I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 76: The hard-working casual cultivator and the

Not long after the mutual introduction, Judith went offline and went back to the meditation room to meditate.

Harley was a little envious. She also wanted to meditate, but she didn't have the meditation method.

"Diana, how did you kill the Horned Dog Demon?" Quantum wizard Richie sent a message.

"If I'm not lying to you, I'll beat him to death with my fists."

"This isn't magic. Can't demons be expelled but not killed?" Richie asked doubtfully.

"Devils are not invincible. If you have a sacred object in your hand, or you can summon the divine power from heaven, it is not uncommon to kill demons.

It's just that compared to being expelled back to hell, the difficulty and cost of complete annihilation are more than ten times higher.

Diana, did you apply high holy water on your hands? asked Constantine.

Something sacred?

Hallie held on to her large cross, which now belonged to her completely, which had been forged by God, and which had been activated by the Archangel Zauliel.

Obviously, it is definitely a very high-level sacred thing.

"She just runs a small church. In a sinful neighborhood like Bali Street in Gotham, what kind of high-grade holy water can be found?" Rich said.

Harley really wanted to ask how holy water was divided into grades, but she was an exorcist nun and an expert on holy water.

"I don't have any sacred objects or high-level holy water, but I have been devout since I was a child. Not long ago, I was protected by an archangel, so I can use part of the power of heaven."

"After joining the group, we are all friends. There is no need to talk big." Rich said very politely.

"Who is the archangel?" Constantine said.

"What do you want to do?" Harley asked.

“The true name contains powerful power, whether it is a demon or an angel, it can be summoned through the true name.

The name is the key, the magic circle and the sacrifice are just forms.

If you tell me the angel's true name, I might be able to try to summon it. "Constantine said.

"Why don't you summon Michael and Gabriel?"

"I also want to summon God Jehovah! The more powerful the existence, the harder it is to control it."

This guy is so arrogant that he actually wants to control angels? !

Harley didn't want to continue this topic and said directly: "I don't need to prove anything to you. Anyway, I killed the Horned Dog Demon with three punches, and I will kill the second and third one in the future."

When she said this, the people across from her became speechless.

There was silence in the small group for a while, and it was the newcomer Harley who spoke first.

"After the Horned Dog Demon jumped out of the screen, the environment around me immediately turned gray and decayed.

What’s the reason why the walls are cracked, covered with age-stained black spots, and the sofa has rotted into crumbs? "

"You don't even know about Limbo?" Constantine asked.

"You also know about Limbo?" Harry was surprised.

“The material world is our home, the mysterious dimension is the paradise for mages to explore, and the space between reality and fantasy is Limbo.

You know Limbo, but why don't you know that the devil has dragged you into Limbo, which is close to hell?

In Limbo, all thoughts and matter cannot exist, so the illusion of decay is not an illusion, but a foreshadowing of time.

In other words, Limbo is outside of time, and the past, present, and future can exist at the same time, and decay is the longer-term state of existence of matter. "

Harley seemed to understand, and said: "It felt completely different from the last time I went to Limbo. Before, it was just empty and nothingness, but the Horned Dog Demon seemed to pull me into hell.

I even smelled the putrid stench of sulfur and swamp. "

"Didn't I say that Limbo connects all strange dimensions, including heaven and hell?

As a demon, the Horned Dog Demon can only be Limbo, which is close to hell.

Also called the Shadow Realm.

However, it is difficult to enter the Shadow Realm even once despite being summoned by a thousand demons. You are just in luck. "Constantine replied.

"You mean, I was in limbo?"

Constantine said: "It seems that you are really honest, you have never even played a psychic game.

If you have the chance, you can try it. Whether it is the Asian disc fairy, the mirror Mary of old Europe, or the tobacco leaves of Africa, your midnight psychic in the United States can leave your body and travel around Limbo at the border of hell.

It's very interesting. The entire black and white world is rotting visibly, and strange demons are coming and going around you.

