I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 746 One Call and Hundreds of Responses

On the first day of the universe's restart, Laila, who once again gained the 'Monitor Power', put on her pioneer suit of red hood, blue top, and silver metallic shorts, summoned a group of heroes to the Hall of Justice, and prepared to form the Fourth Expeditionary Force. .

Because of Harley's "trouble". Well, maybe Alexander failed to achieve the 'monitor's great ultimate goal'. He was holding his anger in his heart and repeatedly targeted Harley, making Harley angry and making both the guests and the host unhappy at the meeting that day.

The fourth expedition was put on the agenda, but it failed to take shape on that day.

Until the scarlet antimatter electromagnetic storm swept the world.

The heroes of the Justice League who understand the general situation and the overall situation, and are willing to work as cowards, even if they turn around and be beheaded, no matter how much doubt or resentment they have about the Pioneer, Alexander, and the Monitor, they all have the duty to stand up and unite together. , and called on everyone to engage in the "final battle of the crisis."

"Harley, we need you!"

At Quinn Manor, Dachao said sincerely: "Yesterday when you went to the Tower of Destiny, the Shadow Demon attacked the earth again. The Shadow Demon formed a black film covering the entire earth, which was more terrifying than the invasion of Apokolips that day.

Although it is blocked by a green magic barrier, you should be able to feel the Anti-Monitor's determination to destroy the earth.

The Counter-Monitor's talent and intelligence were demonstrated many times during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Shadow Demon, Antimatter Cloud, Cosmic Frequency Difference Zeroing Device, Antimatter Cosmic Cannon, and the Hand of Creation activated by the Source of Time are all his masterpieces.

It can be said that the Anti-Monitor is the smartest person in the universe.

Unless he dies, the earth will be in trouble, and your life will not be easy either. "

"You don't need me." Harley shook her head and said, "Yesterday's Shadow Demon raid, I know.

The dark green magic shield that blocks them and drives them out of the positive material universe comes from the joint efforts of Old Green Lantern and Sage Ochi.

Although they all hold artifacts, the fact that only two of them blocked the anti-matter electromagnetic storm and blocked hundreds of millions of shadow demons all shows one thing - the Anti-Monitor King is weak and cannot be used for much purpose.

You can win this battle without me this time. "

"With you here, everyone can feel at ease." Dachao said.

Harry felt a little proud in his heart, but said with a sneer on his face: "If they don't resent me, I'll feel at ease."

Dachao advised softly: "Harry, please show your heart to yourself. If your life, your family and friends, and your world were all gone, wouldn't you be sad or excited?"

No matter what words a person says when he is extremely sad and excited, we cannot take them as his original intention. "

"You are wrong. What you say under those circumstances is the truth."

Dachao sighed: "I came to you. Not only do I hope to use your strength and wisdom to add insurance to the expedition, but I also want you to bring trust and hope to everyone."

"Are you mocking me? Hope is synonymous with you, trust has never been with me."

Dachao rubbed his face hard and said bitterly: "Of course I am full of hope for this battle and the future, but your doubts about Laila and Alexander resonate with many heroes.

They no longer dare to trust Pioneer and Alexander.

Two days have passed, and the team only consists of three of us, Superman, Uncle Sam, Jon (Martian Manhunter), and the others.

They're all watching you unless you express your trust in the Pioneer and Alexander, and in the plan of the expedition. "

"Well, after being tricked so many times, the heroes finally grew their brains and realized that Alexander can't be trusted!" Harley nodded happily.

Then, she changed her subject and said doubtfully: "Even if they don't believe in Alexander Ken Clark, I have a suggestion: expel that old boy Alexander from the 'Kent' family tree, lest he tarnish the business run by generations of 'Kent's" Honesty, warmth and good family tradition.”

Dachao glanced at her and secretly complained in his mind: Should he change it to 'Alexander Quinn', which would be more suitable for his style and the style of your family?

"Well, I firmly believe that Alexander is a good boy, and the misunderstanding everyone has about him now stems from the mission entrusted to him by the monitor.

He's still a child, but he's shouldering the burden of saving the multiverse.

He is afraid of making mistakes and will subconsciously regard the supervisor's arrangements as the 'correct' standard.

I guarantee that when the crisis is over and he returns to a normal life, he will grow into a great hero like his biological father. "

When Superman said this, his eyes shone brightly, expressing trust and expectation, and more importantly, a kind of hope, without any hesitation.

"It's up to you." Harley shrugged and continued: "Alexander can't be trusted by heroes, so there's no reason why I can?

Although my character is impeccable, my behavior is an example of a hero.

But superheroes, especially heroes who immigrated from the underworld, like to look at me through the cracks in the door, with obvious prejudice. "

Da Chao sighed lightly: "Laila and Alexander's credibility in everyone's minds was originally full, but their performance in Crisis on Infinite Earths has continuously lowered the heroes' trust in them.

Now they all fail.

You are just the opposite. Everyone originally didn't believe you at all, and they didn't trust you in all aspects.

But your cunning in the crisis, your alertness to the restart, and your complete preparations to deal with the restart. All your actions are constantly raising the level of heroes towards you, regardless of your character. They have great trust in your judgment. "

Harley waved her hands and said displeasedly: "You don't even want to trust me in my character, and you still want me to form a group with you. Forget it, forget it, let's break up!"

"I trust your character. Harley, you are too harsh, even I can't do it." Dachao sighed helplessly, and said seriously: "We don't have time to delay, come with me to the Hall of Justice first."

"There's no time to waste, so don't waste time with me." Harley remained unmoved.

Superman was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Harley, I hope you have thought clearly. As before, Uncle Sam will give a speech before the fourth expedition."

