I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 774 Luther’s request for help

Louise still met Harley as a reporter.

At the banquet later.

"Congressman Quinn, can I do an exclusive interview with you, or just have a few words? There are many questions that only you can answer, and only your answers can solve the problems."

Louise passed by the green lanterns and found Harley who had just finished chatting with Kilowog while holding a wine glass.

Hallie looked at the reporter card on her chest, then at Lana Lang who was talking to Hal Jordan on the other side, and said strangely: "Are you a reporter too? Editor Perry shouldn't make such a stupid mistake."

"What is wrong?"

“A mistake that squandered a newspaper’s best human resources on a news story.

You and reporter Lang are both from Planet Daily. We have no affiliation. Both are the best world-famous journalists. But to appear here at the same time, isn't it a waste?

Most of the questions you want to ask have been asked by Reporter Lang. " Harley said.

Louise pursed her lips and said, "Ordinary events do not require two senior reporters, but the relocation of the Green Lantern Corps' headquarters to Earth is a major event that will affect the Earth for hundreds or even thousands of years in the future.

Starting from today's evening news, one month or two months later, major newspapers will not end their coverage of the "Earth Green Lantern Corps".

It is very likely that Daily Planet will have a dedicated section on ‘Green Lantern Corps and Interstellar News’. "

Harley looked into her eyes and asked, "Do you think this is a big event? Will it continue to affect the earth for hundreds of years?"

Louise frowned and said, "Isn't it?"

Harley raised her chin towards Lana Lang, who was joking with Hal in the distance, "Your colleagues listened to my speech in the afternoon and began to worry that the 'Earth Green Lantern Corps' might be just a flash in the pan."

Louise's heart moved slightly, and she rolled her few words in her mind dozens of times, and said thoughtfully: "The Green Lantern Corps expected by the people on earth, the Green Lantern Corps headquartered on Earth, and the Green Lantern Corps, these three concepts are Are interests and expectations inconsistent?"

"Well, that's right. Just like Lana Lang, just give me a hint and you'll understand." Harley nodded with satisfaction.

Louise didn't like her condescending attitude.

"Have you ever thought about what you are thinking about? I have thought about it, Superman has thought about it, and Hal Jordan, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, has also thought about it?"

Harry shrugged and said with a slight smile: "Have you ever considered it? Only you know. I only know that you are all overly optimistic at this time, and I am the only one pouring cold water on it.

I issue a warning to you, ordinary people on Earth, the Earth government, Hal Jordan, and the Green Lanterns at Earth Headquarters, telling everyone that the Green Lantern Corps does not and should not belong to the Earth.

This is the prerequisite for the existence of the "Earth Green Lantern Corps". "

Louise smiled too, confident and proud.

"Actually, before today, the three giants of the Alliance, Superman, Bateman, and Aquaman, had already held a private meeting with several Green Lantern leaders such as Hal Jordan and Kilowog.

They discussed every scenario you considered, and ultimately came to a consensus: The American people, American heroes, and the Green Lantern Corps of Earth could share a common political platform - upholding justice, truth, and the American way. "

Without Louise showing off, Harley could guess that Zheng Lian had privately discussed the matter of the 'Green Lantern Corps of Earth', but the fact that the several parties came up with a common platform and insisted on the path of the United States really shocked her.

"What is the road to America?" she asked.

Louise looked at her in surprise, "The United States has freedom, equality and democracy as its core values ​​and ideals!"

Harley held her forehead, "I originally thought that Earth's Green Lantern Corps could last at least a few years. I was wrong."

Louise said solemnly: "The leaders of the Green Lantern Corps have a high degree of recognition of the road to the United States, and they are even surprised to find similar people on the earth.

That’s why I insist that the Green Lantern Corps of Earth, which is so consistent with our culture, system, ideals, and path, can thrive on the earth like a fish in water and thrive for a long time. "

"You win, I have nothing to say." Harley sighed.

Louise smiled proudly, then quickly calmed down and said, "I'm looking for you for other reasons."

"Your colleagues have probably asked about it."

"I didn't even have time to ask, how do you know?" Louise frowned.

Harry looked up at the clock on the wall, it read a quarter past nine.

"Okay, you can only ask three questions. I go to bed early recently and have to go home before half past nine."

Louise also looked at the wall clock and felt unhappy, but she did not waste time to bargain and quickly said: "How should people on earth today see the history of King Martial God?"

"Well, let me tell you, your colleague has asked about it. Go read her report and you have two questions left."

Louise said solemnly: "Two different questioners, facing the same answer, will have different feelings and new questions. Perhaps, my second question lies in the answer to the first question."

Harley glanced at her and said: "Differentiate me from King Martial God, I am a human, King Martial God is a sage in the Bible, a symbol.

Like Homer, Dante, Goethe, Byron, and Shakespeare, you can only regard this period of history as a legend.

I feel really awkward, so I can give up studying the history of King Martial God.

There are dozens of colleges and hundreds of majors in the university. Are they not enough for you to choose from? "

"What is the significance of this period of history to the world?" Louise actually followed the answer and asked the second question.

It's a pity, Harry smiled weirdly and said: "Your colleague also asked, I can repeat it again.

