I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 540: When Superman uses his brain, humans become afraid

"How did this guy become the person in charge of the Sky Eye Society?"

A group of White House officials who are 'only good at talking' are blue in the face.

Steve Trevor turned a blind eye to the condemning and questioning looks of his "colleagues" and continued loudly: "Fairness is the greatest principle in the world, you get what you pay for.

A hero who sacrifices his life to save the earth should become famous and gain glory and praise.

It is the greatest shame for the country and the government to let the heroes who sacrificed their lives for righteousness remain unknown. "

"Didn't General Five Rings say that? Everyone said their true thoughts and then reached a compromise in the conflict. Now that we have told the truth, why are you excited?" General Lane frowned.

"Your truth chills the heart of a hero."

"But Zhenglian's truth also worries us." The leader of the caravan said.

Steve leaned back in his chair and said calmly: "In this case, the Justice League withdraws its application to build a watchtower."

The horse gang leader was surprised and asked: "Aren't you prepared for alien crises?"

"For the sake of the earth and mankind, it is imperative to establish a crisis early warning and prevention mechanism. Since the government cannot cooperate with heroes, then each will do its own thing. The Pentagon can build its own space base, and the Justice League has the ability to build a watchtower on its own. ." Steve said.

"No!" All the military and political officials' expressions changed drastically, and they denied in unison.

"The actions of Zhenglian must not be separated from the supervision of the government. This is the bottom line agreed between the government and the heroes, and it is also your responsibility, Colonel Trevor, as the commander of the Sky Eye Society." The horse gang leader said urgently.

Steve reminded: "Mr. President, there is no law that clearly stipulates that the Justice League is not allowed to build a space base outside the earth.

Just like the United States cannot prevent any country or economic organization on Earth from sending satellites to outer space.

What's more, Zhenglian's actions are not aimed at the interior of the earth, but to prevent extraterrestrial crises. People will support them because they need Zhenglian to protect their homes and lives.

Of course, it is also possible that the government will do a better job and eventually eliminate the Justice League from the people's choice. "

If the people are allowed to vote, 80% of those eliminated will be the US government that is useless in the crisis.

The caravan leader looked ugly. He suppressed his anger and softened his tone and said: "There is still a long way to go from being open and honest to parting ways. There is no need to be so extreme."

"Yes, we have just started talking. The position of the Zhenglian and the government in the watchtower plan can be discussed slowly." Speaker John agreed.

Steve spread his hands and said helplessly: "But the watchtower plan has been rejected by you from the beginning, so how can you talk about the position and role of the government in the plan?"

"These" several military and political leaders looked at each other, helpless.

Some people glanced at Harley, but Harley pretended not to see them.

Although she is a director of the Sky Eye Society, she really can't speak for the government on this matter.

A watchtower is definitely necessary.

Between the government and Zhenglian, any fool knows who to trust.

After a long time, the caravan leader said in a hoarse voice: "In principle, I am not opposed to the watchtower project, because it is really beneficial to the protection of the earth."

Several congressmen and generals exchanged a few quick words with their colleagues in low voices, and they all said the same thing.

Then, the speaker presiding over the meeting looked up at the clock on the wall and said, "It's almost noon. I suggest adjourning the meeting temporarily. After lunch, we will continue to discuss the details of the watchtower plan at 2:30 in the afternoon."

Everyone also looked at the wall clock. It was a quarter past ten, the golden time in the morning.

However, no one really refuted the speaker's words, and everyone left the venue silently.

At 10:20, the caravan leader and the five-ring general were drinking coffee in the small conference room next door.

"Harry, why didn't you speak before?" The horse gang leader first blamed Harley.

"What did I say?" Harley sighed helplessly, "You all said that the heroes that the government most expects should work hard during the war and just do their normal jobs on weekdays.

Even the 'junior' Justice League makes the government so fearful when it gets involved in the military field.

If I, the 'Earth's Greatest Hero', do something beyond my status - whether I oppose Zhenglian or speak for Zhenglian, I will make you even more afraid.

Opposing Zhenglian, you may think - do the ball-protecting heroes want to suppress Zhenglian and make one family dominate?

If you support Zheng Lian, you may also be thinking - are the ball-protecting heroes going to join forces with Zheng Lian? Who will check and balance them? "

The horse gang leader looked embarrassed, "No, it doesn't mean that you are a ball-protecting hero, we all trust you."

"Of course I believe you, that's why I am honest with you. I have always believed that with greater ability comes greater responsibility, and the greater the responsibility, the more cautious you need to be in what you do and say.

I now divide myself into two. The 'golden nuclear bomb' is locked deep in the underground silo. Only the battle horn to protect mankind is blown. The nuclear bomb will be the first to jump out and charge at the forefront.

And Congressman Harley is only a New York State Congressman and a director of the Sky Eye Society.

The Fifth Ring General has no power or position.

A mere state legislator is obviously not qualified to speak at such a meeting.

The directors of the Sky Eye Club are only responsible for supervising the illegal and disciplinary behavior within the Sky Eye Club.

It only has the power of supervision, not the power to manage the internal affairs of the Sky Eye Society. "

Harley spread her hands, "So, what do you want me to say?"

The caravan leader said gently: "Then you should supervise Steve Trevor. He seems to be sitting crookedly."

