I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 781 The Secret Gathering of the Endless Family (I almost forgot, please ask for monthly tick

Above the realm of dreams, there is another dimension.

It is to the Kingdom of Dreams like the City of Silver and the underlying paradise.

It belongs to the Endless Family and is also the general center of the Sea of ​​Laws of the multiverse.

There are seven brothers and sisters in the Endless Family. Destiny is the eldest, Death is the second sister, Sandman is the third. After that, there is the desire of the fourth, despair of the fifth, destruction of the sixth, and madness of the seventh sister.

The second sister is running around in the mortal world, everywhere where life is born.

When life is born, life dies. She is death.

The Kingdom of Dreams is the territory of the Sandman. He has taken on thousands of incarnations and wandered around every corner of the universe where dreams are born, assuming various identities.

The Sandman that Harley sees is a human with pale skin because she is a human.

If she were African, she would probably see a black Morpheus.

In Yerby's eyes, the Sandman is a dog.

The fourth child, Desire, and the fifth child, also like to run around in despair. The sixth child even ran away from home and has not been seen for countless years. The seventh child also wanders around the world.

Only the boss, Destiny, has lived in the Destiny Garden for a long time.

In the garden of destiny, you can see forks and crossroads everywhere, the roads are tangled and complicated, and you have to make a choice almost every time you take a step.

And every choice determines the future path.

But no matter how many choices you make in life, looking back, there is only one straight road left behind you.

Destiny walks in the garden of destiny holding books thicker than pillows.

In the eyes of outsiders, they only think that he is very familiar with the terrain in the garden and walks smoothly without hesitation.

In Destiny's own eyes, he saw a lot.

He saw Hali fighting with Belial and Beelzebub. It was not a fight, she was like a living ball, struggling to roll in one direction, and Belial and Beelzebub chased and kicked the ball.

But nothing happened to the ball, and the kicker began to tire and get injured in the back injury.

In the end, the three of them really fought together. On the Atlantic Ocean, with countless gods, demons, extraordinary wizards, and even undersea people and heroes watching, she punched one against the other, punching the two Satan souls. burst.

He also opened his mouth and sucked greedily, sucking all the remaining magic power into his belly.

"Hiss--" The nearby onlookers took a breath of cold air. They were very uniform, so the sound was very loud.

“Hiss—” Brother Destiny also took a breath, “Harley Quinn actually defeated the projections of the two demon kings.

Weird people, weird powers, weird growth rates, weird tempers, weird hobbies, weird destiny."

He stepped forward and entered the fate of another person.

Destiny saw that Constantine's past, present and future were uncertain. When he opened the Book of Destiny, he could only see the nodes of destiny.

Constantine gave the heaven helicopter card to his old friend Brendan, and offended Satan, and then

After a performance that begins magnificently and ends disgustingly, Constantine survives.

Brother Destiny stepped forward again and entered Lucifer's destiny. Then his expression changed and he stood there motionless for a long time.

And this step of his was like flipping a switch.

The next moment, three shadows appeared in front.

Three women in gray robes hold knitting threads and twist their bodies like dancing.

"Greetings to you, the fate of the Endless Family." said the old female voice.

"Greetings to you, the eldest son of time and night." The mature woman said.

"Greetings to you." The girl with a clear and melodious voice said.

"Bless you, three gods of destiny. I wonder what the purpose of this visit is?" Destiny asked.

"Why here? Fate asked us this question." The old woman giggled.

"We must be here at this time," the woman said.

"We have read your book, and it is clearly written in your book. It is fate that we appear here at this moment." The girl said.

Destiny laughed dumbly, "Yes, you should be here. Next, please tell me your predictions."

"The straw that breaks the camel's back appears. The king is finally tired of the boring life that has lasted for tens of billions of years. He will give up his kingdom." The old woman said.

"Life and death will fight endlessly, and the ancient war will be ignited again." The woman said.

"The origin of everything comes from you, your garden (ps)." The girl said.

