I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 670 How many people have fought in ancient times?

"If you just use the Ark of the Covenant, you can at least buy Doctor Fate a few more hours, right?" Supergirl said.

"Well, maybe." Harley said vaguely.

If it were really inhaled into the stomach, there would be no need for Dr. Destiny to use the "Naboo Realm" to contain the antimatter energy in the universe.

"Let's come back as soon as possible." Supergirl said.

Dr. Light looked at the red-headed Kara with reverence, "With Supergirl here, maybe the battle won't take five hours, right?"

Super Girl hesitated for a moment, then said with firm eyes: "I am not 100% sure, only 100% determined."

Her expression darkened, and her voice became more sad: "My cousin died in my arms, and I promised him at that time that I would continue his cause of protecting the earth and protecting justice.

I said I could never be as good as him, and Kael smiled and told me that as long as I tried my best, nothing else mattered.

Treat yourself sincerely, strive to be your best, dedicate your best self, and don’t think about anything else.

I am sure that it is imperative to set out to conquer the antimatter universe, because my Earth, the universe of Earth 1, is waiting for me to save it. That is the responsibility entrusted to me by Kal-El.

But whether I can win or not, I can only do my best and cannot make more promises. "

Harley looked at her obviously childish face and couldn't help but ask: "How old are you this year? Is the Superman of Earth 1 still just a teenager?"

"My cousin is two years older than him," Supergirl pointed at Superman, with tenderness and sadness in her eyes, "I was only 13 years old when my uncle sent Kal-El to Earth, and my parents also put me in the spaceship. , the target is also the earth.

However, my spaceship encountered an accident and stayed in the Phantom Zone for 24 years.

Time almost stood still in the Phantom Zone, and I was in a state of dormancy until I arrived on Earth two years ago and became a superhero. "

"In other words, you are actually only 15 years old?" Harley frowned.

Superman looked at his "little cousin" lovingly, "Kara, don't be too burdened. It is not your responsibility to eliminate the Anti-Monitor alone."

"Do we have Super Girls on Earth 0?" Cyborg asked curiously.

"There should be. The Kandor City glass bottle I found in Brainia's spaceship contains my uncle and aunt." Superman said.

Super Girl was a little excited when she heard this. She opened her mouth to ask something, but then she fell silent when she remembered that this was a different world.

"Harley Quinn, put Alexander down quickly." She returned to the previous topic.

Harley hesitated and said: "I can't accompany you on your expedition into the antimatter universe without cleaning up the antimatter origin of Earth 0 first."

Not to mention whether directly inhaling the remaining anti-matter energy into her belly would expose her secret. Even if she didn't care about the secret being exposed, wouldn't she be seeking death if she faced the Anti-Monitor with a belly full of slowly digested anti-matter energy? "

"We are enough. Besides, you didn't do much in today's battle with the Anti-Monitor." Dr. Guang said.

Bateman advised: "I think you are too optimistic, which is very bad.

Since you are confident that the battle will be over within a few hours, why not wait another day and set off ten hours before the deadline.

You may not be familiar with Harley Quinn, but I can testify that the operations she participates in have never failed. "

Several heroes from the parallel universe were noncommittal and just looked at Harley.

They don't know whether Harley Quinn is victorious in every battle, but Bateman from Earth 0 doesn't have much credibility and honor in their hearts.

Because they all knew that Bateman had been a spy - stealing confidential information on the Monitor satellite, which led to the Pioneer's failure to pull Earth 0 into the Hades universe.

"Alas, I can't restrict your behavior and thoughts. I just want to give you one last piece of advice." Harley sighed, looked at them and said seriously: "The fundamental reason why we can defeat the Anti-Monitor today is not that Supergirl is so strong. God, it’s not that he doesn’t live up to his name. Maybe he doesn’t live up to his name, but he really is a supreme being.

Our success was due to many factors including the right time, location, people and people.

Within the positive matter universe, his power is limited by at least 50%. When you enter the antimatter universe, the right people and people who once belonged to us will belong to the Anti-Monitor.

I'm not sure what kind of protection Alexander Kent will provide you, but your strength will definitely be greatly weakened after entering the antimatter universe.

Therefore, be sure not to be careless. Don't separate the three Kryptonians. Don't talk nonsense when you see the Anti-Monitor. Just surround and kill him with the same attitude as you would treat the enemy who killed your father.

Other heroes pay attention to stop the Anti-Monitor's helpers, especially the Pharaoh, be careful about him.

He is a scientist and may invent some powerful and weird technological weapons.

You need to prepare a team for him that is a mixture of tech heroes and magic heroes, with the tech guy in charge—"

"You put Alexander down first, he needs some time to regain his consciousness." Ms. Quark interrupted her rambling.

Harley took a deep look at her and the other heroes who looked impatient, and nodded to Cyborg.

The antimatter flow controller stopped operating, and Alexander Kent's wails on the cross gradually subsided.

Harley held the Ark of the Covenant and flew above the tuning fork. When Laila and others carried Alexander away, she took his original position and said, "Cyborg, continue."

"Is it possible? The energy flowing out of the Anti-Monitor seems to be more terrifying than the antimatter cloud.

When transformed into a cloud of antimatter, Alexander only inflated and shriveled up like a balloon.

