The Anti-Monitor jumped out earlier than expected, and Harley's anti-matter defense only had time to upgrade to level seven: 1. Can survive in the anti-matter universe and non-offensive anti-matter energy, without any form of weakening in strength; 2. Immunity 90% of attack damage is based on antimatter energy.

It is not completely immune to anti-matter energy attacks, but Harley itself is also level 79 in pure defense.

Supergirl has used the scarlet energy blast several times, and she is still very active. With level 7 antimatter defense and 79 points of physical defense, Harley is able to withstand the scarlet energy cloud raging on the surface of the moon.

When the Anti-Monitor pushed Supergirl away, Harley got on top of him and inserted the bloody killing stick into his broken cheek with a sneak attack.

"Ouch——" The anti-monitor covered his "carapace face" with a big hole in it and let out a miserable wailing.

The scarlet energy in his body was like the fart of Sun Wukong who was wearing a tight spell in "Westward Journey", bursting out with great power.

Like Supergirl before her, Harley was thrown several hundred meters away and hit the wall of the pit heavily.

Her bloody killing stick was like a bullet, shooting through the moon and flying to nowhere.

"Gudong, Gudong." Including the experience gained from Shadow Demon before, the experience jar is finally overflowing, Harley is level 80!

At least in terms of defense, she can join the ranks of "big guys" with her hard power.

"Hey, it seems a little different."

The moment the defense rose to 80 points, a wave of heat poured into his heart from his limbs, and Harry vaguely noticed that some strange changes were taking place in his body.

We were on the battlefield now, and there was no time for her to think too much.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Just as she was knocked away, the other two figures in red cloaks withstood the energy impact and rushed to the anti-monitor. The vibration of their fists hitting hard objects spread through the earth, like an earthquake of magnitude 18.

When Harley shook her head and flew to the Anti-Monitor again, she only saw two Superman and one Supergirl, and the Monitor had disappeared.

He didn't disappear, but his way of existence changed.

The metal shell was completely shattered, leaving only the blood-red body that was completely energized inside.

Like a skinned God.

Like a live lobster with the shell removed.

The remaining energy body is like a ball of burning radiant energy. Although the form is vague, the energy aura is so strong that the laws and space are slightly distorted.

Thanks to Dr. Destiny leading a group of magic masters, ever since the arrival of the Anti-Monitor, they have been working hard to maintain the laws and energy of the universe from collapsing in the "space-time black hole effect" brought about by the Anti-Monitor.

Harley wanted to complain again, because the familiar feeling came again.

The Anti-Monitor who lost his metal shell at this time really looks like Naruto who turned into a half-tailed beast.

The violent and overwhelming energy aura resembles a skinned and bloody image, almost exactly the same.

Ordinary people couldn't even take a look at the Anti-Monitor at this time, just like ordinary Konoha villagers couldn't get close to the half-tailed beast Naruto who was flowing freely with nine-tailed chakra.

"You actually destroyed my body." The blood-red figure roared in disbelief in everyone's hearts. He stretched out his hands suddenly, and a wave of scarlet anti-matter erupted from his palm like a tsunami.

The red light was not eye-catching, but the energy was too rich and the level was too high. It was so irritating to the eyes and skin that Superman couldn't help but put his hand in front of his forehead.


The smaller half of the moon was enveloped in the red and white light of the explosion, and a second later, the tides of the Earth's oceans began to become disordered.

At the center of the explosion, Harley even saw dark cracks in time and space.

"Stop him, he wants to escape through the cracks in time and space! Green Lanterns, repair the cracks in the universe."

She is not the strongest, but she performs best in the direct impact of anti-matter energy. Not only does she protect herself, but she can also always use her mental power to lock the source of anti-matter energy - that is, the anti-monitor herself.

She was surprised and natural to find that the skinned Anti-Monitor was actually tearing apart the cracks in space and time, pushing his body hard into the gap in the universe and out of the universe.

He is the director of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the super BOOS who destroyed countless earths without even showing his face!

He is the overlord who makes the eight divine realms retreat!

He is the "popular fried chicken" that has attracted the attention of the entire multiverse during this period!

When faced with "lower" life in the material universe, you actually want to run away?

The key is that he was very impressive when he first came on the scene, pushing his strength to the limit. As a result, the whole battle process was so thin, from coming on the scene in anger to leaving in fear, it took less than ten minutes.

Harley felt a little dreamy.

But she saw with her own eyes that even a "mere" Supergirl could crush him and break his outer shell. Now that there were two Superman and a Supergirl plus her and a steady stream of superheroes coming, he immediately ran away. normal.

"Anti-Monitor, don't even think about escaping!" Hal Jordan led more than thirty green lights and shot green light curtains toward the spiderweb-like crack in the center of the explosion.

The green light curtain is like a band-aid, and there are green silk threads in the light curtain, quickly threading needles and threads between the cracks to sew up the wounds in the universe.

In this way, the anti-monitor, who squeezed half of his body into the crack, was firmly locked.

"Just because you want to stop me?" The Anti-Monitor squeezed out his head without retracting it. He only stretched his palms behind him, and the scarlet energy pillar shot out, flying in the air and spreading blood in the positive matter universe again. screen.


After more than half of the green lights, the protective shield burst like a soap bubble, and the body was quickly annihilated into slag like a piece of paper falling into a carbon furnace.

But soon another group came to replace them, and there were heroes standing in front of them as human shields.


