I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 590 Dr. Quinn’s professional habits (Please vote for me at the end of the month!)

Brainiac's "crazy" remarks made Harley unable to calm down for a long time - it turns out that there are potential members of the Arkham group in the universe, and they are inhuman but have strong logic.

Superman was not touched at all. Instead, his mind wandered and he thought of another thing, "In order to monopolize the wisdom of a civilization, you destroy the rest. There has never been an exception, right?"

"I never make mistakes," Brainiac said.

"So, when you took away the city of Kandor on the eve of Krypton's destruction, what did you do to the sun of Krypton?" Superman trembled.

"I didn't do anything at the time. With my wisdom, I easily judged that Krypton could not last long, and Krypton's civilization was about to destroy itself. Facts have proved that I was right." Brainiac said lightly.

——Ask him what he did next.

When Superman was depressed, a message appeared on the mirror tablet.

Harley heard something.

Superman did as he was told.

Brainiac did not hesitate, "Krypton exploded, but it was not completely destroyed. One city survived.

Agung City.

When I dug up the city of Kandor, several robots that were destroyed by the Kryptonian army forgot to recover them. They were found by the Kryptonian military commander Zod and given to your uncle Zoel for study.

Your Al family is worthy of being the number one scientific family on Krypton, and they all have the smartest minds - except you.

It only took Zor-El a few months to steal most of my Cosmic Wall technology.

If he were allowed to study for another six months, he might even build his own city in a bottle.

Even though he was short on time, he designed a force field wall for Argonne City.

When Krypton exploded, Argon City was only thrown into deep space, and not even the air in the city was lost. "

Superman has no doubt about the power of the cosmic wall force field.

Not to mention the explosion of Krypton, even if the sun exploded, it would have no impact on Brainiac's force field.

He saw with his own eyes that the Skull Spaceship was as stable as a rock in the supernova, without even shaking.

"What did you do to Agung City and my uncle?"

"He activated the cosmic wall force field when Krypton was about to explode. The next moment I realized that my technology had been stolen. However, I did not kill everyone in Argonne City.

After the remaining few hundred people surrendered, I sent them into Kandor City.

I'm not a butcher, and I don't like killing people for no reason. "

Brainiac didn't blush or blink.

Superman gnashed his teeth angrily, "Even if Argon City is not the largest and most prosperous city on Krypton, it has a population of at least a million, but in the end there are only a few hundred people left. Do you still have the nerve to emphasize that you are not a butcher?"

Harley nodded secretly, somewhat recognizing that Brainiac was equal to her in cosmic terror.

This kind of serious nonsense behavior is beyond even her reach.

“I kill them not to massacre, but to ensure that knowledge does not leak out.

I can't bear to have my wisdom shared with others.

Just like you can't stand the wedding night when your first wife is taken by someone else.

My desire for knowledge far exceeds your desire for money, love and power."

Brainiac walked up to Superman, with a look of loneliness on his face, "I'm telling you this because I thought you were smart enough to understand me. I was wrong, you don't understand anything."

Superman's expression was ferocious, and he wanted to raise his hand to punch him, but he caught a glimpse of new information in the lens.

"You are stupid, you are eager for knowledge, but you have been killing the cradle of the most brilliant knowledge.

Every civilization that has taken away its capital and city from you hates you deeply.

They should have worked hard to revive and inspire the lazy and sluggish civilization.

But you didn't give them a chance.

If you let them go, you will surely harvest richer and sweeter fruits hundreds of years later.

Idiot, you missed 10 billion just for a dime! "

This was relayed by Harley, but Superman said it more freely than ever before.

Brainiac looked at him in surprise, "It seems that you are not hopelessly stupid, but it's a pity that your level is not enough."

Superman was startled, "You said it yourself, your desire for knowledge exceeds all mortal desires. What other realm is there?"

Brainiac shook his head and sighed: "My desire for knowledge exceeds the process of enjoying new knowledge. How can it be compared to the desires of mortals?"

Superman was a little confused.

In the mirror space, the Mirror Master said impatiently: "Captain, rush out and kill him! I'm 100% sure that Brainiac is a madman who talks crazy things. There is nothing left to ask."

Harley was also a little stunned, but she was even more curious.

"How can you defeat him without going deep into his heart?" She pushed him away impatiently, "And only the thoughts of mental patients are interesting. Normal people have smooth logic, similar thinking, and nothing new.

They are like assembly line products from the mold of morality and three views, extremely boring. "

Mirror Master looked at her with a bit of horror in his eyes.

"Harley has a doctorate in psychology, is the first psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, and is the teaching mother of the abnormal-thinking believers in Gotham Cathedral.

She might be able to get the right medicine and give Brainiac a fatal blow mentally. " Ivy explained in a low voice.

The expressions of the unjust watchers were twisted.

Harley ignored them and quickly typed out a line of words with both hands: Your love for knowledge is the complete possession of it, rather than the process of mastering it?

Superman repeated dryly.

Brainiac glanced at him in surprise again, "It's interesting, you seem to be starting to understand me.

Yes, my ideal is to master all knowledge in the universe, not just to learn more knowledge.

This is not to say that I don’t love knowledge, but that I love it so much that I want to possess it completely.

