I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 623 Two-faced Harley?

Harley said: "Luthor's guess is very reasonable, and I think so too.

It can be said that before the crisis has come to our universe, we have basically locked in the person behind the scenes and understand the basis of his ability - antimatter.

Knowing this, we can divide our troops into three groups and form an "Anti-Rebel Alliance" with the three major legions as the core.

The people along the way are an army of scientists, researching instruments and even armors against antimatter.

Lest we be like Luther, the hero of Earth 3, who was instantly killed by the wall of antimatter without any resistance.

The second path is the magic legion, headed by Dr. Destiny, using ghosts as their trump cards, summoning all magic-side characters to develop forbidden magic against anti-matter energy.

The third route is the Legion of Heroes, which forms a legion of superpowers to conduct anti-matter defense and confrontation training.

The three groups of people work together. As long as we can achieve two things - to prevent the anti-matter force and break the anti-monitor's anti-matter defense - we may not be incapable of fighting.

If there is no chance of victory, the Monitor does not need to send out pioneers to recruit heroes across the multiverse. "

"Clear and well-founded!" Louise applauded gently.

This time she is not alone.

Several government representatives sitting in the gallery like her took the lead in applauding.

They feel good because they understand.

Regardless of whether the Fifth Ring Admiral can fulfill his promise in reality, at least this "PPT on resolving the antimatter crisis" is really well done, the thinking is very clear, and it makes sense.

After they return, they can respond logically and smoothly to inquiries from superiors.

Before this meeting, the U.S. government was confused about the crisis. It did not know who the enemy was, how the crisis occurred, and how to resist it.

Although not everyone applauded Zheng Lian Hero, no one found any mistakes or made any additions.

With the information they have collected so far, they can't find a better way.

"With the guidance outline of 'dividing troops into three routes', we continue to analyze what should be done next step by step."

Harley continued: "First, the Scientist Corps.

First, Superman and The Flash should develop the hero Luthor's time-travel technology as soon as possible. If there is any progress, report it to me immediately, and then determine how to apply the time-travel machine.

Remember, do not tell anyone outside your scientific research team, including me, about your research results.

Before the war comes, only by breaking the cauldron and advancing without retreating can we open a path of life and death.

I don't want an escape route for a small number of privileged people to escape before the crisis actually arrives, causing the military to become distracted and the three groups to be distracted and unintentional to prepare for war.

The 'Resistance Monitor Alliance' must face the upcoming crisis with a fight to the death attitude. "

"Harley Quinn, I very much agree with what you said, and I really appreciate your attitude. It's just..." Wonder Woman pursed her lips, "I don't quite believe you can do it. I think everyone is also skeptical."

Bateman nods, Superman nods, Luthor nods, Xanadu nods, Father Time

Cyborg looked around, unsure.

Aquaman and The Flash seemed to believe Harley's lies, and were slightly hesitant to react to their companions.

Green Lantern crossed his arms, his expression and eyes unchanged, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"Of course I can't do it all. I have other options, and I don't care about the time-traveling machine." Harley said calmly.

"Then you." Everyone's expressions were distorted.

"Oh, I have a way out. It's not that I'm looking for a way out, but that I have too many connections. Just like a person who is too rich will not be troubled by poverty.

This is not a problem with my thinking, it is simply that I am so capable that no difficulty can stop me. "Harry sighed with emotion.

At this moment, both heroes and government officials felt that she deserved a beating.

"What escape route do you have?" Luther asked curiously.

"Many. To put it simply, before heaven closes, send your family and friends to Heaven Mountain, or follow my family's children of hell to hide in hell.

As long as God does not come out to destroy the world, no one can touch heaven and hell. "Harry said in a relaxed tone.


Luther's expression changed several times. After looking at the people around him, he swallowed back the words he was about to blurt out.

"But don't worry, even if I can't break the boat, I will try my best to make myself have no way out.

Well, if there are no difficulties that can't stop me, I will create difficulties and strive to be like everyone else. In the end, there is no way out. "

The attendees contorted their faces and wanted to curse again.

Harley, however, seemed not to have seen her. She only said with clear eyes and a firm expression: "Before heaven closes, I will send a few friends who are unable to cope with the crisis to heaven, but I will always stay on earth.

I will stick to it until the end and live and die with the people around the world! "

——When the situation is over and all the people on earth are dead, she will run away again.

"Are you sure?" Xanadu asked doubtfully.

"I won't lie to people, and I can't lie to people. Heaven must be closed first, and then the crisis will come. If heaven is closed, will hell still be open?

In other words, as long as I stay with everyone and wait for the crisis to come, the escape route between heaven and hell will have been cut off. " Harley said.

Xanadu was still full of doubts, but he stopped asking.

Harley continued: "Actually, the hero Luther's time traveler is useless. Little Alexander Luther was sent to our earth by him, and we are willing to take good care of him, but is he really safe?

Therefore, everyone should put aside other thoughts and join me in fighting the Anti-Monitor to the death for the sake of the earth and all mankind! "

"This always sounds wrong," Diana complained to Bateman in a low voice. "Witch Harley inspires others to face crises with her and have the courage to sacrifice. If the devils hear these words, they will laugh out loud. front teeth."

"No matter what she thinks in her heart, at least she is saying and doing this now, which can stabilize the morale of the military and is most beneficial to resolving the crisis.

And, I believe, she will persist until the end. "Baitman sighed.

