I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 621 Harley’s ‘Eighth Specialty Plan’

"This kind of thing cannot be done. If it is exposed in the universe, the earth will become a target." Louise said seriously.

Superman glanced at his wife approvingly.

"Don't worry when I do things." Harley said confidently: "For example, the reason why an alien criminal is asked to be a gladiator is because he destroys the property of the people on earth and has to work to earn money to pay off his debts.

Before sending the alien criminal to the laboratory, he will sign an agreement to "volunteer to help the development of biological sciences on Earth" while he is awake. "

Louise looked at her in shock, "This idea is so outrageous, but you actually said it openly in public?"

Can people be so shameless?

"Well, honesty has always been my strength." Harley nodded.

Louise was speechless.

Luther looked at her in surprise, "What about soul research?"

"The alien worships me as my teacher and is practicing black magic with me. Moreover, I know how to deal with others and only attack loners with no background."

Luther gave a thumbs up, "You are really reassuring in your work."

The Zhenglian hero frowned.

"It's almost time for the meeting. We are very pressed for time." Bateman reminded.

"Is everyone here?" Harley asked.

"The Shogi Club, the Shadow Bureau, and Doctor Fate haven't come yet," Amanda said.

"They rejected my invitation?"

"Someone should be on the way, because Colonel Trevor is still waiting at the gate." Waller said.

"You ask Trevor about the situation."

Waller took his cell phone, got up and went to the corridor outside.

"I thought it was just us." Aquaman frowned.

"This crisis cannot be separated from the help of the magic world, and some extraordinary gods may still be the key." Harley said.

"I know about the Bureau of Shadows and Doctor Fate, but the Shogi Club is also a magical organization?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

Harley looked at Bateman, "Do you know?"

Bateman frowned and shook his head, "I just heard about it today."

"The Shogi Club is an international espionage organization targeting the 'American Zhenglian'. Bateman, as a Zhenglian intelligence officer, you have failed in your duty."

"American Zhenglian?"

"Aimed at us?"

"International secret service?"

The boss of Zhenglian was shocked and confused.

"The Justice League has nothing to do with the US government. We serve all mankind." Superman said seriously.

Harley smiled and said: "Do you think the Shogi Club was created by foreigners? It belongs to the League of Nations, but it was established under the leadership of the United States. Most of the members are American and have close ties with the military.

If you were to be an honest and obedient "United States Zhenglian", 80% of the time the shogi club would not appear. "

Bateman and Superman looked at each other and quickly regained their composure.

They had just heard about the shogi club, but it was expected that the U.S. government would make small moves.

"Director, they are here."

Amanda walked in with three people.

"Hey, Harley, you are so awesome now, even I have to call you BOSS."

Father Time skipped up to Harley and said hello with a smile.

She still looks like a teenage neon girl, wearing a cool sailor uniform in the winter.

"Hello, Congressman Quinn, I am Maxwell Lord, the 'Black King' of the Shogi Club."

Lauder is in his early thirties, tall and handsome, and looks very elegant in a well-dressed suit.

However, under his gentle face, there was a pair of sharp eyes, which reminded Harley of Bruce taking off his bat costume - the same 'sanctimonious' nobleman.

Well, this Lauder is also a second-generation rich man and a billionaire.

"Director Quinn, I didn't wait for Doctor Fate." Steve Trevor said.

Harley looked at Father Time.

The little loli shrugged, "Don't look at me, I sent him the message, but this afternoon at the Tower of Destiny, Kent is also holding a meeting of the Wizards Alliance."

"What a coincidence?" Harley was a little skeptical.

"Have you ever thought that the reason for his meeting is the same as yours?" Little Loli said meaningfully.

It is possible that even she was aware of the fluctuations in space and time caused by Little Alexander Luther's arrival on Earth 0. Doctor Fate may even have witnessed the destruction of Earth 3.

Harley thought for a while, took out her phone, and at the same time @Constantine, Madam Xanadu, and Zatanna asked, "Where are they?"

Zha Kang did not respond, and neither did Zatanna. She was suspected of attending a meeting at the Tower of Destiny.

On the contrary, I was very busy and very excited. I replied to several messages in a row: "While watching videos at home, 'Inspirational Harley' has become a super hot word on the Internet. Everyone is discussing your hard work and 'magic secrets'."

"I am now transforming into a 'magic expert', answering questions about spiritual practice for the little friends who discuss 'how to become the next nuclear bomb' on the forum."

"I tell every daydreaming boy and girl - don't think about it. Witch Harley has a bigger problem than Superman. You can't learn from it."

"I'm innocent, what do I have to worry about?" Harley said.

"You are an innocent ghost. You accomplish the impossible every time. Who else but you? Let alone wisdom. I have lived for more than a thousand years and am much wiser than you."

Harley didn't want to talk to her and said directly: "You didn't go to Dr. Fate's 'Wizard Meeting'?"

"After the joint psychic incident (ps), I secretly swore that the multiverse crisis was too dangerous for me to play with, and I tried not to participate."

"I am also holding a 'Heroes' Meeting on the Antimatter Crisis' here to discuss the formation of the 'Anti-Antimatter Alliance', and I also specially invited Dr. Destiny.

He's not here, so do yourself a favor and come over and be a representative of the magical community. " Harley said.

At the end, she added, "I don't want you to join the war, just pretend to be a stickman and talk nonsense in front of the heroes of the earth."

"I'm good at this. Where is it? I'll be there soon."

