I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 520 The Harley Show that people on Earth are familiar with is back again

Harley picked up the water glass, moistened her throat, cheered up, and said seriously: "First of all, I want to say that the people in the universe are too arrogant and are used to looking at the heroes of lower civilizations with prejudice.

Yes, our earth's civilization is still very young, with only two to three thousand years of history, and the level of civilization on the earth is not high, but this is not a reason for you to look down on us! "

Several alien reporters couldn't keep up with her train of thought and looked confused: When did we look down on earth civilization? You have even driven away Darkseid, now who doesn’t look down upon you?

Although the people on earth were also a little confused, seeing her serious face and hearing her righteous words, they felt inexplicably the same enemy.

"The Green Lantern Corps bullied others and tried me with laws that were not established, not widely publicized, and existed only in their own imagination. You think you deserve it.

I heard that the earth was invaded by Apokolips, and that my people and my hometown were ravaged by demons. How could I not be anxious?

I knocked over the central energy battery and only wanted to rush back to Earth as soon as possible to save more compatriots on Earth. How could it become a heinous crime? "Harry said sadly.

The people on Earth stared at her and pursed their lips.

“The little blue man on Oa promised me that he would protect the earth from the poison of Apokolips, but what’s the result?

The Guardian of the Universe actually ordered that only the Green Lanterns in Sector 2814 should support the Earth. The others stayed in Oa and could not go anywhere.

Just because the earth is an inferior civilization and cannot express its voice to the universe, they dare to fool us?!

I want to personally rescue my home planet and protect my compatriots. I escaped from the energy battery, but they attacked me in groups without saying a word with a cold face. Shouldn't I be defending myself?

Shouldn't I kill those who stand in my way and return to Earth immediately?

I defended myself and fought back.

I said to the Guardian of the Universe, ‘Go away, anyone who stops me from saving the Earth will die.’ I’m crazy, I’m crazy, because I want to come back quickly, because the Earth is groaning in pain under the destruction of the Apokolips army.

I am waiting for me at home, my people are calling me!

If there was no prejudice, would you confuse right and wrong and criticize me for killing people indiscriminately and committing a heinous crime? " Harley said loudly.


It was so 'reasonable and well-founded' that all the people on earth in the audience were excited and felt the same, their eyes were reddish, and they clapped their hands hard.

"Congressman, you are a true hero and a symbol of the earth's spirit!" the reporter from Puppy Toutiao choked up and shouted.

The sound is a bit dry.

"The alien villain, the hero of the earth, the five-ring general is not wrong." Several reporters shouted.

"Congressman, the people of Earth will always support you."

"The aliens are indeed biased! This time Harley Quinn made the most correct and greatest choice. If those little blue men suffered heavy casualties in her hands, it would only make the people on earth happy."

Even Louise sighed and looked at Harry with more respect that was rare before.

Wonder Woman covered her mouth with her hand, put it close to Superman's ear, and whispered: "I almost admire her. She was obviously committing murder and arson, but she turned around the situation with just a few words and turned the press conference into her personal show."

"Well, if the Green Lantern Corps really prevented her from returning to Earth, it would be understandable if she resorted to drastic measures." Dachao said.

The heroine wondered: "I thought you were firmly against killing people, or did you say that aliens are not human beings?"

Dachao smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Of course I don't want people to die, but the reality is that the sooner she comes back, the fewer people will die on the earth."

Harley pressed down her hands to silence the venue, and then continued to talk to the alien reporters: "Some cosmic superpowers said that I diverted the battlefield and deliberately dragged them into the water.

The question is, I didn’t take Darkseid to the home planet of superpowers, but moved the battlefield to the outer orbit of the earth. Isn’t outer orbit the territory of the earthlings?

Is it true that according to what the superpowers of advanced civilizations think, we should fight on the ground, let the god-like power smash the metropolis to pieces, and let the officers and soldiers, police, militiamen, and brave citizens who defend the metropolis all die in the aftermath of the battle?

Seeing the tragic death of large swaths of people on earth, and seeing the most prosperous cities on earth reduced to ruins, are they very happy and have a sense of superiority as a higher civilization?

Are they not happy to see me move the battlefield to avoid the loss of personnel and buildings? "

The alien reporter looked embarrassed, and everyone on Earth was filled with indignation.

"Damn alien devils, with such a high level of technology and powerful superpowers, they refused to give any help. Instead, a group of people gathered together to watch the show.

They also thought that Hero Harley's move to the battlefield would affect their enjoyment of the show.

Falk, what do they think of the earth and us earthlings? "

In front of the TV, the people on earth watching the live broadcast had no scruples and cursed.

Saruman of Zanshi raised a piece of metal the size of a chocolate bar and asked, "Your Excellency, Holy Sister, can I open a video of you trapping the superpowers of the universe?"

Harley nodded, "I, Harley Quinn, sit upright and behave upright, and tell others everything I want."

That thing is probably similar to a mobile phone, and can project video from seven inches to 100 inches in the air.

