I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 580 Crystal Wall Stomach

Harley successfully pretended to be awesome and said lightly "I've been waiting for you for a long time", which startled the mysterious, deep-breathed, powerful pioneer who often appeared out of thin air to scare the heroes.

"You, are you waiting for me? Do you know me?" Her eyes widened and she stuttered.

Harley put her hands behind her back, her clothes were flying, and she was suspended above the dense pool. She nodded calmly and said, "I'm waiting for you. Even if I don't know who you are, I know that one day, the monitor will send someone to find me."

"Did you predict the Crisis on Infinite Earths?"

The Herald looked shocked, just like the heroes who had been shocked by her "truth."

"Crisis on Infinite Earths?" Harley tasted it and frowned: "What's the reason for the name of this crisis?"

"You don't know about the crisis, so what are you waiting for me to do?" Pioneer was confused.

Harley pointed at the sky, "When you see those dark clouds, can you predict the upcoming heavy rain?

However, knowing that there is rain does not necessarily mean knowing the scope, duration and amount of rainfall. "

The pioneer looked in the direction of her finger and saw that the afternoon sun was so bright and the sky was as blue as an oil painting.

——This Harley Quinn is so weird, she deserves to be "Harley Quinn"!

A few drops of sweat appeared on the forehead of the blond pioneer, and he murmured: "There are no dark clouds in the sky."

Harry glared at her angrily, "I'm not blind, so of course I know the sky is clear outside.

I used the example of weather and heavy rain, just to let you understand - I have a premonition that a crisis that is enough to alarm the monitors is about to occur, but I am not sure of the degree of danger and the scope of the crisis. "

"It's been more than two minutes." Pioneer didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Harley glared at her again, "If you are smarter and can keep up with the rhythm of my words, don't ask me to explain some messy things. Two minutes is more than enough."

"I'm just a pioneer, taking you to form a group. And I'm very busy, there are many heroes waiting for me to recruit.

Why don't you come with me first? You'll know everything when you get there. "said the blonde female pioneer.

"What are you busy with? You are totally busy!" Harley scolded rudely: "What's the use of looking for other heroes? They are all cannon fodder.

I am the key to solving the crisis. If you solve my problem, most of the multiverse crisis will be solved. "

"No, everyone is equally important." The blond pioneer frowned: "Are you leaving or not?"

"Didn't I just say that? I can't leave."

Harley sighed, no longer tormenting this simple golden-haired girl, and used her thoughts to say what she wanted to say in an instant: "If I leave, the world may change drastically.

Don’t ask me what the changes are, I don’t even know what Crisis on Infinite Earths is exactly.

But I did wait for you for a long time.

If you and your BOSS, the Monitor, have paid a little attention to this earth, you will know that during the first Heroes Conference, I publicly warned the heroes of the earth that one day in the future, there may be a "Pharaoh" that affects the multiverse. crisis'. "

"Is the Crisis on Infinite Earths related to the Pharaoh?" she asked.

The blond pioneer shook his head, "I am a pioneer and a prophet. I appear before the crisis officially arrives to prepare for the crisis. The crisis has not really arrived yet, and I am not sure whether the Pharaoh is involved."

"Does the crisis come from the field of monitors in the sixth dimension?" Harley asked again.

"The monitor field is an area in the sixth dimension. The monitors want to prevent crises, not create them." The blond pioneer said.

Harry thought thoughtfully, Limbo, the fifth dimension of thinking, is stored in many divine realms and other worlds such as heaven, hell, dreams, and Apokolips.

The sixth dimension is probably in a similar situation. One dimension is divided into several areas.

“I don’t know much about the sixth dimension, so my expression may not be accurate, but your answer almost helped me confirm my guess.

The Pharaoh Crisis I am talking about is probably the 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' that you are busy with.

Or is the sixth dimension chaotic, with multiple major multiverse events happening at the same time?

Can you introduce me to the sixth dimension? "

The blond Herald gave her a strange look, "What is the Pharaoh Crisis? Why do you associate it with the sixth dimension?"

Harley still communicated with her mind, and in just a moment, she told the other party Dr. Manhattan's last words, the unusual disappearance of the Pharaoh's soul, and the news she had learned in the divine realm.

She didn't even hide it from people on Earth, so there was no need to hide anything in front of the "multiverse police".

If the Watchers can handle "Pharaoh Crisis," she can spend more time enjoying the hot springs.

“Some time ago, when I was being persecuted by the Green Lantern Corps, I heard the exact news about the Monitor for the first time.

The little blue man says that the Monitor is running the multiverse.

So, I had a premonition that one day you would come to me.

Not necessarily to me, but to other heroes on this earth, because the source of the crisis is related to our earth. "

Looking at the thoughtful pioneer, Harley paused for a moment before adding, "However, when you really appeared in front of me, I had other worries."

"What worries?"

——I’m worried that after I leave, you will treat this universe as a ‘mutant’ and deal with it.

Harley shook her head slightly, "It's hard to say. Anyway, I can't leave with you now."

After chatting with her for so long, the pioneer has determined that this is not a crazy Harley Quinn, but a sensible and determined person. He did not try to persuade her anymore, but only took a deep look at her and said: "I will go back and report you to the supervisor first." Maybe, after I recruit other people, I will come again in the end."