In less than two minutes, Xanadu, wearing a jeweled headband and a gorgeous purple dress, arrived.

"Is this a meeting of all Earth's heroes?"

There were only a dozen or so people in the small venue, which made Xanadu's eager heart feel cold.

If not for the gathering of Zhenglian giants, she would have been ready to leave.

"It's the 'Hero Club'. In fact, we are more than enough to represent the entire universe."

Harley adjusted her seat so that Xanadu could sit and do her work.

"Ahem, the second Earth Heroes Conference has officially begun.

You may be wondering why I insist on finding a magic representative.

Just the day before yesterday, I went to heaven."

She briefly explained the attitude and arrangements of heaven.

“The ghost is a thigh that we can try to rely on. No matter what actions or plans we have, we should take him into consideration, and it is best to communicate with him.

The link between ghosts and the human world is Doctor Fate, the god of magic.

Now that Dr. Fate is unable to come due to something else, Madam Xanadu expresses the views and attitudes of the transcendent world on this crisis on his behalf, and then helps relay the contents of this meeting to Dr. Fate and even the mage world. "

"I can't speak for all mages." Xanadu hesitated.

"You can at least represent some of the masters. They all know you and are friends with you. You know their characters and can guess their attitudes, right?" Harley said.

Everyone frowned, "Okay, I'll try my best to help you convince them to join the Anti-Antimatter Alliance."

"Since Heaven is also paying attention to this crisis, why doesn't it use God's light to directly solve the hidden danger? Instead, it hides Omaika. I can't imagine it or believe it."

Louise held her big belly with a sad expression of broken faith, as did several government officials and "honest" heroes.

Harley thought for a while and said: "You can think of heaven as an alien planet that sells beliefs. Angels are aliens with personalities that are more in line with human beliefs. Wouldn't this be easier to understand? Will it make you feel better?"

"I can't understand that heaven and God should be holy, perfect and beautiful." Louise shook her head.

"Time father, what do you think?"

Harley looked at Neon Lolita. Almost all agents of the Shadow Bureau were blasphemous beings in the eyes of angels, and they had also been targeted by church forces.

She should be able to convince everyone to give up their illusions about a perfect God.

"Don't be confused, don't doubt, believe in the Lord, believe that He is in your heart. Even if many people cannot believe in God wholeheartedly, God will not give up on his children."

A clear but majestic voice sounded in the conference room, and it was not the neon lolita.

"Who? Who's talking?" Amanda looked around warily.

Harley was a little embarrassed, waved her hand to sit down, and shouted toward the door: "Shut your stupid mouth, this is not the place for you to preach."

"My family is ignorant, don't mind me," she said to everyone with a smile.

"Who is Yebby?" Luther asked doubtfully.

Harry's expression suddenly became very calm, and he said in an understatement: "My pet, my mount, and also the brother of Jesus."

Luther's eyes widened, "Whose brother?"

"Half-brothers of Christ Jesus." Xanadu looked cautious.

Luther's heart moved, "My magic consultant once told me about the major events that have happened in the magic world in recent decades. The coming of the Son lasted for nearly ten years and did not end until the end of last year."

"It's just what you think." Xanadu said.

Luther glanced at the crowd and found that Zheng Lian was not too surprised, "You know?"

No one in Zhenglian paid any attention to him.

It was Harley who said, "Your magic consultant's salary has been deducted for several days. Any official mage with a little knowledge knows this."

"I want to change consultants." Luther nodded solemnly.

"How about asking Yebi to join the meeting?" Bateman suggested.

"Second brother, come in."

The Dog Son holds his head high and his chest high, his steps are steady, his body exudes hazy holy light, and he has a kind of sacred and solemn majesty.

Even though it was a dog, when everyone saw it, they didn't laugh loudly or whisper to each other, and their attitude was contemptuous.

They were curious, but they all sat upright.

It's not that they want to be polite to it, but that its life level is higher than theirs, making them subconsciously respect it.

Dog Shengzi jumped up on the table and squatted opposite Harley: "Heaven avoids the limelight, but it does not mean that God gives up on earth.

The ghost is the wrath of God, a spirit of vengeance on earth.

He is a part of God, and His intervention to save the world is equivalent to God's intervention "in a different costume." "

"Earth 3 has been destroyed, why doesn't Ghost stop it?" Superman asked.

The Dog Son raised his dog's face, surrounded by the breath of the Holy Spirit, and his clear voice was full of strange power, which made people convinced: "God loves his children, but he never keeps them as pets.

Just like God told Noah that the great flood was coming, but did not help Noah build a ship.

The road to salvation lies ahead. The Lord has pointed out the direction for us, but we still have to walk the road ourselves.

The disasters that belong to you must be overcome with courage, wisdom and perseverance. This is also the teaching of God.

Trust the Lord.

He has already arranged everything, and when the critical moment is beyond your ability, help will come. "

Louise and others' minds and expressions calmed down.

Harry also looked at it calmly and said calmly: "Are you done? After you're done, go out quickly, stay away, and don't eavesdrop."

Gou Shengzi opened his mouth to say something, but under the glare of her bright eyes, he swallowed his words again, jumped off the table, and ran away with his head hanging down.

"Out of professional habits, Yebi always talks about empty words like 'God arranges everything', but it has a saying that I agree with - we have to walk the road ourselves," said Harley.

"Perhaps it is not empty words. God was preparing for this crisis more than a thousand years ago." Xanadu suddenly said.

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