I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 584 Feeding on civilization

Three hours later, at the observation tower helipad, two spaceships were about to depart.

Mirror Mage Sam looked around and said hesitantly: "Admiral of the Five Rings, are we the only ones who serve as the Injustice Watchers?"

"Very few?" Harley gestured to Ivy, "Give them the space combat uniforms."

When Ivy opened the box to take out the clothes, she looked at the four people across from each other who were different in height, fat and thin, and introduced: "There are 16 people in the Injustice Watch League this time. I am the captain. You can just call me captain."

"16 people?" The four new team members looked around with doubts on their faces, "Aren't they here yet?"


"On the Justice League's spaceship?" Mirror Master looked out, "Are the other ten teammates all vigilantes?"

"No, they are the unjust watchers just like you. They are right here with you. Don't ask any questions. You will naturally see them when you get to the battlefield." Harley said.

"Here? Ten people?" Several people looked around in fear, their backs feeling numb.

Harley didn't explain and just continued to arrange tasks: "You may have heard about my abilities.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know clearly. If there’s a tough battle, I’ll take it.

You just need to pay attention to protecting your own safety while using your special abilities.

Ivy's ability is not suitable for space combat, she is mainly responsible for logistics, such as oxygen in the small airship, food during space travel, or if you are poisoned."

"Harley, I think I can do more," Ivy interjected.

"If you need to do more, I'm afraid." Harley shook her head and pointed at the Mirror Master, "This is Sam, the Mirror Master, he can enter the subspace through the mirror.

Infiltration and investigation mainly rely on him. "

Mirror Master said confidently: "As long as there is glass on the spacecraft, we will have a smooth journey."

Harley nodded slightly and pointed at the big-headed dwarf who was just over a meter tall and whose head was nearly half a meter in diameter, "Doctor Neuro, Wonder Woman's lifelong enemy, a master of mind, and a master of mind control."

The big-headed dwarf liked the title of 'Wonder Woman's lifelong enemy' very much, and his little breasts stood up hard.

"Deathshooter, the main gunner of the spaceship." Harley nodded to the "little brother" and then turned to the last tall and thin man in red tights. "This is a plastic man. He can change his body shape at will. He is extremely malleable. Your Task"

——Seeing that your ability is exactly the same as Luffy's, I was curious, so I called you here to watch as a weirdo, and to round up the number of people, so that the team of five people would not be too shabby.

Harley thought so in her heart, but said: "Some special occasions in the spaceship depend on you."

"Captain, don't worry, I can get in even if there's just a needle. Even if the alien has superhuman strength, I can turn it into a rubber rope and bind his hands and feet." The plastic man straightened his back and laughed. A mouthful of big white teeth.

"very good."

This rubber man could indeed be of great use if he could get close to Brainiac.

Big head stood on tiptoe and glanced at the small spaceship opposite the porthole. The heroes of Zhenglian were boarding the ship one after another.

"Aren't we on the same side as the Justice League?"

Harley didn't hide anything, and quickly talked about her relationship with Zhenglian, which was similar to "joint anti-Japanese".

"Zheng Lian is the main force. If their plan goes well, we will find the right opportunity to steal the heads." She glanced at the four teammates who looked stunned, "Will you steal the heads?

When Brainiac was beaten to a bloody pulp, we rushed forward, pushed the heroes away, and beat Brainiac to death in front of the camera.

When we encountered the glass bottle containing Metropolis, we shouted the slogan "Unjust watch, unstoppable" and rushed to take the bottle back. "

Even though I have been with her for several years, I still feel the slightest discomfort of having my beautiful dreams shattered.

However, they are not heroes of justice. After the shock and disillusionment, they became more excited.

"To be honest, when you called me here, Captain, I was a little reluctant. I was unwilling to take risks for the citizens of Metropolis who have nothing to do with me, and I was unwilling to cooperate with Wonder Woman. But now...hehehe, I'm looking forward to it."

The dwarf smiled obscenely.

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Zhenglian's plan is successful and we are going to grab people. If Zhenglian declines, we have to make a strong appearance to turn the tide and save Zhenglian and Metropolis at the same time.

This battle must be won and cannot be lost.

If we fail, Brainiac may return to the solar system, blow up our star, and completely destroy Earth's civilization. "

The dwarf was dumbfounded.

The other three, on the other hand, looked at Captain Harley with more respect.

The old beautifying fantasy of the ‘golden nuclear bomb’ disappeared, and a new, more realistic image began to take shape.

"If even Zhenglian can't stand it, what can we do?" Dr. Neuro asked.

Harley looked calm, "Zhenglian can't stand it, I'll stand up.

As long as I am alive, I will never let you be the main force and carry me to death. "

After all was said and done, the four of them had no objections.

"This is the Eagle, the Archimedes has received it, please reply, OVER." Bateman's voice came from the communicator speaker.

"The signal is all normal. Let's go directly." Harley said.

Brainiac, who is feared by cosmic civilization, feared by the Green Lantern Corps, hated and hunted by people on Earth, has actually not "awakened" for four to five hundred years - no one or civilization is qualified to disturb his body.

Brainiac does bear some resemblance to Richie.

Rich can digitize his soul and exist in a biological body or a computer brain.

The same goes for Brainiac, and his "hardware" is even stronger, countless times stronger.

