I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 74 Summoning the Demon for the First Time

January 1, 2006, afternoon.

Bloody Paradise nightclub underground training ground.

"Bang bang bang" In the boxing ring, fists and fists, fists and bodies, knees and bodies collide with each other in a continuous sound.

There were four or five big black girl shooters off the field, standing with arms crossed and making comments.

With a height of 1.65 meters, he is not short anymore, but in front of the two-meter-tall black bull opposite him, Harley, wearing a small vest, looks particularly petite.

Petite versus strong, slender versus thick, fair versus dark.

Very visual impact.

What was even more unbelievable was that Tall was beaten so hard by Petite that his nose and face were bruised and swollen. He could only fight with both hands and retreated continuously.

"Ma Long is no longer good. No fighting master of any school seems to be able to suppress Harley for three days. After three days, she will definitely knock her to the ground." The big black girl Tori sighed.

Pulika frowned and said: "It's a bit strange. She doesn't learn the opponent's skills every time, and then outperforms her master, and the apprentice defeats the master.

The tricks she used to defeat the fighting masters every time were very similar, more like winning with strength and speed. "

"This is normal. There is no completely invincible fighting school in the world. Understand a school, learn what is useful to you, and then perfect your own fighting style. There is no need to copy all the routines." Another black girl Rihanna said.

"Plop -" On the ring, Harley took off on the spot and spun around with a flying kick, kicking the 135 kilogram mixed martial arts master two meters away, hitting the elastic guardrail, and then rebounded and landed on the table.

Blood spurted out from his mouth and nose, he twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

"Bah bang bang!" Applause came from the stairs.

It's the bald Sass, and the cockscomb-headed black man carrying two bullet belts.

"Unbelievable!" The black man with the bullet belt rubbed his lips, whistled loudly, raised his hands and clapped his hands.

"Ma Long was KOed, but this little girl was unscathed. If she participates in Boss Ron's underground boxing match, she will definitely become a female boxing champion!"

Sass looked around the girls and asked curiously: "Today is the New Year, are you still training?"

"We are not training, we are just watching the No Limit Fighting Competition." Plica smiled.

"Diana, do you need to work so hard?" Sass shouted to Harley who was wiping her sweat.

"To me, that's the greatest entertainment."

Harley looked at the cockscomb-headed black man who winked at him, "Who is this big brother?"

Cockscomb Head immediately said: "I am Duoduo, Diana, how about a fight with me?"

Sass introduced to Harley: "Duoduo is my good friend, the best gunman in Gotham. Even I can't do some of his double-gun shooting skills."

"Hey, if it weren't for you, Sasse, I would definitely be the number one in Gotham." The American guy never understands humility and low-key.

"What is a double shot?" Harley asked curiously.

Seeing the looks of anticipation on the faces of the big black girls, Gotham's second gunman smiled proudly, put his right hand in his pocket, and pulled out the Glock from his waist with his left hand. Then he gently picked up the magazine bag in his trouser pocket with his little finger, and a magazine jumped out. Go up three meters high.

"Bang bang bang bang bang - click - click - bang bang bang bang."

In a very short period of time, he fired a bunch of bullets, and then the empty magazine slipped down. He flipped his wrist and caught the fallen full magazine at his waist and abdomen, and then he lifted it up and fired it quickly.

"Shit!" Harley couldn't help shouting.

Duoduo is not just a random hit.

The gunfire stopped, and there was an additional "D" on the surface of the two pillars of the arena six meters away.

Shot with bullets.

Harry even imagined a scene in his mind: two big guys from the Heise Club were negotiating, each with ten younger guys standing behind the big guys. When the talks collapsed, Duo Duo instantly drew his gun and shot them one by one in a very short period of time.

Thinking of this, she started to look forward to it, "Boss Sass, will Boss Duoduo teach us how to shoot?"

Sass put away his smile and shook his head slightly, "Duoduo is the helper I invited. Gotham will soon become a battlefield, and we have to start recruiting troops."

"What happened again?" Pulika asked in surprise.

"Last night, in an alley two streets away from the municipal building, Congressman Emmason was stuffed into a tin can, doused with gasoline, and burned until only a few bones were left." Sass sighed.

Pulika's expression changed suddenly, "I didn't see the news."

“Recently, when I turn on the TV and open the newspaper, there is news about the church, Wayne and the Witch Harley.

The dignified Gotham City Councilman was burned alive and couldn't even grab the front page. "The black girl Rihanna pouted.

"Is that congressman one of ours?" Harley asked.

Plica nodded and said: "Recently, the Falco cabinet has been trying to get the development rights of Arkham from the city hall. Congressman Emmason has been the most active. Maroni is trying to kill the chicken and scare the monkey."

"Congressmen are just chickens too?" Harley asked in surprise.

Plica explained: “Both elected members and those from political families are members, but there is a big gap.

Moreover, above the congressmen there is the mayor, above the mayor there are the old money from the Upper East Side, and above the old money there are plutocrats like the Wayne Group.

Of course, Maroni's killing of Congressman Emmason was more of a provocation to Falco's cabinet. "

"Diana, we are going to have a big operation in a few days. Do you want to participate?" Sass looked at Harley and asked.

"Well," Harley smiled and shook her head, "I'd better help Boss Sasse guard the house!"

Sass was a little disappointed, but didn't say anything. He took Duoduo and the female gunmen to the conference room, and Harley continued her training.

Over the next few days, Harley focused on the politics section of the Gotham Times.

