I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 783 Nada’s Story

Now Harley understands why Morpheus rated Constantine as a "reliable, affectionate and good friend".

Constantine uses the Paradise Card to save his old friend Brendan, even at the cost of offending Satan.

Sandman was surprised and a little moved by this.

But Harley knew Constantine's dark history, and knew that he did his best to Richie, Zed, and, yes, the little girl Astra.

Constantine is certainly not a good-for-nothing, heinous villain.

But sacrificing himself for others is definitely not his label.

Harley stared at him for a while, "From what I know about you, you are arrogant and arrogant, and you especially like to challenge the supreme authority to show your excellence.

When you see a ghost, you can't help but sarcastically speak. When you talk about God, you raise your middle finger.

When you meet Lucifer in Ireland, you will probably be so excited that your brain is congested and you want to spit on him.

So, you took advantage of the situation, let yourself go free in the name of helping an old friend, and secretly felt great.

As for taking out the direct ticket to heaven, it is also because you are arrogant, giving the middle finger to God, and spitting on Satan. You do not want to go to hell, and you are not interested in going to heaven to be God's 'lamb'.

So, throw away the Paradise Card that should be extremely valuable, but has little value in your heart, and use it as waste. "

"In your heart, I can't be affectionate and righteous, and I can't go out of my way to help my friends?" Constantine said with a hurt expression, "It's really chilling. We have been dating for more than ten years, but you have never understood me. "

"I often see you stabbing your friends."

"I have explained Richie's matter countless times; Zed, I have no choice. Between human justice and personal love is not a multiple-choice question. Apart from the two of them, you can tell me one more time when I was sorry for my friends." Constantine sighed. .

"You didn't trick me?" Harley sneered: "You spread it everywhere and said that you relied on my 'power of God' to get down from the Origin Wall. Isn't this a trick?

You asked me to help you by drawing a 'listening charm' on my hand. What did you do? Let two Satans chase me for tens of thousands of miles.

And now, you're afraid of Satan's revenge, so you simply moved your family to Gotham, creating the illusion that I'm protecting you. Isn't this considered a trap? "

Constantine defended awkwardly: "When I come down from the origin wall, the impact caused by your coming down from the origin wall is completely different.

You have come down, and everyone in the world knows that you are favored by God. Even if you perform many feats of "helping people come down from the wall of origin," others will not and dare not plot against you.

But I am alone and just a small master, and I am completely unable to bear the concerns of the gods and demons.

We have been friends for many years, and you are kind and friendly. Doing me this little favor is easier than bending down to tie your shoelaces. What does it matter? "

Harley said: "Of course it is related. I have announced to the public that destroying the Origin Wall was not my original intention, but to test a method to save Teacher Asal.

You said I saved you, but Teacher Assal is still hanging on the wall. What do others think? "

Constantine almost didn't need to think, and immediately said: "You don't have to say anything, continue to tell the truth, deny that you have helped me, let me speak.

I would say that your technology is not yet mature, and the cost of saving a magician is completely different from that of saving a god.

I'm the one who's lying, you've been telling the truth. "

Harley was speechless.

Constantine continued: "As for the listening talisman, I have calculated that just two Satan projections cannot hurt you who can call the heroes of Zhenglian at any time.

Turns out, you made them yourself. "

"By the way, how did you do it? Even if it's just a projection, they are Satan." He asked in surprise.

Harley said calmly: "Didn't you inquire afterward? Many people saw it."

"I asked around, and they all said that you consumed them alive, so I was even more surprised. Why didn't you use the yellow light energy to counterattack, and only used the natal magic spell to counterattack?"

——For the experience of course!

Even if the two Satans are just projections, and their attack and defense are one-tenth less than the original body, their total experience will not be reduced.

Fighting from the skies above London to the skies above Paris, to Jerusalem, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Gotham, and the Atlantic Ocean

Almost circling the earth once, adding a full level and a half of experience.

From about 30% at level 85 to 84% at level 86, it seems that the "Superman Realm" at level 90 is just around the corner.

"I was practicing, and at that time I once again entered the state of terminal transformation - greed for power. During the battle, I fell into an epiphany of the natal curse 'Black Vortex of Thorns', and the effect was very good." Harley said.

She indeed activated her greed for power - this deathbed transformation has lasted for nearly ten years!

The black whirlpool of thorns did rise to a higher level under the beating of Belial and Beelzebub.

The 'black vortex' that absorbs and reflects damage - the expertise experience jar, upgrades from level zero to level one - absorbs enough damage energy to upgrade the level of expertise from level 0 to level one.

Compared with the previous level from scratch to zero, it has doubled!

Because of that battle, Harley suddenly discovered something that she had always ignored during her training - she rarely fought long and hard with evenly matched opponents.

Equally matched here means that the enemy's physical attack is just about the same as her defense, which can make her heartbroken, maimed and on the verge of death, but without actually causing a fatal crisis.

Belial and Beelzebub are just mental projections, with attack power of about 90.

With a defense of 85 points and the black vortex of thorns, she is about to encounter a good talent.

Only when she is evenly matched can she feel full and hearty, and only when she fights heartily can her spirit be sublimated.

"Why is your defense so strong? You practice with two Satans."

