I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 533 Fear and Hope

"Are you doing a superhero family reunion?"

Looking at Bateman, Selina, Ripman, and Louise, the four of them were paired up in pairs, while Harley was joking, she was also doubtful.

Superman and Batman were still wearing their uniforms, and Selina quietly led them into the manor at night.

What do you want to do?

"Harley, did you know that Green Lantern lost his ring?" Bateman asked.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Selina rolled her eyes at him, "Don't mention that she is a director of the Sky Eye Society and knows the latest information about all superheroes.

The tragic experience of Green Lantern was broadcast on TV for several days. Various experts and lawyers were invited to discuss the topic of "Green Lantern's human rights and legal assistance in Europe and Asia" one after another, and everyone on earth knew about it.

Now everyone knows that the earth has a golden nuclear bomb, and their hearts and minds are high above the atmosphere and flying into outer space.

Justice Harvey Dent also called Harley and asked if there was a galactic court, and expressed his willingness to fight the "cosmic lawsuit" for Green Lantern for free, accusing Oa of unreasonable labor contracts. Oh, there is no labor contract.

Not having a labor contract is the biggest violation. "

Several people were embarrassed.

Harley's mind was spinning and she asked, "Are you here for Jordan Hall?"

"My dear, do you know his identity? When did it happen? You guys haven't met each other a few times, right?" Superman was shocked.

Louise was also surprised.

On the other hand, Bateman and his wife looked calm, not surprised by Harley's 'magical' ability to recognize people.

"That guy's face is just painted with green eye sockets and the green light blindfold is changed to flesh color. Isn't that his true face? What's so difficult?"

Harley complained and almost understood the purpose of several people's visit, "You are not trying to trick my lamp beast, are you?"

Just as Louise was about to speak, Superman raised his hand to stop her and said, "If you have no intention of releasing the Green Lantern Beast, we will not make any demands."

"I promised to give Fatty freedom, and I will not break my promise in any way. The problem is that true freedom does not include being an energy battery for people." Harley said.

Several people on the opposite side looked at each other, and Superman said: "I didn't have much hope in the first place, but I had no other choice, so I came here to try my luck.

Before you let the lantern beast leave, could you ask it if it would like to be Howl's partner? "

Harley asked the fat head in her belly with her mental power.

Fat Tou said: "I didn't want to merge with someone, but since he is your friend, I can let him try it and see if I feel it.

If it feels great, like when the Parallax Monster meets you and we hit it off with you and have the same temperament, I wouldn't mind finding a host. "

The parallax monster moaned and groaned: "Are you blind? I ended up with such a miserable end, like I fell in love with her at first sight and have the same personality?"

"Either she cheats you, or you cheat her. This is the only outcome when two treacherous people meet."

Harley ignored the bickering between the two lantern beasts, Superman and the others were still waiting for her reply.

"In principle, there is no problem, but" she rolled her eyes and glanced around the people, "As the saying goes, good news should not go to outsiders.

Since Fat Head has the idea of ​​​​choosing a host, of course he has to let my people go first. If they can't choose, Hal Jordan will be called over. "

"Abinsu died on Earth at that time, and the Lantern Ring chose Hal Jordan, which shows that he is the most suitable person on Earth to be the Green Lantern." Superman said.

"I don't agree with the selection rules of the Green Lantern Corps, and Fatty may not agree either, otherwise he wouldn't be friends with me." Harley said with a smile.

Superman couldn't refute these words.

"Who are you going to let go first?" Bateman asked.

Harley stared at him and smiled weirdly, "Ivy and Selena should have tried first, but I know them, and they will probably not be qualified."

"Harley, it doesn't matter if you say Ivy, I'm a serious superhero." Selena shouted.

As a member of the superhero wives group, she doesn't want to 'embarrass' herself in front of the group members.

"Come on, before Bateman showed up, you were the hero's target." Harley exposed her unceremoniously.

Then she added: "Furthermore, the identity of a superhero is not the selection criterion for lamp beasts. When I say you are unqualified, I mean that your willpower is not pure enough.

Therefore, I can only choose Bateman”

"I give up." Bateman said with emotion.

Harry regarded him as one of his own and ranked him at the front. He was very touched.

He also believes that his willpower is as strong as anyone's.

But he can't take away his teammates' hero status.

Unexpectedly, Harry waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be so sentimental, she's your daughter."

"What am I?" Bateman was dumbfounded.

Superman was startled, looked at Selina, and smiled: "Battman, congratulations, you will be a father soon."

"Oh, is it my daughter?" Batman finally realized.

"She hasn't been born yet, how can she be a Green Lantern?" Selina held her belly and laughed.

"She already has consciousness and a soul. Any conscious life can become a Lantern."

As Harley spoke, she communicated with Fatty in her mind and expressed her thoughts.

"She's so young. I have to wait for her to grow up. After a few decades, she can travel among the stars and punish rape and eliminate evil." Fatty resisted.

"Babies are better. Didn't I tell you the story of Kyuubi and Naruto? Kyuubi also merged with Naruto when he was a baby. One person and one beast grew up together, and eventually became the closest and most tacit friends.

You can also be the Nine-Tails and train your little baby to become the greatest lantern in history. "Harry said bewitchingly.

"Okay, I'll try."

"Selena, don't be afraid, I'll try." Harley said.

