I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 693 Barry started running

The Flash was stuck to the wall made of golden energy, like a mosquito landing on a spider web, like a demon hanging on the wall of origin.

Beneath the wall, a psycho-pirate wearing an evil god mask is wailing.

He cried for two reasons.

First of all, before the first expedition, the Anti-Monitor King once used the power of creation to amplify his super power of controlling other people's emotions.

His skills, which could only control those who stared at his face, were suddenly expanded to four universes - putting his superpowers on the four earths of the underworld, disrupting the order of the earth and creating chaos, leaving the heroes exhausted and without time and energy. Form a group to destroy the cosmic frequency difference zeroing device.

In fact, in the positive matter universe, positive matter energy does not exist; in the antimatter universe, antimatter energy does not directly exist.

In the positive matter universe, all energies have the characteristics of positive matter energy, but they are not positive matter energy.

Using the Taoist thought of "one life is two, two is three, and three is all things", the energy of positive and antimatter is approximately "three", and the power of Papetua is approximately "two".

In the universe of matter and antimatter, all things have been born. There is no "three", let alone "two" and "one". If "three" appears in the world, it will immediately merge into "all things" and strengthen all things.

To put it bluntly, the energy of matter and antimatter is a low-level force of creation and cannot exist for a long time in the low-level physical universe.

The energy state is more stable when it is at a lower level.

But low-level creative power can strengthen the supernatural powers or other energies of the material world.

The Anti-Surveillance King once snatched three people from the Monitor, a Pioneer, a robot named Red Tornado that contained the power of the sky, and a psychological pirate who assisted the "Dark Pioneer" in doing dark work - controlling disobedient heroes and villains into " "The great cause of resisting the rebel monitors".

Earth 0 is very lucky and has almost never suffered disasters. The other four universes have never stopped suffering disasters: The Anti-Monitor King first poured his power of creation into the body of Red Tornado to strengthen his ability to change the celestial phenomena. On the other four earths, Caused a huge storm; then, the anti-monitoring king poured the power of creation into the body of the psychological pirate, allowing his one-on-one "Sharingan illusion" to become an infinite moon reading, controlling the emotions of billions of people on the entire earth.

In other words, the Anti-Monitor can use his own power to enhance the superpowers of others.

The purpose of the Anti-Monitor is simple: Alexander and Laila are forming a legion and want to enter the antimatter universe to destroy his cosmic frequency difference zeroing device. He wants to create chaos on the earth so that the heroes have no energy to do this.

After all, as long as you delay for a few days and wait for the frequency of the universe to return to zero, the underworld itself will explode. The anti-monitor king will get the greatest gain at the minimum cost - before being stabbed by Harley and entering Earth 0, the anti-monitor king The King has always been in a strategizing state, using only simple and practical plans to create infinite parallel universes.

Although the anti-surveillance king is big and ferocious in appearance, he is not a martial artist, but a scientist who plays with technology and a wise general who plays with strategy.

After being scolded, his true form entered Earth 0, which was the first time in his tens of billions of years that he had 'fighted with someone'.

The psychological pirate can control other people's emotions, and as a side effect, other people's emotions will be felt by him.

The anti-monitoring king's power of creation only amplified his ability, but did not improve his realm. The emotions of more than 20 billion people on the four earths were felt by him alone.

One-third of his brain went crazy, and the remaining two-thirds collapsed.

Therefore, he cried in front of the Flash day and night, begging the Flash to talk to him and soothe his violent collapse.

In addition, as the younger brother captured and recruited by the anti-supervision king, although he is now disabled, he can still be used as waste. He was arranged to guard the Flash here and torture him emotionally.

The Psycho Pirate is crying, venting his emotions and wanting to talk to The Flash, but also infecting The Flash with his crying face.

Well, that's a bit perverted.

But it's no wonder that the Psycho Pirates were originally fished out of Arkham Asylum on Earth 2 by the Pioneers.

At this time, the pharaoh's "Buddha Mother's Purpose Sutra" maintained its own characteristics, and the brain's "hardware formatting" to modify memory and emotions triggered a fierce conflict between the system and the hardware.

With a fever of 80 degrees, the brain was in a down state, and he stumbled to the "Flash Prison Room" behind the castle.

"Flash, Psycho Pirate?" He was stunned, "How did I get here?"

"What's wrong with you? Your cheeks are as red as boiled crabs, and your head seems to be smoking." A sad face appeared in front of him.

"Uh--" Endless sorrow overwhelmed the Pharaoh, and he couldn't help but let out the same wailing cry as the psychological pirate.

"Hey, can I influence you today?"

The psychological pirate's instinct is to control people's emotions. When he saw that the "Lord Controller" who was cold and powerful in the past was so fragile today, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, and the emotions on his face also changed accordingly.

"Hehehe" Pharaoh turned from crying into laughter and giggled.

During this process, the "Primary Vow Sutra" in his soul became more and more stimulated and started running at a faster speed.

"Boom!" His brain, which was completely "sealed" by antimatter energy, opened a small hole and grew a young spore.

"The appearance is entangled, the life is strong, but the golden lotus can be planted in the fire."

The spores are surrounded by mysterious ancient oriental characters, and faint chanting sounds can be heard above the spores.