Constantine's eyes flashed with silver runes, as if he wanted to see through Harry from skin to flesh, from flesh to bone, and from bone to soul.

Unfortunately, blocked by multiple specialties, his sensory magic has very little effect.

"Most of the wizards in the magic circle are scared to death by you. They are all exclaiming, 'When did Witch Harley become so powerful? She defeated Satan's projection without resorting to deception or cunning.'

Harley, you have become a real boss. "

Zha Kang's tone was very complicated.

He was still cheating, but she had climbed to the top of the food chain, surpassing him and Zatanna, who were far more talented than her.

"I am the God of War." Harley said simply.

Constantine looked at her for a while and said: "Finally, I didn't come to Gotham to trick you. Nick and Zatanna are looking for the "Book of Magic", did you know?

I decided to join their squad.

In addition to finding the source of white magic, I also hope to exchange magic experiences with the two.

My magic realm has stagnated and I have hit a bottleneck. To tell you the truth, your story of killing Satan's projection really irritated me.

I can't fall behind you, at least not too far behind.

Nick has studied with seven or eight famous masters such as Zatara, Mr. E, Sage Ochi, and Sargon. He has a solid foundation, rich knowledge, and unconstrained ideas.

Maybe, I will ask him to be my teacher. "

"I think your joining will bring bad luck to them both." Harley said.

Constantine successfully became a member of Zatanna and Nick's team. Harley often met them when she led the "Paradise Mountain Exorcist Team" to slay demons in New York State.

It was like this 'cultivation - exorcism - boxing - work', and a period of time passed.

On the evening of early July, Sandman Morpheus came to Quinn Manor again.

"Harry, let me say goodbye to you." His tone was calm, as if he was asking, 'How have you been recently?'

But Harley immediately heard something different, "Farewell? What are you going to do?"

"Tonight, I will go to hell and find Lucifer to ask for Nada's soul. Maybe I will never come back." Morpheus sighed.

"Such a big determination? They all came to me to say goodbye." Harley said in surprise.

"We humiliated Lucifer last time, remember? When I took off the helmet, I embarrassed him in front of millions of demons.

He would never surrender Nada's soul to me obediently.

And I won't give up.

I have to make up for the mistakes I made in the past.

But in hell, I am no match for Him."

Harry frowned and pressed the solar system with his finger. It took him a while to digest the information in his words.

"What made you change your mind and give up punishing Nada, but instead insisted on rescuing her?

During your last trip to hell, Etrigan deliberately took you on a winding mountain path and met Nada in the mountain wall prison.

Nada begged you for mercy and forgiveness, but you rejected her (ps: Chapter 555). "

Morpheus lowered his eyes and said bitterly: "A few days ago, the Wutang family held a secret meeting, and I met several other brothers and sisters.

Desire severely humiliated me with the experiences of several of my former lovers.

I was so angry at the time, and if fate hadn't stopped me, I would have."

After a pause, he said helplessly: "I won't kill it, but I will definitely hit its mouth crooked with my fist. Later, death found me and made me understand that I made a big mistake regarding Nada.

Now that I discovered my mistakes, I had to try my best to make up for them. "

"What did desire say?" Harley asked curiously.

"It said I was a jerk for treating Nada like that."

"What's going on with you and Nada?"

Morpheus looked up at the sky, seeming to be staring at a certain star, then he turned back and lightly touched Harley's forehead with his right index finger.

"This is my story with Nada."

A very poignant love story.

Ten thousand years ago, "Kai Kun", the incarnation of the master of dreams, descended on an alien planet full of black people.

It was a planet that was going through the Age of Mythology. All things have animism, even birds have intelligence.

Nada is the queen of the richest and most civilized city-state on the planet. She is not only wise and powerful, but also a rare wise king in the world. She is also very beautiful and is known as the most beautiful woman under the sun.

The Sandman, who had dark skin and thick lips and looked a bit like LeBron James, met her under the tower of her palace, and she also saw him looking down at him - probably the scene where Ximen Qing first met Pan Jinlian.

However, Sandman didn't seduce the Black Girl Queen.

He traveled around the universe, traveled around, and then returned.

But the queen fell in love with him.

She sent her guards to look for him, but they couldn't find him.

She personally entered the forest, found the old god who looked like a goose, the Bird God, and asked about the whereabouts of "Leblanc".

Birds scattered around the planet to help her search.

No one was found.

But a little weaver bird said that he had seen him, and then the bird god was shocked to discover that 'LeBron' was the Sandman of the Endless Family.

He warned Nada that mortals cannot fall in love with members of the Endless Family, otherwise they will be punished by God.

Nada returned angrily.

The weaver bird quietly found Nada and told her that there was a sacred tree on the Sun Mountain, which bore flame berries (probably golden crows in the shape of strawberries, and the sun tree was the hibiscus sacred tree). Eating it showed true love.

It also took the initiative to help the queen pick up a burning fruit, which blackened the white feathers on its body.

Since then, the offspring of weaver birds have been brown and black.

The queen got the fruit and excitedly made a wish: No one in this land will hurt the weaver bird again.

The moment she swallowed the fruit, Nada entered the dream kingdom, went all the way to Morpheus's palace, and saw the Sandman in the shape of LeBron.

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