In the Military Conference Hall on Liberty Island in Manhattan, Harry frowned and said, "Those messy people are not just time travelers, many of them come from parallel universes! Now not only is time messed up, but space is also messed up."

"Is it just a short-lived projection? Dr. Stone said that they cannot exist for a long time. As long as time stabilizes again, they will disappear." General Lane asked.

"Time travelers may disappear, but space travelers certainly won't," Harley said.

"Are you sure it's a visitor from another world?"

"There are indeed many people from other universes." Superman said with certainty: "For example, I have been to the Earth where World War II lasted for 40 years several times. It is in the Earth 10 universe, and there are tuning forks there as well."

"There really is a mustachioed Superman on that Earth? Have you ever met him?" Harley asked curiously.

Da Chao nodded awkwardly, "He was born before World War I. The spaceship landed in Czechoslovakia and was called the Junker Landlord by the farmer. Well, he should be called the Junker Landlord.

Growing up in such a family environment and social environment, he became a 'qualified' Junker officer, and then..."

"Alas, if he had landed in Germany decades later, after World War II, his life would have been different.

But 'Overlord' Superman is not bad in nature. He just wants to build a great motherland that is incompatible with the times, well, the German Empire. "He sighed.

"It's called 'Overlord', isn't it bad enough?" Harley said.

"Hegemon is just like the head of state, president, and prime minister. It's just a title. He is very diligent and loves the people, and he is also very loved by the people and soldiers. Otherwise, he would not have been the head of state for forty years." Superman said.

"How miserable it would be to fight World War II for forty years." Luther bared his teeth first, then flashed his eyes, and said leisurely and fascinated: "I really want to meet that overlord with an iron will, a cold heart, and a completely exposed evil nature. overtake."

Dachao glanced at him with cold eyes.

"With Superman as the head of state of the German army, how can the United States persist for 40 years?" General Lane asked doubtfully.

"They have Uncle Sam," Green Lantern said.

"Uncle Sam." General Lane frowned and said, "Why does this name sound like the nickname of the United States? Is it another name for the five-ring general?"

"Hey, hey, hey," Harley was a little anxious, "The five-ring general belongs to all mankind, not the 'Uncle Sam' of the United States!"

If, General of Five Rings = Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam = Aunt XX, wouldn’t the five-ring general become the “American Aunt Harley”?

This is completely unbearable!

Green Lantern glanced at her and said: "Uncle Sam is the United States itself and the embodiment of its patriotic beliefs. Zatanna said that he is a god of faith. The more patriotic Americans are, the stronger he will be."

"How patriotic Americans in that world would be if they could fight Superman!" Everyone was shocked.

"The Second World War has been going on for 40 years and it hasn't collapsed yet. This shows how well patriotism has been done." Harley complained, and then asked: "Besides the German mustached Superman, have you ever met supermen from other countries?"

Da Chao nodded again and said with some embarrassment: "I also met the Soviet Superman. The small spaceship that sent him to the earth landed in the Soviet Union and was adopted by a peasant couple.

Then he grew into a red Superman, and even the S on his chest was made up of a sickle and a hammer. "

"Oh, Superman is like a seed. It can take root and sprout wherever it lands, and perfectly grow into a Superman with local characteristics. This adaptability and adaptability are so powerful. It is worthy of being the Superman gene." Harley sighed.

General Lane couldn't help but shuddered. If Superman had landed in China, Iran, or North Korea, even if it wasn't in countries not controlled by the United States, it would have fallen to black state elements, strippers, drug addicts, and environmentalists. It’s also very dangerous at the doorstep!

The United States is so lucky to have the "normal" Superman we have now.

God bless America, the alien spacecraft just landed in the most simple town in the United States, in the farmer's field that best represents the spirit of America.

"Now is not the time to discuss parallel universe Superman." Superman changed the topic and said: "We have to find a way to place outsiders. Dinosaurs and mammoths can be picked up and thrown on a desert island.

But the ancients, aliens, future people, and primitive people must at least give them a place to live. "

"Will they always stay in our era, our world?" General Lane frowned.

Dr. Destiny said: "Theoretically, this kind of life from other time and space cannot stay on the earth for a long time, but now the future of our universe is uncertain.

But don’t worry, I will hit the chaotic time zone in one place and won’t let them affect people’s lives. "

"The focus now is on the crisis, not the by-products of the crisis. We should pay more attention to what more terrible disasters there will be after the timeline collapses," Luther said.

"Even our earth is in such chaos, what about the other four surviving universes? Where are the legions of heroes on the Monitor satellite? What are the Pioneers and Little Alexander doing after the Monitor's death?" Harley asked a series of questions.

"I believe it won't be long before Bateman will send back the news again." Superman said.

He was right.

When the Monitor was assassinated by Harbinger, Bateman came back once. In addition to delivering news, he also quietly asked Harley to digitize several scientists, and returned to the Monitor satellite early the next morning.

The day after the River of Time collapsed, he returned.

Not only him, but all the heroes who left with the Pioneer, such as Wonder Woman, Firestorm, Atom, etc., are also back.

They didn't come away empty-handed.

Every hero with a war-like look on his body and face holds at least one weapon or uniform that belongs to their fallen teammates.

In other words, more than half of the heroes died in the battle.

