I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 554 Sandman's Robe

Three days later, midnight.

Morpheus was wearing a blue-black robe, like a misty cloud, silently flying down from the moonlight and landing in front of Harley.

"Have you really decided?" Morpheus frowned and said, "I reiterate that even in my prime, I am still no match for the Lord of Hell.

Apart from the Creator who created him, Lucifer Morningstar is the most powerful existence in the entire universe.

If it were someone else sneaking into hell, even if they were discovered, I would be able to protect him with dignity.

But you are different. I don’t need to say more about your relationship with the demons in hell and Lucifer. You know it better yourself.

If your identity is discovered by any demon, you will immediately be in dire straits. "

"Have you noticed the difference in me?" Harley opened her arms and spun around in front of him with a smile.

Morpheus observed carefully. The clothes were very ordinary, a black slim-fitting thick cotton skirt that looked like a nun's uniform. The appearance was indeed different. The skin seemed to be covered with a thick layer of powder, and it was pale and pale. The lips were as black as night, and the teeth were white. The bright dark red is like a mouthful of blood. The eyes are shining, purple, or ink?

His hair was also dyed black, and the ends of his hair were squirming greedily, like man-eating algae in the swamps of hell.

"What does this mean?" he wondered.

Harley stopped circling in disappointment, "You are really deaf to what's going on outside the window."

Morpheus's heart moved, "A few days ago, you summoned the hell beast of the Aphotic Sea? Is this what she looks like?"

"Can you scare the devil out of his pants when he sees my 'true face'?" Harley laughed.

"You can't deceive the devil by pretending like this. Appearance is secondary, the most important thing is——"

Murphy was stunned, and his indifferent expression was replaced by shock.

"The most important thing is breath." Harley said for him.

At this time, her aura instantly changed, her life and activity disappeared, and she became so depraved and dark that the nearby flowers and plants began to wither.

"It seems you don't need my help very much." Morpheus said slowly.

"Of course, it's always good to have an extra layer of insurance." Harley said quickly.

In return for finding the Dream Sandbag for him, Morpheus promised to do two things for her before they parted ways last time, one of which was to help her disguise her identity.

"This is the cloak of dreams." Morpheus pulled up the hem of his seven-eight-meter-long robe that was dragging on the ground with his left hand. The nail of his right index finger flashed with starlight and he swiped lightly, "Stab it!"

A large piece of blue and black fabric came off the robe.

There are still jagged traces of damage on the mopping side, and it is inevitable that some dirt will be stained because it is dragged on the ground.

"This is just a piece of rag." Harley said.

Morpheus handed her the rag, "Put it on yourself and try it."

Harley took the rag, held one side with both hands, shook it vigorously a few times, and threw away the dust and grass clippings on it before putting it on her shoulders.

The robe on Morpheus is long and wide. At this time, only a part of the hem is cut, which is enough to become Harley's cloak.

He is over 1.7 meters tall and is still half a hand long from the ground.

However, the fabric is very irregular. It is shaped like a triangle and covers the body. This side is long and that side is short.

Harry subconsciously wanted it to be neater, and it would be better if it was cut into a cloak.

The next moment, she let out a low cry, because the robe turned into a neat cloak according to her idea.

She exclaimed, but instead of rags turning into cloaks, she herself also had a colorful cloud gauze made by Hephaestus from the morning mist on the top of the Alps, which could also change forms.

But after her spirit touched it, this robe showed even more strange characteristics: it turned into a black night, and the properties of the fabric could not be seen. Dark blue or dark red flames danced in the shadow of the robe.

It covered her body, and like Morpheus, the hem was like a long skirt that touched the floor, and the wide sleeves spread out like wings. Harley had a feeling that she could jump into a wonderful world with a slight jump.

She told her feelings.

Morpheus said: “Its essence is a dream about clothing, which can hide its movements and breath, and can also be turned into clothes of any style and texture, satisfying everyone’s ultimate dream of clothing.

But its greatest use is to help you instantly enter the kingdom of dreams.

Almost all living beings dream.

People dream, demons also dream, and all dreams are connected to the dream kingdom.

If you are in danger, you can find a sleeping demon, let the cloak turn into an invisible and imperceptible dream, wrap you into the demon's dream, and then find the Horn Gate or the Ivory Gate through its dream.

Not even the Demon King can stop this process.

The only thing is, you have to find a sleeping hell creature, even a dog. "

Harry touched the robe cherishingly, feeling very moved in his heart.

She didn't tell Morpheus at all about her trump card at the time, only that she wanted a prop to help hide her identity.

With Morpheus' ability, he would definitely be able to find a cloak that only hides his identity.

He didn't, he paid more.

In addition to fulfilling his promise, he also put himself in her shoes and considered the biggest trouble of the trip - how to retreat.

Successfully rescuing Rachel will alert the Three Palace Demons and require a quick retreat; failure will require an immediate escape.

He thought about it.

He also considered the devil's authority in hell.

If he is not a good person, then only friends will consider their friends so thoughtfully.

"Thank you." Harley said sincerely.

Morpheus only nodded slightly and asked again: "Do you know about the Horn Gate and the Ivory Gate?"

