I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 522 The food defense expertise of the lamp-eating beast (thanks to the leader of the Burning

The parallax monster was not slow to react, nor was it stupid. He was only confused for a moment by Harley's disguised wailing, and then he discovered the fact that his body was slowly dissipating.

It is not difficult to understand that whether Harley is being controlled or not, it is clearer than her.

It struggled, trying to escape the dissolving force within the pink stomach pouch space.

Can't get rid of it.

Inexplicably, a memory from ancient times hit its mind at this moment: that was billions of years ago, not long after it was born, before it was imprisoned in the central energy battery. It roams freely in the starry sky of the universe, easily covering a planet with the yellow light of fear. Billions of creatures howl, struggle, and collapse in fear, providing it with endless fear power. It's devouring the entire planet, the entire civilization, so full, so satisfied

"Damn, she's eating me, digesting me like food!"

The parallax monster suddenly realized something, and then became furious.

"You are looking for death!" It attacked Harley's stomach wall wildly. The violent yellow energy of fear illuminated her into a golden man, with a golden sun rising from her lower abdomen.

Unfortunately, Harley has the Level 8 Emotional Spectrum Energy Defense (Level 7 Yellow Light) feat - immune to yellow light energy damage and weakening the stability of the energy construct.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the Parallax monster turned into a physical entity, trying to grow bigger and strangle her to death.

Hallie's belly sometimes bulged, as if she were ten months pregnant, and sometimes shriveled up.

"Gudong, Gudong." The stomach bag was attacked, and the character level experience jar began to bubble.

"Gudong, Gudong." The energy attack was ineffective, and the dissipated yellow light energy was absorbed by the defense specialty jar.

"Gudong, Gudong." After swallowing and digesting high-energy 'food', the upgrade jar of the first food defense specialty also gained experience.

Lamp beasts are also beasts, and they have meat as long as they are beasts.

Last time, chewing the green lantern ring and swallowing it opened the food defense specialty upgrade. This time, eating the 'Lamp Beast Meat' directly has a better effect.

Harley is happy and in pain, and the cry for help from the ion shark is not entirely disguised.

Well, her belly also has 68 defense points.

68 points of physical defense, coupled with the extreme weakening of yellow energy attacks by the Emotional Spectrum Defense Specialty, prevented her from being immediately gutted by the Parallax Monster.

However, she is not immune to physical impacts.

Stomach bleeding.

I can't say I'll have a gastric perforation later.

She quietly activated the Seal of the Holy Mother, turning the power of faith into healing energy to protect her poor stomach at all times.

However, even without the help of the Ion Shark, Harley was confident that she could survive the pain and death of the Parallax Monster.

Because her yellow light defense expertise is constantly being upgraded.

The plasma shark also penetrated into her belly and turned into a giant green net, entangling the grasshopper-like parallax monster. Both the yellow and green lights had reached level eight defense.

"Harry, you are so lucky. The consciousness of the Parallax Monster is still here and he didn't have time to merge with your soul." Ion Shark said happily.

"Idiot, you were deceived by Harley Quinn. She is a devil, a devil, and the witch Harley!"

Parallax Monster was about to vomit blood.

After the eighth-level defense expertise, it became difficult for it to even expand its body. Now it is pinned to death by willpower, and it is almost impossible to break free.

"What lie?" Ion Shark was stunned, and then said in surprise: "Harley, what's going on? My body seems to be slowly dissolving, and my origin is passing away."

"Don't be anxious, don't panic, keep a close eye on the Parallax monster, and let me check it carefully to see what's wrong." Harley quickly comforted him.

"It's so strange, am I in your stomach now?" Ion Shark muttered, and really used his strength again, using his strong willpower to pin the Parallax of Fear firmly.

"Idiot, she is devouring our power, don't you understand yet?!" The Parallax monster yelled in grief and anger: "Let me go quickly, we still have a chance to survive if we work together."

"Harley, is what it said true?" The Ion Shark was surprised and uncertain. The digestive power falling on it was weakened. The visual aberration monster was obviously losing its origin and was weakening visibly to the naked eye.

"Fat Head, I won't lie to you now. I was born with a divine stomach and prefer to eat meat. I can eat purely material meat, and I can also eat the meat of energy-body creatures.

But don't worry, you are my good friend and I will never hurt you. "

Harley activated the final upgrade—the ninth-level emotional spectrum power defense.

"Buzz buzz" she completely let go of her hands and feet, absorbing the green light energy from the energy battery without restraint.

At least she didn't lie this time, she didn't mean to hurt the ion shark.

When the ion shark first fell into the stomach bag, it was accidentally contaminated with gastric acid or other mysterious substances.

In short, the Ion Shark was being digested by her stomach just like Parallax Monster.

But immediately after, she controlled the sixth food defense specialty, focusing on digesting the parallax monster and avoiding the fat-headed shark.

The energy to upgrade the Green Lantern Defense feat also comes from the materialized Green Lantern energy in the central battery, not from predatory Fathead sharks.

At this moment, the little blue man opened the giant lantern-shaped battery light mirror and tried to pour her out.

But what greeted them was not the green light energy spurting out, but the powerful suction force.

"Ah ah ah, I can't control it anymore, the energy in the light ring is losing!"

Some of the Lanterns with weak willpower held the ring on their finger and backed away in fear.

