I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 697 Where is Harley Quinn?

After Big Barda defeated Harley and received a bonus of US$5 billion, she bought a large villa near the sea on Long Island.

She was too tall and too bulky. She was over two meters tall and had a body that could cause an earthquake downstairs with just one stamp of her foot. She was very uncomfortable in the rented house.

When you move into a new home, at least you don't have to worry about damaging the house and being sued by the landlord.

There are two reasons why she set up her home on Long Island rather than on the outskirts of Metropolis. First, distance is meaningless to them Apokolips people. She and her husband Mr. Miracle both have Mother Boxes; secondly, in addition to being friends with Superman, the two of them are friends with each other. There is no fixed job in the metropolis. On the contrary, Changdao is close to the martial arts conference venue. There is even a martial arts branch near the villa. After a fight with Harley, Big Barda also became a specially hired martial arts instructor.

Morning, in the kitchen.

Mr. Miracle, wearing a scarf and cutting bacon, said to Big Barda who was doing yoga in the living room on the other side of the glass wall: "In the early hours of this morning, the advance team of the underworld came over."

Big Barda paused for a moment and sighed: "Scott, this is not our war. It's okay to be a superhero on earth, rescue and rescue disasters and fight shadow demons, but it's okay to go on an expedition to the antimatter universe."

No matter how you and I try to escape our previous identities and worlds, we cannot deny that we are new gods.

The New Gods are not allowed to interfere with the Crisis on Infinite Earths. This is a ban jointly issued by Darkseid and your father.

You may not care about Darkseid’s thoughts or the interests of Apokolips, but what about Creation Star and Heavenly Father? "

Mister Miracle is very unconventional.

Wearing a red and yellow metal mask, he looks a bit like the "Metal Shell Man" anti-supervision king, and his appearance is very unconventional.

Mister Miracle's specialty is lock-picking, claiming to be able to open any lock in the world. The New God's vocation is also related to lock-picking, which is very unconventional.

Mr. Miracle is 1.8 meters tall and married to a wife who is nearly 2.3 meters tall. He is often hugged and protected by his wife, the princess, and is a bit unconventional.

But his status is very noble, not even comparable to Diana, the illegitimate daughter of Zeus.

He is the prince of the Creation Star, the son of Heavenly Father, and the adopted son of Darkseid.

Heavenly Father is not the one in heaven, He is the opposite of Darkseid, the Lord of the Creation Star, and the symbol of justice.

The heavenly father in heaven is called "heavenly father", the father of heaven; the heavenly father in the creation star is called "highfather", which belongs to the category of "named with daddy" that Harley hates the most.

The fifth dimension, also known as Limbo, has eight major divine realms. Each divine realm is paired in pairs: justice and evil, light and darkness, good and corruption.

The opposite of heaven is hell, and the opposite of Darkseid and Apokolips is Heavenly Father and Creation Star.

Just like the wars often waged between angels in heaven and demons in hell, the fight between Apokolips and Creation Star is more intense and brutal.

Because it was so miserable, a few years ago, the two sides signed a peace treaty with the help of Metron, the god of knowledge.

As a guarantee of the treaty, Darkseid and Heavenly Father exchanged heirs. Heavenly Father probably did not cheat and handed over his eldest son. Darkseid gave away his second son Orion.

After Darkseid's son Orion arrived on the Genesis Star, he was raised as a biological son by his heavenly father - similar to Ned Stark and Theon Greyjoy in "Game of Thrones".

But Scott, the son of Heavenly Father, went to Apokolips and was immediately put into a cage and sent to a slave camp, where he was trained in various ways by his kind grandmother.

Perhaps because of his experience of being tortured and imprisoned as a child, Scott became the "God of Keys" and the number one lockpicking expert.

Now he fled to Earth with his wife and found a job as an escape room magician.

But no matter how weird his career is, his identity as the son of Heavenly Father and the heir to Apokolips has not changed.

The heroic feelings belonging to Mr. Miracle prompted him to join the Legion of Heroes and want to expedition into the anti-matter universe.

His status doesn't allow him to do that.

"Bada, do you think I can still inherit the Creation Star?" Mr. Miracle smiled bitterly, "They won't trust the scum from Apokolips Star, and I don't like them either. I hate them, and I hate the one who sent me to Apokolips Star." Heavenly Father'."

"You can think whatever you want, but you can't stop the Anti-Monitor from treating you as a representative of the Genesis Star. I'm sure that no matter how much you resent your father, you don't want to bring the war to the Genesis Star, right?" Daba Da Dao.

"Do you think Superman and the others will fail?" Mr. Miracle frowned.

"I hope they succeed, and I also think that Witch Harley will take action herself, with or without the two of us, they will be able to catch them." Big Barda said.

Scott said in a serious tone: "Wonder Woman, White Dove, Torch, Star Man. Many heroes we know have died, but we-"

"Ding dong." The doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting the male host's emotion.

"Apocalypse! Kind grandma!" Big Barda glanced at the control screen in the living room and couldn't help shouting, "Scott, hurry up -"

She had already grasped her "Megaton" short staff. People outside seemed to have guessed her reaction. They put their faces in front of the camera and said with a smile: "I am just a clone, not here to catch you."

Despite what grandma said, the goddess of revenge and the god of locksmiths still put on full suits of armor and stood ready in the yard.

The kind grandma has thick white hair, combed into a neat bun, wearing a white shirt, a gray vest, a light black windbreaker, a pair of large sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and short-heeled long black leather boots, looking at Unexpectedly cool.

"Kind grandma, I will never go back with you." Dabarda first stated her position.

