I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 645 Those Harleys who were tricked by Zhenglian

The cloud on Superman's face instantly dissipated, and he became full of hope and energy again.

"General Ryan, there are still heroes in the world, and Princess Mela is a qualified King of Heroes!" he said excitedly.

General Lane nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, she is very good, just the King of Heroes we need."

The smile on Superman's face faded, his father-in-law's words sounded wrong.

"In the next few days, you'd better eavesdrop and peek at the aliens every day. I will also notify Cyborg to strengthen the monitoring of electronic information to make sure they have not changed their minds temporarily."

General Lane's expression was much better than when he first found Superman, and his face was almost full of joy.

"It's better to not let them join the alliance than to go through this." Superman sighed.

General Lane said sternly: "The casualties of our Earth's army today far exceed those of aliens and undersea people combined, but their record is comparable to the sum of Earth's heroes and far exceeds that of the Earth's army.

Many underwater soldiers and alien instructors are better than most heroes. They are stronger, have more combat experience, and are more familiar with team operations.

Without aliens and undersea people, without the extraterrestrial weapons obtained by the "jungle" generals of the Fifth Ring, the casualties of the earth's defense forces would exceed the limit of the government's ability to endure a protracted war.

It can be said that if it were not for the existence of several main forces of Zhenglian and the five-ring generals, the main force on the battlefield today is not the Earth's army, not the messy heroic legion, but the orderly foreign reinforcements who are familiar with Star Wars. "

Speaking of this, he felt something in his heart and asked curiously: "You have been to multiple single universes, what is the situation there?

With the intensity of our war today, and with the help of so many external forces, nearly 700 officers and soldiers died in less than half an hour, and many more were injured.

How do other universes fight for days and nights? "

Superman was a little embarrassed at first, and then the embarrassment turned into pain and sadness, "It's very tragic. Countless heroes are fighting one after another, and hundreds of heroes are killed every day.

Ordinary soldiers don't have energy weapons to target the Shadow Demon, so they can't help at all. "

"Oh, it depends on the lives of heroes." General Lane suddenly realized, "No wonder the Pioneers split into 20 groups and recruited heroes all the time. The consumption of cannon fodder on the front line was too great.

It's no wonder that the Fifth Ring General is reluctant to go to the Monitor Satellite.

She has already seen through the true nature of the 'Monitoring Heroic Legion', and is unwilling to go to a foreign country to be cannon fodder, without even being able to return her soul. "

This is so heartbreaking.

Superman, who volunteered to enter the Monitor satellite, aggressively recruited heroes on Earth, and witnessed the sacrifices of countless brave and fearless heroes, felt pain in his chest, as if he had been stabbed a dozen times.

"General, please speak with respect," Superman said angrily. "Those who died in battle were great heroes. In order to protect the great ideal of the multiverse, they died with glory. Don't insult them with 'cannon fodder'."

General Lane glanced at him with a dull expression and continued to ask: "The energy weapons of advanced alien civilizations can obviously harm the Shadow Demon. Why don't you form a coalition like us?"

Superman was stunned and said hesitantly: "I don't know. The monitor makes the strategic outline, the pioneer is responsible for recruiting troops, and we are responsible for executing the mission."

"What about the local government in the parallel universe? What did they do?"

"They did nothing. Before the antimatter cloud appeared, they didn't even believe that the disaster was coming. They also thought that the Shadow Demon was a trick played by us, and sent the police and the army to arrest us." Superman sighed.

"Is it possible that the White House in the parallel universe is full of drunkards? Or are they less intelligent than us?" General Lane frowned.

Superman looked at him steadily with a strange expression, "You are the one who sent the police and the army to arrest us. At least in the more than two hundred parallel worlds I have been to, there are more than 170 General Sam Lane, and they all made the same decision. .

The Herald also said that this was a common denominator of ‘General Lane’, so let’s not mind it. "

Sam Lane's face turned red and he said angrily: "Superman, how dare you insult me ​​like this?!"

"I swear, this is all true!" Superman said seriously.

With a thought in his heart, he added: "If you don't believe it, you can go to Earth's Green Lantern. His Green Lantern ring can automatically record the battle scenes of his life, and can recall the scene of the heroic legion fighting 'General Lane'."

General Lane's expression changed, and he muttered: "Isn't there Harley Quinn in other universes? Didn't she become a golden nuclear bomb, and didn't she lead heroes, super criminals, the earth's government, undersea people, and aliens to form a grand alliance?"

"Harley." Superman only briefly recalled Harley in the parallel universe, and his expression began to distort, "The world is different, and the characters' experiences, personalities, and lives are also different. There is only one golden nuclear bomb, and it is only in our universe."

General Lane's expression looked better, his eyes filled with expectation, "Is she in trouble?"

——Worse than me?

Superman seemed to have guessed the dark thoughts of his father-in-law, and said: "It's not that bad, at least it's much better than 'General Ryan'."

"What do you mean?" General Lane said with a dull face.

——Are you targeting me specifically?

Superman struggled and said: "Although the Harley Quinns I met are strange, as long as we find her and invite her, she will be very happy to help guard the tuning forks and die like a hero."

The heroes of Earth 0 may question Harley's family history and the way she does things, but they all really think she is very capable.

