"What have you been busy with lately?"

Harley gave up her plan to leave immediately and sat quietly on the chair, eating the fruits and pastries from the dream world while chatting with the Sandman.

The last favor has been used up. If we don't seize the time to build a "deep" friendship now, how can we ask for another favor in the future?

"Gudong, gudong." The food defense specialty jar is actually bubbling!

Moreover, the plate is like a magazine with infinite bullets. If you take away a piece of shortbread, there will immediately be another piece of the same shortbread.

There’s so much to eat!

Harley was stunned, and her eyes started to shine when she looked at the food on the plate.

But then, her face was full of doubts. As the master of the two divine realms of dreams and nightmares, it was completely reasonable for Morpheus to serve "god-level" food to the guests.

But now that she is not in her true form, why can she allow her digestive system to evolve?

Isn’t the digestive system limited to the physical intestines and stomach?

"These days, I am recuperating while restoring order to the dream world that has been in chaos for decades. Alas, many dream lords actually escaped to the human world during my absence." Morpheus sighed.

"What's going on with this food? It seems to be able to affect my physical body." Harley asked.

"Food, like the palace, is created by my power. My power can be projected into reality, and so can it."

Harley resisted the urge to devour the food, and while chewing slowly, she said, "I have some energy in the political and business circles on Earth, and I can help you find people."

"That's not necessary. As long as the strength is restored, it is not difficult to find them; if the strength is not restored, if you find them, they may rebel." Morpheus said.

Harry frowned and said, "You've eaten the royal city and still haven't recovered, what can you do next?"

Morpheus hesitated for a moment and said: "In order to manage the dream world, I divided my power into four parts, one part for myself, and the other three parts were turned into three artifacts.

With three artifacts helping to manage the world, I can feel much more relaxed and have more personal time.

In 1916, when he was summoned to the material world, all three artifacts were taken away by the Brotherhood.

My main goal now is to recover those three artifacts.

If you want to help me, you can start from this aspect. "

Harley didn't know how to evaluate Morpheus's behavior.

It was so stupid to take most of the origin out of the body and create three artifacts that could be snatched away.

But the three artifacts can help him manage the dream world, allowing him to spend more time wandering outside. If he didn't wander outside, he wouldn't be able to meet Calliope and give birth to a son.

"What artifact is it?" Harley asked.

"A helmet, a pouch containing dream sand, and a red dream stone."

Every time Morpheus named an artifact, the exact appearance of the artifact was projected in mid-air in full proportions.

The Dream Stone and the Dream Pocket are both relatively common.

The helmet is very weird, it looks like the head of a proboscis.

On the front of the gas mask-like helmet, there is a long nose that can be dragged from the face to the chest.

Harry frowned and said: "It seems that all the direct members of the Brotherhood are dead, and maybe even their souls cannot survive."

"Are there any other clues?" she asked.

Morpheus shook his head.

"You can't sense the general direction?" Harley asked again.

Morpheus continued to shake his head, "If I find one of them and let me regain some of my strength, I can probably sense the other two, but not now."

"Can it be predicted?"

"Maybe you can try it." Morpheus thought thoughtfully.

"I know a master of divination. She is the sister of the Lake Fairy, the Forest Fairy Nimiao." Harry immediately recommended Xanadu.

"I have better candidates."

Morpheus stood up, "I need strength, I have to take back the palace."

Harry stood up, held the plate with pastries, and ate quickly.

Morpheus glanced at her, and with a thought, the palace turned into smoke and returned to his body.

The two stood on the desolate land again.

Seeing that the plates and snacks were still there, Harley resumed chewing slowly, while Morpheus looked up at the sky and slid his hands gently in the sky.

The action is just like ordinary people sliding their fingers on the tablet screen, and the next photo replaces the previous one - the sky scenery "moves" from the sun shining in the head to the sunset in the west.

Harry had half a mouthful of cake in his mouth, opened it slightly, and looked at the cake.

Even if the time is changed, why does the sun still show its face and smile towards the ground when it is moved?

Father Sun’s smile has come true? !

Morpheus slid his finger again, and half of the sun sank below the horizon, and the desolate royal city was shrouded in blood red.

At the other end of the horizon, a crescent moon revealed half of its head.

Swipe your finger again, the sun disappears completely, the moon hangs in the sky, and night falls.

"The sun and moon are also legendary spirits?" Harley asked.

Morpheus shook his head, "They are all my creations."

"What are you doing now?"

"Sleep at night and dream at night. Only at night can you connect with other people's dreams."

Morpheus's eyes sparkled with bright stars.

It's not a metaphor, it's just that the stars have replaced the eyes. The eyes are like a dark and deep pool of water, with the cross stars reflected in it.

Very mysterious and very pretentious.

“A farmer in Cambodia was dreaming about a new ox cart, and there was a crossroads in the dream.”

As Morpheus spoke, he reached out and grabbed a handful in the sky, and a gray light appeared in his palm.

Throwing the gray light ball to the ground, two intersecting dirt roads appeared on the ground, and the two stood at the crossroads.

