I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 61 All roads will eventually lead to darkness

Turning off the video and closing the laptop lid, Friar Robbie's hands were still shaking.

Not only his hands, he collapsed on the leather seat, and his whole body, from soul to body, was trembling.

He was scared and confused.

Just now, a video was transmitted from the Glastonburg headquarters. The archangel "Tongue of Fire" was pressed to the ground and rubbed by a mortal, and then surrendered in humiliation.

It lay down at the feet of the farmer's son and vowed never to interfere with his life again.

Just an hour and a half ago, bad news came from the small town of Smallville, Kansas: all four sacred relics were destroyed, and Fernando and other monks were imprisoned by the FBI.

Why is that boy so powerful?

The headquarters has determined that he is not a magic warrior, and he does not borrow any power from Satan.

Since the birth of Dr. Manhattan, Americans have not stopped researching superhuman genes. Maybe he is a product of the American laboratory, similar to Dr. Manhattan?

"Brother Robbie!"

While he was thinking wildly, Archbishop Marvin walked in quickly, his face full of joy, and he said excitedly: "Finally found the whereabouts of Witch Harley. It turns out that she was separated from Clark. She -"

"I already know." Robbie said numbly.

"What do you know?" Archbishop Marvin was stunned.

"Clark is back in Kansas," Robbie said.

"Oh, it turns out they are separated." Marvin nodded and smiled: "But it doesn't matter, our focus is always just the witch.

This afternoon, she was looking for food alone in the garbage dump, and was met by Bruce Wayne, and now they have returned to Wayne Manor. "

Robbie remained sullen and silent, his eyelids not twitching.

"Brother Robbie, what do you mean?" Archbishop Marvin frowned.

"How many Church soldiers do we have left?" Robbie asked.

Marvin's face instantly turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Eighty church soldiers came from the British Crusade headquarters, five died that night, and three were missing.

Last night, two more corpses with their boots removed were found under the bridge.

Damn it, I specifically reminded you that Gotham is different from other places and traveling at night is very dangerous. "

Robbie frowned and said, "They are all elite warriors who have been trained since childhood, have firm beliefs, and have experienced hundreds of battles.

In terms of combat power alone, one can be as strong as ten GCPDs, and a team of two can handle a special team.

Theoretically, ordinary people can't hurt them at all. Are there other forces targeting us? "

"GCPD has confirmed that two soldiers were beaten to death by the old homeless man, and the bastard also raped him." Marvin's expression was twisted.

After a pause, he softened his tone and added: "Another person was stabbed to death with a knife because he exposed his wealth. His companions can testify that the murderer was a drug addict who suddenly broke out and was killed on the spot.

The remaining two people were beaten into a hornet's nest with submachine guns in public in the subway station because they yelled at two gay men who were hugging each other and kissing, scolded them for blaspheming God, and said many ugly words."

Having said this, Archbishop Marvin sighed deeply, "I have warned you many times, don't cause trouble, don't show your wallet, don't wear monk's clothes and shiny high-end cowhide boots."

"Gotham is really a hopeless city of sin, and everyone here deserves to go to hell." Robbie inserted his fingers into his hair and cursed in annoyance.

Archbishop Marvin twitched the corner of his mouth a few times and asked, "Will you still arrest the witch?"

"Something happened over there in Kansas."

Robbie told the story about Clark Kent before asking: "I'm in a mess right now and I have no idea.

Do you think we should wait for the FBI to come, or take down the witch first?

But the witch is in Wayne Manor, and Wayne is no ordinary person. "

Archbishop Marvin did not expect such an accident. His expression changed several times and he said in a trembling voice: "Can the Holy Son still come?"

"No one can stop God's will. And Clark was very restrained from beginning to end. He didn't kill anyone. He left immediately after getting the promise from Tongue of Fire. He shouldn't cause us any more trouble."

"Are there enough holy relics?" Marvin asked again.

"This is a bit troublesome. Maybe we have to ask the Holy See for help. Most of the sacred objects in the world have been looted by those degenerate bastards." Robbie said helplessly.

Archbishop Marvin walked to the window, looked at the garden outside and thought for a long time. He suddenly laughed and said, "We don't have to worry about the U.S. government, and the FBI won't be a big trouble."

"Why? Laurie Black's attitude was very determined. She told us to get out of the country immediately." Robbie asked doubtfully.

"The angel is real. Even if it was careless and failed to move out of the way, and was successfully attacked by a monster, at least all the top officials in the United States are sure of one thing - Heaven stands behind the Crusaders."

Archbishop Marvin turned back and said with a confident smile: "Nine-nine percent of those politicians will go to hell, but they have 100% hope of going to heaven, haha

In the past, those sinners doubted the reality of heaven, so they naturally gave us a perfunctory treatment. Now that they have seen the angels coming with their own eyes, all doubts have been swept away.

Everything the Holy Advent Crusade does represents heaven, who dares to stop it? ! "

Wayne Manor at night.


"Master Xiaobu, are you still looking at the multiverse map? It's time to have dinner."

