I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 717 The final expedition: the troops are divided into two groups

Earth 0 time February 17, 2015, the fifth day after Harley returned from the 31st century on Earth 2.

Earth 2, a barren wasteland called "Death Valley".

In the flat and vast valley, hundreds of heroes gathered together to make final preparations for the upcoming expedition.

Five time bubbles, one time ball, a golden time traveling spaceship, and seven time machines were parked in the middle of the valley.

Outside them, two Flashes, one old and one young, are turning into two lightning bolts, one gold and one red, quickly forming two cosmic treadmills placed side by side but in opposite directions.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides. Among the low and desolate hills, an old couple is saying goodbye.

The old Superman is still strong and tall, and his red cape flutters in the wind like a flag.

But one can see at a glance that half of his hair is white.

Louise's figure has lost the toned S-shape of her youth. Her old waist is not too thick, but it has lost her waist. Her hair can be dyed black, and the obvious wrinkles on her face cannot be covered up at all.

But Superman, who had super vision, still stared at that face, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

Louise, like a young girl in love, clung to her husband intimately, "I'm very scared. I'm afraid I'll never see you again. Can I go with you?"

"I want to, but I can't do that. There is a war waiting for us at the origin of time, and I don't want you to be involved in it." Old Superman said seriously.

"I love you and don't want to lose you." Louise looked inexplicably sad. "I don't know why, but I think I might lose you completely this time."

"I swear to you, we will never be separated." Old Superman smiled confidently.

"Oh, I really wish you could take off your cloak and take me back to Smallwell now." Louise murmured softly.

"You can wait for me in Smallwell, and I will go directly there to find you when I come back, but now I can't give up my responsibility no matter what." Old Superman said.

"I know, I'll just say it." Louise smiled bitterly, "I had the awareness to face this situation as early as when I married you. I have been doing this for decades, It’s just that today——”

"Today is no different from other days. I will definitely come back." Superman lowered his head and calmed his wife's worries with a passionate kiss.

"Wait for me to come back." Finally, Superman rose into the sky and joined the team of heroes at the bottom.

"Please. Please come back, come back to me." Louise felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart, and she burst into tears instantly.

"Madam, are you okay?" At this time, a bare head poked out from behind the rock, like a shelled egg.

"Luthor?" Louise, who was squatting on the ground covering her face and crying, turned around and couldn't help but exclaimed.

A bald man dressed like a golden saint emerged from behind the rock with an awkward expression, "It's me, Alexander Kent. You interviewed me at the last United Nations General Assembly."

"Why have you aged so much? You were a teenager before, and now you are a forty-year-old middle-aged man." Louise asked doubtfully.

"In order to save the Flash on Earth 0, I gave him part of my life." Alexander told the story of old Barry's aging and recovery.

"Oh, you are such a pitiful and respectable child." Louise said with pity in her eyes and a gentle tone.

Alexander forced a smile and said: "This is my mission."

Louise pitied him more and more, and her expression became more loving, "Child, were you hiding behind the stone before? Clark didn't even notice you."

"I am also a superpower, and I deliberately avoided him. He couldn't hear my heartbeat." Alexander said.

"But why are you hiding?" Louise asked doubtfully.

She wasn't worried about him hurting her at all.

On the contrary, every time she saw him, she felt an inexplicable closeness - the same feeling as Earth 0 Louise.

She also found that his attitude towards her, the way he looked at her, and the tone of his words also revealed great intimacy and affection.

"I don't know." Alexander lowered his eyes with a gloomy expression, "Maybe, I want to meet you. This time, my biological mother is Lois Lane, your counterpart on Earth 3.

However, I have no impression of her at all.

But my adoptive mother was also Lois Lane, Lois from Earth 0. She was very good to me and raised me until I was 12 years old, and our real time with her was no more than a month.

I miss her so much but never got a chance to say goodbye.

I feel like you and her are almost the same person, just in different age groups, so I want to take a peek at you.

Seeing you crying, I couldn't help it - alas! "

Old Louise walked up to him, touched his face tenderly, and comforted: "My child, you will come back safely. Soon, the crisis on infinite earth will be over, and you can be happy and stay with your adoptive mother forever. "

Alexander smiled bitterly in his heart, no matter whether he won or lost, he would never be able to come back.

"Madam, I remember you." He suddenly raised his head, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in the depths of his pupils. His tone was extremely solemn, as if he was making a promise under an oath: "I promise that you can reunite with your husband again and live forever. Together."

Old Louise just thought he was blessing her, so she also smiled and said: "You too."

When Alexander said goodbye to his 'old mother', a normal-sized green-robed ghost had appeared among everyone.