Destiny said solemnly: "Everything will not start from here.

This place has already transcended the beginning and the cause and effect. There is only destiny here. "

"Well, that's right." The old woman thought thoughtfully.

"Our part in destiny is complete," the woman said.

"Perhaps, we can make a request." The girl looked at fate eagerly.

"On the road of destiny, I don't make decisions or choose side roads." Destiny refused.

"Listen to me, we have a common goal." The old woman said.

"Your father, the Lord of Time, is also very dissatisfied with her. As for the Wuren family, as the eldest son, you are the most loved by your father. Aren't you willing to do something for his old man?" The woman's voice was seductive.

“You don’t need to do anything directly to Witch Harley, you just need to ‘pluck the strings of fate’ at certain points to make her make a seemingly correct choice of failure.

Very simple.

We tried (ps).

It only gets easier with you holding the Book of Destiny. "The girl advised softly.

Destiny hesitated for the first time in his life. His eyes under the hood of his robe glanced at the book in his arms - the DC Universe's "Book of Destiny".

After a long time, he murmured: "I don't make decisions or choose side roads, but one day in the future, if you can find the right time and appear in front of me at the most appropriate time, it means this is your destiny, and I will give the book of destiny to you. You open it."

"That's enough." The old woman said happily.

"Thank you." the woman said excitedly.

"It's a deal." The girl smiled.

Destiny returned to his palace and took some time to calm down the turbulent emotions caused by the visit of the three goddesses of destiny.

Then he consulted his book and understood what he must do now.

Destiny came to the gallery of the palace, where six oil paintings hung on the wall.

The first picture is a goth girl in black dress.

"Sister, it's me, the fate of the endless family is calling you."

The person in the portrait blinked and stepped out. A human-shaped blank appeared in the original oil painting.

"Hi, brother, what's going on?"

The second sister is wearing a black sleeveless vest, black tight jeans, an afro hair style, and gothic smoky makeup today, which is very unconventional.

"For family meetings, you should dress more formally."

The second sister turned around and put on the gorgeous black dress in the oil painting.

"Brother Morpheus"

Destiny goes from left to right. Except for the fifth painting, he stops in front of every oil painting, shouts, and jumps down.

ten minutes later,

In front of a heptagonal square table, the six brothers and sisters of the family sat in different postures, but they all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" the second sister asked doubtfully.

"say what?"

"The reason for convening a family meeting." Morpheus said.

"Well" Destiny pondered for a moment and said: "Earlier, the three goddesses of destiny came to my garden, made a prophecy and made a request.

Prophecies are not obscure. I flipped through the Book of Destiny, and the pages described an unexpected encounter with three sisters. They reminded me that something important was about to happen, and what I should do next. "

The fourth child, who was neither a man nor a woman, smiled and said: "The crisis on Infinite Earths has just ended and the world is at peace. What big things can happen?"

The seventh sister said crazily: "Constantine and Witch Harley did something crazy two days ago. Could it be related to them?"

"I am destiny, and I will not reveal information about destiny to deflect it." Destiny said.

The second sister rolled her eyes and asked, "What would cause such a big thing to happen?"

"The gathering that led to the big event happened. It is recorded in the "Book of Destiny" - after meeting the three goddesses of destiny, I called you to hold a family meeting. After the meeting, the lead that led to the big event happened.

So, I brought you here, and you can't leave until the meeting is over. "

"Are we just sitting here, chatting without any purpose?" Morpheus frowned.

"That's understandable."

"Then let's talk. What are we talking about?" The second sister held her chin up and blinked her eyes, lost in thought.

Lao Wu said desperately: "I just talked about the witch Harley, third brother, can you do me a favor and introduce me to her?"

"What do you do?" Morpheus asked.

"I want to be like my second sister and accept her as a disciple. She is very good at bringing despair to others, especially the supreme being.

Satan's despair, the devil's despair, the universe manager's despair

Before she came along, I had never tasted their desperation, and now I did, and it tasted delicious. "Lao Wu said excitedly.

