I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 607 The Sage Visits

"No, how could you give me such a name?!" Dog Shengzi was angry.

"Who asked you to pretend to be so cool-" Harley started, then froze and said in surprise: "I just said it casually, just as a joke, did it become your real name?"

Dog Shengzi closed his eyes and wanted to cry.

"Here" Harley was also a little numb, "Can you change the name again?"

Dog Shengzi continued to close his eyes and remain silent.

Harley understood that there was no precedent for changing one's real name, and Dog Shengzi was no exception.

"I didn't say anything about Fasui's abilities. How could it come true if I just said it casually? What is God doing?" she complained.

"It's obviously your fault, but you want to blame God?!" Wang Nanbowan opened his eyes and glared at her.

"Hey, little Bi - uh, Xiao Wang? Nanbowan? It sounds so ugly." Harley muttered with a puffed face, and said: "I'd better call you the second child. Second child, you speak according to your conscience, the naming right is God gave it to me, and your name is also registered by God.

Did I want to give you such a real name?

Obviously I don't want to.

God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and transcends the upper limit of human cognition. He naturally understands my thoughts, but He still records your name in the 'real name book'. If you don't blame Him, who should you blame? "

"Only if you really think so, the true name can be established." Nanbowan said.

"Really?" Harley thought about it carefully, and it seemed that at that moment, she did think it was Nanbowan.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"It's really ugly to be the King of Nanbowan." Selina muttered from the side, "My child might as well be called such a name."

"I think it's okay," Duoduo stretched out her paw and patted her son, "The names chosen by the master are all very good and majestic."

Dog Shengzi ignored his mother.

Ivy said: "Second brother, don't blame Harley. You were really good at pretending just now."

Selena agreed, "Yes, brother, you are so good at pretending. The scope is so wide, affecting half of the universe, but you are sighing with a look of dissatisfaction on your face, saying that the scope is small and you need to grow. As a person who doesn’t understand magic, I feel uncomfortable after hearing this.”

"Am I pretending?" Gou Shengzi lost his composure and glanced at the three women, "Do you understand my mission?

I was born to stabilize the elemental chaos of the multiverse.

My responsibility lies with the entire multiverse!

Let alone a single material universe, even if the infinite universes within Wan Tian Yi are added together, it is not enough to be a 'multiverse'.

Hell alone has an energy level greater than all the physical universe combined.

Hell is only Limbo.

A quarter of a single universe is not even a hair compared to the entire multiverse.

Do I still need to be proud of this achievement? "

"Well, it seems to make sense," Ivy looked at Harley.

"Does it make sense?" Selena also looked at Harley.

Harley felt embarrassed in her heart, and her expression was indifferent, "It's pretending again now. It's so majestic, a quarter of the universe has already shocked us, and now it says that this achievement is just a 'hair' of its future ordinary state." "

"It seems to make sense." Ivy looked at Dog Shengzi.

"Mom, let's go back to hell." Dog Shengzi called to Duoduo.

Amazon rainforest, night.

"Hey, the power of elements."

In the swamp outside the tree house, water suddenly splashed, and the tall body of the swamp monster jumped out from under the water.

He opened his eyes as bright as stars and looked towards the north, wondering: "The power of the elements is changing, like a violent wild wolf being comforted into a docile lamb. This is the power predicted to calm the elemental disorder!"

"It's in the north, not a bud!" he shouted excitedly, waking up the sleeping mother and daughter in the wooden house.

"Alec, what are you yelling at in the middle of the night?" Abby complained.

"Sorry, I - you go to bed first, I'll go find the elder."

Swamp Monster quietly left the wooden house and came to the tree parliament a few hundred meters away - white birch, oak, red maple, willow and other thick old trees.

"We also feel it. The source is in Gotham, in Quinn Manor. This is an ominous omen. You should go to the Tower of Destiny quickly." The old trees sounded excited, even more anxious than the swamp monster.

"Did Harley fool us all?" Swamp Thing muttered.

When he came to the Tower of Destiny, several magic masters and gods had already arrived first.

"It's incredible, but this is the fact. The Holy Son is not a sprout."

Dr. Fate's voice was dry and his face was gray.

Years of preparation and numerous plans are all in vain.

"Witch Harley is well-deserved, and everyone has been deceived by her."

Tanarak, whose eyes were covered with cloth, said coldly.

"It's not necessarily Harley who's up to something, she's not like that." Swamp Thing murmured.

"Your mind is full of mud? Witch Harley is insidious and cunning. This is also true. Do you still believe that she is a good person?" Phoenix Faust mocked.

"Faust, do you still dare to hang out? Maybe I should notify Harley and let her know you are here." Swamp Monster said coldly.

Faust had participated in the Witch Hunting Squadron and was one of the few masters who ran away in time when the opportunity arose that day.

"You still informed her? In fact, at least she helped Heaven play tricks on humans and was raped!" Faust said excitedly: "Even if I am a black magician, I often deal with demons, but in the incident of the coming of the Son, My position has always been on the side of mankind.

In order for you to give birth to the Holy Son, I secretly did so much dirty work, but did I complain or even get paid a dime?

You still want to report me to the witch, are you also going to commit adultery? "

Swamp Thing was furious, "You——"

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Destiny waved his hand, "You don't need to be too excited. When the Holy Son comes, everyone will use their own methods, and they are willing to accept defeat.

No matter what Harley did, she is not our enemy, and she is far from being an adulterer.

Her contribution to the earth exceeds that of many of our mages.

This is a fact and cannot be denied.