His body has been genetically modified and he has become the body of a god.

The mastermind for his digital spiritual upload became the most advanced starship in the universe.

All machines or instruments equipped with smart chips on the Skull Spaceship are extensions of his mechanical body.

Although they are both physical bodies of gods, the Kryptonians prefer the evolutionary path of "steel bodies", while Brainiac pays more attention to the improvement of the brain.

His brain has been developed to its limit and has begun to evolve to other nerve parts. For example, his spinal nerves also have the same computing power as the brain.

The operation speed is 7*10^57 per second, 7 times 10 to the 57th power.

The brain's computing speed is 70 times that of the spinal nerves.

Harley's Paradise Mountain Technology Company is also researching supercomputers. There is no need for alien technology to cheat. The supercomputer's computing speed is about 10^19, 10 to the 19th power of about 10^19 per second. Worse than anything.

Such powerful mental operations allow him to process countless instructions at the same time.

For hundreds of years, his biological body has been sleeping, and only his brain is active at high speed: controlling the flight of the spacecraft, and sowing detection robots into outer space - like sowing seeds.

The detection robot finds the civilization, the spaceship lands on the civilized planet, puts the most valuable city of the civilization into a bottle, blows up the star, absorbs all the technology and wisdom of the civilization in the bottle, and goes to the next civilization to be found.

At this time, 13 hours had passed since Metropolis was bottled.

The skull spaceship floats quietly in the dark universe.

The control room is wider than a football field.

Thousands of cities in bottles hang from the ceiling, like stars in the sky.

The glass bottles are all about the same size, like a glass bucket, with a metal data cable connected to the bottle mouth.

The population genetic information of the city in the bottle, people's thoughts, memories and ways of thinking, knowledge in books, information in other storage media, and scientific and technological knowledge contained in technological creations

All the information considered valuable in the city in the bottle is turned into a data stream and flows into the data line at the mouth of the bottle.

After the data is "filtered" by the host, all the "wisdom" of a civilization is transmitted to Brainiac through another data cable plugged into the head.

"Not enough, not enough, too little. The wisdom of the earth's civilization has been absorbed by me. Replace it with another one."

The glass bottle containing Metropolis was pulled away from Brainiac, replaced by another glass bottle, and the extraction of "wisdom" repeated countless times over hundreds of years continued.

"Discovered third-level intelligent civilization, Lagan galaxy, Lalu planet, coordinates"

A message came from a level-3 civilization hundreds of light years away, from a detection robot that had sneaked into Lalu.

"Discovered the second-level intelligent civilization, Kunduo galaxy, Halfa planet, coordinates."

"Discovered Level 4 Civilization."

Almost at the same time, two more detection robots sent messages.

"Recalculate the flight trajectory, target Lalu Planet. Turn on the fast plunder mode."

Brainiac was still asleep, his brain transmitting instructions to change the course of the spacecraft.

five minutes later.

The Lagan galaxy with the orange sun is the Lalu planet where intelligent civilization was born.

"——" Silently, a dot of green light suddenly appeared in the outer orbit of the planet, and instantly expanded into a two-meter-diameter ring of green light, with a faint white light inside.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Two beams of light, one green and one red, jumped out of the green aperture.

With the red cape, silver metal scales, and the bright "S" on the chest, he is clearly Superman.

"That's it. The Sword in the Stone really works!" Superman looked at the earth-yellow planet below and said excitedly: "I saw the skull spaceship, and we found Brainiac."

Hal Jordan, the green light, has no super vision and cannot see, but he believes in Superman.

He "swooshed" and jumped back into the green aperture.

After a moment, a dot of silver appeared out of thin air and quickly expanded into a 20-meter-diameter silver aperture.

"Boo!" The space rippled, and two spaceships jumped out of the circle of light.

It is in the shape of a shuttle, 15 meters long, with a gray shell painted with the logo of Zhenglian - the letters JL (Justice League, Justice League) in a shield-shaped box, and a five-pointed star between the letters.

The other ship was chubby, round and silvery, four meters long and about the size of a van. There was also an icon on the surface of the ship, a yellow smiley face stained with blood in the upper left corner.

It is worth noting that Zhenglian's shuttle engine was turned on, but the tail flame of the Owl airship was extinguished, floating next to the shuttle like a meteorite.

Because the Owl airship is not equipped with a hyperdrive.

The earlier engine came from Baby Chao's small spaceship, which crashed into the wall of origin and was broken, leaving only one engine.

"Where did you get the hyperdrive?" Harley couldn't help but ask.

She had previously thought that she would have to rely on Ion Man to open the super-light wormhole.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Brainiac's robots are killing innocent people again. Let's go down and stop them!"

Superman took the lead, turned into a red light, and rushed towards the war-torn alien city on the surface.

From the outside, the planet is earthy-yellow, but when you enter the interior of the planet, you find that it has an ecological environment similar to that of the Earth, with plains, hills, lakes, and forests. It does not have an ocean area as large as the Earth. Instead, loess hills occupy seventy-seven percent of the planet's surface. become.

"Whoosh - boom!" When the Owl airship approached the one-piece all-metal alien city, it saw a thick laser beam hitting Superman, sending him flying dozens of kilometers away.

Naval cannon from Lalu.

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