I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 751 Heroes’ Paradise

"We won without even sacrificing a single person!" The heroes were extremely happy.

"I can't wait to return to Earth, tell everyone the news, and completely end their worries." Hal said excitedly.

Dachao lowered his head and glanced at his uniform. Compared with the previous two times when he was in a mess and his clothes were ragged, today's battle was easy.

"Go back now, this is an unprecedented, crazy victory."

"Don't worry, you should take a photo to commemorate such a great moment." Harley suggested.

——Take a group photo and let the heroes place it by the bedside or hang it on the wall. When you see it every day, and every time you take it out to recall the prosperous years, you will immediately notice her in the C position of the photo, and then sigh with emotion. Under wise leadership, they can win this glorious victory.

"That's a good idea." Taihu from Team Omega smiled.

Hundreds of people were floating in the outer space of the planet Kovad. They took pictures with the green light ring at the place where the Anti-Monitor King disappeared, leaving behind a set of ultra-high-resolution photos.

Undoubtedly, Halle stood in the C position as she wished, and even Alexander didn't raise any objections.

"Oh, it's a pity that there is no body of the Counter-Monitor. Standing on or next to it would be more shocking and convincing." Firestorm smashed his mouth, unable to hide the regret on his face.

Harley also feels that just taking photos in outer space is not enough.

With her heart moving slightly, she flew to a meteorite, manifested a golden sword, and "swish, swish, swish" carved the details of today's battle on the surface of the meteorite.

"Isn't it necessary?" Da Chao couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth as he thought of the countless "Harley Monuments" excavated on modern earth.

"Meteorites flew into the deep space of the universe not long ago, and the chance of being discovered is extremely low. Moreover, if you write it in English, people in the antimatter universe will not be able to understand it."

"There are simple drawings to help them understand. The harder it is to find, the more people who discover it will treat it as a treasure. The more precious it is in their hearts, the more they will show it off."

In addition to leaving a meteorite tablet, Harley also asked Jordan Hal to find a meteorite with a high metal content and bring it back to the weapon bearer to help make it into a commemorative medal that can stably exist in the positive matter universe.

"I have something to announce to everyone."

Before leaving, Alexander once again turned into a golden man with golden light and his skin looked like it was made of gold.

In addition to the change in image, it also exudes an aura that belongs to the Creator.

Hal Jordan raised his eyebrows and said, "Whatever you want to say can be said slowly when you return to Earth. It doesn't matter how long it takes."

He thought Alexander wanted to deliver a victory speech alone.

"I will not return to Earth." Alexander sighed softly. Amid everyone's surprised gazes and cries, he opened his arms, and his body below the shoulders turned into golden energy, and a bright portal of holy light opened in the center of the energy.

“The crisis on Infinite Earths is over, the world needs to return to normal, and our salvation will give us the opportunity to ascend to heaven.

There are no heroes in life on the New Earth, and I want you to come in.

You are no longer in your destiny, and your existence will affect the stability of the world.

Of course, other heroes can also enter heaven if they are willing to give up life on earth. "

Everyone never expected to hear these words, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

Many Earth heroes also looked at Harley.

"Harry, is it really paradise inside?" Dachao asked hesitantly.

Harley's eyes were fixed on the door, all thoughts were focused, and her mental strength was carefully sensing.

"It's definitely not God's paradise. There is no magic element fluctuation, but the atmosphere is a bit like heaven."

——Eighty percent of it is related to heaven. It’s impossible to say that this paradise is part of the “shady” deal.

"Kent?" She frowned slightly and turned to Dr. Fate.

Doctor Fate's helmet glowed with golden light, and he nodded: "I feel the same as you, there is indeed heaven behind the door, but it is not God's heaven."

Zha Kang suddenly stood up and said: "Those heroes who went to the place where time originated, there are many unlucky ones who have lost their lives. This paradise is an excellent destination for you."

"What did you see?" Harley asked curiously.

Zha Kang shook his head, "You can't see anything, but you can hear something. 'The Descendants of the Monitor' made it very clear that they hope that heroes 'outside of fate' will leave, so as not to affect the normal operation of the world.

Think about it, if it affects the operation of the world, what will happen to them and the world? "

"Kal Al." Seeing everyone talking suspiciously, Alexander, who had completely transformed into a golden energy body, was not angry or anxious. He only looked at the old Superman, "Please come here, I swear, I didn't Lie, there really is a beautiful paradise behind the door, a paradise for heroes."

His tone was more sincere and kind than ever before.

Even Harley felt that this bastard should have true feelings at this time.

The old Superman shook his head bitterly, "Thank you, Alexander. I also believe you will arrange a good place for us, but there is no Louise in your paradise.

The earth does not have my Louise, nor my life.

But I can at least recall the past in a falsely familiar setting. "

Alexander looked around at everyone, gritted his teeth and said, "Louise, come out."

"Clark, Clark" tender calls came from the door.

When the old Superman heard this, his expression changed drastically, a few tears burst out of his eyes, and he shouted excitedly: "Lois, it's Louis' voice, I won't admit it."

"It's me, Clark!" A woman with old-fashioned short ear-length hair walked out of the door.

It was the old Louise with gray hair.

