I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 687 Harley’s traitorous treaty

"When did you find the weapons master? Why didn't you come to me immediately?" Sinestro's tone actually contained some resentment.

If you don't come to him, are you looking down on him, the 'greatest Green Lantern in history' and the 'destined master of the Yellow Lantern Corps'?

Well, at this moment, he still doesn’t know the true meaning of the Parallax Monster host.

In other words, Sinestro was tricked by Hal.

Before discovering that Sinestro was using the Green Lantern Ring to exercise "fatherly rule" over the planet Koruga, Hal truly regarded Sinestro as a big brother.

Sinestro loved him so much, and he respected him so much.

Therefore, he shared with Big Brother the true feeling of becoming Ion Man: it was great and very powerful. The only side effect was that his strength increased too quickly.

In just a few months after becoming Ion Man, he went from being a green lantern recruit who was bullied by everyone to becoming the second strongest person in the Legion after the 'greatest Green Lantern in history', and his 'state of mind' was a little bit behind him.

These words from Versailles were deeply imprinted in Sinestro's heart. At the same time, he also understood the reason why Witch Harley was powerful: the lantern beast was great and very powerful, and the only 'side effect' was that it made her strength increase faster.

Sinestro met two lantern beast hosts in his life. Both of them got the lantern beast and immediately ascended to heaven, and their strength increased "shuss, sss, sss".

Forget about him, who in the multiverse doesn’t regard lamp beasts as treasures at this time?

"I found the Weapon Master because he was holding a yellow light source fragment. I need it!" Parallax Monster said.

"What do you want that thing for? It's just a small piece, no bigger than my little fingernail." Sinestro asked confused.

"I'm very weak, and I can't let go of any source. Alas, just now, another part of my source was lost." Parallax Monster said weakly.

"Why are you weak?"

"Don't you know about the battle that took place in hell that day - Witch Harley versus the Hell Demon Army?"

"Demon King. Legion? Do you regard ordinary demons as demon kings?" Sinestro was confused.

"Do you think I'm as ignorant as you?" The Parallax Monster snorted and told the story of how he was chewed up by the Witch Harley and escaped with only his head.

"Hey, the witch is so crazy that she even eats lamp beasts?" Sinestro exclaimed in shock.

Then he suddenly realized, "No wonder when she inflicted fear on me before, I saw a scene of monsters eating people. It turns out that this is your psychological shadow, and now it is projected into my soul."

"Remember, before killing Witch Harley, never reveal the fact that you and I are fused to her." Parallax Monster warned.

Sinestro frowned. This parallax monster seems to be not very good. He was scared by the witch and told nonsense. Can it really surpass the witch Harley and Hal Jordan with it?

Moreover, he didn't feel that his strength had improved much.

"Boy, I'm not talking nonsense. Death is not the end. You will understand after you take a tour of hell."

"You can peek into my thoughts?!" Sinestro's expression changed slightly.

"Isn't this nonsense? You are my host."

"But I can't read your thoughts, or even sense your existence." Sinestro said.

"If you can detect my existence, how can I hide it from Witch Harley?

And, I repeat, don’t think of me as that stupid shark, I’m the Parallax Monster.

I am controlling you, you have no right to make any demands on me. "The parallax monster said coldly.

Sinestro was about to get angry, but the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared like a flood.

"What did you do?" He was very rational and also very scared.

The Parallax Monster smiled and said: "If I hadn't lost my origin, I wouldn't have found a host at all, and I would have been invincible in the universe.

Even if I find you, the ‘Yellow Light Destined Person’, as a host now, I will not let the host control me.

I am controlling you, and I want to squeeze out your potential to make up for my shortcomings.

Any of your emotions and thoughts are useless, I am your God.

I can enlarge or shrink any of your emotions at will, and I can also make you fall in love with people or things you once hated.

But don't worry, I will always keep you sane.

Because I need you to be in fear all the time. Your fear is the best tonic, and your pain is also the sweet spring that relieves my pain.

I am not an ion shark, and you are not the Witch Harley. This is the normal way for us to get along with the lantern beast and its host. "

"You bastard——"

Sinestro cursed for a while, then quickly regained his composure, as if he had forgotten all the previous information related to the Parallax monster, and left the meteorite belt with a solemn expression. He spent half an hour recovering from his injuries before passing through the space-time refraction method. The portal returns to the planet Korvad.

Well, space-time refraction is "the starry sky somewhere in the Earth 0 universe - the Oa galaxy - the planet Kovad". The three points are no longer on a line, but they pass through it at once.

He didn't get close to Oa, he just regarded Oa as a refracting mirror.

Like a beam of light, it shot towards Oa, but did not fall. It only turned around and turned towards Coward.

"My lord, I'm so happy!" Sinestro shouted excitedly from a few doors away.

In the "Wanjie Surveillance Hall", the anti-monitoring king glanced sideways at the Pharaoh and said with a smile: "Am I right? There is no one in this world who cannot be bribed. The reason why you can't do it is just because of your bid. It’s not high enough.”

"Your Majesty is wise," the Pharaoh complimented with a smile.