Hal Jordan's eyes were red, as if his potential exploded in anger. The green energy on his body suddenly became extremely bright, and the 'Cosmic Repair Network' emitted by the light ring shrank visibly to the naked eye.

The rift in the universe was forcibly closed, and the Anti-Monitor wailed in pain as it was squeezed.

The others were not idle either. Two supermen rushed up and grabbed his legs, pulling them out. Supergirl hit his back with her fists.

Harley also shot a golden flying sword and poked his butt drum.

Well, she didn't want to attack that uncivilized part, but the good spot was occupied by three Kryptonians.

"Anti-monitor, don't run away, we haven't had a serious battle yet."

The Anti-Monitor is completely energized, and the effect of the Golden Flying Sword's jab is not very good. It's like poking at the surface of the water, causing ripples and causing no harm.

The three Kryptonians on the side attacked fiercely, but the effect was not very great. Instead, their bodies were burned with anti-matter energy and scarred.

Harry's heart moved, and the long sword manifested by the yellow light energy transformed into a syringe as thick as a bucket. The needle was as thick as her wrist and was as sharp as flying needles and flying swords.

The needle still trembled at high frequency, obtaining more quantum critical hits with high attack speed. The needle was inserted into the Anti-Monitor's body and then pulled out. The needle was filled with scarlet energy flesh and blood. The syringe piston was pulled out and the flesh and blood in the needle was sucked in. The tube and needle are inserted into the energy flesh.

In just half a minute, the bucket-thick pipe was filled with half a meter of blood and flesh slurry.

The scarlet color on the Anti-Monitor seemed to be lighter, and his struggle became weaker.

At this moment, Wonder Woman also joined in, tying him with a mantra lasso and cutting him in the middle with the Vulcan Sword.

"Be careful, there is an unidentified aircraft approaching the universe, it seems to come from the super-time flow!" Several people were surrounding the anti-monitor to use their methods, and Cyborg's exclamation appeared in the earbuds.

Harry thought slightly, took back the syringe with a small half-filled tube, and re-created a syringe to take over.

"Someone is coming to pick him up, so be careful to protect yourself," she reminded.

The next moment, white light penetrated the dark cracks of the universe, with the Anti-Monitor as the center, shining from outside the universe to the inside of the universe.

"Crack, click, click!" It was like glass was cracking, powerful energy bombarded the anti-monitor from a higher dimension, and the gap that had already cracked widened again.

"Ah ah ah -" Hal Jordan was howling. The space-time repair network he embodied was tightening, tearing, and closing again in the gaps. His expression became distorted due to too much force.


Just when everyone thought the situation would enter a stalemate for a period of time, the counter-monitor, who could move a little, suddenly exploded on the spot.

The scarlet energy after the explosion did not disperse in the universe. Instead, it disappeared into the cracks like life.

The others were still struggling and screaming in the energy storm of the explosion. Harley stabilized her body first, rushed to the edge of the crack, opened her mouth, and the golden gastric acid mist mixed with the scarlet antimatter energy and poured into the space-time crack.

"Ah ah ah -" In just four or five breaths, she vaguely heard a wail originating from her soul. The scarlet energy flowing into the crack suddenly stopped and began to slowly spread out in the universe.

"Is he dead?" Superman's tone was full of expectation, but his eyes were full of worry.

"Obviously, he ran away."

"Harley, hurry up and get rid of the antimatter energy in this starry sky. Naboo's realm cannot bear too much for a long time." Dr. Fate's breathing voice came into Harley's mind.

The Tower of Destiny has left the earth and arrived over the moon, spreading a layer of light golden mist - the projection of the Naboo God's Domain, wrapping the scarlet antimatter energy.

The laws in the Naboo Domain isolate antimatter energy from the positive matter of Earth 0.

It's a bit like the membrane on the surface of Shadow Demon that separates the positive matter universe.

Harley immediately said: "Cyborg, move the cosmic tuning fork to the moon."

"Let Alexander handle this energy? He is in a very bad state now. He has not woken up after so long. He only screams in pain." Cyborg said worriedly.

"Could we let this energy explode near the moon and destroy the entire solar system?"

"You can excrete this energy out of the universe." Laila interjected and said quickly.

Harley was about to object, but when she saw Superman looking worried next to him, she changed her tune and said, "Kent, what do you think?"

"No!" Dr. Destiny said firmly without hesitation: "These scarlet energy are different from antimatter clouds. They are the source of the Anti-Monitor's power.

After being sent out, it will definitely be absorbed by the Anti-Monitor.

It can't even be stored for a long time. Don't forget how the Forgotten universe was destroyed. "

The antimatter developed by the Forsaken itself is controlled by the Anti-Monitor across the universe. It originally belongs to the origin of the Anti-Monitor, and may even contain his will.

So after a while, the symphony called "The Wail of Alexander" was played again on the tuning fork.

In the antimatter cabin, Harley held the Ark of the Covenant in her hands and received the continuous stream of scarlet energy. Her expression was solemn and she was laughing in her heart.

"Gudong, Gudong." Half an hour later, the experience jar was overflowing, reaching level eight!

"Gudong, Gudong." An hour later, a group of heroes finished cleaning the battlefield and came to meet Harley for a meeting. The experience jar was still bubbling crazily.

"I'm inside and you are outside, so you can hear what I'm saying. Let's ignore the noise outside and just talk like this." Harley said.

She also spoke first, "Cyborg, tell me about the current situation on Earth 0."

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