"A neon movie fan, immersed in a horror movie, here's the gallows I need."

In a new dream, he grabbed a wooden gallows.

It stood next to Harley, exactly like the real thing.

"In the dream of a Chinese baker, I found honey"

In this way, Morpheus found items one by one from the sleep of mortals.

Harley smelled the honey and couldn't tell any difference between it and the real thing in the mortal world in terms of smell, color and touch.

Eighty percent there is no difference.

When Morpheus stopped taking things from the dream, he covered his face, and the stars in his eyes almost condensed into a physical cross star, "Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos, enjoy this sacrifice, listen to my call !”

Harley was surprised and said: "The three goddesses of destiny?!"

If it were the royal diviner of God King Zeus, he would indeed be more reliable than Xanadu.

"Huhuhuhu." A circle of strong wind hung on the ground, and a figure appeared in the center of the wind.

One body, one head with three faces.

The three faces are: a blond girl, a plump woman wearing a headscarf, and a skinny old woman with a sharp and ugly face.

The eyes of the three faces were tightly closed, but there were expressions of joy on their faces.

"Welcome, ladies," Morpheus said.

The woman on the front opened her eyes and said with a smile: "Morpheus, you have lost a lot of weight, haven't you been having a hard time these past few years?"

The girl on the side opened her eyes and saw Harley approaching curiously.

She blinked her eyes, and after confirming that it was not an hallucination, she howled at the top of her lungs: "Hecate, it's Witch Halle, it's Witch Halle, this is a trap.

The fact that we helped the gods plan her has been exposed, and Witch Harley is finally going to take action against us three sisters! "

The girl was so excited that she actually broke away from the Trinity God with a "pop" sound.

Well, she has her own body.

She wanted to run, but was pressed down by the Golden Law Net - the three goddesses responded to Morpheus's call, and the contract was completed.

"Ahhhh, Hecate, witch - eh, no, we are in the dream kingdom, not the earth!"

The old woman was also screaming. Halfway through, she stopped suddenly and quickly calmed down.

"Stop screaming, this Witch Harley is probably fake and a product of dreams." She said wisely.

As expected, the other two goddesses stopped screaming.

"Scared me to death!" The girl patted her chest and said angrily: "Morpheus, why did you create a witch Harley here?"

"Don't you understand?" The old woman looked at Harley with critical eyes, "Morpheus naturally wants to please us when he asks for something.

This fake ‘Witch Harley’, along with the sacrifices on the ground, are all used for sacrifice.

It's the same as ordinary people using paper people and horses to pay homage to their ancestors.

I have to say, Morpheus, you are worthy of being the Lord of Dreams, the witch you created, exactly like the real person. "

"Well, the appearance is a perfect imitation, but the temperament is much different." She commented.

The woman agreed: "There is no witch's unique domineering look. This look is too naive, not cunning enough - oh, it's better now, there seems to be a flash of ruthlessness, not bad, not bad, but it has turned into hypocrisy again. That fake smile has that flavor!"

"What are you planning?" Halipi smiled.

"Can you still talk?" The girl came over, tried to poke Harley's nose with her finger, pressed it down, and then bounced it up, "Hehehe, it's so amazing. His expression keeps changing, and now he can no longer hide his murderous look."

Morpheus swallowed, "This is Harley Quinn."

Ever since he met Harley, he has always looked calm, neither sad nor happy, and his mood was not disturbed by external events.

But when the girl screamed "Witch Harley", he was startled and confused, and then dumbfounded. It wasn't until the girl said "murderous intent" that he woke up again and spoke out to remind him.

"Haha, I understand, you are Mengjun, and everything you create in the dream world is true." The old woman smiled.

"We will treat her as a real person." The woman smiled.

"We are very satisfied with your sacrifice." The girl smiled.

Morpheus was silent for a while, then sighed: "It was the Witch Harley who rescued me from the Brotherhood. Do you know that? Do you understand now?"

The expressions of the three goddesses froze, their heads moved mechanically, and their eyes stared at Harry dully.

Harley grinned.

"Gudong." The girl, woman, and old woman swallowed at the same time.

"This is a misunderstanding," the old woman said dryly.

"We are kidding you." The woman gave a stiff smile.

"You saved our sister Calliope." The girl's eyes flashed.

"Well, you three are so humorous and your jokes are very interesting." Harley looked kind, nodded and smiled.

The three goddesses looked at each other and had the urge to run away again.

Morpheus coughed lightly and said: "You all know my experience. During those unbearable years, I lost a lot of things, time and honor, as well as the three artifacts of the dream.

I need them, please tell me how to find my treasure. "

"Morpheus, you did such evil things to us, and you still want our help?" The old woman turned her negative emotions into anger and poured it out on Morpheus.

Morpheus sighed, without any excuse, and said directly: "There are some ancient laws that I must abide by, and you can't avoid them either. My request is very simple, give me three answers."

"Okay, let's each give you an answer."

If they want to get away from the Witch Harley quickly, they must fulfill the wish of the summoner Morpheus.

This is the rule.

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