So every time I entered a parallel universe, I would first find the Harley Quinns from that world - most of them fished out of Arkham Asylum.

Those "Harley Quinns" with non-mainstream personalities and costumes are also really brave and fearless. They hold up a big mallet and lunge at Shadow Demon with howls and laughter.

Then there is the instant decapitation, disembowelment, and dismemberment of the body. It is like a complete set of "Harley Quinn's various ways to die".


Later they stopped looking for her to form a team.

"You are still alive, but Harley Quinn is dead?" Ryan was stunned.

"Well, they are all ordinary people. They have no superpowers or high-tech weapons." Superman said.

"This" General Lane was startled, "Is it true that the Five Rings General is just mediocre and relies solely on hard work? Are you sure that is the real Harley Quinn? Are there any similarities in the character's experience?"

"It must be her. At least she has a lot in common in her early life. For example, they are both talented gymnasts. They were both asked by their parents or coaches to skip competitions. They both have bad families of origin."

"Where does the difference begin?" General Lane asked again.

Superman thought for a while and said: "According to Bateman's analysis, there are no Holy Crusaders in other universes.

The coming of the Son only occurs in our universe.

Because of this, she did not conflict with the Holy Crusaders, did not become a mercenary of God, and did not deal with extraordinary powers. "

"Oh, that cross of the Holy Advent Crusaders and that God's contract are the starting point and source of her 'making fortune'." General Lane was stunned, and then said with envy: "No wonder they say that God favors her, it is God who allows her and What sets other Harley Quinns apart.”

Superman said seriously: "God favors those who work hard and have a righteous heart.

When ordinary girls face evil forces like the Crusader Monastery, most of them do not dare to resist, nor do they have the ability to resist.

Harley was only 14 years old at the time and a promising young sports star. The abbey only treated her as a passerby and did nothing to her.

She took the initiative to stand up for her classmates who were being bullied, and accidentally won the cross in a life-and-death fight. Perhaps God chose her after seeing her bravery and kindness, and it had nothing to do with luck. "

"Opportunity and luck are still very important. If it were me, I would not be worse than her, but I have never met a fool who holds a God's contract but does nothing." General Lane muttered.

"Were you able to beat Deathstroke when you were 14?" Superman asked.

"Deathstroke is a Cyborg warrior."

Superman said: "The big man killed by Harley was a magic warrior.

He has also served as a special forces soldier in the army, and his experience and strength are no worse than Deathstroke. He is the Crusaders' number one combat force in Gotham.

The key is that he also holds a holy relic and can use the power of God to heal injuries. "

"How do you know so much?" General Lane asked suspiciously.

Superman said vaguely: "Battman has a 'Harley Quinn File', I've read it."

The file was very detailed and both he and Diana had read it.

Because Superman and Wonder Woman are the key "weapons" in the "anti-Harley Quinn tactics."

"I believe that a fourteen-year-old high school girl killed the security captain. But she didn't even start to learn martial arts at that time, so she was able to kill Deathstroke?

Deathstroke is Green Arrow's lifelong enemy.

Doesn't this mean that Harley Quinn, who is a sophomore in high school and only practices gymnastics, has surpassed Green Arrow?

It seems that Bateman and Green Arrow are similar.”

General Lane still had some doubts, just like Zhou Botong didn't believe that Guo Jing could kill Chen Xuanfeng at the age of six.

With Superman's super vision, he saw that the sky was already dark and his first love was still waiting at the pier, so he couldn't help but said: "General, please go ahead and see us tomorrow."

General Lane stopped him and said with a serious expression: "Even if the 'General Lane' and 'Harley Quinn' of the parallel universe are not able to do anything, what about you and the Pioneer?

Why don't you form a coalition and unite the power of the entire universe? "

"We only do tasks, and the people who make the plans are the watchers."

"This is what I feel is wrong," General Lane's expression became even grimmer. "Why do the Monitors only recruit heroes and not summon those in power in the universe who are more powerful than the heroes to deal with the crisis together?"

Superman pondered and said: "Maybe it's troublesome. The monitor may be powerful, but there are only two of him and his adopted daughter Leila on the monitor satellite.

In order to improve efficiency, Laila also split into 20 pioneers, but they were still too busy.

To convince the leaders of higher civilizations who have ulterior motives.

Do you see how busy Harry is?

He also made threats, and his allies were all spies.

Heroes are different. They are capable, not afraid of sacrifice, trust each other, and will not stab each other in the back.

Based on the entire multiverse, the number is sufficient. "

General Lane's eyes flashed slightly, "I seem to have heard some different news. For example, Pioneer leads psychological pirates who can control people's emotions, turning disobedient superpowers into brave and fearless heroes."

"Who did you listen to?" Superman frowned.

General Lane said meaningfully: "Baitman gave General Five Rings a secret information, which not only contains the science and technology related to antimatter that we urgently need, but also a list of all the heroes recruited.

Record the hero's age, origin, abilities, and personality

He found that the personalities of many super criminals were completely different from their original ones, and their wills were obviously distorted.

Later, he noticed that the pioneer who specialized in recruiting criminals was often accompanied by a mind controller.

Therefore, he came to a very scary, but very common-sense conclusion - the supervisor knows the tactics and can use means.

Anyway, our military would not mind using super powers to control some disobedient superpowers when the universe is in crisis. "

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