I want to have a date with Superman

PS of the previous chapter

The chapters yesterday and today have nothing to do with the content of Crisis on Infinite Earths. They mainly cover three aspects: setting, filling in the pits, and Harley's future path of practice.


In terms of setting, it is the path of cultivation after magic is promoted to the gods.

A reader once asked, is the DC magic system a mess?

I said, yes and no, I won't let it get messed up.

The DC magic system is very confusing, but DC cartoonists at least have qualified IQs and brains. Can't they design a reasonable and standardized power system like DND or Warcraft?

They can. Many of the ideas about cultivation in DC comics amaze me.

But they are not alone.

One author has one setting, and a hundred authors have a hundred ideas.

So, overall, the DC magic system is very confusing, but looking at it individually, some settings are very exciting.

This book is a DC fan, and many of the magic settings refer to the comics, but they are unified and no longer confusing.

For example, the deathbed transformation is from the original comic, which is very interesting.

Careful readers can probably tell the several realms of magicians in this novel: the apprentice learns other people's magic, the mage determines his own path, the archmage finds his own style in other people's magic, and the grand master summarizes his wisdom as Laws, gods integrate their own laws into the universe and become the laws of the world, and the king of gods makes laws

These chapters talk about the cultivation methods of gods.


In addition to settings, there are also pits to fill, Shazam's pits to fill, and Singularity Curse's pits to fill.

Having written this, you can probably guess part of the plot in the future.

Well, Harley will definitely become the H in shazam. Now that old Shazam is shouting happily, she will still shout "so sweet" when the time comes.

When Shazam first appeared, many readers complained that Harley got nothing. From the beginning, I never thought about making Harley become Thunder Shazam, but the master of Thunder Shazam! !

What's the point of being Shazam?

They are nothing more than puppets of the gods.

Harley only has jobs where she's the boss, or has the potential to be the boss.

And the Singularity Curse

When the Singularity Curse first appeared, Stranger once said that there was a wizard who became a god with the Singularity Curse, and he was talking about old Shazam.

The plot of the Singularity Curse appears many times in this book, which means that old Shazam is real.

His magic spell that borrows divine power is really awesome.

Readers, please note that the old Shazam’s name is ‘shazam’, but his real name is not this. His name comes from his curse, not the curse comes from his name.

In addition to Shazam, there are many heroes in DC who can transform by calling their names.


Harley's future path of cultivation, well, the path of upgrading and defense.

After reading the chapters in the past two days, many readers may have guessed how Harley will be upgraded in the future.

Before level 80, she was already too busy to pass through every door, but level 81, and level 82 would only make her even busier, and she had to change her way of thinking.

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