Harley was confused, "What does this have to do with me?"

“This speech is in a public place, with reporters present, so the people of the world will know which heroes are about to rush to the battlefield and shed blood, and which heroes are hiding on the earth to fish.

Then, people will ask where did the ‘Fifth Ring Admiral’ go? Why did the ‘Contemporary Heavenly God of War’ shrink?

I think you really don’t want the cyber violence that happened to Wonder Woman, Aquaman and others to happen to you again when Krypton invaded, right? "Super humane.

Harley's mouth was slightly open, her expression a little dull.

"Which bastard thought up this damaging move? Is it Alexander? Look at me, that little bastard dares to plot against my aunt!" She was angry.

"No, it's not him." Superman quickly denied, "He actually doesn't want you to join the team. Once you join the team, everyone will look at your face, and he will not be able to fully control the team."

Harley was convinced, "Did your super brain finally kick in?"

"No, it's not me either." After a pause, Dachao said dissatisfied: "Why do you always laugh at my 'super brain'?

It's never rusted and I've never been stupid.

It's just that I don't want to learn your cunningness, and I don't want to use Heihouxue's theory to think about problems. I would rather use it to find the ray of sunshine that breaks through the thick dark clouds. "

Harley didn't want to listen to his excuse at all. After thinking for a moment, she said in a positive tone: "It's that bastard Bateman, right?"

"No, that's not right!" A low, hoarse denial came from the shadows outside the hall door.

"Wha—" Bateman flashed and jumped out of the shadows, "Batman just loaded the 'Witch Harley' thinking program into his brain."

"Ivy, Ivy!" Hallie shouted.

"What to do?" Ivy responded in the small garden outside.

Harley stared at Bateman with a solemn expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Modify the magic plant defense system and remove Bateman from the white list."

"Okay, if he dares not to follow the right path again, he will be chewed to the bone by my piranha." Ivy said with a smile.

Bateman sighed: "From the beginning of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, I have stood unswervingly on your side. I went to the Monitor satellite to work as an undercover agent, helped you steal the information you wanted, and agreed with your plan to resist entering the underworld. ,I"

“This expedition to the antimatter universe is not to serve Alexander and Leila, we are doing it for ourselves and this earth.

Moreover, I didn’t threaten you. If you don’t go, won’t the people know? "

"Oh, you win, I'll go."

——I'm going to work as a laborer!

That afternoon, the Justice League's headquarters, the Hall of Justice.

Half an hour has passed since Harley arrived and expressed her attitude to join the expeditionary force to the live broadcast camera.

The 'Fourth Expeditionary Force', which originally had only five members, has grown to forty or fifty people.

A faint blue beam of light flew from the sky, landed at the door of the hall, and shouted: "I am Captain Atom, applying to join the Fourth Expeditionary Team."

Alexander nodded silently.

He had invited him to the White House before, but he declined on the grounds that he wanted to protect Mr. President.

Another red-yellow fire flew from the sky, and before it landed, it shouted: "Firestorm requests a fight."

"Welcome, Firestorm." Dachao smiled.

Alexander looked gloomy.

The Pioneer went to see him in person before, and he only asked, 'Will Harley Quinn go?'

A weird man wrapped like a mummy sneaked close to the Hall of Justice and asked weakly: "I am a negative woman. The pioneer has come to see me before. How can I help?"

Pioneer forced a smile and said: "Welcome, incompetent woman. You can weaken the anti-monitor's ability, and you are an indispensable member of us."

"Admiral of the Five Rings, is that so?" The mummy woman looked at Harley and asked expectantly.

"Well, since the pioneer said you are useful, you can come in." Harley said casually.

"I'm willing to join you all." The negative woman ran in excitedly.

"Swish, swish, swish." Bundles of purple light fell from the sky, like a meteor shower, all hovering outside the door of the Hall of Justice, four or five meters above the ground. There were more than twenty little blue women and hundreds of purple lantern uniforms. woman.

There are humans and there are aliens, but they are all female.

"The Star Blue Stone Army follows the agreement and all members go out to fight." Said, the female little blue man who led it, said loudly.

"Did you call them here?" Alexander looked at Harley gloomily.

Harley shook her head, "I don't even have their contact information."

"Welcome, welcome." Da Chao took the initiative to greet him out the door, grinning widely.

"Eh-" Cyborg, who was standing in the corner of the crowd, changed his expression slightly, pressed his finger on his left ear, and his red electronic eye flashed rapidly.

"Harry, the watchtower received a message from the Matalan starship. Their spacecraft has reached the border of the solar system and is now applying to enter the earth."

"What are the Matalans doing here?" Harley asked curiously.

"Princess Matalan Spark and her husband Caris plan to lead ten Matalan power warriors to join 'your expeditionary force'." Cyborg said in a weird tone.

"This is a good thing! Our strength is stronger and our chances of winning are greater." Hal smiled.

"Oh, let them come."

Harley glanced at Alexander, whose face was covered with frost. Fireworks were setting off in his heart, but his face was as calm as water.

"Okay - eh" Cyborg just responded, then looked slightly startled, "'Captain Comet' of Lann Civilization is also here, and he also applied to join the expedition - ah, there is also the Omega Team of Throne World. Omaika, I suddenly received a lot of signals. Saruman's reporter's home planet, Xanshi, also sent a team, as well as Kelu."

Harry waved his hand and said, "Anyone who applies to join the expeditionary force will be admitted."

In a short time, dozens of spacecraft stopped in the outer space of the earth.

"Wow, there are more stars in the sky." A child pointed at the sky and shouted in Central Park of the Metropolis.

There were so many people coming, and they all came because of her reputation. Harley frowned and realized that she couldn't do any work.

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