I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 537: Capturing the stars and swallowing the sun, the man among the gods

Looking at the howling fat head, Harley thought thoughtfully: "Star mineral essence and starlight seem to be related to light waves and radiation waves.

The emotional spectrum is a visible light wave.

When humans perform emotional activities, such as perseverance and fear, the brain emits brain waves of will and fear, and the brain waves are absorbed by you and the Parallax monster.

The light wave energy absorbed by you now is obviously not within the emotional spectrum, and does not belong to any of the seven emotional wave frequencies of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Is it possible that, in addition to the above seven visible spectrums, there are also seven invisible spectrums besides colors? "

"It's possible." The fat head stopped shouting, thought seriously for a moment, and said, "I can sense that the seven colors of visible light are by no means the entire spectrum of energy, but I've never seen it before, so I'm not sure."

Harley was a little excited. The sixth emotional spectrum defense specialty had far more potential than she thought. Absorbing the green light energy was just the beginning, and the colorful emotional energy was not the end.

If she could absorb even light waves without emotions and produce corresponding defensive expertise, then all energy beams emitted in the form of 'waves' in the universe from now on would be completely ineffective against her.

How strong should that be?

Then, she frowned again. When she tried those light wave energies, the sixth defense specialty did not respond.

Is the energy not pure enough, or is it lack of deep processing of the origin wall?

While she was thinking about it, the fat man started yelling again: "Harry, don't worry about the invisible spectrum, you ate a big piece of my flesh and made me weak.

Then you said you wanted to help me take supplements, but I'm still hungry now, so I'll take another wave of starlight. "

"Swish, swish, swish" While one man and one beast were struggling, suddenly a hundred-meter-long silver battleship jumped out from five kilometers behind. Without saying a word, it directed a series of bright red energy rays at Harley.

For a moment, Harley was still a little confused: Just now she was imagining energy beam defense, and now the overwhelming energy beam is coming?

She subconsciously activated the energy shield, and the golden 'eggshell shield' enveloped her and quickly moved to the side.

The body moves with the heart, and energy rays like flowers scattered by the goddess fly past.

"Boom!" In the end, only one shot was taken, and all the other beams were dodged.

Then Harley stood still.

After taking a shot, she realized that the other party was here to give her experience.

Lowering the defense, causing a long series of bubbles to pop up in the experience jar, which was less than one thousandth level, Harley angrily pierced the bridge with a ten-meter-long golden sword.

"You have so little experience, yet you dare to make such a big move."

"Ah ah, it's the 'Yellow Lantern Demon' Harley, why is this evil star?!"

When Harley jumped into the cabin, fear spread with the golden fire. Finally, someone recognized her and fed back more fear to her.

Harley put away her sword, put her hands behind her back, and floated in the air in the passage. She did not display any offensive weapons, and only golden-red flames of fear flew out from her body.

Don't set your clothes on fire, just let your spirit fry and roast in fear.

Floating around the cabin, the spacecraft seemed to be ignited by flames from the inside out, with flames everywhere and in a continuous motion.

In fact, nothing in the cabin was ignited.

The flames of fear dissipated, leaving only the alien crew members on the ground with terrified expressions, limp bodies, and excrement and urine.

A green-skinned alien who looks like a mantis is still holding on.

He was sweating profusely and gritted his teeth and said: "Burn in the fire, those who rebel against me will die. Fear is the source, Quinn is the authoritative! Witch Harley, you are so cruel~~~"

With a thought in Harry's mind, a big golden hand appeared out of thin air and brought this alien with super powers and suspected leader to him.

"I won't give in-"

"Plop!" Harley increased her fear output, and the alien hero immediately knelt down.

Harley couldn't understand the alien's chatter.

Pure emotional spectrum energy cannot help her translate alien languages.

Green Lantern can understand and speak various alien languages, not by the energy of the Green Lantern, but by the Green Lantern Ring.

The ring is a PC connected to the Book of Oa, and the green light energy is just the power source.

However, Harley's main job is a mage, and the Lantern is a part-time job.

The yellow light energy enveloped her mental power and roughly broke into the green-skinned alien's head.

After a while, the yellow light retracted, and the alien's eyes turned white and he fainted.

"I thought I met an interstellar pirate, but I didn't expect it to be a 'serious wine merchant'."

This was a smuggling ship transporting 'Coty Starlight Wine' to the North Star. It was passing nearby when a lookout suddenly noticed on the radar the fluctuating aura of higher life forms in the starry sky.

Smugglers generally avoid taking unfamiliar routes. They have walked this route hundreds of times. When they noticed something strange, they immediately came over to check.

Then I saw a 'superpower' standing in the void in a daze, not even noticing that they were approaching.

"It's not Beichen Star's super inspection team." The captain first breathed a sigh of relief, and then accurately analyzed: "This person has such a low defense, he must be a novice, and he has just entered the universe not long ago.

However, being able to walk alone in the void must be quite powerful.

If we can capture King Mongo who sold him to War World, the profit would be as high as if we smuggled 500 ships of Coty Starlight wine. "

There are three reasons why he dared to take action: first, the opportunity was too good, the profit was too high, and the target was under the gun's muzzle, so he couldn't help but want to fire a few shots and make a fortune; second, their strength was not weak, and there was also a gun on the ship. The Power Rangers were very confident, similar to the superhuman beings who traveled through the stars. They had also done this several times; in the end, they were only prepared to fight one wave and fire with all their strength. If they couldn't be killed in one wave, they would speed up and run away.

