I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 547 The voice inside the wall

"John, John?!" Outside the Origin Wall, Harley shouted loudly: "John, you have to cheer up. It's only been a few months. How come your consciousness has completely disappeared and your soul has died?"

The origin wall is not a freezer. Whatever you put in it, it will stay that way.

All the lives hanging on the wall will gradually integrate with the wall, integrating from body to consciousness, and eventually become a stone sculpture on the wall.

The powerful God King can maintain consciousness for billions of years, while the weak one is like Andy Radar, which goes silent as soon as it touches the wall.

After all, Zha Kang is a master of magic. He has been hanging on the wall for less than a year. He should be "sound", but Harley shouted in front of his stone statue for a long time without getting a response.

"John Constantine."

Harley yelled for a while, but there was still no response.

"Is it really 'melted'?"

Lowering her head, she saw the golden light on her body - a tight-fitting short skirt that embodied the power of fear.

"The little blue man once attacked me with green light energy. I was at the edge of the origin wall, and the green light energy fell on the wall and was not absorbed.

Fat Tou also said that the power of the emotional spectrum comes from the wall of origin. Give it a try, and death will be a living horse doctor! "

Harley gritted her teeth and sprayed out a golden beam as thick as the mouth of a bowl from her palm, aiming it at Zak Kang's head.

"Zizzizi" is like holding a faucet to a person's face, but there is no water in it, it is all yellow light energy that induces fear.

If Zha Kang was still conscious, the power of these fears would be like a powerful electric current poured into his heart, violently stimulating his soul.


Sure enough, three minutes later, Zha Kang's terrified wails were heard.

Harley put away the yellow light energy, and he slowly recovered.

"Harley? How did you become a golden man? And what's going on with this golden energy? I've fallen on the wall of origin, why can I still be affected?"

"Your consciousness is not stuck by the origin wall, and you can still think freely?" she asked.

"Has it been hundreds of years?" Zha Kang's voice trembled.

"No, it's still 2014, it's almost December." Harley was even more surprised, "What are you doing to have the illusion that 'the world has been around for a hundred years'?"

"Shhh, I was shocked. I thought everything was already changing outside." Zha Kang breathed a sigh of relief, and the relaxed and lively tone in his tone made Hallie feel that he seemed to be having a good time during this period.

"It's been less than a year, why do you think I lost consciousness?" Zha Kang asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "I called you for a long time before, but you didn't respond. Now it seems that you are focusing on another thing."

Zha Kang hesitated and said: "I can't understand the previous state either."

"You don't even know what you are doing?"

"If you were hanging on the wall of origin, no one spoke, and you were all alone. As a mage with a strong thirst for knowledge and an extremely thirsty for new power, what would you do?" Constantine said quietly.

Harley's pupils shrank, and she suddenly realized something: Zha Kang fell right in the middle of a round pit with a cracked surface.

This pit is where she first hung it on the wall to absorb the "Power of the Origin Judge".

The first time I had no experience and didn’t know the severity, I smoked unscrupulously, causing the wall to decay and fall off layer by layer. Finally, Pappetua’s cry for help came from the cracked wall.

Any mage with a strong thirst for knowledge would like to know what secrets are hidden inside and behind the wall. If Zha Kang burrows in along the cracks,

"You were studying the Origin Wall just now? What results did you get?"

"From the second day after I fell on the wall, I tried to understand why the origin wall was sticky, and then I discovered something interesting - there was a force coming from the origin wall, going in and out of my body, as if I had become an adult. It is an organ that originates from the wall, and there is a common energy channel between the wall and the body.

At first, I tried my best to prevent the power of the origin wall from entering and exiting my body.

Because I suspect this is the reason why the origin wall sticks to people. "

"No doubt, this is the reason." Harley said her feelings again.

"You should have told me this secret earlier," Constantine complained.

"The Green Lantern Corps was guarding the edge at the time. I didn't have time to delay. I had to leave immediately after breaking away from the wall."

Speaking of this, Harley asked again in confusion: "You are dozens of kilometers away from the 'Pit of the Gods'. When did you know that I had escaped from the wall?"

"The day you ran away, the Green Lantern Corps came to interrogate me. I was your 'accomplice'.

It was also at that time that I realized that you were cunning, cunning, and vicious, and deliberately used the origin wall to trap the devil.

You were a great success and won an epic battle that is destined to be remembered by the world for countless years, but I was forgotten in the corner of the universe and no one cared about me. "

Constantine's tone was filled with deep resentment.

"I'm not coming to see you anymore." After comforting him, Harley quickly returned to the previous topic, "You discovered the secret of the sticky people on the Origin Wall, and then what?"

"I wanted to resist the inflow and outflow of that force, but I couldn't. Then something moved in my mind and I couldn't resist, so I just went with the flow.

Next, I did the opposite, letting my consciousness enter the "energy channel" and follow the power of origin to flow to its source. "

Having said this, Constantine's voice became excited and high-pitched, completely no longer the "sadness" just now.