A soft and slender green light emerged from the tip of her finger, drew an arc in the air, and touched Selina's belly.

"How do you feel?" Bateman's voice was still low and hoarse, but his face was obviously more concerned.

Selina shook her head in confusion, "I don't feel anything."

"It's not like I'm checking you. How can you feel?" Harley shook her head and smiled.

"Whoosh!" As he spoke, the green line had already retracted.

"Harry, there's good news and bad news." Fatty said excitedly.

"The bad news first," Harley said.

"The bad news is that I don't have much feelings for her, at least until she reaches adulthood, and I don't want to fuse with her. The good news is that you have heard that I can fuse with her, which means she has the potential to become a Green Lantern." Fatty said.

"This is not good news. Bateman's daughter's genes must be strong enough. During Selena's pregnancy, she also took countless magical supplements from other worlds. It is not surprising that she became a Lantern." Harley said.

The fat head said seriously: "Harry, you look down on the Lantern too much. Even if you wear a Lantern Ring, it doesn't mean you can become a qualified Lantern.

Just like Bateman, whom you value, he has firm beliefs and strong will, but his thinking is not lively enough.

To put it simply, his will is like solid ice, and Green Lantern's will is like boiling steam. They are both water, but not the water that the Lantern Ring needs. "

"Baitman suits me." At this time, Parallax Monster said weakly: "He is the spreader and spokesperson of fear just like you."

Harry was startled, then angrily scolded: "Stay there! You are just a slave, an animal, with no voice, no future, and no choice."

The Parallax monster did not curse loudly, but instead shrank a few times and provided her with a wave of golden fear.

Well, it was completely scared of Harley.

In the past few days since she returned to Earth, she had hardly left the manor.

Apart from daily social activities, he spends the rest of his time practicing, and the direction of his practice is to control the power of fear.

The best way to master the power of fear is to conquer (grind) the Parallax Monster.

"How's it going?" Selena leaned over with a face mixed with anticipation, hesitation and nervousness.

She hoped that her daughter would have a great future, but she immediately remembered the purpose of looking for Harley this time - to ask for the Lantern Beast for the Green Lantern.

I feel very confused.

Harley said seriously: "My niece has a green light!"

"Can she become the host of the ion shark?" Bateman's voice also trembled a little.

Superman was stunned.

Louise's complexion changed slightly.

Harley didn't pay attention to the changes in the expressions of several people, and only sighed regretfully: "Every Green Lantern can fuse with Fat Head. My niece only has the qualifications to become a Green Lantern, but Fat Head didn't like her."

"I don't want her to join the Green Lantern Corps." Selina frowned.

"No need to join, when the time comes I-" Harley stopped and only gave Selena a reassuring look.

Selena grinned and smiled reassuringly.

Bateman frowned and said, "What are the selection criteria for Ion Shark?"

"There are no standards, it all depends on feeling. Let's bring Hal Jordan here tomorrow and let him try it immediately after my people here finish the test." Harley said.

"Who else is here with you?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"There are many, such as my friends, my friends' children, my confidants, the housekeepers and security guards of my manor."

Harley counted on her fingers. The more she counted, the darker the expressions of the three people except Selena became.

Superman finally couldn't help it, and said in a deep voice: "Harley, power should be in the hands of those who can control it. I have no comment on your friends, but your little brother, your housekeeper and security... Or, you are humiliating Hal, or us heroes?”

"What happened to my little brother? Yes, they broke the law, were gangsters, and didn't learn well. They are far from heroes, but like you said, power should be in the hands of those who can control it."

Superman was a little angry and shouted louder: "Can you tell the truth, can they?"

Harley shook her head seriously, "I probably can't. I know very well what kind of people those guys are. They will run rampant when they are successful, and they will swell when they gain power.

But I can control them!

No matter how rampant and arrogant they are, they will always remember who the BOSS is, and they will never dare to do anything the BOSS doesn't let them do. "

Several people were stunned, it seemed to make some sense.

Superman said: "They have power, can you still control them?"

"Of course, no matter how powerful they are, can they be stronger than me? As long as they are not as powerful as me, I can make them as honest as a dog!" Harley said lightly.

"Harley, believe me, powerful power cannot control people's hearts. I know this far better than you do." Superman advised earnestly.

——Who else is stronger than him? But the metropolis is still in chaos, and the super criminals in Blackgate Prison are still unruly and doing evil.

"Power can't, fear can. You didn't turn power into fear."

This was not said by Harley, but by Bateman's emotion.

He really felt it.

Harley rules Gotham by relying on others' respect for her.

To put it bluntly, it is fear.

He thought it was a crime at first, but after practicing it in Gotham for two years, he suddenly discovered that it smelled really good!

Fear is so efficient and direct.

It's just that he always believed that Harley's fear served herself, while the fear he spread among criminals was for the people of Gotham.

Moreover, Harley's fear has no lower limit. She can be frightened no matter what, and even he feels frightened when he hears it.

However, he adheres to the concept of injuring but not killing, and has a final moral bottom line.

But because of this, Gotham's criminals are far less afraid of him than Harley.

Superman looked at him and said: "I think that turning power into hope is the right way."

Bateman was silent.

Power leverages fear, a leverage effect of one to one hundred.

It's so efficient and suits him best.

The power to leverage hope is one hundred to one.

Too extravagant, most suitable for Superman.

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