I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 586 The World in the Mirror

"Harley, do you still have a 'Supernova' in your belly? The sunshine here is orange-red, between the red sun and the yellow sun. I am a little helpless." Superman pressed the communicator and said.

"What supernova?" Bateman asked.

Harley ignored him and only responded to Superman: "I originally had a batch of stock, and I cleaned my stomach when I took a shower in the afternoon.

Moreover, even if there is a ‘supernova’, it cannot be used.

If you think about it, hitting a barrel filled with sardines with a cannonball will certainly break the barrel, but the fish inside will also turn into mud.

You wouldn't want to kill a million aliens in the city, let alone blow up the skull ship, blow up Metropolis and an unknown number of bottle cities, right? "

Superman thought of the hell battle that day.

After penetrating the heart of the Third Palace, he almost lost control completely, smashing the "Bedroom Dimension" and collapsing the "Giant Mountain Castle" of the Third Palace.

With a sigh, Superman gave up on Supernova Punch.

"What are you talking about?" Bateman asked again.

Harley was still too lazy to answer him, so she cheered up and shouted to her younger brother: "Zheng Lian can't stand it anymore, it's our turn!"

The owl airship swooped and arrived in front of the rapidly rising force field bottle wall.

The "glass bottle wall" with a radius of hundreds of miles is a regular cylindrical shape, which is very spectacular.

The airship did not enter and hovered outside. Harley's red lips were slightly opened, and a glistening line of light, as fast as lightning, shot out from between her teeth.

"Ding——" A piece of diamond-shaped aerospace glass, wrapped in the energy of the yellow light, was like the sharpest dagger, nailed into the chest of a disabled robot.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Within just a second or two of opening his mouth, dozens of mirror darts were shot out one after another. Most of them were nailed to the destroyed robot, and a few landed in the capital city of Lalu.

"I sensed it." Mirror Master's eyes were shining brightly, and he kept scanning the mirrors of those darts. "Any mirror that I can see with my naked eyes can jump into it instantly.

When you enter the mirror space and perform the second mirror jump, there is no restriction of 'within the field of vision'.

Based on past experience, as long as these broken robots are recovered by the Skull Spaceship and there is no space barrier or force field wall to block them, I can wander around the spaceship at will. "

"Those glass darts that fell into the 'glass bottle', can you go in?" Harley asked.

"The glass bottle is not sealed yet, I can. But it is more difficult than the glass dart that enters the outside. As the glass wall is raised and sealed, the difficulty will continue to increase." Mirror Master said seriously.

"So, Brainiac's cosmic wall force field can really stop glass dimension jumping?" Harley said.

"That should be it." Mirror Master nodded.

Plastic Man wondered: "Will those scrapped robots be recycled by Brainiac?

I have a question, why don't we jump directly into Lalu's capital city, follow the glass bottle into the cabin, and use a Trojan horse trick. "

"Is your mind full of rubber?" The big-headed dwarf squinted at him with contempt, "Superman can't break a glass bottle, how can you get out after you get in?"

The plastic man picked at the back of his head, looking embarrassed.

Harley said: "Brainiac will definitely recycle the scrapped robot. Mirror Master, get ready and start teleporting immediately."

"It seems that there is no need to clean up the scrapped robots. The corpses of the robots outside the glass cover are scattered everywhere. It is difficult to recycle them." Deadshot said.

Harley smiled and said: "The robot is not valuable, but the defensive force field technology in the robot's body is Brainiac's core technology, and it is impossible for him to let outsiders get it.

Just like the American F22 stealth fighter crashed on the Russian border, what do you think will happen? "

Deadshot immediately said: "Boss, you forgot one thing. Every time after taking a city, Brainiac will blow up the star and destroy the entire star system. He doesn't need to clean the battlefield."

"Yes, Laodun, you are thoughtful and have the potential to be a general!" Harley tilted her head, showing admiration.

She had always admired her former younger brother. When the mayor's term ended and he was about to resign, she asked him if he was interested in joining the Quinn family and becoming the second boss under her, Ivy, and Selina. '.

Lawton refused.

He wants to "have no worries and travel freely in the world."

Harley then added: "However, you also forgot one thing, I am here now."

As she spoke, she hooked her fingers, the yellow light energy tool appeared in one hand, and quietly picked up a robot head that was torn off by Superman with its spine.

After the head entered the cabin silently, Harley first pulled out a data cable from the console and magnetically attached the end to the robot's head.

"Keeper Dog, use all your computing power to decipher Brainiac's information pattern."

"Is it too hasty to study force field technology now?" Lawton asked doubtfully.

"It's not about studying force fields, it's about digital signals. If you hold your Earth phone in front of an alien WiFi and give you a password, can you access the Internet? The information mode is different and data cannot be transmitted."

Lawton suddenly realized and asked doubtfully: "You want to use the host to hack Brainiac's spaceship? Is it possible to do it with Earth's technology?"

"It can't be hacked, but I have other means."

Harley stopped explaining. With great fanfare, a yellow light energy rope appeared, swimming freely in the sky like a snake. It rolled up the robots that were still emitting sparks and quickly pulled them towards the owl cabin.

At the same time, the Owl airship sprayed its tail flames, making a gesture of running away - starting from the bow, the Owl airship was slowly disappearing into the material world and entering the shadow world.

The skull spaceship in the sky reacted violently.

A hole opened in the transparent defensive force field, and a circle of light purple tractor beam dropped.

The purple light had a very wide range, not to mention the broken or intact robots, even the Archimedes airship was covered.