"It is not easy to let consciousness enter the energy channel. For this reason, I also created a new meditation method, which causes a special mutation in mental power.

At first, even if mental power enters the energy channel of the Origin Wall, it is of little use because the energy only flows within a small range.

It's like a fish trapped in a small lake, never able to enter the Atlantic Ocean downstream.

Fortunately, I found some energy 'cracks'.

I'm not sure if there are cracks, but my feeling is that there are small hidden ditches between the two lakes.

I followed the ditch into another lake, and the next lake was getting deeper and deeper, so when you called me, I didn't respond.

My consciousness is like a long thread, passing through lake after lake and entering the deepest part of the wall, unable to sense the situation outside. "

Harley swallowed and asked, "Have you heard any strange sounds or mental fluctuations?"

"Hey, what I was about to say, how did you know?" Constantine said in shock.

"Well, if I told you to give up exploring the mystery of the origin for the sake of you and the world, but didn't tell you the reason, you would definitely become more curious and study harder, right?" Harley sighed.

"So, you have to tell me the reason." Constantine said excitedly.

"Last time, I was just like you, going deep into the Origin Wall."

Harry didn't hide anything, recounting the experience of meeting Papetua for the first time.

"Mother of Creation." Constantine murmured in shock, "I didn't expect that the Origin Wall was a prison."

"Do you know why I concealed this? It's the same reason as when you suppressed the dark criminal activities of the wizard group.

Belief is power.

The more people understand darkness, the more powerful the source of darkness becomes.

The more people know about Papetua's existence, the greater his chances of breaking free from the Wall of Origin. asked Harley.

"Perhaps he was a good man who was harmed by traitors." Constantine said.

"After the traitor harmed Him, will the multiverse usher in tens of billions of years of peace?"

"Two giants fight, no matter who is good or evil, the winner will not care about the 'peace' of the ants on the ground." Constantine said.

Harley said: "That's not necessarily the case. The giant may not care about the lives of the ants, but if something the giant is about to do can affect the ants on the ground, the righteous giant will listen to the ants' requests, and the evil giant will only listen to the ants' requests. Laughing heartily amid the wails.”

"I know it well," Constantine said.

Harley was silent.

After a while, Constantine asked: "What else do you want?"

Harley told her about the dream sandbag.

Constantine thought about it for a long time before saying with uncertainty: "It seems that there really is a bag. It is so powerful that it impressed me deeply.

I bought it at a garage sale in San Francisco five years ago for fifteen dollars."

"Since you are aware of its power, why have you never used it?" Harley asked strangely.

"The more powerful the power, the harder it is to control. Using power that you cannot control is equivalent to committing suicide. In fact, I didn't even open the rope that tied the bag."

"Where is it now?"

"Either in Chase's secret warehouse, or in my London flat. I don't know if Mrs. Dalglish has taken possession of the house after not paying rent for a year."

After getting the answer, Harley was about to leave, and finally warned: "Don't try to go deep into the origin wall again. When I find a way, I will save you."

"OK, I understand."

Less than two hours after Harley left, a weak soul wave echoed repeatedly in the Origin Wall: "Goddess Papetua, is it you? Papetua, the mother of creation, please accept my most devout faith."

Constantine felt the ethereal voice in his ears, like an hallucination, getting closer to him.

Maybe in a little while, he would be able to hear clearly what He was saying.

Harley hesitated again and again, but still did not "report" Constantine to the little blue man.

Well, that's right, she's going to tell the little blue man about Constantine's destruction of the Origin Wall.

Because there is someone behind the little blue man.

Reporting is not the purpose. She hopes that Constantine will truly abide by his promise and stop drilling his consciousness into the wall; she also hopes that reporting will attract the attention of "relevant leaders" and repair and strengthen the origin wall where Zha Kang is located.

In the end, she gave up.

She really didn't want to deal with the little blue man.

"Just pretend to believe that Constantine understands the seriousness of the matter."

Harley comforted herself with a wry smile and returned to Earth.

"Have you seen John?" Chas was surprised and happy. "Is he okay now?"

"It won't be better if he hangs it on the original wall, but he is in good spirits. I'll take you to take a look at it another day."

"It will never come off if it is hung on the wall?" He looked at her expectantly.

"I will work hard, but I can't guarantee the time." Harley sighed.

"I know John. If he hadn't been desperate to return and beat him to death, he wouldn't have given his treasure trove to another person." Chas sighed.

"Hearing what you say makes me more and more curious."

"Don't rush to the warehouse yet." Chase chuckled, "My daughter doesn't believe that I and the 'Golden Nuclear Bomb' are friends. Can you come to my house as a special guest and let me show off my power in front of Tracy?" "

When Harley heard this, she felt apologetic in her heart. Chas and she were considered old friends. His daughter was almost six years old, but she had not met his family yet.

"Of course, I've long wanted to meet your precious daughter." She smiled.

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