Harley said speechlessly: "Isn't Steve yours?"

"I appointed the man, but I was not the one who chose him." The caravan leader shouted.

"Then you go find the person who elected him. He is now doing everything in accordance with the regulations. I can't find any fault with him as a director of the Celestial Eye Society." Harley said.

A quarter past eleven in the morning, Speaker's office.

Speaker John, the caravan leader and several generals sat together smoking cigars, and the room was filled with smoke.

".That's what she said."

The caravan leader softly repeated the conversation he had just had with Harley.

"Huh!" The other big guys exhaled a puff of smoke, their expressions became much more relaxed.

"Harley Quinn is the benchmark of heroes!" General Lane praised.

General Minos nodded slightly, "Whether a hero is a hero or not, it doesn't actually matter. What is important is that as long as she still abides by the current rules of the game, then she must be a hero and the 'Earth's Greatest Hero'!"

Congressman John sighed: "She does not express any opinions and becomes a 'golden nuclear bomb' that has no position and only helps the earth to deter aliens. Of course, this is what we most want to see.

But without her to help us suppress the Justice League, it seems we can’t defeat the heroes!

The Justice League is too arrogant, too smart, and politically sophisticated, and they don't look like heroes at all. "

The caravan leader rolled his eyes at him, "Superman can learn the laws, languages, dialects and customs of dozens of countries in a few hours. With such super intelligence, whoever thinks he is stupid is really stupid.

And Bateman, without superpowers, if he is mentally retarded, how can he become one of the seven giants of the Justice League? "

"It was Steve Trevor who spoke all the time. He is the one with the most political wisdom. He is the traitor!" General Minos said solemnly.

"You chose Steve." The horse gang leader looked at the speaker reproachfully.

Speaker John smiled easily, "His performance actually met my expectations. What are you most afraid of when dealing with superheroes?

Is it the ideal of justice they uphold?

Is it because they violate laws and disciplines and affect social order when they insist on their ideals?

Or maybe they decided to seize some of the power belonging to the government and the military for their ideals? "

He shook his head, "None of them. What we fear most is that heroes who possess great power will not challenge us and completely ignore the current rules of the game.

They have the ability to do it, but we have no ability to stop it.

Just like this time, Zheng Lian secretly built the watchtower and Tranpo Man lifted it up to the sky. What else can we do except stare at it? "

Everyone was speechless.

The Speaker sighed; "Therefore, it is necessary for the Sky Eye Society to exist as a link between heroes and the government.

I chose Colonel Steve because his character is also very superheroic and he has a Wonder Woman girlfriend.

He also won the trust of the hero as I hoped.

Steve is another soldier without superpowers and is completely within the system. He is destined to pull Zheng Lian closer to the system instead of away from him.

Because Zheng Lian is far away from the system, which means he is far away from him.

For the sake of his heroic dream and his lover, he will subconsciously resist that situation.

In this way, his existence will always only benefit us. "

The horse gang leader recognized the speaker's statement in his heart, but still said: "But what he is doing now is only harmful to us."

The Speaker waved his hand, "While you and Senator Quinn were having coffee, I also opened a bottle of red wine for Steve.

He clearly told me that all the key points in his words came from within Zhenglian.

He is just a ‘diplomatic spokesman on the stage’.

I believed what he said because I knew him well. He had been serving in the army before, had no experience in politics, and was not a mutant. Suddenly he became a veteran in politics. "

"This is unscientific and unreasonable!" General Minos exclaimed, "In movies and stories, superheroes are all dedicated to justice, and their political IQ is almost negative. Even a third-rate politician can fool them in the middle of applause. .

Why do we face a Zhenglian hero whose superpowers are even more exaggerated than those in the movies, and whose political skills are cunning and sharp enough to run for president? "

The President felt that he was offended and glared at the Lieutenant General. "In the movie, soldiers are all upright and have negative political IQ, but I think General Minos can also run for president!"

"Uh," Minos said sarcastically, "I didn't mean to offend Mr. President. I just think Zhenglian's tactics are so clever that they are unreasonable."

"Common sense in movies?" Speaker John disagreed, "In movies, especially movies with civilian heroes as the protagonists, when has the US government not acted as stupid as a pig?

If we change it to the plot of the movie, we are not sitting here drinking tea, smoking cigars, and holding a small meeting to discuss how to compromise with the Justice League. Instead, we are holding our necks and red eyes, summoning American soldiers to surround the scene and capture them all. . "

The horse gang leader nodded and said: "Most American audiences are stupid and just want to eat popcorn, so Hollywood directors make movies with stupid plots to feed them.

If you think about it for a moment, you will understand that superheroes are all evolvers. Their bodies have evolved, and their brains must think faster.

Just like Superman, if he learns and maneuvers as fast as he learns foreign languages ​​and laws. Even if he only watches American TV series like "House of Cards", he can beat us. "

Everyone trembled with excitement, "I would rather Superman not think about anything. Those methods all come from Bateman."

The Speaker thoughtfully said, "Perhaps we should try our best to build momentum and define Bateman as the brains of the Justice League, so that everyone, including members of the Justice League, will think that Bateman's wisdom is the most reliable, so as to prevent other super heroes from overdoing it. Use your brain'."

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