I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 729 God reaches out his black hand

"Witch Harley is just a mortal. She knows nothing except stolen power. Energy is just the basis for restarting the universe, it is the ticket.

She doesn't have enough mental strength or willpower, her thinking can't keep up with the evolution of the world, and she can't process countless information. She is just making trouble.

She can do nothing but undermine the overall situation.

She is an idiot. If she is willing to cooperate with me honestly, I can make a difference in one fell swoop. "

The ghost who had previously proudly declared that "I don't need the help of heroes and can turn the tide on my own" roared angrily.

In theory, He was right.

Restarting the universe is countless times easier than creating it, but it is still not something Harley can participate in now.

She didn't even understand the laws of the universe.

Understand the laws of the universe and become a master; imprint the laws into the sea of ​​laws, that is, let the universe accept and recognize your own laws, and become a god.

After countless years of practice, the wizards and wizards first came into contact with the secret of creation when the god king began to formulate rules.

If Harley is replaced by God King Odin, God King Zeus, King Naboo, or even the Neon God King Amaterasu of the third-rate pantheon, the Ghost and Anti-Monitor King will be defeated, or simply collapse at the first touch.

Of course, if it were Odin and Zeus, they would not dare to approach the starting point of the mother river, let alone break into the place of origin.

If they were in Harley's current situation, they would have turned into ashes.

It's a pity that Harley has strong defense and resistance, and is immune to the damage of the power of connection and the seven basic powers, but she really knows nothing about the secret of creation.

The realm is too low.

She is not even a grandmaster, she is far, far away from the God King.


Harley looked like a crazy woman, with bulging eyes, open mouth, bleeding from all her orifices, and yelling wildly.

Her hand was clasped with Pappetua's—Papetua didn't slap her to death with his other hand.

Because He is just an afterimage of time at the moment, and his true form is being sealed within the Origin Wall.

The antimatter energy in Harry's belly surged toward his palms crazily, and where the two palms met, a majestic force of creation exploded, and the power moved forward in an orderly manner along the mother river of time.

If this continues, how the universe can be restarted depends entirely on luck.

Harley doesn't understand - there is no steering wheel, and she is still confused, without her brain, and cannot control the direction; Ghost and the Anti-Monitor King understand - there is a steering wheel, but the accelerator is stepped on Harley's feet, and it is the same as pressing it to the bottom. There is no control over the “final destination”.

"Master Harley, don't panic, Jebby is coming!"

In the midst of the chaos, Yebi cheered up and bit Harley's ankle.

Although it is the Holy Son, first of all, it is too young and has not been able to truly grow up. The idea of ​​'self in thirty years' time is all nonsense; secondly, the level of the power of connection is too high, and the power of creating the universe has no influence on the universe. Life has a natural suppressive effect.

Therefore, Yebi cannot withstand the impact of the power of origin. It must stay close to Master Harley. She has "God descending to earth" beside her - the power of connection and the defensive force field of God's power.

In other words, when Harley's body rose, her palms passed through the seven basic power lightning clouds in the sky, and when she shook hands with Papetua on the other side, Yebi also flew over.

If it stood there stupidly, it would have died long ago.

Harley also understood that it was a living dog.

A living dog will never suffocate to death.

When she moves on her own, she doesn't need to shout and it will follow automatically.

At this moment, Harley's palm "created a big explosion", and the sea of ​​​​consciousness followed the creation big explosion. Yebi turned his head and could bite her ankle.


After biting it, Yebi, like Harry, experienced an explosion of information in his sea of ​​consciousness, his eyeballs protruded, his orifices bled, and he whimpered and screamed in pain.

With the addition of "Jerby CPU" to share the pressure, the burden of "Harley CPU" has been reduced by half.

She quickly rearranged the tens of thousands of thoughts in her sea of ​​consciousness. Most of them were used to withstand the "universe restart information flow explosion", leaving a ray of consciousness to think about the current situation and ways to solve the problem.