The atmosphere at the scene was tragic.

The earth's heroes, soldiers, and reporters who welcomed their return all saluted solemnly and silently.

"The Monitor really had a backup plan!" Bateman didn't stay outside to grieve and express feelings, nor did he allow Harley, Superman and other giants to feel sad. Well, Harley actually didn't feel anything.

She wasn't very familiar with them, and she had originally advised them to stay on Earth and form a small group, but they didn't listen.

Now that she is dead, she feels a little regretful that such a hero could not die with her in the decisive battle with the Anti-Monitor.

"Both the Monitor and Alexander actually knew that the Herald was possessed by the Shadow Demon, and both knew that the Herald wanted to assassinate the Monitor," Bateman said with a complicated look on his face, "He didn't say anything. He knew that the Monitor also knew it, but He never hinted anything to me."

"You're a bit of a failure as a godfather. You can't even raise a child." Harley said.

"What's wrong with being mature? Alexander is a human being and has his own thoughts." Superman frowned.

Harley looked at him and wanted to sigh again. There was probably something wrong with Luther's genes. If he was replaced by a 'super-bred' who didn't choose fields, he would most likely regard Earth 0 as his home.

Both Superman and Alexander were packed into small spaceships by their parents when civilization was destroyed. Both came to this earth and were adopted by a couple who could represent the "spirit and conscience of the United States." Although Alexander went to the Monitor satellite when he was eleven or twelve years old, But it has always been his 'godfather' Bateman who has been raising him, and he can be considered an 'earth child'.

Almost the same experience, Superman killed Zod for the earth, destroyed hundreds of thousands of activated Kryptonian embryos, blew up the growth system spacecraft that represented the hope of Krypton's revival, and loved this planet more than the people on Earth.

Alexander obviously has no sense of belonging to Earth 0.

Harley originally imagined that after Alexander inherited the Monitor satellite, he would take the satellite home - move it to Earth 0, and then respectfully invite her to sit on the command podium.

Now it seems that fantasy is really just fantasy.

"What's the Watcher's plan?" Superman asked.

Bateman said: "Let the pioneer kill him, paralyze the anti-monitor, let him relax his vigilance, and ignore the underworld that is quietly taking shape.

It also creates time for Alexander to become familiar with his power and take control of the Monitor satellite.

In addition, the Monitor's body contains a huge amount of positive matter energy. After his death, that energy was divided into five and poured into five cosmic tuning forks respectively.

When the Hades Universe grows up, the tuning fork filled with positive matter energy will move the entire universe to the Hades Universe. "

"What kind of universe is the 'Netherworld'?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Bateman said: "I'm not sure, Alexander said it was a sandwich between the positive matter universe and the antimatter universe.

Now the two universes of Earth 1 and Earth 2 have been taken away from the Ten Thousand Celestial Instrument by the tuning fork and entered the new Hades universe.

There are three universes left, Earth 0, Earth 4 and Earth 10, left in the storm of antimatter clouds, like three swaying boats in a flood.

Alexander tells us to prepare ourselves for the fact that our universe will soon be moved into the Hades.

When the universe moves, don't panic, don't resist. "

"Cyborg, you were the one who was monitoring the tuning fork and it was charged. Did you know that?" Harley asked.

Cyborg shook his head in embarrassment, "I didn't feel it at all."

"Move our universe to the Hades universe so that the Anti-Monitor can't reach us. Will the crisis be resolved?" Superman asked.

Bateman said: "Of course it's not over. When the remaining five universes enter the Hades universe, Alexander will form a super army to go to the antimatter universe to eliminate the anti-monitor."

"This" let alone Harley, who has long distrusted the Monitor, and the suspicious Luther, Ryan and others, even simple heroes like Aquaman and Cyborg feel something is wrong.

"Why not form a super army earlier, why not open a channel into the antimatter universe earlier?"

Bateman's expression remained unchanged, "Alexander said that he is a man of destiny. He is compatible with both positive matter and antimatter energy. Only when he grows up can he open the passage to the antimatter universe.

Moreover, the hero comes from the positive matter universe and cannot survive in the anti-matter universe. He needs special energy protection so that the Super Legion can move unimpeded in the anti-matter universe. "

"Bullshit!" Hal Jordan shouted first, "The Guardian of the Universe can also open the passage to the antimatter universe and enter it. We Green Lanterns can all go to the antimatter universe."

Bateman's pupils shrank, "Are you sure?"

Green Lantern representative Kilowog said solemnly: "On Oa, we 3,599 Green Lanterns have witnessed with our own eyes the 'Sinister Sinestro' being exiled to the antimatter universe by the Guardians.

It was just a few months ago, before Crisis on Infinite Earths had officially begun. "

"Isn't Sinestro 'the greatest Green Lantern in history'? How did he become a sinner?" the heroes asked in confusion.

"Green Lantern, you never told us this." Harley narrowed her eyes and looked at Hal.

Several giants from Zhenglian also frowned and looked at him.

Hal was stunned and said with a complicated expression: "Sinestro's exile is a major scandal within the Green Lantern Corps, which is difficult to disclose to outsiders.

In addition, I was the one who reported Sinestro, causing him to be deprived of his green light ring and brutally exiled. It is not appropriate for me to publicize this matter everywhere. "

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