As long as you hold your breath, they can't see you, or in other words, can't smell the breath of a living person.

Come a few times to ensure that you recognize all the demons in the Bible. "

Richie immediately replied: “Diana, John is a madman, don’t listen to him.

The psychic game is as dangerous as leaving your home alone and walking from Los Angeles on the West Coast to Gotham on the East Coast.

Along the way you may encounter countless ‘cities’, which are also different dimensions.

You will get lost and never find your way home.

You may also encounter countless bandits who block the road - extradimensional demons or evil wizards.

They will take away your soul and make you suffer.

Even if you successfully reach your destination, you are a Gothamite, you will understand after thinking about it. "

Constantine made a triumphant expression, "Rich is right, for you ordinary people, channeling is a narrow escape.

But Old John is a wanderer in the spirit world, the equivalent of Phelps (the world's top swimmer) in the swimming pool. "

"I am the wanderer of the spiritual realm!" Quantum Magician Richie quit. "When I complete the two major projects of 'Soul Binaryization' and 'Limbo Optical Cable', I will be the king of Limbo!"

Soul binary?

Limbo cable?

It sounds very noble and promising.

Harley became interested and asked: "Richie, what's going on with your quantum magic? Why can you summon the devil to my house? Could it be that you can kill anyone who is connected to the Internet at home?"

"I wouldn't do that," Richie said.

"In other words, you can do it?"

“It can be used against ordinary people, but the gains outweigh the losses, and there may be other sequelae.

You have no idea how much my head hurts now, it feels like someone split it open with an axe, sprinkled it with chili powder, and stirred it vigorously. "

Hallie thought of tofu nao

Rich continued: "If I want to kill someone, I can hack into the transportation system or even cause a gas explosion. It only takes a few lines of code, without the side effects of magical rituals."

No matter how Harley asked after that, Richie refused to reveal too many details about quantum magic.

“Diana, we all have our own secrets, if you want someone else’s secret, use your own in exchange.

If you give me the devil horns, I will teach you a set of 'Soul Fighting Techniques'. "Constantine said.

"This is the first time I heard that souls also have fighting skills." Harley said in surprise.

"Are you really a master of exorcism?" Constantine wondered for the nth time.

"Without soul fighting skills, what should I do if I encounter bad guys when my soul is traveling in Limbo Prison?"

It seems reasonable!

Harley was a little itchy and wanted to learn.

"On weekdays, I only use crosses, holy water and exorcism rituals to exorcise demons. If it doesn't work, I summon the divine power to possess it, punch and kick it," she said.

"Do you have a teacher?" Constantine asked again.

"I know a great master who is at the level of a god. He promised that after a few years, when my mind becomes stable, he will find a good immortal teacher for me."

"Can you please stop being so exaggerated? One moment there is heaven, another moment there is an archangel, and now here comes a spiritual mage and an immortal.

You are so awesome, why are you just a little nun in a remote church? ” Richie spat.

Harley was helpless, no one believed her if she told the truth these days.

"So, you don't believe that I have seen the Three Palace Demon?"

Richie said earnestly: "Diana, in fact, your strength and knowledge are quite good, there is no need to force yourself to put gold on your face."

——Even if you act ignorant from time to time, we won't dislike you too much.

"Who is that god-level mage?" Constantine asked.

"Do you believe me?" Harley asked curiously.

“I didn’t believe it before, but now I hear you tell me that you know a god-level mage, and I believe it a little bit.

Of course you are not qualified to meet the Three Palace Demon himself, but if the Archmage takes you with him, that is a different matter.

Similarly, you, a little nun, have no ability or qualifications to go to heaven, but it is common for archmages to travel to different dimensions, and it is not difficult at all to take you with them.

It forms a complete logical chain, I can try to believe it. "Constantine said.

Seeing these lines on the screen, Harry was really impressed by Constantine.

No wonder he can become the "Hell Detective", at least his brain is pretty good.

"Phantom Stranger, have you heard of it?"