"Yebi, tell the truth, are you a spy arranged by your dog father to be around me?"

"It's unfair. I have never met my father in my life." Yebi is obviously a dog, but he is much more relaxed than her.

"Don't panic, I can feel you trying to participate in the restart process." Harley shouted.

Yebi said aggrievedly: "The current situation is that even if you bring a dog over and let it touch the hand of creation, its thoughts can affect the restart process. Or, master, can you hold on, I will let go of your legs ?”

Harley felt depressed. If it was released, she would fall into a state of confusion again, and the only winners would be the two bastards, the Ghost and the Anti-Monitor King. She guessed wrong, there would be no winners, and three losers.

But Yebi was satisfied, but her thoughts were unclear.

"What's going on with the power of God in your body?"

Yebi swore: "Master, in the name of Abba, I promise you that this sudden power is beyond my control.

If you don’t believe me, you can ask Ivy later.

At that time, you jumped into the river, and Ivy and I were left alone, with no one to take care of us.

After entering the place of origin, I was keenly aware of the danger and silently prayed to Abba Father in my heart, and then the strength surged through my body.

Because of this, I was able to protect the few of us so that the anti-monitors could not drain our life force.

At that time, I was still wondering, did I get the power of the future when I went back in time?

Or maybe, just like my father protected you, he finally took pity on me for once? "

"Why did you suddenly follow me when I left?" Harley asked again.

"Don't you say that I look like Yang Xiu every day? When I heard you say that you wanted to hold the 'little fragrant hand', I immediately guessed that you were going crazy. Oh, I'm sorry, master, you have to sacrifice your life for justice.

I am stronger than Yang Xiu. With my spiritual sense, I realize that you may be in trouble, and I can help you.

Of course, I don’t deny that I have also sensed a mission in some mysterious way - this time the universe is restarted, the power of heaven must be involved. "Yebi said solemnly.

Harry cursed ten thousand times in his heart, "The dog god with a black heart and black hands."

The power of God in Yebi's body, and even its "inspirational" mission, must all come from God's black hand.

"Yabi, be honest, don't have 'wild thoughts', and don't destroy the Earth 0 universe——"

Yebi immediately interrupted it and said: "You don't know? Earth 0 is gone."

"What?" Harley was surprised, "Why don't I feel it?"

"Master Harley, let me tell you the truth, don't be angry." Yebi hesitated.

"you say."

Yebi said cautiously: "Your life level is too low and you are not qualified to participate in this matter.

You haven't even analyzed the extremely obvious and basic information that all five positive matter universes have disappeared.

It is simply impossible to find details about the restart from the more complicated information. "

Harley wanted to kick it, but she didn't know how to refute it, or couldn't refute it.

Seeing her silence, Yebi added: "Just like some creatures have no hearing at all, how can they listen to the sound of creation? A frog's eyes ignore immovable objects, so how can it appreciate the static beauty of creation?

For me, the ghost, and the anti-monitor who have touched the hand of creation, the situation of the five positive material universes at this time is like a thunderclap or a giant painting, which can be easily heard and seen.

But for you."

"I can definitely do something, otherwise why would you bother talking nonsense with me." Harley said calmly.

Yebi sighed: "That's right, you are the only person who has direct contact with the hand of creation. You can be a huge shit-stirring stick and make life difficult for everyone.

In fact, a new universe is being shaped now, but you've messed it up so much that no one can control the restart process.

This may not actually be a good thing.

What the universe will look like after the reboot is completely random and depends on luck. "

"What does heaven want?" Harley asked.

A randomly appearing universe would do her no good at all. The world she had lived in had also disappeared. It was better to obey the ghost, make some demands, and earn a lot of merit along the way.

Yebi smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, you may not believe it. I don't know the ghost's plan at all, and I don't intend to add drama to myself. I won't try to use my own will to shape a new universe.

There are only two real missions for me, stabilizing the elemental disorder and redeeming the undead in hell.