"The antimatter universe has completely disappeared, and we have done useless work." Hal Jordan said sadly: "During this period, we broadcast crisis information to the universe. Hundreds of civilizations rushed to Coward, the center of the antimatter universe, and thousands of people gathered there. billions of lives.

But everything we did was a worthless death struggle. Red mist came from all directions, and Kovad, the last planet in the antimatter universe, also became part of the energy.

Only the weapon bearer and some of the refugees who arrived earlier traveled with me to Earth 0 Oa, and all other life was dead. The crisis spread too quickly and there was no time to move. "

The ghost said loudly: "Now is not the time to be sad. The day the antimatter universe disappears completely is the time for the anti-monitor to be fully prepared, and it is also the deadline for your departure.

The Anti-Monitor has completely left this era and traveled to the origin of time.

I can feel that he is trying to change the 'cause' of everything, which will eventually lead to the change of the 'effect' of everything.

The specific manifestation is the rewriting of reality.

You mortals can't even notice it. "

Da Chao said: "Superheroes and super criminals gave up their disputes and worked together to form a 385-member super legion, which can be set off immediately."

"It's strange. There are too many people in the expeditionary force. There is no need for many people to participate." Outside the crowd, Bateman whispered to Harley.

Harley glanced sideways at him and little Robin next to him, "Like you?"

Robin argued: "Didn't you call us here? The ghost also asked for as many people as possible."

Ivy, who was covered in an ion shark suit, patted his head and said: "We are afraid that you will disappear without any reason."

Bateman said seriously: "The order for all heroes and criminals to join the expeditionary force came from Ghost and Alexander, and they seemed to have reached a tacit understanding.

Did you notice that none of the Alexandrians are here, and the ghost has actually become the commander-in-chief, fully responsible for the expedition to the origin of time?

He said that He didn’t need us and could handle everything by Himself.

But judging from His actual actions, He actually wants us to follow Him to the place where time originated. "

"His pride is his character. His gathering of heroes must be related to his mission." Although Harley was guessing, her tone was very certain.

"What mission?"

"I don't know, but the current situation is obvious. Ghost is the boss of the expeditionary force, and Alexander is the recognized 'mentor'. They are both civil and military. Combining civil and military forces, they are invincible. Just let them do whatever they want." Harley sighed.

"Don't you do anything?" Bateman frowned.

Harry said calmly: "First of all, the ghost is very powerful, has a stubborn temper, and most likely has a mission from heaven. I can't influence it.

Secondly, I have only recently gained a little understanding of the origin of time and the modification of reality. I cannot be a mentor or a boss.

I like to be the boss, but there is a prerequisite: I am qualified.

In this situation, I obviously can't be your boss.

Finally, strike first is a strategy, strike later, adapt to changes, and remain unchanged in response to changes are also options. "

Bateman was silent.

In the center of the team, the ghost has begun to arrange a detailed travel plan: "Half of you can follow me to the place where time originated to stop the Anti-Monitor.

The other half should go to the moment when the multiverse was born, that is, the day when the Eurasian scientist Crona observed the origin of the universe.

You need to go to the planet Maltus, find Crona who is preparing to do experiments, stop his actions, and destroy his instruments. "

"Why is this? You never told us before that you wanted to find Crona." Everyone was surprised.

"Shouldn't I say it now?" The ghost's eyes widened and his voice was loud: "Originally, our world only had one parent universe with extremely powerful origins. This state of a single universe lasted for four billion years until Crona observed The origin of the universe.

He saw the process of forging the galaxy by the hand of creation, which stimulated the origin of the universe and caused the single universe to split into countless ones, becoming the current multiverse.

Now the Anti-Monitor has gone to the place where time originated.

According to history, Crona will see his hand when he once again observes the origin of the universe, and from that moment the One Universe splits into the antimatter multiverse according to his will. "

Luther, the second leader of the secret society, was also pulled into the team. Hearing this, he couldn't help but wonder: "From the creation of the world to this time, the timeline has experienced two changes. One is the true origin of the one universe. ', one is the 'second origin point' of the multiverse in the middle.

It stands to reason that everyone in the Anti-Monitor has gone to the first point of origin, so why not just start changing reality from there?

Turn the unique universe into the antimatter unique universe. From then on, regardless of whether Crona observes the origin or not, the world will belong to him. "

People around were also looking at the ghost eagerly.

The ghost opened his mouth, but was unable to explain. He could only scold harshly: "Mortals, do as I say and don't ask questions.

Of course I have a reason, but when it comes to the creation of the multiverse, it can't be explained in three days and three nights. Even if it lasts three days and three nights, can you understand what I said? "

Harley was deep in thought when Zha Kang came over, touched her arm with his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Do you know the reason?"

Harley immediately pointed at him and shouted: "Constantine knows what the Anti-Monitor is afraid of!"

Zha Kang's movement to light the cigarette froze, "Fake!"

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