I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 732 Completed Restart

"Witch Harley, Lord, I say you are your mother!"

"Fake Squid, Harley, the King of Heaven! Fake Squid, the Dog God."

"How dare you humiliate me like this, King of Heaven Harry!"

"Holy Aunt Halli, our Maya pantheon has never offended you, why do you want to kill us all?"

"Martial God King, I will fight you until death."

A big river flows from 2015 onwards. Harley's consciousness is wrapped in colorful lights and she stands on the "wave". Along the way, countless curses, begging for mercy, and crying sounds ring in her ears.

They were all gods and demons whose roots of faith in the world had been cut off by her.

Those who are powerless can only cry in frustration, while those who are capable attack her.

She is now level 84.

As the river of time begins to form, "reality" officially begins to be modified.

Therefore, they all call her differently.

It seems that part of the "Biography of Harley, the God of War in Heaven" she wrote has become a reality.

However, Harley had no time to listen to the screams of gods and demons, nor did she have the time to pay attention to her experience level.

When the river of time flowed back from the third starting point to the first starting point, a pressure as big as a mountain suddenly fell on her.

"Uh--" Harley let out a long scream.

She felt as if someone had stabbed her in the stomach. She also inserted an aircraft carrier-powered water pump into the wound and pumped it at full speed.

The strength, energy, stamina, anti-matter energy in the body, the power of blood, and even life force will all be drained away.

Yebi felt her state and said quickly: "Master Harley, this is the price of modifying reality. Even the smallest change will cause a series of chain reactions.

The reality you have modified is too large and huge, and the price you need to pay is also huge.

When the antimatter energy is insufficient later, the reality you set will be rewritten.

Remember, never force yourself.

If you struggle forcefully, you will pay the price with your essence and life, which is not worth it. "

"You can actually still speak?" Harley shouted "Ahhh" with 99% of her concentration, and the rest of her energy was greatly surprised by Yebby's state.

"Why can't you speak?" Yebi asked strangely.

"The more reality you modify, the greater the price you pay and the greater the mental pressure. Are you really not making any changes?" Harley said with difficulty.

"Oh, Master Harley, you are really a 'living Cao Cao', so suspicious. My consciousness is completely sensed by you, and I have sworn to my father, but you still refuse to believe me." Ye Bi said resentfully.


One person and one dog are speaking from the same consciousness, and a big explosion occurs without warning in the river of time.

Originally, the river flowed extremely smoothly along the empty channel, but when it was traced back to November 23, 1992, it felt like it had stepped on a landmine.

What is inside the mine is not gunpowder but a nuclear warhead.

Harley felt a burst of dazzling blue light rush over, and her consciousness was uncontrollably separated from Yebi.

But after losing the protection of the "tool dog" this time, she did not lose consciousness in the information flow because she directly held the hand of creation like before.

On the contrary, this consciousness separated from the tool dog is in a very good state at this time.

The surrounding blue light gave her the comfort of returning to her mother's body.

"Blue light. This is Dr. Manhattan's connecting power!"

Harley suddenly woke up.

Then, her fourth connection power defense expertise was triggered, and a vague figure appeared in front of her eyes.

It seems to still be talking to itself.

But it was blocked by a layer of fog of time, so I couldn't see or hear it clearly.

Harry simply activated all his specialties.

The next moment, she saw clearly.

In the energy space with a blue background, a blue-skinned naked man stood there silently.

It feels like seeing black people at night.

Although his vision was clear, his face and expression were still unclear.

"Boss Manhattan, is that you?"

"Hello, Harley Quinn, I didn't expect you to be able to sense me. According to your timeline, it's only been two years since we last separated. You've grown up so fast."

He responded, with some surprise in his words, but his tone was very calm, indifferent but not indifferent.

The attitude seems to be better than the last time we parted.

"Boss, what's going on now?" Harley asked.

Dr. Manhattan's expression was a little sad, "This is the point in time when I merged with Earth 0. After this point, the Earth 0 that I once fused with my power completely disappeared.

On November 27, 1992, my original earth was destroyed by nuclear war.

On November 27, 1992, I turned my universe into information and energy, brought it into this multiverse, and merged with Superman's universe. This is the true starting point of Earth 0.

Now the river of time reaches back to this point.

At this point, the origin of my mother universe, the origin of my own power, has accumulated to the limit on the timeline and is exploding in the river of time. "

"That is to say, they haven't obtained your power yet, and you have been resisting until this point?" Harley asked in surprise.

Dr. Manhattan shook his head and said: "It's true that I resisted to this point, but this multiverse has already gained my power.

My personal timeline is well past this point.

I can see that 0.0001 seconds later, my quantum energy is absorbed into the origin of the multiverse and becomes one of the basic forces of the multiverse. "

Harley smiled like a flower and was as gentle as water, "Brother, how can I help you? Or, why don't you just give all your energy to me, my little sister, in these 0.0001 seconds?"