"Inside the Horned Gate are the true omens of dreams, while in the Ivory Gate are all absurdities." Harley said.

Morpheus said calmly: "When you enter the devil's dream, first determine whether it is dreaming a real dream or a ridiculous dream.

The basis for the judgment is also simple. If a little evil devil dreams that he is all-powerful and yells at Satan, he must be daydreaming.

If you dream about daily life that matches its identity, it may be a real omen.

If you have a real dream, run with the wind, and you will not feel the airflow on your face; if you have an absurd dream, if you run against the wind, you can feel the presence of the wind.

If I run in the wrong direction, I may be trapped in a dream forever, and even I may not be able to find it. "

"You are the master of dreams, but you can't manage all dream territories?" Harley asked in surprise.

Morpheus was silent for a moment and then said: "Today is different from the past, the first dream vortex of this era has appeared.

The dream vortex literally means a vortex that swallows dreams, like a black hole in the physical universe.

It can strengthen itself through devouring, and if left unchecked, it can eventually swallow the entire Dream King, thereby destroying the multiverse.

If you run around and run out of the boundary of the dream, you will at best be lost in an endless dream. One day I will be able to find you.

But if you run into a dream vortex, no one can save you. "


Harley's little mouth opened slightly, not very scared, but a little embarrassed for no reason, "Why is there a crisis of world destruction everywhere?"

Morpheus's eyes were like cold stars reflecting in the dark pool, looking a little cold, "What would the world be like without dreams?"

"Sometimes if you don't dream, the quality of your sleep will be higher." Harley told the truth.

Morpheus said: "Only dead people don't dream. What mortals think of as high-quality sleep without dreams is actually approaching or entering the 'green space of idlers' in dreams.

It is a peaceful and beautiful place for rest and relaxation, a paradise in the kingdom of dreams. "

Harley's mind moved, and she remembered an "ancient" past event, "Nine years ago, a Gotham philanthropist died at the hands of thugs.

She sold her property during her lifetime just to support her dream of Africa. After her death, she seemed to have gone to dream paradise, but was stuck. "

"You mean Emily?" Morpheus almost didn't think.

"seems like it."

"She is not the only one who is stuck, because the 'green pasture for idlers' has escaped." Morpheus sighed.

"What does running mean?" Harley was confused.

"Green grass is a conscious dream, and it is also one of my four ministers." After a pause, he changed his words: "Now that Rachel is included, there are five ministers.

Green Grass took advantage of my absence and no one to control it, so it turned into a human form and sneaked away to the world. "

Harry felt as if he was watching Journey to the West, but could a piece of land, a 'dream paradise', be able to descend to earth and become a demon?

"The Green Land of the Idle Man is so important to the dreamland. Why don't the other vassals stop him or get him back?"

Morpheus was silent for a while, "The other three ministers sneaked into the world decades earlier than him."

Harley's expression was slightly distorted, "What good is there in this world?"

"When I find them, I will definitely ask." Morpheus said.

"Not only do you need to ask, but you also need to punish severely." Harry rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "My friend Rachel will not be so dishonest. Maybe she can be allowed to take more responsibilities."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Morpheus looked indifferent.

"No, I'm sharing my experience of being the boss with you." Harley said seriously.

Morpheus took out a small cloth bag from his arms - the Sandbag of Dreams, untied the rope, and a golden grain of sand floated out from the mouth of the bag, "Take it, at least in hell, you can hear what I hear immediately." , seeing what I see can also lead you to find Rachel."

This is Harley's second request: listen to the negotiations between Morpheus and Lucifer in real time to find the right time to take action.

This request is quite rude.

Although it is an established fact that Morpheus seeks to negotiate with Lucifer, Harley has actually made him a target.

"Have you really decided to go to Lucifer and ask for the helmet?" She hesitated.

Saving Rachel was a wish that she had always wanted to do but could not achieve.

But now Morpheus seems to be a good friend too, just in case

"Last time I said that you and Lucifer must have a conflict, but I didn't tell you the reason." Harley said solemnly: "Now I confess to you that your behavior is tantamount to humiliating Lucifer.

According to the laws of hell, any demon noble who is humiliated must take revenge and make the other party suffer ten times the pain.

If it fails three times, the demon noble will accept the punishment on behalf of his enemy.

This is what hell often calls "three humiliations in lieu of punishment."

If you get your helmet back alive, Lucifer's humiliation will become a reality.

He is such a proud person and will never allow shame to become a reality.

Therefore, there is a high chance that you will not be able to get the helmet back, and even more likely that you will not be able to get the person back. "

Morpheus frowned, "I sent a messenger, and now I'm going to come to explain the reason in person. As a supreme being, I am impeccable in etiquette, and I don't have any malice towards Him."

“Your etiquette and gratitude are natural in front of the proud Lucifer.

For example, a foreign giant came to Gotham and visited Quinn Manor with gifts.

I won't be more grateful to him for this. His behavior can only get a basic 60 points.

60 minutes is just enough to have a cup of tea with me, and it must be when I am in a good mood and have free time.

60 points wants to embarrass me and force my younger brother to hand over the treasure, but there is no way! "

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