Then the spores extend the young leaves and grow branches at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually growing into a towering tree with the appearance of a Pharaoh.

He was reborn.

Computer systems get rid of computer hardware!

A ray of new consciousness of the Pharaoh left his body and looked at everything that happened to him from the perspective of his soul.

"Anti-Monitor, how dare you humiliate me like this!!!"

The head of the Big Tree Pharaoh bulged, like a balloon filled with hot steam.

Both angry and ashamed.

He hates having his mind controlled the most, and for this reason, the 'Pharaoh II' who beat him with the penitent stick has become the person he hates the most.

Everything the anti-supervisory king did to him was far worse than the confession stick "calibrating his mind" that day.

He has no privacy at all. He plans everything quietly like a clown and quietly improves the boring life of the anti-supervision king.

He was angry.

He was even more embarrassed, because he had been so arrogant that he even felt contempt for the supreme being.

The methods of the Supreme Being are beyond his cognition and are purely dimensionality reduction attacks.

"I want to destroy him, destroy his dream of becoming the overlord of the multiverse, and I want to kill him!"

It was not difficult to make this decision. He never really wanted to help the anti-monitoring king ascend to the throne of the master of the universe.

The Pharaoh is aware of the Anti-Monitor King's plan to create an infinite multiverse using antimatter energy.

Therefore, he originally planned to kill or even replace the Anti-Monitor King when he completed the creation of the world and was at his weakest.

"Now the Anti-Monitor has just lost its 'power of a cabinet' and is in its weakest state ever."

As his mind turned, Pharaoh noticed the Flash and the Psycho-Pirate beside him.

Especially The Flash.

The anti-monitors are very afraid of him and his running, if...

"Why do you want to control me?!" The Pharaoh's left hand reached out like lightning and strangled the neck of the psychological pirate who kept making faces.

The 'superhuman power' brought by the anti-matter body allows him to crush the psychological pirate's neck into minced meat like tofu.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'm willing to listen to you in anything, Pharaoh." The psychological pirate was a coward and was immediately paralyzed with fear.

Pharaoh's heart moved, and he said coldly: "I want you to rebel against the monitor, and you will listen?"

"Rebellion against the king?" The psychological pirate was frightened at first, and then showed an expression of excitement. His crazy and cloudy eyes became much clearer, "Little king, do we really want to rebel? I have long sensed the killing intention in the heart of the king. I mean, he will definitely kill me when I am completely useless.

Last time he failed on Earth 0, and was then killed by the expeditionary force back to his lair. I encouraged the Flash to rebel with me, but the big king ignored him.

I am doomed.

Rebellion has become the only way out. What a pity, little king, you have come to save me.

Tell me you're not kidding and you're really going to rebel.

Please, tell me this is true, we really want to rebel."

He sobbed and cried again.

The Pharaoh was stunned.

"Are you really going to rebel?" The Flash, who was stuck on the energy wall, stopped pretending to be dead and raised his head, his eyes full of expectation.

"Fuck!" The Pharaoh threw the psychological pirate away like dog shit on his hand.

"Flash, every half minute, your physical signs and status data will be transmitted to the main control room. You just said 'rebellion', and now we don't have much time."

Remember, you must destroy the Anti-Monitor's antimatter cosmic cannon, which contains all of the Anti-Monitor's existing energy. "

After saying this, the Pharaoh immediately smashed the control machine next to the energy wall with one punch.

“Beep, beep, beep—” The piercing alarm rang through the prison cell and spread in the corridor outside.

"You—" The Flash enters "Flash Thought Time"—thinking as fast as he can run.

In the next moment, Barry didn't understand what happened, but he knew what he should do next.

His body vibrated at high frequency, he got down from the wall with flickering energy, picked up the Pharaoh and the Psycho-Pirate, and visited all the areas inside and outside the castle in half a second.

Half a second later, he found an underground base 500 kilometers away.

It was a world of production workshops. Thousands of human beings were aliens with no body hair and a pair of huge eyes that resembled human expressions of fear. They were driven to work exhaustingly by a group of Yellow Lanterns with the same appearance.

Assembling a ring accelerator-like device.

"That's it." Pharaoh pointed at it and said eagerly: "Flash, run quickly, use your speed to cause turbulence in time and space!

More than just smashing machines.

As long as the machine is destroyed, the leaked energy can still be absorbed back by the Anti-Monitor. To completely destroy it, I don't know what to do, but you must do it. "

"Adrian Veidt, you are indeed a spy!" An angry shout sounded like thunder from the loudspeaker in the production workshop, "Thunder Army, kill these three traitors."

Pharaoh's expression remained unchanged and he spoke faster, "Flash, act quickly."

"Whoosh--" The Flash turned into a red lightning, first bringing up a lightning tornado, flying away the nearby weapon-bearing engineers and thunder army supervisors, and then gradually increased his speed and disappeared, leaving only a wall of speed force. Surrounded by the space cannon.

The whole process happens in just a split second.

The Pharaoh continued: "The psychological pirate controls the Thunder Army and makes them kill each other."

"I, I'm afraid, the big king will find out" the psychological pirate almost cried.

This time the Pharaoh didn't yell at him, he just sighed and said softly: "I'm afraid too, but fear is useless. You need to change yourself to rational emotions first."

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