I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 648 Louise’s Crisis

Dr. Fate is right, the earth has not yet reached its most critical moment.

But he also guessed wrong. The earth would not have a chance to enjoy itself for three to five days.

After eating 'half a cow' that night to replenish the heavy consumption of gastric acid during the day, Harley lay on the bed, ready to have a good sleep like a mortal.

Well, for more than a month before, she really only rested for one hour a day. Not to mention sleeping, she even ate every three or four days. She ate a ton and was full in three days.

The body is not very tired and the spirit is good, but the mind is very tired.

But not long after she lay down, the sky outside rang out with the tragic roar of the creation dragon being castrated by a rusty blunt saw.

Harry opened his eyes in a daze, and there was blood outside the window, as if the blood spilled from the dragon's root flooded the whole world.

"Fat Head, please close the curtains."

After giving vague instructions, she closed her eyes and ears again, turned over, faced inside, and continued to sleep.

Her bedroom was very large, more than 100 square meters. Fatty lay on the bedside, taking a nap, and Dog Shengzi squatted at the door, reading books with his eyes open.

Harley was very calm, Dog Shengzi looked straight and calm, but the fat-headed shark showed curiosity and panic on his face.

It first closed the curtains, and then rushed out like a ball of green light.

Well, Duoduo went to Heaven Mountain.

Even if the universe is restarted, the Dog Son will not die.

However, the power of the Dog Madonna cannot be inherited from the bloodline and must be cultivated by oneself, just like Zed.

Duoduo's power comes entirely from the little bit of supernatural power it got from the fetus when it was pregnant with Yebi. Without practice, it has no strength.

So, Harley didn't let it stay on Earth.

"Harry, the phone call from Liberty Island is that it's urgent." After a while, Ivy from the next bedroom ran over wrapped in a pajamas.

"Oh, isn't it just that the sky turns red? Let them calm down and talk about anything tomorrow."

"I can't calm down. The sky seems to be bleeding. I'm not even sure if it's thunder. Even I'm a little scared." Ivy sat on the edge of the bed, looking blankly at the red light that the curtains couldn't cover.

"If you can't sleep, just meditate and let me rest for the night."

Ivy glanced at the head of the bed. Harley's blond hair was messed up and fluffy, and even her face couldn't be seen clearly.

She thought for a moment, gave up the urge to lift the quilt and got in, crawled to the end of the bed, sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

The next morning, Harley got up slowly, washed up, and ate a ton of hearty breakfast. After working hard until half past ten, she and Ivy got on the Yerby, with the fat head acting as a hound, flying along the side, facing the downpour. Heavy rain, lightning and thunder came to Liberty Island.

Perhaps there had been chaos last night. At this time, the island was still in order. The sky and sea were filled with airships carrying various signals, spreading for tens of kilometers. Earthling aircraft carriers, destroyers, and troop transports were also among them.

Through the sea surface, you can also see the colorful lights on the bottom of the sea, and the endless flow of underwater battleships and ocean knights.

There are thousands of Earth soldiers on the island performing exercises. They come from all over the world. They are all special forces with knowledge and combat experience. At this time, they have been assigned universal brand nano battle suits and specially modified ones that are more effective against shadow demons. Energy weapons.

"Why are there just you, and where are the others? Didn't you say there was a small meeting in the morning?"

In the 'Hall of Heroes' under the tuning fork, which is where heroes chat, watch TV, and drink beer while on duty, Harley only saw about a dozen heroes. Apart from those on duty, there were only two big guys: Superman and Cyborg. .

When eating hot pot last night, she said she had something to talk about this morning, but she didn't see anyone.

"After the meeting, I was so exhausted that I went back to rest." Superman said tiredly.

"I'm not here, what kind of meeting are you having?" Haliqi asked.

"I called you, but you didn't come by yourself. The situation was urgent, so we had to get together to discuss it first."

"What was the outcome of the discussion?" Harley asked.

Superman said: "The weather changes are because the antimatter clouds have increased their erosion of our universe, and some of the laws of the universe have begun to collapse.

Just like a fruit hard candy thrown into ice water, it is slowly melting.

But it’s not a big problem for the time being. This is a normal phenomenon of antimatter crisis. Other universes have experienced it, so don’t worry too much. "

Harley said with a dull face: "So why are you fussing about it? Has the law collapsed and needs to be discussed?

He is a mage and can feel it.

I said don't worry, take a good rest first, recuperate, and talk about anything tomorrow.

It would be better for you to stay up all night and be as busy as a great headless fly.

It was time to work during the day, but everyone was so tired that they ran back to catch up on their sleep.

You and those who don't study seriously during the day, go to the study room to stay up late at night, stay up until three or four in the morning, and go back to the dormitory to sleep until two in the afternoon with "the lazy guys are sleeping, but I have worked hard for another day" extremely exhausted and satisfied. What's the difference between college students who have been in a daze all afternoon and go to the library to study hard in the evening? "

Superman's expression is awkward. He looked like that when he was in college. Oh, many of his college classmates were like this.

"Harry, last night was a special situation. It's not normal. It's just this one time. It's different from a college student who spends a long time day and night."

"Harry, you're here!" General Lane walked quickly with his second daughter, "The changes in the sky and celestial phenomena are too terrifying, causing great panic among the people.

Mr. President wanted you to hold a separate press conference last night to appease the people of the earth.

As a result, if you don't answer the phone, he has no choice but to do it himself, which is not very effective. "

"You didn't sleep all night either?"

