I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 530 Clark’s Worries

"Are you sure what you wrote is the truth?"

The black editor was so excited that he didn't even notice Louise's "Cosmic-Level Nuclear Deterrence". He quickly swiped the tablet and opened the "Cosmic News Section" of Puppy Headlines. He pointed at the headlines on the cover section and said, "Look, this is The front page headline of "Galaxy Monthly" just released by Mr. Saruman, the famous name of the universe.

The old gentleman went to Quinn Manor with you and was also involved in the whole process.

The joint interview between the earth reporter and the famous reporter from the universe was originally a good gimmick. It could not only prove to the outside world the formality and professionalism of the interview, but also compare the news contents of the two reporters.

Alas, there is no comparison. You are so much worse than him. "

Louise glanced at the tablet, without taking a closer look, and said proudly: "Perry, there is no need to compare, at least in this report, he is far inferior to me!

Even though I have somewhat beautified Harley Quinn, who is also a human on Earth and a hero of Earth, my news is still more fair and true than his.

Fairness and truthfulness are the core criteria for judging whether a piece of news is good or bad. "

"How dare you!" Perry's eyes widened and he looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief, "Who gave you the courage to say such arrogant words?

Your husband Kent boy?

This isn't Kent Farm, and your status as 'Farm Queen' doesn't apply. "

The Kent boy poked his head outside, quietly opened his X-ray eyes, and peeked through the wall.

Louise sneered, "When you know Saruman's true identity, you will only want to swallow what you just said."

"What's his true identity? Tell me."

"He was greedy for life and fearful of death, and even took the initiative to ask for bribes. He accepted a bribe of 20,000 US dollars from Harley Quinn, so he used extremely flattering words in the news." Louise said.

The black editor reached out again to touch her forehead, but she cleverly dodged it again.

The Kent kid outside frowned slightly and almost shot out a heat ray: Why did Perry move his hands and feet?

"Will Mr. Saruman be bribed with twenty thousand dollars? Are you having a fever and your brain is confused? Real estate tycoon Donald offered to pay him two million dollars to attend a public speech, but he was rejected without hesitation." he sarcastically said.

"He may not love money, but he must cherish his life." Louise said.

The black editor frowned, "Why are you so prejudiced against Mr. Saruman and Senator Quin?"

"No bias, I really told the truth." Louise said helplessly.

"You said you were not biased. You didn't even read Mr. Saruman's news, so you just said he only said flattering words?"

Louise immediately took the tablet and looked through it quickly.

A very fair and rigorous report, but in the section about the lantern beast, he blurred some information, such as the lantern beast's "weeping blood and wailing", and only said that "the lantern beast is very wise and knows how to lie."

She pointed to this paragraph and said, "Isn't this a lie?"

"How do you know the lamp beast didn't lie?" Perry asked.

"Of course it's based on rational judgment! If the lamp beast took the initiative to follow her, how could it be imprisoned and abused by her?" Louise said.

The black editor took a deep look at her and asked, "Do you know why I was happy and relieved after listening to you tell about Harley Quinn's process of subduing the lampbeast?"

"It's not about surrendering, it's about using terrifying means to make the lamp beasts fear her," Louise said.

Perry sighed: "It's better to be afraid, so I don't have to worry about Harley Quinn losing control of her power one day and causing major harm to the earth like I worry about Superman, The Flash, and Captain Atom.

There is no free lunch in the world, and naturally there will be no free power.

Who knows what price Superman and The Flash paid for their power, and when will the price be realized?

The reason I often pick on them in the newspapers is not because of what they do now, but because I worry about what they might do in the future.

They are all unexploded time bombs.

Now, the source of Harley Quinn's power is clearly and innocently derived from the lampbeast, and the lampbeast is completely under her control. It is not that the lampbeast is parasitic on her and controls her.

From what you said, she seems to be quite comfortable with her new powers and can do as she pleases.

People on earth have one less potential threat and one more nuclear deterrent that is completely locked in a safe. Shouldn't we be cheering?

To be honest, I wish the ‘gods’ of the Justice League could be as smart and capable as Harley Quinn.

As for the life and death of the lamp beast and the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter. "

"Perry, I don't agree with what you are saying. How come the heroes of the Justice League don't know the source of their power?" Clark, wearing black-rimmed glasses, opened the door and walked in seriously, "They all have firm beliefs, and with the heroic spirit Ideas control their own power and can be closely monitored, but there is no need to worry too much.”

"It's working time now, what are you doing in Louise's office?" Perry scolded.

"You were arguing too loudly, and the colleagues outside were affected." Clark pointed to the door, and sure enough, a group of reporters were looking over.

"What's the fuss about being louder when discussing work issues? Is it possible that I raised my voice on the first day and Louise contradicted the editor-in-chief on the first day?" Perry said loudly.

Clark looked at the tablet and then at Louise's laptop, "Perry, Louise also wrote some news related to the interview. Maybe you can read it first."

Perry was confused, but he turned the computer screen around and looked at it casually.

As soon as he saw the title, he was shocked and shouted: "What a "Earthlings who don't have to be servile to alien civilizations - Nuclear deterrence, Harley Quinn's status in the universe"!

Lois Lane, you are indeed my most trusted confidant, you and I want to go together.

Aliens have appeared frequently recently. They have advanced technology and can come and go to the earth quietly and easily. Their individual strength is also very powerful, and their attitude towards us is extremely arrogant.