After a while, a happy red-faced person came in, "Witch Harley basically agreed to be our undercover agent, except that she has offended the king's majesty, and I am worried that you will treat her as insignificant trash afterwards."

While talking, he also turned on the recording function of the light ring and played the entire negotiation process in the hall.

Of course, he pretended to be cool in front of her, only to be so embarrassed that he deleted the source file from the ring.

"Pharaoh, what do you think?" the anti-supervisor king said calmly.

"Well, considering Witch Harley's personality, it is normal to have such worries. If she agrees immediately, it will look like a fraud, but now I am not sure about her attitude." Pharaoh frowned.

The anti-surveillance king looked at Sinestro and said: "There is no content of the treaty in the video."

"Well, the treaty was not written down, nor was it directly stated in my mouth, but it was sealed in my heart.

Witch Harley is worried about touching the spiritual senses of Doctor Fate, Madam Xanadu and other ‘ancient gods’. "Sinestro said.

The anti-supervision king nodded with satisfaction, "She is very alert and shows more sincerity."

Sinestro said: "There are three contracts in heaven, in the name of God.

The first one is that she demands not to kill the heroes of Earth 0, even if they still want to oppose you.

She said that after the birth of the new antimatter multiverse, those who oppose you will now accept the reality because they, their loved ones and their homes have all been dematerialized. "


Sinestro continued: "Second, she promises to surrender to you and be your spy in the positive material universe, but your promise to preserve Earth 0 and a parallel universe can only be regarded as a guaranteed reward.

If she completes more and more difficult tasks, you should give her more rewards based on her efforts and achievements. "

"Haha, you are so greedy. Being the king of the universe is not enough. I want more. But one, two or ten parallel universes are equally insignificant to me, so I agreed." The Anti-Monitor sneered.

"Article 3: Considering that Your Majesty does not believe in God and may resist the power of the contract, you must put up treasures worth far more than the earth and her life as collateral."

The Anti-Monitor has no eyelids and cannot frown, but he should have a frowning expression at this time, even if his steel-clad face is expressionless.

"She was right again. The power of the contract comes from the rules of the universe. The new anti-matter multiverse was created by me, and any contract is invalid for me.

But when it comes to treasures, I really can’t get them out. The entire multiverse is mine, what more treasures do I need? "

"She wants your antimatter energy source." Sinestro said cautiously.

"What?!" The anti-monitoring king roared in fright and rage, like thunder, and with just a violent blast of air, Sinestro was forced to take three steps back.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Pharaoh advised: "Commander Sinestro is not a fool, please listen to what he has to say."

Sinestro explained very quickly: "Witch Harley believes that she is to the universe what an ant is to a giant, and the single universe is to you like dust to a mountain.

Without the completion of the Antimatter Multiverse, she won't be of much use to you.

It can be said that as long as the 'Second Expeditionary Force' is brought into an ambush, it will be useless.

Your casual breath can kill her and destroy the earth easily.

Although you have promised, she does not trust your promise.

It's not that I don't believe in your credibility, it's just that she is as humble as she is and is no longer worthy of your integrity at that time.

Well, she scolded you before, saying that you were a coward, and threatened to write your ugliness on the Origin Wall, and—"

"That's enough." The Pharaoh shouted angrily, "There is no need to pour out all the dirty words of Witch Harley in front of the king."

Sinestro quietly observed the king. If he could tolerate her, he would definitely not fool him.

The Anti-Prison King's expression remained unchanged and his tone was calm: "She is very self-aware and knows that she only deserves to beg for my forgiveness.

But why do you make such an unreasonable request and actually want my original power? "

"She believes in God and believes that God is qualified to talk to you about integrity. She asks you to put the 'treasure' into the sacred ark -"

The anti-supervisor king interrupted him and said: "Isn't the Ark of the Holy Covenant already thrown at the Origin Wall?"

The Pharaoh immediately dropped a picture from the screen. A pale golden stone box was set on the wall of origin. "The cabinet is still on the wall."

Sinestro smiled and said: "I don't know about Earth's Christian culture, but since there is one cabinet, why can't we build a second one?"

"Nonsense, there is only one Ark of the Holy Covenant." Pharaoh said seriously: "The Ark of the Holy Covenant is a cabinet used to store the contract between God and mankind.

Even if countless cabinets can be built, the sacred thing of 'placing the God's Contract' can only happen once.

This is what gives the cabinet a special meaning. "

"Has Witch Harley explained the origin of the second cabinet?" the Anti-Monitor asked.

"She said that each Son has a contract, and each contract has a cabinet. The second 'Christ' was born in her home, so she also has a 'Christ's Brother Cabinet', which will hold the contract between God and the dead in the future." Nisto said.

"Oh~~" The Anti-Prison King and the Pharaoh King suddenly realized at the same time, "It turns out to be her dog, the Holy Son."

"Pharaoh, did she lie?" Even though the anti-supervisor king was confident, he still asked one more question.

"It should be real. Two holy sons, two different contracts, and two cabinets are reasonable." Pharaoh sighed, with a complicated expression: "I used to doubt whether her Ark of the Covenant was real, but now It all makes sense.”

"How much antimatter energy does she want as collateral?" the anti-monitoring king asked.

"Just fill the cabinet up," Sinestro said.

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