If you, Master, hadn't forced me to stay in the human world, I would have preferred to stay in my own world - hell.

I am the 'son of hell'! "

"Be hypocritical with me! You just said that you suddenly have a sense of mission in your heart." Harley sneered.

“The mission is just the urge to leave with you, and then the urge is gone.”

"What do you want to do, daddy?" Harley asked irritably.

Yebi said slowly: "Master, I think you have made a mistake. Your purpose is not to figure out God's will and then go against heaven, but to realize your own free will.

If you are not interested in restarting the universe, we will just chat and wait for the restart to end.

If you have any great ideals, at this critical moment, don’t dwell on what has happened and do your best to do your own thing. "

"What do you seem to be implying?"


"Yes, you are hinting that you can help me." Harley confirmed.

Yebi was silent for a moment and said: "I can indeed help you, you are my master, and I will not refuse your request.

But I don’t want to give you any hints, lest the subsequent results are not as good as you want, and you make me very unhappy for the rest of my life. "

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly. Your God, your father, is omniscient and omnipotent. He must have considered this when he asked you to follow me." Harley said sarcastically.

Yebi sighed: "Share my thoughts with you and let me be your 'tool dog'."

It was said simply and pitifully, but Harry just wanted to sneer.

Use its perception to perceive, and use its Son's personality to "exert force" - to interfere with the restart of the universe.

Sounds wonderful.

But she is obviously the one who directly holds the "Hand of Creation", but now she must add the Son of God between her and the "Hand of Creation".

In other words, she holds the hand of creation, and the Son of God is the one closest to the hand of creation.

The Son of God was originally unable to approach the "Hand of Creation".

But now she has shouldered all the backlash from the place where time originated.

Shaking hands with the 'Hand of Creation' is obviously much better than shaking hands with the "second-hand copycat" of the anti-monitoring king.

Yerby became a far better choice than Ghost.

What a black-hearted dog God!

But she couldn't refuse.

"Ahh-" Next door, the ghost suddenly howled in pain, and energy exploded in his body, breaking open its body, passing through every inch of his skin, and flowing into "Shake Hands" uncontrollably.

"My powers. They are out of control, my Lord?" He felt frightened and confused for the first time.

He felt like a funnel, a pipeline.

He is only the vehicle through which energy flows, not the controller.

"Damn it, Witch Harley is modifying reality. This shouldn't be done. It's unscientific, unmagical, and unreasonable. Who's helping her?" The Anti-Monitor King also howled in horror.

ps: Let’s make a short summary: 1. How to restart the universe in the place where time originated?

The most orthodox method should be like Harley, directly entering the river of time in the DC unique universe, entering the starting point of time, and modifying the reality of Pappetua.

But the anti-monitor didn't dare. He simply didn't have the ability to shake hands with his creation mother.

Therefore, he went to the starting point of the river of time in the antimatter universe. The difference between the two is huge. There is no hand of creation by Papetua at all. The Anti-Monitor stands in the shadow of the Mother of Creation and imitates her mother's behavior.

In other words, the anti-monitor disguises his own hand as the hand of creation, and the process of creating the world is also a copycat process.

At the same time, the anti-monitoring king was deprived of 40% of his energy by Harley. He did not have enough energy in his body to create the world directly with his power.

Not enough strength.

He took advantage.

He first disguised himself as the hand of creation, and then projected his hand to the second starting point of time. He wanted to use the inertia of "the splitting of the one universe into multiple universes" to create an antimatter multiverse from the second starting point.

In other words, he took two tricks, once by pretending to create the world, and once by relying on the observation of the little blue man, which is very low.

Harley was better than him. She went directly to the real starting point of time, relied on the tenth-level connection power defense expertise, and shook hands with Papetua.

But although the anti-monitoring is low, the ghost is obviously lower than him. He must use the power of anti-monitoring to start a restart.

He asked the heroes to go on an expedition to the place where time originated, which was actually to deliver food to the rebels.

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