But the purple tractor beam was extremely smart. Harley had never seen a tractor light with such powerful filtering capabilities.

The essence of a tractor beam is a constrained gravitational field. If it falls within the scope of the beam, it is equivalent to entering the gravitational field. All mass objects in the field are affected by gravity.

Therefore, in order to accurately lock on the target, the tractor beam is often very small, or even just a line, falling on the Space Marine like a laser.

The thick tractor beam is used to capture the spacecraft.

Brainiac's purple light is only effective on the target he wants. Even if the owl airship is also in the purple light, it has no effect at all.

The traction light was so powerful that Harley didn't even need to pretend.

She couldn't pull those broken robots.

"Brainiac!" Dachao saw the opportunity and soared into the sky, like a red lightning bolt, passing over the slowly rising robot and thrusting straight into the tractor light that left the range of the force field cover.

A round purple light as big as a bathhouse pool emits a purple arc network the size of a football field.

"Stab!" Dachao spread his limbs in the electric grid and twitched like chaff.

There were also several steel cables thicker than his body protruding from under the skull spacecraft.

The movements are more flexible than ordinary people's fists.

He beat Superman and the approaching Ion Man and Wonder Woman.

Harry raised his head again, frowned and glanced at the sun high in the sky. The sense of crisis coming from his spiritual sense was getting stronger and it was imminent.

"Mirror Master, start jumping!"

"I have never tried to bring so many people into the mirror space, let alone a spaceship." Mirror Master hesitated.

"It is precisely because of your lack of ability that you pulled the entire owl spacecraft into the mirror dimension." Harley said solemnly.

"What do you mean? I'm not capable enough, so I need to increase the difficulty?"

"This is not an ordinary spaceship. Time is urgent. I will explain to you later." Harley urged.

"Okay." Mirror Master squatted at the door of the airship, staring at a glass dagger rising with the broken robot. He placed his hands on the deck and silently operated the mysterious powers in his body.

"Wait!" When he was about to jump, Harley's expression suddenly changed. She looked at the sun and said loudly: "General Blue, has Brainiac ever launched missiles towards the sun or outer space?"

Her question went through the translator and was immediately transmitted to the Lalu headquarters.

"About eight minutes ago, when the Skull Spaceship just landed on the planet, an aircraft left, and the direction seemed to be the sun."

"Oops!" Over at Zhenglian, the heroes screamed in shock.

Superman, who was in a tug of war with the metal tentacles in the sky, also couldn't accept it and shouted: "Why is this happening? Didn't you say that Brainiac launched missiles towards the sun only after poaching Metropolis?"

On Harley's side, she and Deadshot were the only two who changed their expressions, while the others, including Ivy, all looked confused.

"The star Lalu is less than four light minutes away from the sun." Baiteman said in a seductive voice.

Minutes of light, the distance traveled by light per minute.

It takes light four minutes to travel from Lalu to the sun, and at this time, the sublight missile has been launched for eight minutes

Harley turned off the public video with the military headquarters on Lalu and only said to the Justice League: "You should return to the spaceship immediately and jump out of this galaxy first. The Skull Spaceship is handed over to me."

She kicked the confused Mirror Master, who was stunned on the spot, and urged: "Hurry up and jump!"

"Oh" Mirror Master quickly locked on a mirror, "Ah, I can't pull it——"

Harley activates the ship's "Limbo Voyage" mode.

"Whoosh -" A fleeting mirror light was left on the spot, and the Archimedes airship suddenly disappeared.

Almost no one saw that in the tractor beam, a robot was missing its head, and the image of an airship was 'printed' on the two-finger wide glass mirror inserted into its left side.

"Wow, this is the mirror dimension? How amazing!" Plastic Man and the big-headed dwarf exclaimed.

Harley was also dazzled, "The universe is the most amazing designer."

This is a dark, empty, nihilistic and silent world. It is also like a dark room with the lights turned off and an infinite space. There are many small windows in the room.

Window shapes are different, and the scenery outside the window is also different.

The windows closest to several people have many similarities in shape, they are all rhombuses with part of them missing - the glass darts thrown by Harley are rhombuses.

The dart is partially inserted into the robot's body, and only the mirror surface left outside can reflect light.

From one window, Harley saw Superman jumping from the sky; from another window, she saw Wonder Woman with a serious look on her face, quickly flying towards the shuttle-shaped spaceship of Zhenglian; from the third window, she saw Ion Man showing a look of determination; From the fourth window, I saw that the force field glass wall had closed——

Several windows suddenly darkened, then lit up quickly, and the scenery outside changed.

From a brightly lit alien battlefield to a dark and narrow metal warehouse.

There are more than twenty windows, all looking out at the same scene: a broken robot or a warehouse.

"We successfully infiltrated the skull spaceship." Mirror Master was very excited and pointed to one of the windows, "This is a mirror, and we are behind this mirror.

I can show my image on the mirror, and I can also jump out of the mirror directly. "

Harry turned around and looked around. Not far away from them, twenty-eight mirrors were dotted like 28 stars in the dark sky. In the distance, there were also some vague windows.

The distance is too far, like frosted glass, and cannot be seen clearly.

"That should be the glass window or glass structure on the spaceship, right? I can't see clearly." Harley frowned.

The mirror master nodded and explained: "Theoretically, transparent glass can also be regarded as a 'mirror', as long as it has a reflective function.

But the reflected shadow is too blurry, and the scene we see in the mirror space becomes blurry.

The principle is also very simple. The scene we see here is not what we see with our naked eyes, but the scene 'collected' by the mirror and projected into our 'eyes'. "

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