Seeing as we are so destined, we can meet again under such circumstances. "

Dr. Manhattan did not scold her for being shameless, but his tone was as indifferent as before, "This is a multiverse-level restart. Not only will a new unique universe be born, but the pattern of the entire multiverse will also change.

By absorbing the origin of me and my universe, the nascent multiverse will add a foundational force - my quantum energy.

At this time, quantum energy exploded at this point in 1992, and the 'Manhattan Quantum Power Plane' evolved in the restart of the universe. "

Harley heard inexplicable sadness in his words.

"Are you going to become the master of the plane, the plane demon or the king of gods? But I remember that when we parted last time, you said that you were going to completely cut off the bond with Earth 0 and go to the omnipotent universe to explore the infinite future in a while." she asked softly.

Dr. Manhattan sighed: "The quantum energy that exploded at this point in time has not been lost from my hands, because I myself have become part of the multiverse.

Like other supreme beings in this universe, I will be trapped in the multiverse forever and will never be able to return to the Almighty Universe. "

Since the power of the exploded Manhattan still belongs to Dr. Manhattan, he will naturally not give it to her.

But now he is afraid that he has regarded the power of Manhattan as a burden and shackles. If he throws away the power, he can gain freedom.

Harley sighed inwardly that her layout was still too small.

I can only guess that the origin of the Crisis on Infinite Earths is to seize the power of Manhattan.

I never expected that the DC multiverse would be so courageous and greedy, and would swallow up Dr. Manhattan, the "hen that laid the golden eggs" without giving up the eggs.

"Why can't you leave?" Harley asked.

Dr. Manhattan said calmly: "Before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Earth 0 merged with my parent universe, so I am bound to Earth 0.

This bond can be seen as a contract.

All power comes with a price.

This is an omnipotent law that I learned in this universe, a law that applies to the entire omnipotent universe.

This law works for me too.

My life and my strength all come from my mother universe.

Especially my strength.

After you broke open the place of origin of time at the end of the mother river, and after the breath of origin dispersed from the hand of creation, I suddenly realized that my power is called the "power of connection", which is almost the same as that of the hand of creation.

The difference between me and it is similar to water and earth among the four elements in magic. They have the same essence but different attributes. "

Although his tone did not change, Harley could hear the bitter taste again.

"Power has a price. The more you get, the greater the price. Therefore, I first have an obligation to my home universe, and later I also have an obligation to Earth 0.

I've tried to break away from that connection.

When I was in the mother universe, I gave half of my power to 'Manhattan Superman', but it failed.

On Earth 0, I tried to leave the responsibility to Angela (the wife of Black Manhattan), and I failed but also succeeded.

My power was taken away by you, and my incarnation of humanity failed.

But what you did far exceeded the expectations of 'Humanity Incarnate' for 'Blue Angela'.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, you protected Earth 0 perfectly, and I thought I was free."

Harry couldn't help but start to sympathize with him.

As soon as Crisis on Infinite Earths started, it was destined to have this ending.

This ending also destined Doctor Manhattan's contractors to change from the single universe to the DC multiverse.

The short sale failed, and I was completely trapped, unable to escape.

Dr. Manhattan continued: "After the crisis, the five universes merged into one. This single universe represents the entire multiverse. The object I paid the price for changed from a single universe to a multiverse.

I am above the single universe and can escape the shackles of the single universe, but I am inferior to the multiverse in terms of power, so I will inevitably become a part of the reboot. "

"Is the Watcher behind all this, or is it God?" Harley asked.

"No, the fate of the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor should have been arranged. I have no concept of God, but its existence is at least one level higher than that of the Monitor."

Harley was startled, "What kind of existence is that? It is impossible for a multiverse to have two creation mothers. I know that its true creator god is within the origin wall."

"Not the God of Creation." Dr. Manhattan thought for a moment and said, "Monitors and anti-monitors are both managers in the same field.

The positive matter single body universe is in the positive matter field.

The antimatter universe is in the realm of antimatter.

So, what realm is the entire multiverse in? "

Harley was stunned and said: "This is beyond the scope of my knowledge. I can only guess that the multiverse is built on pure nothingness. Does nothingness also have a manager? Who is it?"



I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or the vigilance of the black hand. Before Dr. Manhattan could finish a word, the dazzling white light exploded into pieces in the quantum realm in the river of time.

The river of time breaks out of the point of November 27, 1992, and continues to spread rapidly towards the first starting point.

At this time, Harley's consciousness lost the tool dog, and her brain was once again flooded by the explosion of creation information, making her dizzy and drifting with the tide.

When Harry opened his eyes again, he saw the ceiling and heard the big cuckoo singing spring songs outside the window.

"This is Quinn Manor." She climbed up from the bed, bathing in the bright spring light that filtered in through the window, her expression a little dazed.

"Harley, Harley, where are you?" Ivy's crying voice suddenly came from the living room.

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