The first wave did not kill the target. They were all ready to run away, but Harley "got hit by a shot and was severely injured. She couldn't move. She could only stand there and get beaten, and even the energy shield couldn't be maintained."—— The experienced captain once again made an "accurate judgment".

Well, Harley stood there waiting for experience points.

Absorb the experience and you will definitely get hurt.

She didn't fight back, didn't move, and was still injured. Does it seem reasonable for the captain to think so?

They had seen the news about "The Yellow Lantern Witch Provoking the Green Lantern Corps", but they didn't recognize her before because they were too far away and couldn't see her face clearly.

"Meng Ge, War World" Harley frowned.

This smuggling ship didn't give her much experience, and the oil and water were mediocre. However, she accidentally found an important piece of news related to the earth - Mongo, the "universe overlord" of the war world, was interested in Superman and wanted to capture "the last Kryptonian" Son" became a slave gladiator.

Harley suppressed the idea of ​​looking for a war world to upgrade herself. After collecting the belongings on the spacecraft, she immediately opened a micro wormhole and returned to the solar system.

It's almost two days since the appointment with Hal Jordan, and we can't delay it any longer.

"Harry, wait!" Before entering the atmosphere, the fat man stopped her and begged: "We will be separated later, why not help me collect a wave of starlight now, right next to the sun, the effect will be more Okay, it won’t take much time.”

Harley frowned and said, "Scientifically speaking, starlight is sunlight, that's right.

But in metaphysics, starlight and sunlight are different. Are you sure you can absorb sunlight?

If you can, you might as well go inside the sun and take a sip. "

"I can't do it, but you can. What I want is not starlight or sunlight, but the nutritional essence in the light waves, which only your monster stomach can extract." Fatty said.

"I can't digest it either. Okay, let me try!"

Harley had no choice but to compromise. Fatty was now obsessed with eating, and if he was not allowed to see it in person, he would leave with resentment.

Using the energy of the yellow light to open the wormhole, beyond Mercury, almost facing the sun, she opened her mouth, and a giant golden net spurted out from her throat, unfolded in the universe, and expanded at sub-light speed in all directions.

The power of the emotional spectrum can manifest objects with special abilities according to the user's wishes.

For example, a computer with green light energy can surf the Internet and play games just like a real computer. Its internal electronic components also have the characteristics of real objects.

The "light-catching net" that Harley embodied at this time is somewhat like a reverse osmosis filtered water bag - a small paper bag filled with powder is thrown into the puddle. It can automatically absorb water and keep out impurities.

The light-catching net has a similar principle, with a double-layer reverse osmosis structure that captures light particles and binds them in a 'net pocket'.

Technology is difficult to achieve, but Lantern's skills are determined by thinking: as much as your brain can think, you can use spectral energy to turn your thoughts into reality.

"big big big!"

Harley exerted all her strength until her control over the power of fear reached breaking point.

Well, there is a parallax monster in her body, and the total amount of fear power is very large, but her energy output power has a limit.

The strength of a Lantern is measured by its energy output, the efficiency of converting energy into attacks, and the skill of its attacks.

Harley's 'Lantern Level' is probably slightly lower than that of Sinestro, the 'Greatest Lantern in History', and is stronger than an ordinary Legion Commander.

When she goes all out, she can manifest a light golden "signal pot" with a diameter of 80,000 kilometers in the void of the universe.

The area is large enough to plunge the entire Mercury into polar night in an instant.

"It really feels like a fairy among gods." Harley thought strangely.

Only three minutes had passed, and she began to feel exhausted. The 'light wave collection pot' that embodied the power of fear was about to be unable to support it because it contained too much solar energy.

"This is too much. If I can't control it and the energy explodes in my stomach, it will be a small supernova explosion!"

Just when Harley was about to "chick" and suck the light curtain into her belly, a fatal sense of crisis hit her spiritual sense.

For a long time, her spiritual sense had not conveyed such a strong crisis.

She shuddered and quickly narrowed the "catching net".

As soon as the thought came to mind, the 80,000-kilometer-diameter net drew an 800-kilometer "spot" in the center. As Harley canceled the support of the power of fear, the remaining light curtain once again shot towards the space where it was supposed to go.

"Harry, what are you doing?" The fat man who had been drooling and waiting for the light wave essence became anxious, "The total amount of essence has suddenly been reduced by one ten thousandth, one ten thousandth!"

"I can't bear it!"

Harry's thoughts were unified and he concentrated on sensing, but there was still a slight crisis in his spiritual sense.

Will get hurt.


Harley wanted to give up.

But she can't give up Fat Tou, a lampbeast friend.

"Alas!" She sighed and drew another circle on the light screen with a radius of 400 kilometers, a radius of four kilometers.

There is no sense of crisis anymore.

But the fat head was so excited that he almost jumped out of her belly, "Become one ten thousandth of the original again?! Harley, you-"

"If it works, I'll get it for you later." Harley interrupted his howling.

The fat head thought about it and felt it made sense, so he calmed down and said, "Quickly try it."

Harley took a sip and swallowed all the light curtain and the sunlight collected inside.

The ball of light fell into her belly, and she felt as if she had swallowed coals of fire.

Even if I already have a golden stomach bag, I can't withstand that kind of heat.

Not only heat, but also powerful radiant energy.

Harley felt her stomach pouch starting to hurt.

"Shit, I don't have expertise in radiation immunity. If I get too much sun, I can get skin cancer. How much sun have I been exposed to?!"

"Fat head, look, I can't digest it at all - Oh my god, I can't help it - tsk tsk!"

In the dark space, a tree of fireworks is lit.

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