I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 702 Luther also wants to be the boss

In the process of destroying the positive matter universe, the Anti-Monitor obtained a large amount of antimatter energy.

The antimatter energy was divided into three unequal parts and used in three places respectively: The first part, which accounted for only about one percent of the total, was used to create antimatter clouds that swept through the Wantian Yi.

The second part, about 40%, was absorbed into the body by the Anti-Monitor King, enriching his body that desperately longed for power.

The third part, about 60% of the unabsorbed energy, is used by the Anti-Monitor King to strengthen the origin of the antimatter universe, that is, the energy flows into the antimatter universe and is distributed to various physical galaxies.

After the hero's first expedition, the Anti-Monitor King discovered that too much energy in his body made him clumsy and affected his ability to perform. So he first absorbed the anti-matter cloud into his body, and then injected 99% of the energy in his body into the anti-matter cosmic cannon. .

Because he recruited Harley as a spy, he lost all his underwear and only a broken body fell into the turbulence of time and space. The space cannon was destroyed and the interstellar fortress was bombed. All his belongings left on the planet Kovad were lost.

But he didn't go bankrupt.

On the first day after Harley returned from the planet Kovad, a victory celebration was held around the world.

Early the next morning, Harley, who had just woken up, met Cyborg first and heard a very unexpected news from him: the antimatter universe was beginning to collapse from the border.

Coward's star is located at the center of the antimatter universe. It is impossible to detect changes in galaxies tens of trillions of light-years away using only Earth's original observation methods.

But in recent times, Earthlings have acquired a lot of alien technology, and Kovad's weapon bearers also helped repair some of the Anti-Monitor's space fortresses.

Therefore, the green light of Coward Outpost can detect changes in the antimatter universe.

At this time, Cyborg received news from the Coward post and immediately came over to report to Harley.

"The galaxies at the edge of the antimatter universe are being annihilated. Green Lantern suspects that the Anti-Monitor is dead. The antimatter universe is also unstable and may be collapsing."

Cyborg also brought a video of the destruction of the galaxy. It was not clear and looked like the observation of atmospheric clouds in a weather forecast.

Harley could only see a light red wave emerging near the Origin Wall at the border of the universe. It seemed to be slow at an astronomical distance, but it was advancing extremely firmly into the inner layers of the universe.

The light red wave was like the dark clouds in the weather forecast, and the galaxies it passed were submerged and exploded into a ball of red and yellow 'fire' - Harley was not sure whether it was the fire of the explosion or the energy after the explosion.

"Has Green Lantern gone over to check?" Harley asked.

Cyborg shook his head and said: "No, he doesn't dare to go, his body has not adapted to the anti-matter universe, and he does not dare to leave the Kovad Star Outpost.

Advisor Constantine also sternly warned not to use the space gate to go to the border of the universe, because the destruction of the border of the universe is all-round and the laws of the universe are in chaos.

Except for the local gods and demons in the anti-matter universe, if the extraordinary beings in the positive material universe pass by, they will definitely never return. "

"By the way, Consultant Constantine left a message saying that you are not afraid of disordered laws and can go to the border of the universe to inquire about information." Cyborg's eyes flashed.

"Haha, no problem." Harley smiled kindly, "Go and tell him to complete the transformation of the anti-matter body as soon as possible. I need an 'expert consultant' to accompany him."

Before Cyborg could say goodbye, General Lane and his daughter, adjutant Lucy, appeared again with serious expressions, bringing unexpected news that made Harley angry: Brainiac escaped from prison! Lex Luthor is one of the masterminds. The two stole the Brainiac spaceship that was dug out of the bottle city storage room and disappeared without a trace.

General Lane said: "This happened the day before yesterday. When you, Superman, Bateman, Old Superman, and Superboy were all on the planet Kovad, Luther suddenly took control of the spacecraft and went to Metropolis Stryker. The island rescued Brainiac, and the two of them fled the solar system and disappeared into the boundless starry sky."

"No wonder I didn't see Luther at the celebration party yesterday." Harley was stunned at first, and then asked doubtfully: "There is no reason for Luther to do that. Is he being mind-controlled by Brainiac?"

General Lane curled his lips, "I know Luther very well, he is just a lunatic, and nothing strange happens to him.

In this Crisis on Infinite Earths, he did not contribute any outstanding power. Compared with you and Superman, his performance was very unsatisfactory. He was always unbalanced and said strange things.

Making a big move this time is in line with his style. "

"No." Harley shook her head. Luther's mother and sister were still nesting in Paradise Mountain. He was a promising middle-aged man with a family, a career, and ideals. He gave up everything and got married to a super criminal from the universe. " elopement".

"Brainiac regards the earth as the target of revenge, and Luther's interests are on the earth. When the two come together, who will be the boss and who has the final say?

Luther took the initiative to save Brainiac. Is he confident that he could subdue Brainiac on the spaceship? "

"But Brainiac is being held tightly, so how can he control Luther? They haven't even interacted." General Lane asked doubtfully.

Harley tapped the table gently and recalled: "On the Brainiac spacecraft that day, Brainiac's robot took Luther away from the Metropolis glass bottle.

After defeating Brainiac and capturing his spaceship, we rescued Luther on the experimental platform from the experimental area.

In other words, from the time Brainiac showed signs of decline until he was finally defeated, Luther was always under his control.

It is possible that Brainiac saw that the situation was not right and had a back-up plan on Luther. "

General Lane said seriously: "Whether Luther actively cooperates with Brainiac or is controlled, we must find Brainiac's spaceship as soon as possible.

It poses a greater threat to Earth's civilization than even the Anti-Monitor.

The Anti-Monitor entered the material universe and immediately caused the collapse of the laws of the universe, attracting worldwide attention.