General Lane's eyes were bloodshot, and there were two lumps of eye droppings in the corners of his eyes as big as soybeans.

"How can you possibly sleep?"

"Then go back and rest. The current changes in the sky are just the beginning. As the antimatter cloud gets closer to the universe, such changes will only become more intense. We must learn to get used to it," Harley said.

"You hold a press conference first to appease the people and appease me, so that I can sleep."

"Let Superman and Zheng Lian go," Harley said.

"They uploaded a video last night to advise everyone not to panic and that everything in the universe is normal now, but the effect was not good."

General Lane said as he asked his daughter to hand him the tablet in the bag.

"Look." He opened the Puppy Video Network, and the several videos in the recommendation column on the homepage were all videos of "veteran heroes" such as Superman, Bateman, and Green Lantern.

He opened the first one in the first row, which belonged to Superman.

In the video, Superman looked serious, explaining the changes in the sky based on objective facts, and said that everything was under control. The "Resistance Monitor Alliance" had already considered this situation.

As a result, the most popular post below was "It's over, Superman has no confidence at all."

Posted by: Superman rarely posts selfies. In the past, he always said something meaningful. Today, he only explains the phenomenon to reassure us. He doesn’t say what to do at all. His expression also looks very unconfident. Don’t believe me, look at this—— A few months ago, Metropolis was poached by Brainiac. Take a look at the high-definition street shots of Superman before he went on the expedition. Look at it now, it looks completely different!

First Floor: Indeed, I felt even more flustered when I saw Superman and a group of heroes making videos to appease us.

Second floor: As we all know, we rely on Zhenglian to rescue fires and disasters, and we have nuclear bombs to save the world. Now that the golden nuclear bomb is silent, it has proved how serious the gaffe is, and it is useless for Zhenglian to talk.

Third floor: That's not the case. Zhenglian performed well in Apokolips and Brainiac Crisis. If he can't win the MVP, he will definitely be qualified to be a 'Pippen' (ps).

Fourth floor: Haven’t you seen the poster’s photo? Before, Superman looked like a ray of hope bathing in the sun. In today's video, Superman has dark circles under his eyes, bloodshot eyes, and looks as tired as if he just went to a nightclub and stayed up until early morning.

Fifth Floor: Is it a lighting problem? Superman seems to have taken the video with his mobile phone late at night, without turning on beauty, turning on the lights, or wearing makeup. The effect is already pretty good.

Sixth Floor: Then take a look at this "Golden Nuclear Bomb with hands on his back, walking leisurely in the Shadow Demon Room.jpg", it also has no beauty, no lights, and no makeup.

Seventh Floor: Omaika, my goddess! How can he be so handsome and beautiful!

After the rainbow fart on the 200th floor

208 Eighth Floor: The sixth floor is awesome. It’s so clear. You can even see the look in your eyes looking down at the world. How did you do that?

Reply from the 6th floor: I am a war correspondent. Hey, hey, for more high-definition photos, please search the official account "Wonder Woman's Starlight Crown".

Floor 309: I saw it. There is a video. Shadow Demon was so frustrated that he didn’t even reach for the golden nuclear bomb.

Another reply from the 6th floor: Believe me, man, I was on the scene, and a rough estimate is that one Shadow Demon can destroy a million American troops with ordinary equipment.

Floor 310: Frank, the 'war correspondent' didn't lie. Go check out his official account. In addition to the photos of golden nuclear bombs killing people, there are also many photos of Wonder Woman's sexy long legs. I missed the point. The devil is too strong.

Floor 311: Holy shit, Shadow Demon killed the soldiers like chickens. It’s so cruel. Why didn’t this video make the headlines?

Floor 352: Where did you watch it? Can't open it.

Reply from the 6th floor: Mother Fake, my official account has been blocked, watch me change my vest. Hey, wait a minute, someone is knocking on my door, it seems to be for gas pipe maintenance, strange, I am staying in a hotel and there is no gas installed.

Floor 353: The golden nuclear bomb kills everyone, but Superman is frowning. As long as you are not stupid, you will understand how serious the matter is

After thousands of floors, except for some who called "war correspondent" but got no response, netizens no longer looked around, but sighed, worried about the earth and their own destiny.

"Oh, Superman, your image is really bad." Harley returned the tablet to General Lane and looked Superman up and down, "You are so tired, probably because you overused the 'Super Flare', go back and have a good sleep.

Move the bed to outer space and sleep in front of the sun. "

"And you?"

"Forget about the press conference, let's find a reporter to go to the manor for an exclusive interview." Harley said.

"Exclusive interviews are fine, as long as you can appear in front of the media." General Lane's expression softened.

Superman's eyes flickered, "Harley, I know a very professional reporter. Maybe I can ask her to do an exclusive interview for you."

The relief on General Lane's face immediately disappeared, and he stared at him with a tigerish face.

Harley also noticed something strange about several people and asked curiously: "Who is it?"

Superman faced the sharp gazes of his father-in-law and sister-in-law, and tried to be as calm as possible in his tone and expression: "Miss Lana Lang, intern anchor of CNN's midnight political news."

"Midnight news, and an intern anchor." Harley understood somewhat, and Louise seemed to have a green light covering her head, "Okay, let her come over."

Even if there is no emotional crisis, Louise will definitely encounter a career crisis this time.

That Lana Lang is from Kansas, and she and Superman are probably childhood sweethearts.

If her business ability is qualified and her personality is more likable than Louise, Harley will consider helping her become the second cosmic reporter on the earth. It is best to find the opportunity to poach the Daily Planet and live across the street from Louise's office.

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