Also, we're not sure exactly what she did. It doesn't change anything. "

The last sentence is the key point: Even if you are angry and excited, what can you do? Everything is settled.

Sage Aoqi said slowly: "Actually, the current result is not the worst. The Holy Son was born, but not in the human world. This shows that the goal of heaven this time is not the earth."

"But now He has come to the world." Sorceress Sargon said.

She is the daughter of Master Sargon. When the old Sargon died with Zatara in the joint channeling of Little Black Bean, Harley also went to Europe to attend her father's funeral.

But after that, Witch Sargon stayed in Europe and formed the "Cold Flame Holy See" with a group of masters, and she lost contact with Harley.

"We haven't even seen the Holy Son now, so it doesn't make much sense for us to talk about His influence here." Sage Aoqi said.

Dr. Destiny nodded, "According to tradition, when the Holy Son comes to the mortal world, mortal sages should bring gifts to worship him. The ceremony cannot be neglected, Sage Aoqi. Tomorrow we will go to Quinn Manor."

"Just the two of us?"

Dr. Fate looked around at the masters below and said, "Call Zatanna again."

The junior Zatanna was originally not qualified to participate in this kind of 'big boss gathering' - the planning for the coming of the Son began more than twenty years ago, when Zatanna was still a child.

However, the big boss at the scene, Grandmaster, had no friendship with Harley and instead had a lot of grievances, so he had no choice but to let her take over.

Early in the morning, Hallie received a call from her housekeeper Angela. Three "strange acquaintances" - regular customers dressed strangely - came to the door of the front yard at the foot of the mountain.

"They said they wanted to meet the Holy Son. They were dressed in strange clothes and had a very solemn attitude."

Harley quickly got dressed, decorated Dog Shengzi and Duoduo, and flew to the front yard in person.

"Kent, Zatanna, Sage Oz, you are all old friends. How convenient is it to teleport here directly? Why are you so polite?"

"Today we are visiting the Holy Son as human sages, so we must be more solemn." Sage Aoqi said.

"As a human sage, you represent all mankind, and etiquette is very important." said Doctor Destiny Kent.

"Who is the Holy Son?" Zatanna was more casual.

The three of them were all wearing classical hooded robes, strange silk robes, all in dark purple and black, with gorgeous patterns drawn on the chest and back with gold and silver threads, and the cuffs and collars were studded with colorful gems.

Zatanna is wearing a crown of flying stars, Sage Oz is holding a gemstone Zen staff, and Dr. Fate is holding a table-sized golden book.

"I declare in advance that when it comes to the coming of the Holy Son, I am neutral in favor of humans. I have not committed adultery, and I have not plotted any conspiracy with Silver City." Harley said.

"Yeah." Dr. Destiny nodded, not sure if he believed it or not.

"The Holy Son was born in Hell. Think about it, how can I cooperate with Hell?" Harley asked again.

"Where did the Holy Son come from?" Sage Aoqi asked softly.

"I was also very confused and asked specifically about the birth and mission of the Holy Son. He told me that God is omniscient and omnipotent and has arranged everything." Harley said solemnly.

This is the truth, she dares to say this in front of the second child.

"God, the father of the Son?" Dr. Destiny frowned, "I thought the Son was the only one. How to distribute authority between the two Sons? The Bible would have to be rewritten."

"The identity of this holy son of mine is a little special. You will understand it when you see him." Harry's eyes flickered and he spoke vaguely.

The three sages were curious and wanted to ask more questions, but they had already arrived at the castle halfway up the mountain.

The gate of the castle hall was opened on both sides, and a clean blue blanket stretched from the entrance of the courtyard to the gate.

As they stepped onto the stone steps, the three of them felt a holy breath fill the hall, and a faint, white light overflowed from the door and windows.

The three of them were filled with concentration. They were worthy of being the Holy Son. His aura was neither domineering nor tyrannical, but he had a charm that could accommodate all things.

When they stepped through the gate, they bowed down respectfully and knelt down on one knee.

"The three wise men of Western America pay their respects - Omaika!"

"Holy shit!"

"Oh, God!"

After the three people saluted, they looked up and saw a majestic big dog face and a curious "little face" of an ugly bully dog. They couldn't help but exclaim.

Zatanna's concentration was the worst. She slumped over and sat on the blanket.

"Three sages, don't panic. I am the Father and Son of Heaven. You can call me Yebi." Dog Holy Son squatted on the sofa, his eyes were clear and gentle, his demeanor was elegant and calm, and his voice contained the power to make people feel peaceful.

"Yeb" Harley held back a laugh.

Is this the same surname as Jehovah and Jesus?

Yeah, force the king to Nanbo Bay?

Or, force the king to Nanbowan·yeah!

The Dog Son did not look at the cheap master who was making a face at the foot of the steps, and continued: "My father's humility for the Lord, nothing can better reflect the humility of God than incarnation as a dog. Therefore, as the son of God, I am also in the form of a dog. .”

After hearing these words, the three sages completely ended the series of "mother Fake" in their hearts, and their expressions became solemn and respectful again.

They are not mortals and have heard rumors of dog gods.

Since God’s humility is incarnated as a poodle, it is natural that His Son should be a dog.

However, when the three of them cast their eyes on the Dog Madonna beside the Holy Son, they still couldn't help shouting in their hearts: This is a real dog. God's humility is too despicable, and a bitch. Oh, no wonder he can hide it from them, No matter how much they thought about it, they never imagined that the true Holy Mother was a dog.

God is insidious and ruthless. He was able to be so cruel to himself. The human mage was defeated unjustly!

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