When we face them, we are just like the Asians faced us decades ago, and we have an uncontrollable sense of inferiority.

There seems to be a lot of cartilage

Therefore, I have long been thinking about how to improve the human pride and self-confidence of the people on earth. It is so well written! "

He was talking and watching, his face dark and red with excitement.

Later, I simply unplugged the power cord and stood reading while holding my laptop.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Harley Quinn, the ball-protecting hero, has such a high status in the universe. This is our boast.

This is what the famous alien said personally, and it is definitely correct.

——The ball-protecting hero is known, respected, and revered by all advanced civilizations. He can be called a "cosmic myth." Wow, this paragraph is so well written. "

Perry's eyes were a little wet, "Earthlings are not the lowest class in the universe. We are the 'Cosmic India' with nuclear deterrence. Er, why India?"

He frowned and said, "Louise, I remember that you like Chinese food very much. Why not change it to 'Universe Great Celestial Dynasty'?"

"This is what Saruman says."

"That alien guy doesn't know much about the earth and makes random comments. We have full potential and are obviously more like the celestial dynasty of the universe." said the black editor-in-chief.

"China is about to become second in the world. Can Earth be second in the universe?"

"Alas, we still need to work hard!" The black editor-in-chief put down the computer and said with a smile: "Louise, congratulations, just based on this exclusive interview with a famous alien journalist, you can definitely win next year's Popular News Litzer Prize.”

"Really?" Louise was happy at first, then frowned and said, "I'm still hesitating whether to delete it."

"Delete it?" the black editor-in-chief almost blew up the roof with his voice, "Are you crazy? Such a good article is enough to be recorded in the history of journalism. You want to delete it?!"

"I found out that Saruman is not that upright. He may have said nice things on purpose to make me happy. When I couldn't say this, I secretly despised the people on earth for their lack of knowledge." Louise said hesitantly.

"Do you think ball-protecting heroes are not 'cosmic nuclear deterrents'?"

Louise shook her head, "She should be. I just suspect that Saruman exaggerated in some places. I plan to delete and rewrite it, remove his comments, and try to be as fair and objective as possible-"

"No!" the black editor-in-chief interrupted her sternly, "How can comments without famous alien journalists be convincing?"

"My idea is to interview a few more alien celebrities." Louise said.

"Other than Saruman, how could any alien give you an interview? A celebrity."

"Yes, there is the Green Lantern of the Justice League." Lois glanced at Clark, "It shouldn't be difficult to ask the cosmic police of sector 2814 to introduce several cosmic celebrities in the sector."

The black editor-in-chief gave a thumbs up in surprise, "Louise, you are indeed my number one confidant, your brain is so flexible!"

"But, will Green Lantern agree?" he asked worriedly.

Louise glanced at Clark again, "Isn't it our reporter's job to persuade the interview target?"

Clark frowned and said: "Actually, there is no need to preach about 'cosmic nuclear deterrence'. With a cosmic policeman who was born on earth, people on earth don't have to feel inferior."

"Nonsense, that ring is like your work ID," Perry poked the press ID on Clark's chest with sweaty thick fingers. "As long as I'm not happy with you boss, you have to go back to your Smallway." Er Farm.”

Clark frowned, "The Justice League will work hard to make the people of Earth proud."

"Who is in the Justice League? Superman is a Kryptonian and is still proving himself, Aquaman can only talk to fish, can Wonder Woman survive in outer space? The Flash can't even fly, Bateman" Perry showed off My own biceps, “I recently participated in the King of Fighters training course at the ‘Number One Budokan in the Universe’.

After all, it’s all about physical exercise. Muscle training is not as good as martial arts training. The earth has become more and more dangerous recently.

The instructor said that I have good talent. As long as I buy a complete set of 'advanced martial arts courses', I might be able to beat Bateman with one punch next year. "

Well, after more than ten years of development, Harley's martial arts studios have blossomed all over North America.

They are all franchise stores.

There is no way, so many martial arts masters are trained every year, but Gotham is so big, some excellent martial arts masters who don't want to join the gang can only go out and open martial arts schools to make a living.

"Perry, you're going too far. Bateman has challenged Darkseid and is a hero of Earth." Clark said solemnly.

"It's really what the instructor said. He is from Gotham and knows Batman." The black editor said.

Clark was speechless. If the instructor had not said so, would you have bought his 'advanced martial arts course'?

Louise said: "It's not that we built Harley Quinn into a 'cosmic nuclear deterrent', but that she has become a golden nuclear bomb. We are just making the facts known to aliens public to the people on earth."

Clark was silent again.

Perry concluded: "The interview with the ball-protecting hero must be changed. The content of the lamp beast must be omitted or refer to Saruman's analysis.

There is no need to delete this "Nuclear Deterrence Theory" that has already been written.

Even if the content is wrong, it was Saruman who misled you, and it is not your or the newspaper's responsibility.

Find Green Lantern's project to interview celebrities from the universe. Lois, you are in charge.

If the celebrities in the universe have the same argument as Saruman, let's make it a series of special topics. In the next few months, we can take turns introducing the influence of the ball-protecting heroes on different civilized planets to the people on earth. "

"That would push Harley Quinn's prestige on Earth to the limit, which is not good." Clark frowned, not knowing what to say, "In short, it's not good."

These two days have been Harley's "news", which can be regarded as daily life, transitioning to the next plot - the ending of the advent of the Son, which is Duo Duo's plot.

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