I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 629: The Fifth Ring General lost his brain?

"Harley, I think Pioneer's plan is very good. It not only keeps enemies outside the country, but also helps innocent people in other universes," Superman said hesitantly.

"My abilities are low. I don't even have the yellow lantern beast anymore. Battery life is a big problem." Harley pretended to be weak.

Wonder Woman glanced at her and turned to Harbinger, "Can we help?"

The pioneer said: "If you are willing, you can definitely help a lot."

"What's the current situation in the multiverse?" Bateman asked.

"The monitor told me that at least a thousand individual universes were destroyed.

This is just the beginning, and the rate of annihilation of the universe will increase exponentially.

Perhaps hundreds more universes are disappearing within the wall of antimatter as we speak. "

As the Pioneer spoke, he raised his wrist and projected a hundred-inch high-definition picture in mid-air.

In the savage era, uncivilized savages stood by the campfire in fear and confusion, watching the night sky suddenly turn white.

All matter is decomposed into particles in white light, and then the particles are transformed into energy, leaving only a dead, void, cold blank.

In a modern city, a wall of white light advances along the streets. On one side are panicked and shouting citizens, and on the other side of the wall is white nothingness.

The world is like a picture under an eraser, being erased one stroke after another.

In the future science fiction world, troops wearing uniform high-tech combat uniforms are standing ready, with battleships and star weapons hanging above their heads. Such a powerful military force is useless against the incoming wall of white light.

When the soldiers disappeared in the white light, their desperate howls were no different from those of primitive people.

"These are the scenes of universe destruction that I have experienced"

Pioneer looked at the shocked heroes, his tone was a little sad, but also a little passionate, "What is annihilated is not a city, not a planet, but the entire universe. How many people are in a city?

How many people are there on a planet?

How many people are there in a universe?

One thousand, ten thousand, countless universes, how many people are there?

The direction of our efforts is to let more people survive.

A single effort by heroes may save trillions of innocent people. "

"It's too cruel, too cruel. Every life is so precious. How many people are there in each universe? No more people can die. We must act immediately!" Superman clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

"Does the person who directed all this have no humanity at all?!"

Wonder Woman gritted her teeth, her red eyes a little moist.

"No matter what, we're going to do something."

"I don't know how to do scientific research, and I am willing to join the 'Legion of Heroes' now."

Atom and many other heroes shouted.

Bateman also looked solemn, but did not shout excitedly. After they were quiet for a while, he asked: "Pioneer, I once obtained a map of the multiverse. There are only 52 universes in the Wantian Yi."

Pioneer said: "Even if you buy a random map on Earth, the cities and buildings on it are limited.

There are more contents in reality, such as a mound, a lake, and a trail. They all exist, but they cannot be found on the map.

The 52 universes do not represent the number of individual universes in the multiverse, but the structure of Wan Tian Yi at this time. "

As she spoke, she once again projected a 3D map of the multiverse.

Although it was only Wan Tianyi's map, it was more detailed than any map Harry had ever seen.

"Look," she pointed to a circle in the inner ring, "this is the 'other realm', including Earth 4, Earth 35, Earth 39, 41, and 45.

It is equivalent to a load-bearing column of a building and is an important part of the overall structure.

In addition to other worlds, there are eight graveyards made up of single universes, a cartoon ring made up of five universes, and a multiverse axis connecting two universes - equivalent to the level of a building.

For example, Earth 0 and Earth 33 where you are located form the axis of creation, and this axis is equal to the foundation of the multiverse.

In addition to the 52 'building bodies', a building must have countless bricks, glass, and floor tiles, which are infinite parallel universes. "

Bateman stared at the map and pondered for a moment, then asked: "How long will it take before the crisis spreads to our universe?"

The pioneer thought for a while and said: "If we do nothing, even ordinary people on this earth will be able to detect anomalies in the universe within a week. Our efforts can at least delay the crisis by a few weeks, or even months."

Bateman looked at Harley, "We shouldn't sit still and wait for death, at least let the 'Legion of Heroes' move.

One week is too tight, and relying solely on our current technological level, we will never be able to develop technological equipment to combat antimatter on time.

We need to see the Watcher and need his help.

Of course, we must also do our best to assist other universes. Helping them is equivalent to protecting our own universe. "

"Pioneer, can we talk alone? You go to the living room and have a cup of coffee first." Harley suggested.

The pioneer hesitated for a moment and nodded: "No matter what decision you make, you'd better hurry up."

After the Herald left, Harley asked the Watchtower to contact the Legion of Heroes, the Legion of Scientists, and the Legion of Magicians to convey the contents of the 'Heroes' Meeting' to the 'Wizard Council'. Doctor Fate, on behalf of all the human mages, agreed to Harley's plan. , only made one request - Harley gave up revenge on Phoenix Faust and other Grandmasters who had offended her.

