I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 59 Sister Laurie’s Job

"You God Christ, you are Clark, Clark Kent, you, you are the devil?!"

The tall figure approached step by step, and Fernando gradually saw his face clearly.

He is in his early twenties, with a childish and tough Chinese face, and a brown leather jacket cannot hide his burly body like a thick city wall.

His eyes were as scarlet as devil's flames, flickering brightly and darkly with the expression on his face.

It could be seen that he was furious and seemed to want to completely release himself, but he was trying his best to endure it.

The atmosphere seemed even more depressing.

"Why, why did you kidnap my mother, why did you beat her!?" He clenched his fists and growled in a low voice.

"This, this is not human power. His eyes are demons. He is possessed by demons from hell!" A church soldier shouted in horror.

In addition to Fernando, three other flame paladins came holding holy relics.

They were originally intended to deter the FBI and prevent the US government from interfering in the operations of the Holy Advent Crusade.

"We have four paladins, work together to drive the holy relic, and take down this monster first." Fernando gave a reasonable order.

Well, before the golden age of superheroes, except for Dr. Manhattan, there were no superpowers at all. If supernatural powers are involved, ninety-nine times it is related to hell, heaven or magic.

Obviously, Clark's power has nothing to do with heaven.

Moreover, there are four paladins here who even dare to fight against the power of the country - the most powerful country, the United States. There is no reason why the monks should be afraid of a mere farmer's son.

"Long live the Tongues of Fire, the Holy Advent Crusaders advance to kill the followers of Satan!"

With a cry, four bright and peaceful lights rose in the chapel, including the mace of the ancient Crusade hero, the sword of the Leper King, the shield of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, and the seventy-two demons sealed by Solomon. One of the Holy Grails.

The huge power of heaven swept across all directions like a real hurricane, and Clark was at the center of the storm.

In fact, Clark during the Smallwell period did not always live a simple small-town life. In fact, just like Star City after the birth of Green Arrow and Midtown after the birth of The Flash, countless weird things and freaks accompanied Clark as he grew up.

Just like in the American TV series "Smallville (Smallville)", Clark has experienced too much, and even fought with several little vampires and was crushed to death in an instant.


"Whoosh - click" Like a teleportation, Clark came to Fernando. Ignoring the powerful divine power, he grabbed the mace and crushed it into several shriveled iron lumps.

Fernando was stunned.

"Whoosh - click - whoosh - click - whoosh - click -"

It took less than a second for the four holy lights to rise before they were all extinguished.

"Clang, clang, clang." At this time, the fragments of the holy relic had just landed.

The expression on Karak's face did not change at all, it was as relaxed and ordinary as crossing the threshold of his home.

"Why did you hit my mother——"

"Ah ah ah, devil, devil, kill him!" The monks were like puppies that had been kicked in the balls, jumping on their feet and shouting with twisted faces.

"Bang bang bang bang."

“Da da da da.”

"Bang - bang -"

Pistols, submachine guns, and trolls all fired at Karak.

There were also monks who poured holy water on him, threw crosses and recited the Bible.

At that moment, Clark even had time to lower his head and look at his new jacket, and then showed a hesitant expression for "a while" before sighing, "slowly" reaching out and grabbing the bullets around him one by one.

Well, he ignored the bullets that hit outside of his clothes, such as his face and head.

waste time.

"Crack, click, click -" A shuttle of bullets was empty, and the monks had long mouths and faces as white as lime.

"No, it's impossible. This is all an illusion. Blessed by the Tongue of Fire, you can't fool me with this little trick of yours." Fernando said with a silly smile, salivating at the corner of his mouth.

This turn of events was astonishing.

In particular, the sacred relics that had been passed down for thousands of years were destroyed, and four pieces were returned at once, making the arrival of the Holy Son almost premature.

He's going crazy.

Clark threw away a handful of bullets, turned to another Paladin, lifted him up with one hand, and said coldly: "What kind of organization is the Holy Advent Crusade, and why did they kidnap my mother?

Just kidnap her and force me to come out, but why did you beat her? ! "

The monk's eyes were wild, struggling and shouting hysterically: "Devil, devil! You are the devil, and your mother is the evil witch who gave birth to the devil!"

The Tongue of Fire knows everything about today, and it will not let you go.

Hahaha, yes, the Tongue of Fire knows everything, this matter is endless, the justice of the Holy Advent Crusade is endless, and the glory of God spreads to the world.

Don't talk about beating your mother, next time we will burn her at the stake - ah! "

Finally, Clark closed his eyes and relaxed his fingers around the Paladin's neck.

——He cannot live up to the teachings of his late father. His power can only bring hope to the earth, not killing and fear.

"Who is the Tongue of Fire? Where is he?"

No one answered him, everyone was either moaning or groaning, or being dumbfounded, or cursing loudly.

"Hey, Clark, Clark Kent!" Clark was about to use some tricks when a panting woman suddenly ran from the door.

"呲呲呲——" Subconsciously, scarlet heat rays gathered in his eyes.