If I rob a city and leave those civilizations striving for strength in hatred, they will definitely develop new knowledge.

The growth of knowledge in a civilization is like the growth of a tree.

As time goes by, the branches of the tree become more numerous and lush.

The more branches there are, the more complex the types of knowledge and the greater the quantity.

If I cut off one branch at a time instead of sawing off the base of the trunk, the gaps in my knowledge will become larger and larger.

In other words, if the knowledge in the universe is 100%, its growth rate is 20%, and the growth rate of my plundering knowledge is only 5%, then the proportion of knowledge I master is actually shrinking.

This is intolerable to me.

Just like you mortals who can't stand your lover, there is a large part that doesn't belong to you. And the part that belongs to others is still increasing, so that you can foresee that she will leave you one day.

Unbearable, unbearable! "

Brainiac screamed excitedly for a while, then quickly regained his composure, "Of course, my highest ideal is to control all knowledge, but I also really enjoy the process of learning knowledge - for the first time in three hundred years, I woke up Come, for you. You.

I did not destroy the entire civilization - I poisoned the tree from the roots and completely eliminated the growth point of knowledge.

I put the most prosperous city into a glass bottle - save a branch and let it grow under my 100% control.

The miniature city in the bottle has become the entirety of civilization, and new knowledge is born every second of every day, even if the speed is countless times slower.

Every second of every day, I am absorbing the knowledge of the city in a bottle.

Did you see the steel cable above the bottle?

They are actually data cables, transmitting the latest wisdom of the civilization in the bottle to my brain at all times. "

Brainiac pointed at the round-hole data interface above his head, which looked like more than a dozen "ring scars" glowing purple-red. Even at this time, there was still a data cable plugged into the center of the back of his head.

Perhaps while he was dealing with Superman, he was also learning the wisdom of the civilization in a bottle?

“If the knowledge of the entire universe is 100%, then in the process of destroying other civilizations outside of the city in the bottle, the proportion I master has been increasing.

In this way, I can not only enjoy the process of learning knowledge, but also satisfy my desire to master all the knowledge in the universe. "

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Brainiac looked at Superman expectantly.

——I don’t want to understand, I just want to punch you in the head!

Superman yelled: "Even if you destroy civilization every day, the universe is infinitely large, and new civilizations are born faster.

You can never put the entire civilization of the universe into a bottle, and you can never master the knowledge of the entire universe. "

Brainiac smiled.

He smiled for the first time since he came out of the eggshell.

Very proud smile.

"Each new civilization increases my power, and my power continues to grow.

It took me a full fifty years to absorb the first civilization.

Now, I absorb the wisdom of a galaxy in an average of five hours.

In the future, when the speed of my absorption of wisdom exceeds the speed of the birth of civilization in the universe, this storage room of mine will become the entire universe itself! "

——I have found Brainiac’s psychological flaw—a strong desire to control information and a strong inability to adapt to a chaotic information environment. Comment - This boy looks like the leader of the Arkham Heavenly Group. Conclusion - no more nonsense, beat him to death. It doesn't matter if he can't be beaten to death, I have a trump card that can kill him!

Dr. Quinn gave the verdict.

"Ah-I won't give you another chance to hurt any planet or anyone."

Dachao roared ferociously, his muscles all over his body rose, and the steel cables tied to his body broke.

Brainiac smiled sarcastically, quickly reached out with his right hand, pulled off the windproof glasses from his neck, and quickly took a few steps back.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Endless steel cables extended from all directions at extremely high speeds, like a sea of ​​pythons, covering the big super in layers, eventually submerging it, leaving only one head outside.

"Cowardly, hiding, golden nuclear bomb, you really let me down."

He didn't even look at the struggling and shouting Superman, he just held the lens in front of his eyes and sneered again and again.

"Fuck, he found us." Several people in the spacecraft were shocked.

Harry was still there and continued typing on the keyboard, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm a little curious. You seem to have discovered me a long time ago. Where are the flaws?"

"It only took me a few hours to absorb the knowledge and memories of a civilization. Tell me, how long does it take for me to download the memories of a mere Kryptonian?" Brainiac said lightly.

"Superman's memory is useless, right? You're still using your psychic powers to read his current memory!" Harley said.

Brainiac shook his head slightly, "While he was still on the experimental table, I implanted a nanochip in his head to monitor his mental fluctuations at all times.

I have psychic powers, but I can't hide them from him using my psychic powers. "

After a pause, he sneered again: "I don't know how to talk to mice. If you don't come out again, you will never come out again."

"What does he mean? Can he still attack us through the mirror?" Mirror Master asked doubtfully.

Brainiac threw the toad mirror casually, and two thumb-thick metal data cables swam across the dome like flexible snakes.


They emit purple-red beams from their ports, and the powerful force field freezes the toad mirror in mid-air.

"Ah, that force field can really cut off the connection between me and the mirror." Mirror Master exclaimed.

"What should we do now?" The nerve master looked at Harley hurriedly.

"You and I will deal with him." Harley finally took out a set of N metal scale armor and put it on, and said calmly.

"Me?" The dwarf swallowed, sweat covering his forehead.

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