When the housekeeper Afu approached the desk, he saw Bruce frowning and staring at a watercolor painting.

"I don't know why, but I find this picture very interesting." Bruce said.

"Uh, do you think Miss Quinn has a sound mind and isn't talking nonsense?" Ah Fu was a little worried.

The map of the multiverse was what Harley gave Bruce in return after getting the key to the Bali Street apartment.

In addition to returning favors, Harley's main purpose in drawing the map was to prove that she was not lying, and by the way, she was pretending to be a badass.

"She speaks and thinks very rationally, not like she is crazy." The young master said.

"If she is not crazy, then I am crazy, the good Judas, the black angel, the glittering silver city." Afu muttered.

"Mr. Alfred, Archbishop Marvin came to visit, and he also brought dozens of men in black robes armed with automatic weapons."

Suddenly, the nervous voice of the manor's guard came from Afu's earphones.

"You found him so soon?" Ah Fu looked serious.

Three hours later, three thousand kilometers underground in Gotham, there was a cave glowing with the dark red light of magma.

The space is dead, only the magma pool is bubbling not far away.

Suddenly, there was light other than dark red inside the cave.

Several "skeletons" wrapped in black robes sat cross-legged against the cave wall.

The "corpse" in the middle holds a dark crystal ball in both hands. At this time, the crystal lights up with blue light.

"Master Priest Owl." A vague call came from the crystal ball.

"Crack, click, click."

The black-robed "skeleton" holding a crystal ball in his hand began to move his limbs, and his scarlet eyes lit up under his cloak.

"You woke me up from my slumber. Could it be that the Dark Knight was born as predicted?" The black cloak made a harsh sound like a knife grinding glass.

"Not yet, we just killed Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, and Bruce Wayne has not yet become Batman. But now something unexpected has happened in Gotham, which is different from the prediction." The voice in the crystal ball said.

"What accident? Can it affect the birth of the Dark Knight?" The man in black robe asked nervously.

"I'm not sure, and that's why I'm waking you up. First there's Harley Quinn, who came to Gotham too early, is now a dropout, and can't seem to make it as a psychiatrist.

Secondly, Two-Face Harvey Dent is missing and suspected to be dead——"

The man in black robe interrupted him angrily, "You idiot, these little things are so trivial, can they affect Bruce's becoming Batman?

As long as Gotham is dark enough, he will definitely step into the darkness and eventually become a knight guarding the light in the darkness. This is the fundamental.

Without Harley Quinn, would there be no other psychiatrist?

Gotham has as much trash as Two-Face and what he needs, but what about him?

If you cannot give a proper reason immediately, I will send you to meet the great Barbatos now! "

"Priest, please calm down, Harley Quinn and Two-Face are minor characters, I understand.

They are the least of my reasons for waking you up.

The key is the Holy Advent Crusade, the Crusaders are the spokesperson of the Archangel Uriel in heaven on earth.

The forces of Heaven have infiltrated Gotham and have a conflict with Bruce. I don’t know what to do! "The person opposite said tremblingly.

"Well, there was no Crusaders coming to Gotham in the prophecy." The black-robed priest hesitated, "Has the Court of Owls found out? What did they do? And why did they find Bruce?"

In Gotham City on the ground, "Owl" explained Harley's entanglement with the Crusaders in detail, almost without missing a beat.

"Tonight, Archbishop Marvin led people to surround Wayne Manor, forcing Bruce to hand over Harley Quinn. The two sides were almost on the verge of breaking out. Fortunately, the police and FBI arrived in time."

"Master Priest, with the ruthless and decisive methods of the Crusaders, I am afraid that Bruce's identity will not be taken into account, just in case."

Priest Owl hesitated and said: "Seeing such a dark church is more conducive to the birth of the Dark Knight. Our mission is to make Gotham the darkest city. Only the most depraved Gotham can give birth to the real Dark Knight.

When the Dark Knight is born and drinks the five metals in sequence, the great Barbatos can use Bruce as the door to enter the material universe. "

"I also know that the appearance of the Crusaders can make Bruce more aware of the darkness of the world and become Batman faster.

But if his life is gone, everything is over. "The man's worried voice came from the crystal ball.

"Theoretically, no matter what kind of difficulty, the Dark Knight cannot be killed."

That being said, when it comes to heaven, Priest Owl is a little less confident.

"Activate the power of the Court of Owls to launch a decisive attack on the Holy Advent Crusaders in politics and public opinion, if they really dare to kill Bruce."

The black-robed priest gritted his teeth and said, "First retaliate through political, financial and public opinion means. If necessary, we can use the owl claws to physically destroy the group of crusaders.

Just like it has been done for thousands of years, under the banner of 'Gotham belongs to owls and no outsiders are allowed to run wild'.

Let the Court of Owls take the blame.

It doesn't matter how many times the court is destroyed.

But it’s important to remember that you can’t show up and reveal our focus on Bruce. "

"I see!"

"That's it, all roads will eventually lead to darkness!"

"All roads lead to darkness"

The crystal ball slowly dimmed, and the cave became calm again.

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