"Don't be excited, child. I am Laurie Black, Watcher, Silk Soul. You must have heard of it, right?" Sister Laurie raised her hands to indicate that she was safe and harmless.

Sure enough, the title of Watcher is still very useful.

Although Clark was still alert, his hostility was completely gone.

"Are you with them?" he asked.

"I know who these idiots are, but I have nothing to do with them. They are the British, the Crusaders from Glastonbury, a group of fanatic believers who think they are the savior.

As for me, I have now joined the FBI because my past experience makes me the best person to deal with people like you, so I am here. "

Sister Laurie is a person who is used to seeing big scenes, and she is calm and composed when facing the big boss, without any fear or restraint.

No matter how strong Da Chao is, can he be as strong as her hydrogen bomb ex-boyfriend?

"Why did they kidnap my mother and why is the FBI here?" Clark asked confused.

"The satellite detected you flying in the sky. I rushed over immediately after receiving the news. I just landed and I still don't know the purpose of the Crusaders.

But don't worry, I'll help you handle this matter without leaving any sequelae. "Laurie said solemnly.

"Do you know me?" Clark frowned.

Laurie glanced at the monk on the ground and waved to the young man, "My people are already rescuing your mother. Let's go out and talk."

Karak's eyes flashed red again, and he turned on the "clairvoyance eye" mode. Sure enough, he saw several FBI agents in the backyard of the chapel, busy putting an old woman on a stretcher.

After letting go of his worries about his mother for a while, Clark felt even heavier - what his father had been worried about still happened, and his existence was known to the government.

"Ten years ago, when you were twelve, you carried the campus bus that ran off the bridge out of the river, right? Several of your classmates saw it."

"What makes you think they won't secretly call the police after they act weird like that?" Laurie looked at him with a calm expression.

"I" Clark said nonchalantly: "They came to my house to thank me. My father made it clear that it was an illusion and they saw it wrong."

Laurie sighed and smiled bitterly: "It is precisely because your father is a simple, kind and honest man that we can rest assured that he will train you, otherwise..."

Shaking her head, she continued: "Not only did your classmate's parents call the police, but many of the superpower incidents that occurred in Smallville over the years were also recorded in the FBI's top secret files.

You have to understand that the stupid American government in the movie is fictional and is the obscenity and ridicule of the government by stupid Hollywood directors.

Real government cannot be entirely controlled by idiots. "

Karak was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Laurie smiled and said: "You are very lucky, the Kents are also very lucky, and the United States and the earth are even more lucky.

Do you know how the government treated Joan, Dr. Manhattan?

They gathered a group of the world's top psychological experts to form the 'Manhattan Emotion and Personality Assessment Group'.

Starting from the smallest daily events, analyze his behavior patterns, personality, values, and even emotions that should change all the time.

Only the most incompetent people would immediately choose destruction out of fear and the unknown.

After understanding Dr. Manhattan's power, the government decided to work hard to coexist peacefully with him, even if some compromises were made.

Isn’t politics an art of compromise?

Since you can compromise with mortal political enemies, why must you suppress the human God who can destroy the foundation of the government? "

"So, now you are using the same tactics you used against Dr. Manhattan on me?

I'm not a human god, I'm just...I don't even know where I come from or what kind of existence I am. " Clark said harshly.

We are currently in a period of confusion for Superman, which is the first half of the movie "Man of Steel" when Superman is wandering around in search of his roots.

It is also an old routine of DC superheroes. Batman went out to wander for a few years, Green Arrow also practiced on Hell Island for a few days, and Superhero also ran away from home and became a homeless man for several years. This is the spirit and consciousness of superheroes. period of transformation.

Although Dachao is wandering, he has super hearing and will listen to the voice of his old mother in his hometown every now and then. Therefore, he knew not long after Martha's accident.

Laurie shook his head and said: "Compared to us ordinary people, your ability is like God. As for the government's attitude towards you,

You may not believe it.

After careful analysis, your 'Character Assessment Team' agreed that doing nothing and allowing you to grow freely is the best choice.

They simply can't think of a better place to call home than Kent Farms.

You have also seen that several crosses entered your home and kidnapped your mother, but we didn't even know.

Since we are not spying on you and have no desire to interfere with your life, and there is not an FBI agent at Kent Farm or Smallville, you are completely free, Clark. "

——If you don’t have super hearing and super vision, then spies and surveillance are definitely indispensable. But you are too omnipotent and can do almost anything, so we can only shrink back and let you grow wildly.

If you are willing to work honestly for the rest of your life, or even inherit your father's business and become a hard-working and down-to-earth farmer, the American government will simply kneel down and thank God for his blessing.

After all, the government is really not a fool, especially with the example of Dr. Manhattan.

In the movie, the military and politicians mess around a lot, forcing a powerful entity that is obviously unbeatable to be on the opposite side of the government. It is difficult to happen in reality.

It’s not that the actual U.S. government is not stupid, but there are a lot of fools, but the smart people in the government will not allow them to commit such stupidity.

After all, the United States is a meritocracy.

Happy education is just an anesthetic provided by the upper class elites to the lower class people.

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