Replaced with the same amount of Anti-Monitor origin, he almost exploded. I could only reduce the intensity to one-third of the original value before returning to the bulging and shriveled state. " Cyborg said worriedly.

"This shows that the energy flowing out of the Anti-Monitor is purer, and my treasure box happens to be able to absorb only pure energy."

With an anxious mood, Cyborg used the lowest power to drain the origin of the Anti-Monitor above the "Ark of the Covenant".

Threads of red mist approached the wooden box, and in an instant the Ark of the Holy Covenant glowed with golden light, and Cyborg could no longer see the scene inside.

However, the explosion did not occur and the origin of the Anti-Monitor disappeared, indicating that Harley's judgment was correct.

"As expected of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, it's so powerful." He praised.

Dr. Destiny has been watching from the side, not only him, but many masters are also watching.

"I remember that the Ark of the Holy Covenant was placed in the Holy See." Phoenix Faust said hesitantly.

"Obviously, the Roman one is fake." Several masters immediately said: "The Holy See also said that it has the Spear of Longinus, do you believe it?"

"Dr. Fate, is it real?"

Dr. Destiny was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't see through it."

"what did you see?"

Dr. Destiny said: "I feel that it is just an ordinary wooden cabinet blessed with the power of holy light. The essence can be seen at a glance, but its current performance."

Faust laughed, "I can also recognize it as an ordinary wooden cabinet, which has always been empty.

But I never really thought of it as a regular wood cabinet.

Feelings and spiritual senses can be deceived, but reason and wisdom can save me from becoming a mere mortal.

My wisdom helped me discover a hint of mystery beneath its ordinary appearance, which is what makes it extraordinary. "

Dr. Destiny nodded slightly, "I seem to see a hint of mystery in the ordinary."

"Me too." The surrounding masters all had relaxed expressions and said with a smile.

"Even Doctor Fate couldn't see through its sacred nature, so we mistook it for an ordinary wooden cabinet, so it's not a shame."

"Actually, it's normal for Dr. Destiny to not be able to see through it. He doesn't even know much about antimatter energy."

"Harley, something big happened!" Suddenly, a green light flew from the sky, and from a distance, Hal Jordan's frightened voice came over.

"Why, Oua had another accident?" Harley asked.

"How do you know?" Hal was surprised, and then said anxiously: "The Guardians were summoning the Green Lantern Corps to prepare to enter the antimatter universe with us. Suddenly, red antimatter lightning swept across the entire planet, splitting the crust.

The Green Lantern Corps was nearly wiped out, more than 3,400 people were dead! "

Thinking of the scene where Oua's corpses were scattered all over the place, Hal couldn't help but choked up his voice and shed tears in sadness.

"So miserable?" Harley was shocked.

"The Green Lantern Corps didn't have any warning, prevention or resistance?" The Grandmasters were also shocked.

The Green Lantern Corps is a veritable cosmic police force, the most powerful armed force in the material universe.

Was the group destroyed so easily and without any explanation?

"Where's the Guardian?" Doctor Fate asked.

"The guardians are stronger, and more than half of them were killed or injured. Except for Ganser, who could barely get up, the living ones also had unstable breaths and fell into a dangerous state of death.

If I hadn't arrived in time, none of them would have survived, because the red lightning didn't stop. " Hal said.

"You blocked the anti-matter lightning. The Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps are not as good as you alone?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"The first target of the red lightning is the central energy battery. The battery did not explode, but it was damaged and cannot be used. The Lantern Ring cannot be used. I" Hal is not sure, "maybe because of the fusion with the Ion Shark before, I have The emotional spectrum is vaguely connected, and the ring still works.”

"You go find the Expeditionary Army. I am now." Harley raised the wooden cabinet in her hand and said in a helpless tone, "The Expeditionary Army does not recognize me as the leader of the 'Resistance Monitor Alliance', does not recognize me as the boss, and does not listen to my words. , I can’t leave either.”

An hour later, a dozen heroes from Earth who could fly and survive in outer space left with Alexander Kent.

They were taken outside the universe.

Opening the antimatter cosmic channel on Earth 0 will cause holes in the universe, and will also connect the positive and negative universes to each other.

The battle ended within five hours, and the expeditionary force kept their word.

In just the past four hours, Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Hal Jordan have been sent back to Earth.

Alexander, Laila and others did not show up.

"Just you three? Where are the others?"

Seeing the war-torn faces and sad expressions of the three men, Bateman began to beat the drum in his heart.

"Dead." Superman said harshly.

Bateman swallowed and muttered: "All dead? Wonder Woman?"

Superman looked pained and nodded slightly.

"What are you doing? There are fifteen heroes with S-level potential on Earth 0 alone. There are also other universes, two supermen, and one super girl. How can you kill Wonder Woman?!" Aquaman was confused! Xin Xin shouted.

He originally wanted to go, but he couldn't fly.

"Other universes also suffered heavy losses, just as tragic as ours." Hal Jordan's eyes were slightly red. "Supergirl died in the battle. Wonder Woman from Earth 1 also died in the battle. Firestorm and Hawkman from Earth 2... who came to our earth before. Ms. Quark, Dr. Light, and Uncle Sam, they’re all dead.”

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