"I think I can accept her as a disciple. She is the spokesperson of Crazy, my spokesperson." Lao Qi crazily squatted on the high-backed chair and said thoughtfully.

"Father is wanted for her. If you lend her your power, doesn't it mean you are going against father? Do you want her to use your power to fight against father?" Destiny said solemnly.

"Hehe, the thought of this possibility makes me very excited, and I also want to accept her as a disciple." The fourth child smiled happily.

"Fourth child, if you dare to act recklessly or plot against Harley or your father, I will kill you." Morpheus, the third child, said coldly.

"Are you targeting me? Lao Wu and Lao Qi found witches as followers, why don't you destroy them?" Desire said dissatisfied.

"They would never want to kill relatives, but you would. You are more crazy than crazy." Morpheus said coldly.

Lao Wu pouted crazily, somewhat dissatisfied with the standard against which Third Brother compared himself.

The fourth child said with a lustful smile: "I want you to kill your relatives and my descendants, not my relatives.

And, who am I crazy compared to you?

Third brother, how many girlfriends have you killed recently? Or send any lover who rejected you to hell? "

"What did you say?" Morpheus said every word, with a dazzling cross star shining in his pool-like eyes.

Desire was not afraid at all and tilted his head, "Let me think about it. Once in ancient Greece, when you were still the 'Greek Main God', you fell in love with a little girl named 'Calisel'. It was so miserable. , you have a wife.

However, compared to Nada, Kalisel has a perfect ending. "

"Shut up and don't mention Nada, or else-" Morpheus stood up, pretending to hit someone.

Destiny grabbed him and said displeasedly: "This is my palace."

"I didn't slander you." Lao Si's expression became serious, "I am desire, so you should trust my judgment about her love for you.

She really loves you.

But you sent her to hell.

Just because she hurt your poor pride, you let her suffer in hell for thousands of years? "

Morpheus stood up suddenly, looked at his elder brother and said, "This is your palace, but at least I can choose to leave. As for the purpose of the party, I don't care."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Brother?" The second sister looked at Destiny worriedly, "Should we call him back?"

Destiny muttered: "No need, you can leave, the drastic changes have begun."

"Well, could it be that humiliating the third brother is the purpose of this gathering?" the second sister said in astonishment.

"The king is about to abandon his kingdom. Sister, go back and prepare. You will be very, very busy next time."

(ps: The old woman said: The last straw that breaks the camel's back appears and the king will give up his kingdom.

——This is a prophecy that Lucifer will abandon hell and run to the human world to open a bar. After being humiliated by Halle, Lucifer split his authority into three, making Belial and Beelzebub the new Satan. At that time, he planned to run away.

Constantine gave him another heavy blow this time, making him a little autistic.

The woman said: "Life and death will fight endlessly, and the ancient war will be rekindled."

——This is a prediction of the coming chaos between heaven and hell.

The girl said: "The origin of everything comes from you, your garden.

——This is a hint that the trigger for Lucifer's escape comes from the fateful family meeting.

ps2: You don’t need to do anything directly to Witch Harley, you just need to ‘pluck the strings of fate’ at certain nodes to make her make a seemingly correct choice of failure. Very simple. We tried.

——The three goddesses of destiny were once humiliated by Harley, so they plotted against Harley once. When she took Superman to the Three Palaces in Hell, she escaped into the dream kingdom through the dream of a little lemure.

As a result, the little evil demon was "favored by heaven", took the painstaking efforts of the three palaces, and obtained the "posture of a great emperor". Well, he used the qualifications to become a great devil.

Harley almost died in the dream vortex.

ps3: The reason why fate called the brothers and sisters to the meeting was actually for the Sandman - during the meeting, the Sandman was stimulated and decided to go to hell to save Nada's soul. Then he and Hallie were what the three goddesses said before, "Everything Originated from this" reason.

Destiny takes the script (Book of Destiny) and follows the plot. )

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