After saying that, she was just like when she came, her body was immersed in the golden light little by little. There were no spatial fluctuations, only faint time ripples, swaying in the hot spring room.

"Plop -" Harley jumped into the pool again, humming a tune like a normal person, and continued to study the digestion of the World Egg and the evolution of the stomach bag dimension.

After the food defense expertise reaches level eight, the digestion speed of the World Egg increases tenfold, but the upgrading experience of the expertise does not increase dramatically.

After reaching 5% at level eight, the World Egg is no longer useful for increasing experience, and has developed "drug resistance". A single food cannot continue to increase experience.

The World Egg increases the feat level from 75% at level seven to 5% at level eight, a total increase of 30%.

"The prototype of a world is only a 30% increase. It's terrible." Harley smiled bitterly.

She didn't know what to eat next to upgrade her defense expertise to level nine.

Chewing on the origin wall?

I can’t bite it!

If someone breaks the origin wall, they can try to find a few fragments.

Shaking his head, Harley continued to watch the changes in his stomach.

The egg of the world is still the size of a goose egg, but it has become transparent and illusory, and you can still see the strands of things inside, like meridians.

It flashes with colorful light and looks very fragile.

Is it the prototype of a law?

Under the wash of the power of digestion, a strand of "meridians" detached from the egg and landed on the stomach bag. The stomach wall seemed to be different.


In the past, the space in the stomach bag had to be maintained by the energy of the yellow light. Now, another ray of meridians has been digested and absorbed by the stomach wall. I don’t know how long it has passed. The stomach is empty. The egg of the world has completely disappeared. The stomach wall has changed from yellow crystals with "green tentacles". , has become a “realm” that is difficult to detect with the naked eye but actually exists.

It reminds Harley of the "heaven and earth" of another world.

"The space has not become larger, but it has become more stable. Even if all the power of the light ring is lost, the dimension of the stomach bag will not disappear." Harley was a little happy, but also a little disappointed.

She had had higher hopes for the World Egg.

I thought that maybe I could follow the evolutionary route of "yellow light space - yellow light stomach bag space - stomach bag world" and directly make the stomach bag a small world.

Maybe upgrading the food specialty consumes too much nutrition, and the expectation is reduced by half, and it only stabilizes the "stomach bag dimension".

"If there are more World Eggs, eat them like eggs."

Harley had a crazy idea in her mind.

"Harley, Harley, are you in there?" Selena shouted from outside.

One-way glass, you can only see from the inside out. Harry was silent in the water and couldn't hear the sound of the water.

"What's up?"

"It's already evening," Selena called.

Harry looked up at the glass dome. The sky in the west was dyed blood red by the setting sun.

"I haven't slept in days and need some rest."

Selina said: "The Justice League's hero conference has ended long ago, and they are about to set off on an expedition to the stars.

Tearman sent a message asking if you want to join their action. "

"Expedition?" Harry turned over and picked up, wrapped in Sandman's robe, without shoes on, and the soles of his feet were two centimeters above the ground - the feet of the power of connection stepped on the void.

Selena looked at her strangely. Her long hair was hanging casually behind her back, her blue-black robe was loose, the sleeves were wider than ordinary people's skirts, and the hem dragged a step further on the ground.

"What's the matter with your clothes? You look like an ancient person. You went to hell and your taste has changed?"

Harley smiled: "This is the 'supreme' fashion! Lucifer and Sandman, the two supreme beings, both wear loose, single-color robes.

I think we should move closer to them in terms of ability and taste. "

"This robe doesn't feel like Caiyunsha to me."

Selina was in a trance for a while. After staring for too long, she seemed to see a human face and flames at the hem of her robe.

"This is the dream robe that Sandman gave me. It is countless times more advanced than Caiyunsha."

Selena's eyes lit up, "So, you won't need Caiyun gauze in the future? Give it to me."

She has long been envious of the magic dress that can transform into various styles of clothing.

"Harley, don't give it to her. Flying Cat already has the Third Class Soldier's Heavenly Armor. Give me the Caiyun Sha!" Ivy shouted from afar in the flower garden.

"Hey, aren't there a dozen artifacts out there? There's no need to pick up my old clothes and wear them."

Harley felt strange, like three sisters from a poor family. The eldest sister had no clothes to wear, so she left them to the second and third sisters.

"There are no clothes in the artifact." Selena shouted to Ivy: "You wear vines and leaves clothes every day, where do you need colorful cloud gauze?"

"Stop arguing, the colorful cloud yarn is given to Superman." Harley said.

"No!" Ivy's cheeks turned red, her eyes were blazing, and she shouted with excitement, "How could you give the clothes you wore to a stinky man!?"

"Caiyunsha is just like a mist, not stained by dust."

Harley summoned Aki's airship, jumped on it and asked, "Do you want to go to Star Wars?"

Selina rubbed her belly and shook her head.

But Ivy ran over angrily, "I'll go."

Harley glanced at Selena, turned to the Black Warrior in the driver's seat and said, "From now on, you stay at home, follow Selena, and protect her."

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