At least while everyone is "united to resist the rebellion", Harley will not look for opportunities to harm her "comrades".

The video conference started, and Superman first told the story of the arrival of the Herald, and then Harley said: "Now the 'Anti-Resistance Alliance' faces three choices, three paths.

The first way, according to our original plan, is to stand ready and wait for the arrival of the antimatter wall.

The second way is to abandon the original plan, surrender to the Monitor, obey his command, and respond to the antimatter crisis according to his strategy. Well, now give up the 'Multiverse Crisis', 'Pharaoh Crisis', 'Antimatter Crisis' and ' Anti-Monitor Crisis' and other outdated crisis names are collectively called 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'.

The third way is to divide our troops into two groups. Some of us will go to the monitor satellite and follow the monitor's arrangements. At the same time, we will deliver the latest intelligence and anti-matter technology to those left behind on Earth.

To sum up, either we continue to be stubborn and firmly believe that the "Anti-Anti-Monitoring Alliance" can handle everything; or we believe that the monitors are the "saviors"; or we are half-hearted, hypocritical, poaching the monitors, and forming our own small group. "

"The first way is definitely not possible!" Aquaman immediately said: "We don't even understand the characteristics of antimatter, but we refuse the help provided by the managers of the multiverse. How stupid and arrogant we must be!"

"Actually, the second path is very good. Monitor VS Anti-Monitor, at least the cards are evenly matched. We will try our best to help him. This is the most efficient way to solve the crisis." Green Lantern said slowly.

"I originally thought the third way was very good, but after hearing your 'summary', it doesn't seem right?" Luther frowned.

Next, heroes, mages and researchers expressed their opinions one after another. Basically no one agreed with the first way, 20% of the supporters of the second way, and the vast majority of the rest did not agree with the third way.

"We can divide our forces into two groups. Some of the heroes and scientists will go to monitor the satellites, and the other will stay on the earth. But we won't do it half-heartedly, and we won't form small groups.

Earth 0 is the home front, the monitor satellite is the military camp, and the universe in crisis is the front line of the battle.

This is an organic whole without any entanglement of interests. Everyone should face a crisis together with the purest heart.

Because in Crisis on Infinite Earths, there is no room for petty tricks.

Any selfish act or thought we make may affect the survival of billions of lives. "Baitman said.

"Well said." Flash said excitedly.

"I agree with Bateman."

Superman and Wonder Woman applauded, while the rest of the heroes and officials nodded in approval.

Then they looked at the host at the center of the video.

"Kent, what do you think?" Harley looked at Dr. Fate, who had been silent.

"It's hard to say. You seem to want to form a small group? Why?"

Harley nodded slightly, "I proposed three options, and Bateman made significant changes to the third option, which can be regarded as the fourth option.

Personally, I think the third way is the best.

Next is the first path, then Bateman's fourth choice, and the second path is the next choice. "

"It's so shameless to have a small group at this time, isn't it?"

"It's unbelievable. Is it better to sit back and wait for death than to obey the supervisor's arrangements?"

The heroes were greatly puzzled and very excited.

Even Luther and the government representatives frowned and looked confused.

"I don't really want to explain, I can only swear to you," Harley said with a serious expression, "The choices I make are more about you and the earth."

"This" everyone had different expressions, none of them were convinced.

Bateman stared at her and said solemnly: "How can you convince us if you don't explain?

If you don't convince us, how can we believe that we are right to follow you?

Without the belief that it is on the right path, where would the "Anti-anti-Supervisory Alliance" have its fighting power? "

"Harley, what are you worried about?" Superman asked.

Harley struggled for a moment and said softly: "I don't trust the monitor."

"Ah——" Everyone exclaimed, not expecting to hear such an answer.

Superman wondered: "Is the Herald lying to us? The Monitor is the anti-Monitor and not the enemy? Is the Monitor satellite a trap?"

Harley shook her head and said, "Even if the purpose is the same, the stance may be different.

Just like the many times I've led heroes to solve global crises, the Justice League still can't fully trust me. "

"Of course we trust you." Superman said quickly.

"During Brainiac's crisis, you didn't want me to be the boss. Is this called trust?"

"Hey, why are you still thinking about this?"

In front of so many people, Superman even blushed for her, she was so petty!

Everyone had strange expressions, but Harley looked calm, "You believe in my belief in leading the team to save Metropolis, but you don't believe in my character and style."

Bateman endured it for a while, but still couldn't stand her 'hypocrisy', and said: "After the battle, you dismantled three engines from the skull spaceship, took off eight neural link mechanical tentacles, and packed away two experimental area, several robots, a starry sky radar system, and two sets of inter-galactic communication systems

Brainiac's spaceship was half empty, how can we trust you? "

"Harry, didn't you say that you were empty-handed and didn't get any loot?" Luther complained.

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