"The second mission of the Scientist Corps, led by Luthor, Cyborg and Dr. Stone, recruits scientists from around the world to research antimatter defense and breakthrough technologies."

Harley continued to say a lot, and others continued to supplement and modify her plan.

In addition to the uncertainty about the mission arrangements of the Magic Legion, the next actions of the Science Legion and the Hero Legion have been very detailed.

Even the Shogi Club has been assigned a job: to help the League of Nations stabilize the political situation on earth when a crisis comes.

"In this hero's meeting, we determined the crisis response outline and several small details, which basically achieved the purpose of holding the meeting. Do you have any questions? If not, I will adjourn the meeting."

Luther raised his hand, "How were the Brainiac spacecraft and Brainiac himself dealt with?"

Harley looked at Bateman, "I'm still waiting for your report."

Bateman said: "Brainiac is in the Metropolitan Stryker Island Prison."

Stryker Island is to Metropolis what Arkham Asylum is to Gotham, a place where super criminals are imprisoned.

"What's his condition now?" Harley asked.

Bateman glanced at Luther and said, "Director Quinn, I will report this to you alone."

"What about the spaceship? Our scientist corps needs the technology on it, such as force field shields, and Brainiac's thousands of years of accumulated civilization wisdom." Luther asked.

Bateman said: "The spaceship is now sealed in Superman's Castle of Solitude, which contains more than 40,000 glass bottle cities that need to be properly kept.

If you want to use a certain technology, you can apply to the US government. The Pentagon will get three robots, two scrapped Stellar missiles, and a list of key technologies. "

Dr. Stone said: "The Red Room Laboratory received those things from the Pentagon. If the 'Science Corps' needs to use Brainiac's technology in some places, it can be left to me to handle it."

Luther was a little dissatisfied when he failed to get what he wanted.

But in this environment, it was hard for him to say anything.

"I have another question. Little Alexander Luther is just a baby, a poor little refugee. He should be of no use to you, right?

I would like to adopt him. " Louise looked at Harry expectantly.

Harley smiled and said: "As long as your husband agrees, his mother is originally 'Lois Lane', and his biological parents should be very happy for you to adopt their son."

"Actually, I can also be his father." Luther said slowly.

"Luthor, what do you mean?" Superman said in a deep voice.

Luther glanced at him sideways, "I mean, Mrs. Kent is pregnant and busy with work, so she probably doesn't have time or energy to take care of her children. She's going to be a mother soon, so she has no shortage of children.

But I am just the opposite. I have money and leisure, but I am in need of a son. "

"Leaving the child to you will only add another sample to your inhumane biological experiments. Luther, I know you too well." Superman's eyes were sharp and his tone was cold.

"Admiral of the Five Rings, how do you judge?" Luther turned to Harley.

Harley shrugged, "Unless the judge takes your dirty money, anyone will award the child to Louise."

"Miss Quinn, I'm glad you handed over the child to me, but your words can easily cause misunderstanding. This is not a divorced couple fighting for custody of their child." Louise said with a wooden face.

After the meeting, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone held a "hero meeting" for four or five hours.

Although the pregnant woman Louise was a little overwhelmed, she still stayed in the small lounge of Tianyan Club until her husband arrived, and the couple took little Alexander to complete the adoption procedures.

Special matters are handled specially, and the procedures are not complicated.

Superman serves as a guarantor and will go to Kent's house every now and then to check on the child's condition.

Lois and Clark signed, and Trevor, the head of the Sky Eye Society, stamped it, and it was done.

Well, Clark Kent and Superman showed up at the same time.

"Who is he?" Louise asked in a low voice while holding her cheap son.

"Jon the Martian, he can transform and is very suitable for helping heroes hide their identities." Clark whispered.

Louise looked at the baby and said, "When you saw him, did you think of yourself? He had almost the same experience as you. He was also on the edge of the destruction of civilization, and was packed into a small spaceship by his parents and sent to the earth."

Clark touched the baby's forehead with gentle eyes, "Maybe this is fate."

"Would you like to change your last name? Alexander Kent sounds better." Louise asked.

"Well, it should be no problem. When he grows up, we can tell him all about his life experience."

Louise leaned against her husband and smiled happily.

"I found that Harley Quinn is actually quite good. Putting aside her personal life and dark family history, as a five-ring general, she is calm and calm, not panicked by changes, has outstanding abilities, and is extremely good at finding opportunities for combat.

He can also distinguish between public and private matters to a great extent, and be brave and fearless——"

"What's wrong?" She found her husband stopped in the corridor, motionless, with a strange expression on his face.

After hesitating for a moment, Clark took his wife around a few corners and came to a terrace, hiding herself around the corner.

Louise's expression was slightly condensed. She heard that General Wuhuan was having a pleasant conversation with Luther and several officials.

"This is a small matter. Before heaven closes, I will inform you, your sister, mother or whoever else, prepare your belongings, and I will ask the owl spacecraft to pick them up.

There are also Mr. President, Speaker, and generals. As long as it is not a big escape of one hundred thousand or one million people, it will be no problem.

My paradise mountain is large enough and has enough food. Even if the multiverse is destroyed, it will be peaceful and peaceful there.

As for those of you who remain on Earth, don’t be afraid. When the Earth is destroyed, there will be one last ship ready for each of you. "Harry held the wine glass and said with a confident and proud smile.

He even glanced quietly outside the terrace.

"That puts me at ease." Luther smiled and clinked glasses with her.

"General Wuhuan is so wise!" the officials complimented cheerfully.

Louise was confused and confused.

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