"Louis~~" Old Superman felt as if a ping-pong ball was stuck in his throat. After shouting, he couldn't say a word anymore. He rushed over and hugged old Louise tightly.

"You're not dead, you really are not dead, but how is this possible?" Old Superman looked at her face carefully and gently stroked her hair.

It's true, everything else can be deceiving, but the emotion in the eyes cannot be faked.

"Alexander, can you explain?" Harley said lightly.

“The Monitor has a whole set of plans, and his plan focuses on the overall situation of the entire multiverse, and may not be considerate of you in the universe.

I am his successor, and I have known the final fate of the five earths from the beginning, and how the new universe will be restarted.

I thought I could follow the monitor's orders, step by step, and strictly follow his plan."

He looked at the superhuman couple embracing each other with gentle eyes, shook his head bitterly, and sighed: "But I am also a human being, a living and emotional person.

I have hidden many truths from you, but I cannot let Kal-El suffer the pain of losing Louise forever.

I violated the monitor's order and recorded Louise's information before going to the place where time originated. In the restart, I found her and pulled her into the hero's paradise. "

"You admitted that you have been deceiving us?" The heroes were shocked, and Da Chao was a little sad.

Alexander lowered his eyes and said softly: "Father, I have always regarded Kal Al and you as the same person, and Louise and mother as the same person."

Dachao let out a long sigh and could no longer say a single word of blame.

Harley looked sarcastic, this bastard was lying again.

Judging from his performance, he may have some real feelings for Lois and the old Superman, but for Superboy. Maybe Superboy lacks a certain sense of heaviness, and Alexander doesn't regard him as his father at all.

"Besides Louise, have you saved anyone else?" Uncle Sam asked expectantly.

Alexander shook his head and said: "Sorry, the price is too high and I can't afford it."

"You are such a cruel person." Old Green Lantern had mixed feelings in his heart. For a moment, the images of countless heroes who died in battle flashed in his mind.

They all trusted the wrong person.

They died to save the people and protect the universe. They died heroically and magnificently, but they were too frustrated.

Because until the moment of death, the goal they fought for - to protect their own world, was just a false bait.

"One general's achievements lead to ten thousand bones. I don't want to be a general, but you all know that since my biological father sent me away from the earth, I have not been able to make my own decisions about my life.

I am the chosen one and must complete the tasks assigned to me by the Watcher. "Alexander said numbly.

"After returning from the place where time originated, you slandered me and blamed me for failing to create a perfect world for all heroes in the reboot. Do you have no choice?" Harley sneered.

"I told the truth and I didn't slander you. If you are willing to cooperate with the ghost, the restarted world will be more perfect than it is now." Alexander's eyes were deep, and he looked at her calmly with his golden eyes, "One day, the facts will prove my words."

"What reality? You seem to be hinting at what will happen in the future." Da Chao frowned.

"After the restart, a new material universe was born, but the monitor was not resurrected. The universe lost its manager, which will be the world's biggest hidden danger."

Alexander's voice was faint, as if he was stating a prophecy of disaster, which made everyone feel uneasy.

The old Superman hugged his wife and said anxiously: "Alexander, thank you, really thank you for everything you have done for me. You saved me. But, can I take Louise back to Earth?"

Alexander smiled bitterly, "Kal El, please believe me, I hope you are happy and come with me to the Heroes' Paradise."

The old Superman's heart was pounding. Was this a hint that he would not be happy when he returned to Earth? But as long as Louise is by his side, he will not be unhappy, then

"Okay, I'll go to heaven." He didn't want to think about anything else. As long as Louise was by his side, hell would also be heaven!

"Sorry, everyone, my mission is over here." Old Superman turned back, looked at Dachao, and smiled slightly, "You may not miss me either."

"No, we will always miss you and remember you." Many heroes couldn't help but say.

When Old Superman and Lois entered the golden light door, Alexander looked around and said loudly: "Who else wants to go to the Hero's Paradise with us?

There are no disasters and fears, no pain and crime, and it is a place of true happiness and tranquility. "

"Can I go?" Superboy-Prime flew in front of him and said helplessly: "Although I know everyone, Kal-El is the only person I am familiar with."


After Superboy entered, no one came out.

"Everyone, take care."

Alexander's figure completely disappeared, leaving only a door leading to the positive matter universe.

Passing through the light gate, the heroes arrive directly in outer orbit.

When everyone left the antimatter universe, the light gate suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace.

Everyone was very excited after returning from a great victory, but when Alexander did this, everyone looked depressed and thought about their own thoughts.

And on the second day, they realized how terrible the consequences of not entering the hero's paradise would be.

Today’s unusual update is because I got a ‘wind vane’ recommendation today.

The editor told me a few days in advance that it was recommended on the 19th and that you should save more manuscripts.

I was very confident and agreed that I would update 9,000 words a day.

Then the editor repeated it again, it will be updated on the 19th and there will be a sales assessment.

Only then did I understand what it meant to update more.

In order to get recommendations again in the next two months, we have adjusted the update time and quantity today, five chapters.

It is updated in the morning and will not be updated in the evening. In addition, there will be two updates tomorrow night and the day after tomorrow will return to normal, which will affect everyone. I'm sorry. Also, please subscribe to support it.

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