"What a cruel girl," said the kind grandma with complicated eyes. "Grandma picked you out from the 'Ci Xiang Orphanage', gave you bread and milk to fill your stomach, and carefully educated you for more than two hundred years, giving you endless strength and honor. ,And you?

Just because of a stinky man who came out of the garbage dump, I completely forgot about my grandma's kindness. "

Big Barda said excitedly: "In the past fifty years, you have selected more than 50,000 girls from orphanages and slave camps, and you have tortured more than 30,000 to death. You have forced the rest to kill each other, and I am the only one alive." down.

The glory in your mouth is just sin born of blood and cruelty, which makes me sick.

It was Scott who truly brought me to life. I am 254 years old and have been living in hell for the past 253 years. "

"Master Tianqi, master, who didn't come here like this?" The kind grandmother sighed and said: "I am not looking for you today to argue about the rights and wrongs. I want to meet the witch Harley, please help introduce her."

"Meet Harley Quinn?" Big Barda was startled and asked doubtfully: "Why are you looking for her at this time? Besides, she is at Quinn Manor, you just go directly. I am not familiar with her."

"Go directly to Quinn Manor. She might just kill my clone." After a pause, the kind grandmother continued: "I'm looking for her because of the order of the supreme Darkseid, who wants to bribe Harley Quinn." Be a spy."

"Shit!" The couple looked puzzled.

"The Lord's idea is very simple. When the expeditionary force engages in a fierce battle with the anti-monitors, he will look for an opportunity to launch a fatal sneak attack." The kind grandmother said.

"Who is the sneak attack on?" Big Barda asked blankly.

"That's the problem. Go directly to Harley Quinn or Earth's heroes. They will immediately suspect that the Lord has bad intentions." The kind grandmother said.

The couple, the big woman and the little man, discussed in low voices for a while and decided to help.

Because if Darkseid sincerely cooperates, the expeditionary force can have one more trump card; if Darkseid has other plans, the insidious and cunning witch Harley will definitely see it more clearly than the two of them.

Big Barda stayed at home with her grandma, while Mr. Miracle stepped on the Frisbee and headed to Liberty Island to find Superman.

"I have an emergency and need to see Harley Quinn immediately."

"You and Big Barda applied to join the expeditionary force?" Superman said happily.

"I do, but my identity..." Mr. Miracle was a little embarrassed. "It's more important than me joining the expeditionary force."

"Okay, let me ask for you."

Superman called Quinn Manor, but received the news that the Five Rings Admiral was practicing magic in seclusion.

"Ivy, are you kidding me? How could she stay in seclusion at this time?" Superman asked doubtfully.

"I'm not joking." Ivy's tone was serious.

Superman hung up the phone angrily, "She is practicing magic and it's a critical moment."

"Superman, believe me, the reason why I am looking for her is countless times more important than any magic." Mr. Miracle said solemnly.

"What do you want from her?" Bateman seemed to jump out of a shadow, abruptly and without making any sound.

Superman was not surprised, but Mister Miracle took a step back in shock.

"On the Genesis Star, your ability to conceal your aura is even better than Kanter's."

Kanter is the god of assassins and hunters among Apokolips's dark elite.

Bateman only looked at him with calm eyes.

Mister Miracle hesitated for a moment, pulled Superman and Batman aside, and told them about the kind grandmother.

"This matter must be informed to Harley Quinn as soon as possible. I think Darkseid is serious."

Bateman said: "The magic she practices can restrain the anti-monitors. She cannot be disturbed, but we will definitely see her in six hours."

Superman had some doubts in his heart. He had just received the news that Hal Jordan would return six hours later.

Bateman said slowly: "I can't accept your kind grandma's proposal on behalf of Harley Quinn, but I can ask grandma to join our expeditionary force. You don't need to participate in the war, just be an observer."

"Okay, I'll go talk to Grandma Xiang."

When Mr. Miracle left, Superman said strangely: "I think you and Harley have secrets that you are hiding from me."

"That's right, Harley is not at the manor at all now. She is probably in Oa, or may have even gone to the antimatter universe." Bateman said directly.

"What?" Superman was shocked, "What happened?"

"Like Darkseid, the Anti-Monitor wants to bribe her into spying."

"Anti-Monitor?" Superman looked confused, "The Anti-Monitor also wants to attack Darkseid?"

Bateman's mouth twitched and said: "The Anti-Monitor wants to attack us. They want Harley to lead the expeditionary force into an ambush and directly ruin the fate of the positive material universe."

"No way, Harley would never do that."

Superman's expression was serious, his tone was firm, and he shook his head repeatedly.

"She will." Bateman said softly.

"No, she won't, I believe her." Superman said thoughtfully, "Is she lying to the Anti-Monitor?"

Bateman nodded and said: "She wants to be a counter-espionage. She asked Loach to inform me last night, and asked me to cooperate with her to delay and buy time for Hal."

"How should we cooperate with her now?" Superman asked.

Bateman worriedly said: "We can only wait for her to come back and lead us into the Anti-Monitor's trap.

Or wait for Hal to come back from Dinosaur Island and she is still missing, and we can only forcefully fight to the planet Kovad. "

Superman frowned and said, "How long has she been gone?"

"When she told Ivy that she was going to retreat, she actually went to find the anti-monitor to sign a contract, about three hours ago."

For the next six hours, both of them felt as if they had been together forever.

Every second I expected Harley to pop up suddenly, but in the end she didn't show up.

"Hahaha, I broke the Guardian's record and mastered the portal technology in just 40 days." Hal Jordan laughed excitedly.

Superman said eagerly: "Then let's set off immediately."

"I'll go too." Bateman changed Shoujia's original plan and replaced it with a Bat Armor.

"Where's Harley Quinn?" Alexander Kent's eyes were sharp.

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