power is not linear.

For example, if the attribute goes from 10 to 11, if one thousand points of bloodline power are needed, then the attribute from 20 to 21 may require 5,000 points, which is five times the previous amount; from 30 to 31, it may even require 50,000 points. , ten times that of the first ten levels.

An ordinary person who has been trained to the limit has about ten points of strength, while a superman who can move the earth has "only" about 99 points of strength.

Therefore, the higher the attribute, the stronger the effect, and the harder it is to increase it a little.

The original magic power obtained by Harley from chewing the chicken wings only accounts for 30% of the total amount, and about 70% is left entangled with the laws in the bone marrow.

That's why she came up with the idea of ​​boiling chicken wing bones.

"There is no magic power, but there is a faint understanding of the law. It is mysterious and supreme. Drinking this soup for a long time can help people quickly understand the supreme law." Odin continued to comment.

"Are there any side effects?" Susanoo asked.

Odin shook his head, "I told you, there is no magic power in it. Ordinary boiling cannot force out the authority and personality of Lucifer in the bone marrow, so this is a pure tonic soup with no side effects."

"Give me a bowl." Loki said immediately.

"I also want."

"Give me!"

After the gods each had a bowl, there was still a lot of soup left. Harley was generous and gave them another bowl or half a bowl. In short, they drank up all the soup in the giant test tube, leaving only two golden wing skeletons.

"Witch Harley, I'm not full. How about adding more water and continuing to cook?" Thor licked his lips and asked eagerly.

"The freshly cooked soup doesn't take enough time to make the soup have a strong flavor." Harley said.

"It's okay, I can tolerate being a little dull, as long as I fill my stomach." Thor said immediately.

Harry thought for a while, pointed to the remaining mutton and said, "Use the mutton to make it fresh, and have another pot of 'mutton fallen wing soup'."

"Okay - eh!" Thor froze in handing the mutton, pointed at the bones in the giant test tube with wide eyes, and yelled: "What's going on? Is there a tooth mark here? Have you chewed on these wings? Once again? Hiss, you are so cruel, you even eat Lucifer's flesh!"

The gods looked at each other with strange expressions.

Harry looked calm and said, "You are wrong. Those are the marks left by the meat pliers."

Then she quickly filled up the water, added soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, and vinegar to block the sight of the gods.

"You've already drank Lucifer soup, what does it matter if you eat Lucifer meat again?" Loki muttered.

"Papa!" Harley clapped her hands and shouted: "After drinking the soup, the water in the pot started to boil again. I believe everyone has verified the authenticity of the wings.

Now, the auction begins. The left wing will be sold first. The god kings can bid directly, or they can communicate with me quietly using their mental power. "

On a beach in southern Australia.

Lucifer was naked, lying on the armchair, watching the sunset fall towards the end of the sea, dyeing the sea surface golden.

"The sunset is so beautiful!"

He was lying lazily, with a look of relaxation and comfort that had never appeared on his face.

The color of the sunset is magnificent and spectacular, not the uniform dark red blood color of hell; seagulls and waves sing in the ears, without the howls of the undead and the roar of demons; the warm wind caresses Chi Guo's skin, and there is only sweetness in the air, without sulfur. With burnt smoke.

Lucifer was immersed in the sunset and sighed in his heart: "I was right, no matter how much it cost, it is worth it for everything now; I was wrong, I should have made a decision earlier."


"Lucifer meat."

“Lucifer Soup.”

Suddenly, He frowned and someone mentioned His name. This was not surprising.

Even if he loses his wings and gives up his position as Satan, he is still not a mortal.

Whoever recites His name, He senses it.

It's just that compared to before, the sound has become a little blurry and the hearing is a little dull.

He shouldn't have paid attention to those voices. These days, the entire supernatural world was talking about Him giving up hell.

But the 'Lucifer Meat' and 'Lucifer Soup' were too strange and vaguely stung his sensitive spiritual sense.

Lucifer squinted his eyes and carefully perceived the 'Lucifer Soup'.

"It's so delicious. I didn't expect that the soup made with Lucifer's wings would be so delicious. Witch Harley, give me another bowl."

Witch Harley makes soup with her wings and shares it with the gods? !

Lucifer suddenly stood up with a gloomy expression, "Devil~Ha~Lee!"

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