A congressman was shot in the head along with his assistant just outside the entrance to the underground parking garage of City Hall.

A gas explosion occurred in a councilman's kitchen and his family was cremated.

A congressman was strangled to death by the waistband of his pants on the bed of a street woman in the old city (ps)

"Fuck, the city councilman is considered a high-level political figure in Gotham. He died so easily. It's so lawless!" Harley couldn't believe what she saw.

Many presidents of the United States were famous city councilors before becoming president.

Absolutely superior to others.

But in Gotham, they wither away like pawns crossing a river.

"Ding dong——" A message popped up from MSN in the lower right corner of the screen, requesting verification for adding friends.

"Hey, Sister Exorcist, I am a wanderer in the spiritual realm." The other party first sent a message.

"The Exorcist Sister" is Harley's nickname on the fantasy forum and her newly registered MSN username.

"Hello, Spirit Realm Traveler. The ugly words are ahead. If you don't come out with something to prove yourself, I won't pay attention to you." Harley replied.

Her earlier posts on the Internet were not too popular, but many people paid attention to them because she described the location of heaven in too detail and was too confident.

Even the smallest feelings are there.

Then, she made some friends on the forum who followed each other.

After that, she sent out some posts one after another, including advertisement posts for low-price exorcisms and story posts about "Exorcist Sisters Fighting Demons from Hell."

Especially after she posted a simple popular science post about the "Church of Blood" (the one about the Three Palace Demons), some netizens began to really believe that she was a "war-experienced nun warrior".

There are more than a dozen netizens requesting private chat.

After just a few words with most netizens, Harley could tell that the other person was a completely ordinary person who was looking for novels.

Like Harley, they want to find a real magic master through the Internet.

There are also some netizens who are so powerful that Harley can’t tell whether he is a severe mental patient or if he is the real deal.

"I study quantum magic, do you understand? If you understand, we can have a chat," the Spirit Realm Wanderer replied.

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched.

OK, another powerful character who can't tell whether he's mentally ill or not.

Even quantum magic has been created.

"I come from a church, which is relatively traditional. This is the first time I've heard of this new thing called 'quantum magic,'" she replied.

"Sister Exorcist, you are afraid that I am a liar, and I have the same worries. To be honest, I already have my own circle, and the reason why I added you is because of the Church of Blood.

Can you reveal some more secrets of the Church of Blood?

For example, who do they worship?

Sister, first prove that you are the real deal. "The other side was also very rude.

Now Harry became interested, "Three pairs of eyes, do you understand?"

The other party first gave a big exclamation mark, and then said: "Many middle- and high-level church members and disciples of the Church of Blood don't know its specific image, but you blurted it out!

Very good, passed the verification.

Get your cross and holy water ready, I'm here to prove my 'quantum magic' to you. "

"What?" Harley wondered.

"Do you have holy water and a cross by your side?" The Spiritual Realm Wanderer confirmed again.

"Of course, I'm in church right now."

"I'll give you three minutes to prepare the holy water, the cross and the Bible."

"It won't take three minutes, you can start now." Harley was a little disapproving.

"Then it begins—"

"Well, the screen is black?" Harley patted the computer screen.

no response.

Just when Harley was about to check the power cord, the screen changed again. A white cat jumped into the center of the screen, howled miserably, and its head fell off. Bright red blood sprayed out, quickly painting a bloody outline on the black background. Pentagram.

Next, there are several runes filled in the pentagram.

"Is this quantum magic? Hacked my computer and played horror animations to scare me?"

Harley sneered.

When the blood-red circle outside the five-pointed star takes shape, black fills the entire screen again.

Like countless squirming black bugs huddled together.

"Stab it—prick it—"

The electric light overhead suddenly flickered on and off, and tiny sparks flickered.

A sneer froze on Harry's face, and a chill that he had never felt before crawled into his heart.

Her heart was pounding.

"Buzz buzz"

The dark smoke rushed forward suddenly, breaking through the screen, flying in mid-air, transforming into a monster, roaring and rushing towards the only living person in the room.


Harley leaned back suddenly, and the moment the chair fell to the ground, she put her hands on the ground and did a backflip.

Something creepy happened.

She should have turned over smoothly, but instead kicked something soft and sticky.

"Ouch!" The thing let out an angry roar and hit the sofa against the wall a few meters away.

"Stab it, sting it!"

The electric bar overhead flashed violently several times, then stabilized.

But the world in front of Harley has changed.

The natural light from the electric pole turned gray-white, as if the world was left with only two bleak colors: gray and white.

Dots of black spots climbed up the corners of the wall and spread in all directions.

The sofa I just bought seemed to have gone through thousands of years in an instant, and the rotten bits and pieces fell off like quicksand.

"Hululu!" The monster stared with scarlet eyes and grinned at Harley.

Like a sheepdog skinned alive, but with two little finger-thick curved horns on its head.

Cutting off the upper and lower lips, exposing the mouth, also evokes anthropomorphic greed and violence.

"Devil!" Harry suddenly understood.

The cat and the pentagram on the computer screen were the magic circle used to sacrifice one's life to summon the devil!

(ps: I'm not making this up. There is this plot in the American TV series "Gotham". In fact, you don't need to watch the American TV series "Gotham". For example, in "The Godfather", the second-generation godfather kills the Vatican Pope, and "The Irishman" There are too many similar plots, including assassins, presidents, congressmen, and guild bosses.)

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