The exclamation points that kept flooding the screen showed Constantine's excitement.

"John, do you really know him? Phantom Stranger, what a strange name." Richie asked curiously.

"I don't know who he is, but I have seen this name in many ancient magic books. Those ancient mages are all telling one thing - he has a shadow in many major events in history, but no one Know who he is, where he comes from, and what his purpose is.”

"What events are there?" Harley asked.

"For example, the fall of Camelot (King Arthur's kingdom), for example, Marco Polo's meeting with the Great Empire."

"What role did he play?" Harley asked again.

"It's very mysterious. No one knows exactly what he did, but he must have done something."

Then, Constantine sent a pleading emoji, "Diana, I also want to find a teacher. It's too difficult and dangerous to explore alone. Can you introduce me to him?"

"In fact, we only met him once and we didn't know each other very well. And he didn't even want to teach me. He only said that it would take a few years to find a teacher for me."

In the next few days, people from the "Magic Group" came online one after another and became familiar with Harley.

They were all very polite when they learned that there was a legendary boss behind her.

When Harley took out the "DC Multiverse Map" for sale, they didn't suspect it was a fake.

In fact, Constantine was sure it was real as soon as he saw it.

In exchange for the map, Constantine taught Harley the spell to use the devil's horns.

Richie agreed to help her set up a firewall in Owl Glasses to ensure that there was no risk of information leakage.

Well, Harley was worried that Night Owl could spy on her through her glasses.

Judith learned fifteen sets of meditation methods and asked Harley to choose one. When Harley asked to change the meditation method, they did not suspect that she was a Muggle, because everyone knew more than one set of meditation methods.

It wasn't until Hallie got the "Tantric Yoga" passed down from China's XZ that she realized that meditation is really a meditation method.

It can only help people focus and explore their spiritual and physical potential (ps).

It was completely different from Harry's expectation of condensing runes in the sea of ​​consciousness and absorbing the magic power in nature every moment.

However, the magic that Harry learned in the magic group did not require "legendary magic".

Well, except for Constantine, who claimed that there was a weak strange energy flowing in his body, no one else, including Judith, who had practiced meditation for five years, had never seen magic.

Of the other three people in the group, Chas wasn't the least bit interested in the multiverse diagram.

"I'm currently considering becoming a taxi driver. A detailed map of London neighborhoods is much more useful than that multiverse map." These were his exact words.

Musician Gary is a poor man, and all his magical knowledge comes from gifts from friends.

Harley pinched her nose and gave him the multiverse map for free.

Twelve-year-old Benjamin, on the other hand, is a true magic genius and can be called an encyclopedia of occult arts. Even Constantine has to ask him for spell knowledge.

He was very generous and sent a PDF file of "The Book of Truth" to Harley.

Everyone in the group has received this compressed file.

If this magic group is a sect, then the "Magic Book of Truth" is their "Yi Jin Jing" - the root of Shaolin martial arts.

Uh, wrong, it's not Shaolin, it's a low-level demon sect, because "The Grimoire of Truth" is completely a black magic manual.

There is no content about orthodox magic in it, only the rituals and spells for summoning demons are recorded.

No magic power is required, just provide sacrificial items according to the ritual, and then use your own spiritual power to recite the incantation to activate the magic circle.

If you don't cultivate your internal strength and only practice moves, you will still be placed in the world of martial arts at the cost of damaging the fundamentals of your body.

Harley finally saw through it. The "Magic Book of Truth" is a summary of the experiences and lessons of blood and tears gained step by step by a group of ordinary people who longed for mystery, at the cost of their lives and souls.

There is no lofty ideal, no coincidence with heaven, it is just pure skill and experience.

Even though it is so low, it is the most complete and high-end magic book that Harley has come across so far.

However, Harley is currently only learning but not practicing.

She did not dare to try those alluring and strange spells herself.

"The Magic Book of Truth" is an extracurricular book to expand her knowledge, not her Tao.

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