This period of history can be said to be the event that has had the greatest and most profound impact on human civilization and belief in gods since the beginning of human history.

To determine the specific impact, you can look at the changes in history and beliefs around the world today.

If possible, you can conduct an exclusive interview with gods from ancient Greece, Celtic, Nordic or other theogony. "

Louise wanted to ask, ‘What impact does it have on the gods?’, but this was already the second question.

She also has a very important question that must be answered today.

"At least 20 million people on the earth maintain two sets of memories, one set of reality before the restart, and one set of false memories after the restart.

Then they discover a problem that has a huge impact on their lives - their neighbors or friends have disappeared, and the people occupying their properties and identities have become strangers, suspected of being visitors from the underworld.

As a result, today's world is vaguely divided into three major groups - those who remember, those who should not exist in memory, and the centrists of the second set of memories. "

"Oh, you wasted fifteen minutes, and I also wasted fifteen minutes." Harley sighed.

Louise's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that this question was also asked by Lana Long?

Could it be that Bichi read her interview copy?

At least one thing makes Louise wary: Lana Long is stealing her spotlight!

"It's not half past nine yet," she said stubbornly.

Harley glanced at the wall clock and said, "The best way to resolve conflicts is to deflect them.

Those who remember should not complain about ‘things that should not exist’.

Originally, everyone had a happy life, and no one wanted this ending.

The culprits responsible for all this are the monitors and counter-monitors.

Hal Jordan has met both the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor, and his Green Lantern ring contains their portraits.

By making the portraits public, people who are dissatisfied can use them as objects of vent and hostility.

Treat the monitors and anti-monitors as the villains of Hollywood movies or games, make them into puppets, and stick the photos on the toilet seat. No one charges portrait fees anyway, so you can do whatever you want. "

"What's the use? They're already dead." Louise said with a dark face.

"First of all, death is only temporary for them, and living is the norm; secondly, nipple music is most suitable for ordinary people. Even if they are alive, what else can ordinary people do besides feeling uncomfortable?"

"This is not what the hero of the human race and the galactic admiral said. You should stand up and call on everyone to use love and understanding to eliminate conflicts and misunderstandings." Louise said dissatisfied.

Harley rolled her eyes and said angrily: "You are not satisfied with having multiple Lana Langs as your competitors, and you want me and Superman to get involved with each other?

The Galactic Admiral should do what the Galactic Admiral does, and Superman will use love, hope and understanding to solve problems.

There is no need to waste time and energy repeating what Lana Long has already done. You need to find your own position and direction. "

Louise felt depressed but was speechless.

At 9:29, Hallie shouted "Yeb" and prepared to leave.

"Please wait a moment, Miss Quinn." A well-kept old lady in fine clothes came over, gave her a kind smile, and then whispered: "I am Lex Luthor's mother -"

"I know you, madam." Harley interrupted her with a smile and said in a gentle tone: "A few years ago, the Kryptonians invaded the earth. I went to your mansion to find Luther for help. You also prepared caramel pudding for me."

Luther's mother was surprised and worried.

I remember the crème brûlée from years ago, it was too rare for characters like the Galaxy Admiral and the God of War in Heaven.

What's even more rare is that her attitude has changed. When faced with a person with such a huge gap in status and strength, such as an ordinary worker, she won't even look at him squarely.

"Miss Quinn, do you know about Lex's situation?" Luther's mother had a look of deep sorrow on her face.

She had originally planned to practice the way of God in Paradise Town with Old Kamai and his gang, but news came from the earth that her son had committed a crime, was in jail, and that the company was unstable.

She could only come back and manage the daily life of the company while trying to find a way to get her son out. Luther was sentenced to 2,745 years in prison for crimes against humanity.

Harley pondered: "His situation is a bit complicated."

"It's not complicated. His mind is controlled by Brainiac. Miss Quinn, think about it, Lena (Sister Luther) and I are both in Paradise Mountain. Only when his brain is flooded will he help Brainiac escape.

What does it mean to him to form a secret society of super criminals to fight for world domination and control of the earth? Luthor's only obsession is Superman.

Asking him to give up the Superman of Earth 0 and become an alien is simply more uncomfortable than killing him. "Luther's mother said excitedly.

Harry glanced at her in surprise. As the saying goes, "A son is better than his mother." Luther's mother really knew her son.

"I also believe that, according to his original intention, he would not do that. The key is that after the universe restart is completed, he has admitted his crime and been imprisoned.

Moreover, Martian Manhunter has checked his mental power and there are no signs of being controlled. "

Luther’s mother immediately said: “He was affected by the reboot and his real memory was overwritten, so he confessed.

The universe has restarted, and the control methods Brainiac left in his mind must have disappeared, so there is no trace of him being controlled. "

Harley sighed: "That's why I say the situation is complicated. He pleaded guilty, and there was no evidence to deny his crime. According to normal legal procedures, it is impossible to overturn his conviction."

"He has not pleaded guilty now and wants to reverse the case."

"Oh, he regained his memory?" Harley asked.

"No, after he asked about the reasons and consequences, as well as the 'real memory' of the past, he asked me to ask for your help to get his real memory back first."

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