Wisps of green energy like smoke broke away from their rings and floated towards the vortex deep in the central battery. No, at this time it had transformed into a black hole.

The air flows, forming wind; the seawater flows in one direction, forming a tide; the energy of the green light converges to one point, forming an energy tide, which 'blows' the energy in the nearby green light ring towards the center point - Harley's position.

Thinking about the day when Harley drained Satan and drained 70% of the energy of the black-skinned Doctor Manhattan, you can understand how much energy is needed to upgrade the defense expertise to the top level.

"Witch, stop, you are destroying the central energy battery!" the guardian yelled angrily.

"Hahaha, this is the result I want!"

Harley opened her arms, embraced the endless green light energy, and laughed heartily, "You were so majestic that day, with three thousand troops surrounding the earth. Today, watch me kick your life away!"

"Harley, are you extracting the energy from the central energy battery? Are you going to destroy the Green Lantern Corps?!" Fathead Shark said in panic.

Harley knew that Ion Shark had some heroic plots, so she said directly: "Fat Head, this is a grudge between me and the Green Lantern Corps. Don't worry about it."

After a pause, she continued: "I will not destroy the Green Lantern Corps. Today, more than twenty Green Lanterns rushed to Earth. They fulfilled their original oath to me, and they can become the seeds of the new Green Lantern Corps."

This has been made very clear. Today she will go on a killing spree on Oua.

Ion Shark was stunned and said in a serious tone: "Harley, if you want the green light energy, just pull it from me.

If you drain the battery like this, it will cause permanent damage to it.

If the energy is exhausted, the battery will be completely useless. "

"You are a shark, not a stupid fish!" Parallax Monster shouted in disbelief, "Witch Harley is obviously a bastard who eats beasts without spitting out bones.

Now that her cruel and greedy nature has been exposed, why don't you join forces with me to uphold justice and punish rape and eradicate evil? ! "

"Fake, you vicious grasshopper monster, you still dare to do justice to me?" Harley was angry in her heart, her stomach squirmed, and the stomach acid mixed with the food's defensive power fell, drenching the parallax monster. Heartbroken.

Like concentrated sulfuric acid falling on the roof of a scrapped car.

"Stab!" A stream of rich golden smoke came out and was immediately absorbed by the pink stomach wall.

It's all the source of the power of fear.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaede," Silly Fish, did you see, look how vicious she is!"

"You are stupid!" Fathead Shark shrank a few times in the rain of stomach acid that passed by him, and murmured: "I am also in her stomach now. If I rebel with you, won't I end up with the same fate as you? "

Parallax Monster was dumbfounded, "Fuck, it seems to make sense. I didn't expect you to be such a fool."

Harley's face twitched a few times, "Fat man, what are you talking about? We are friends. We can talk openly about anything. How could I let stomach acid rain down on you?"

The fat-headed shark said: "Harley, I will open my heart to you now. Can you please don't destroy the central energy battery? If you need as much energy as you need, you can come to me."

"Are you sure?" Harley frowned.

"You won't beat me to death, will you?" Fathead Shark asked worriedly.

Then it advised earnestly: "Harley, the water flows slowly. Only by keeping the lantern beast can we continuously draw emotional energy from the emotions of all living beings in the universe."

"Do you still have the dignity of a lantern beast?" Parallax Monster said angrily.

The fat-headed shark had already transformed into a web of will to bind it. When he heard the words, he strangled it hard and said, "Harry, I also want to say that most people can only use one type of power of the emotional spectrum.

It seems that you have extraordinary talents and a natural divine stomach, and can suppress parallax monsters.

With the yellow light energy, you won't need me anymore. When you leave Oa, you can let me go, okay? "

At the end, it added: "We are friends."

Not to mention the cursing Parallax Monster, even Harley was speechless at the moment.

"Fat Head, you are a sincere friend. You can talk to me openly about whatever is on your mind. That's good." Harley sighed, stopped drawing energy from the central battery of the green light, and rained a handful of stomach acid on the Fat Head Shark. body.

"Ouch, ouch, I'm melting, it's so scary!" Fatty screamed.

"So cruel, so shameless." Parallax Monster was dumbfounded, "I just said that good friends shouldn't get wet."

"Fat Head, are you okay? Otherwise, I'll just draw the energy from the battery." Harley asked with concern.

"No, it's okay, you continue. Ouch, ouch, ouch."

"If it's okay, continue to tie the grasshopper monster tightly, it is struggling." Harley said.

"Oh, okay, it hurts."

"Fat Head, you are the embodiment of will, come on."

"Well, I am the embodiment of will, Harley, you continue to wet me."

Fat Tou concentrated his energy and tightened the loosened net again, locking the Parallax Monster tightly.

Parallax Monster yelled: "Fake, you're crazy. You two are crazy, and the world is also crazy."

"Gudong, gudong."

Digest two lantern beasts at the same time, double the speed of food defense specialization, overflowing, specialization level seven!

——Can consume any level of food, can digest non-food high-level strange objects, and absorb the nutrients needed for life from the digested food, as well as all the energy contained in it, not limited to magic, supernatural powers, divine power, etc.

High-level wonders include artifacts, divine substances, cosmic wonders, etc.

For example, Artifact Woman's Lasso of Mantra.

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