Brainiac can sneak into the solar system and throw a stellar missile towards the sun. "

"Cyborg, your father is the person in charge of the Brainiac spacecraft project. Any clues?" Harley asked.

Cyborg said with an embarrassed expression: "Before the incident happened, my father had discovered that Luther was unusually enthusiastic about Brainiac's spaceship.

At that time, he only thought it was scientists' desire for the most advanced knowledge of the universe.

Moreover, in the face of the antimatter cloud crisis, earth scientists will only share their knowledge and research results and will not hide anything private."

"Issuing a cosmic wanted notice." Harley thought for a moment and then said: "In addition, gather together the scientists who participated in the Brainiac spacecraft project.

Based on the signal communication between the Brainiac spacecraft and the outside world, the special particles ejected by the engine, and the microwave radiation released by the protective force field

In short, a radar system has been developed that can immediately issue an alarm when the Brainiac spacecraft enters the solar system. "

"Issuing a wanted order requires publicizing the bounty. How can we tempt the interstellar mercenaries?" General Lane frowned.

"As long as the cash transport machine is started, you don't have the final say on the number?" Harley said.

"Alas, the United States' international hegemony mainly relies on its military supremacy. But in the interstellar era, if the United States does not want to be hegemonized, it must rely on the 'golden nuclear bomb' to frighten the heroes. How can it dare to hegemonize others?" General Lane He said helplessly.

Harry said earnestly: "You have been using the sword to harvest the world, and you have subconsciously regarded it as a sickle, while ignoring its original identity, currency!

The U.S. dollar is a currency with purchasing power. It can buy shares in my company and pay for Superman's advertising fees. To the aliens, this is value. "

General Lane's eyes lit up and he suggested: "It is more direct and attractive to set the bounty as 'a helping hand with a golden nuclear bomb'. Even interstellar illiterates can understand it. They don't know how to come to Earth with a beautiful knife to invest. "

Harley glared at him, "Even if you write the reward as 'Exclusive access to Superman's striptease show', just don't involve me."

Cyborg almost spit out the engine oil in his stomach.

"Even if you are joking, it is too unfair to say such things to Superman." He said in defense of Big Brother.

"Why is it unfair? I suggested at the beginning that Brainiac should not be kept and be burned directly in the cremator. Superman disagreed. Now if something happens, of course he will be responsible."

"Whoosh -" A beam of red light flashed across the floor-to-ceiling window, and the man in the red cloak strode into the living room.

"We found Brainiac, he is in the underworld." He said in a strange tone.

"Underworld?" Harley was startled, "Who took him there? The wall of the universe is broken into a sieve, and anyone can enter and exit at will?"

"Brainiac 5 in the 31st century, Brainiac's fifth generation grandson. He is obviously a superhero, how could he do such a thing? Alas!" Superman said with a complicated expression.

In the 31st century of Earth 2, there is a heroic organization that extremely worships the Justice League - the Legion of Super Heroes. Brainiac 5 is one of the leaders and has visited Earth 0 several times.

Perhaps, it was also at that time that I got in touch with ‘Luthor’.

"It's not in the same universe or the same timeline at all. Where did the fifth generation grandson come from? It's Brainiac from our universe. Do you think he can have children?" Harley frowned.

"The matter has come to this, it is useless to say more." Dachao sighed.

"How did Brainiac 5 pick up the 'Ancestor from Another World'?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Superman said: "He inherited all of Brainiac's excellent genes and is known as the 'smartest man in history'."

Harley couldn't help complaining: "This title is more awesome than 'the smartest man in the universe'. Pharaoh and Luther will probably go crazy after hearing it."

Superman said sternly: "The time bubble invented by Brainiac 5 is worthy of such an honor.

The time bubble technology is simply incredible. You can return to our era from the 31st century at will.

I guess that Brainiac took a time bubble and entered the underworld through the super-time flow. "

Harley frowned and said: "The existing Earth 1, Earth 2, Earth 4, and Earth 10 in the Hades universe are not from the 31st century. Superman, do you understand what this means?"

"What do you mean?" Superman asked.

"The 31st century is not in the physical universe. It is a 'virtual world' that exists in the super-time flow, or is it called the 'time data world'?" Harley said.

"Old Superman has also been to the 31st century, and the 31st world is still on the timeline of Earth 2." Superman said.

"Can I get a time bubble? I want to study it." Harley asked.

Superman shook his head and said: "The Legion of Super Heroes monitors it very strictly."

In the next few days, there was a lot of trouble in the Hades universe because of Brainiac and Luther.

Those two bastards went so far as to recruit super criminals from four universes, formed the "Secret Society of Super Villains", and announced that they would be the masters of the underworld.

Luther also sent a message to Harley on Earth 0: Everyone "divided the river to rule", each lived his own life, and never interacted with each other until death. If she can convince the heroes of Earth 0 to agree, the Villain Club is willing to use the material resources of the four countries to win Harley's favor.

Harley was almost stunned.

Due to the continuous wars, the superhero teams on the four Earths of the Hades universe suffered heavy casualties. At this time, they were on the verge of eliminating demons, and the old supermen began to ask for help from Earth 0.

“Gotham in its normal state would be ten times more chaotic, which is probably the situation in major cities in the underworld at this time.

From the very beginning to now, the underworld has never stopped. It seems that we are right not to go there. "Dr. Destiny sighed with emotion.

At that time, a group of heroic leaders on Earth 0 were gathering together to argue with the government leaders whether Earth 0 should need "material resources" or morality. The government of Earth 0 was not entirely greedy for those material resources. They also wanted Blainey to Yak will stay in the underworld forever and never come back.

The huge body of the ghost appeared in the starry sky: "Don't fight anymore, the crisis is not over yet, the real disaster has only begun now."

At this time, it had only been a week since Harley returned from the planet Kovad.

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