Saruman used his fingers to zoom in to the maximum of 100 inches.

Then, a video of Harley "grinfully" pushing Darkseid into the crowd of spectators and frantically "accidentally killing" them began to play.

"Hey, I didn't expect the Congressman to be so bad. I like him so much."

There were reporters at the scene who couldn't help but laugh out loud with excitement.

The TV viewers who were not present laughed even more, "What a relief. You are worthy of being a five-ring general and an expert in dealing with aliens!"

There are also sane people who feel a little bit in their hearts and think, "Oh no, I was caught on video, so I can't quibble."

Although these alien devils watching the fun are bastards, they come from advanced civilizations. In case of diplomatic disputes."

The caravan leader looked solemn and his palms were sweating: Harley is definitely not afraid of diplomatic disputes. At worst, she can hide in Paradise Mountain.

But as the president of the United States, he seems to be Harley's number one target.

What if there is a higher civilization that does things the same way as the United States, and he is captured and tried publicly on an alien planet, just like Silly Damu did back then. Alas, the president of the United States is already one of the most dangerous professions in the world, and it seems to have become even more dangerous in the past two years.

After the video finished playing, the old reporter from Zanshi Star said to Harley: "It's obvious that you are not only changing the battlefield, but you are also deliberately diverting trouble to the east."

"Let me ask you, have these people entered the territory of the earth?"

"According to the universal laws of the universe, as long as you can go out, the entire solar system belongs to you."

Harley continued to ask: "When they entered the Earth territory, did they register at the immigration office?"

“Does Earth have this institution?”

None of these reporters have registered yet.

"Whether there is or not, at least ask the official agency first." Harry concluded with his fingers: "First of all, I am moving on my home planet; secondly, those people are intruders with unknown identities and uncertain positions.

The video clearly recorded that I asked them to attack Darkseid to prove that they were not Darkseid's undercover agents, but they didn't listen and attacked me, so I chased them.

Based on these two points, tell me, which universal law of the universe have I violated? "

"No super-powered person was killed on our planet Zanshi."

Saruman, the reporter of "Galaxy Annals", first expressed his completely harmless position, and then cautiously said: "Many higher civilizations will not teach the laws of the universe to lower civilizations.

The Green Lantern Corps, which upholds the law of the universe, seems to be treating you. How do you plan to respond? "

Harley pointed to Hal Jordan beside her, "This is the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. Whoever dares to run wild on Earth will let them know the majesty of the Green Lantern law."

They looked at Hal, then at Harley, with strange expressions.

"This Lantern, what do you think of Miss Quinn's killing behavior on Oua?" the reporter from Lan En Star asked with ill intentions.

Hal scratched his head, feeling at a loss.

Not long after he joined the Green Lantern Corps, he didn't recognize all the members of the Corps, and he didn't like the Lanterns who broke their promises and refused to aid the Earth.

But if he said it directly, how could he still hang out in the legion in the future?

Harley glanced at him and said, "He is a new recruit of the Green Lantern Corps, so how can he have any say? Naturally, he follows the arrangements of the Guardian Array and the Legion Commander."

This was originally meant to help Hal out of trouble, but somehow it irritated him. He shouted excitedly: "That's not necessarily true. My will and actions are free. I will only do what I think is right."

——Well, freedom. Very American guy, but this guy probably won't last long and will be expelled from the Green Lantern Corps and go home.

Harley muttered inwardly.

"I do legal and compliant things on my own territory. If some advanced civilizations feel that they are stronger than the Green Lantern Corps and more domineering than Apokolips, they can come to Earth and try out the Justice League.

And I myself am fearless and never compromise!

Although the civilization on earth is young, the people on earth have a strong backbone and an iron fist. They are not lambs in the universe who can be bullied by others.

Our heroes, our people, and I are determined and capable of repelling every invader, and we also swear to defend the legitimate rights and interests of every legal citizen of the earth. "

She was confident and had a loud voice. Although her words were simple, she deeply affected all the people on earth present.

"People on Earth are not weak lambs that can be bullied. We have five-ringed generals, countless heroes, and brave and fearless people." The reporter from Puppy Toutiao burst into tears again, choking and shouting.

Harley frowned slightly, her voice was dry and emotionless, and she turned around and deducted half a month's bonus from him.

"People on Earth have a strong backbone and an iron fist, and are not afraid of any provocation."

"The Fifth Ring General has the right to open a battlefield anywhere on the earth, and the aliens have no right to interfere."

The first person to take the lead was like a drop of water falling into boiling oil, making the reporters and police officers maintaining order in the audience boil.

Well, they didn't mind the dry voice of the puppy headline reporter at all.

Harry's brows relaxed. Although the guy's voice was dry, he was quite good at seizing opportunities. He would stir up emotions at key points every time and his bonus would be doubled by the end of the month.

An old reporter from Zanshi Star sighed in a low voice to Diga from the "Throne World" beside him: "After fighting this anti-Apocalypse Earth Defense War, the national enthusiasm and self-confidence of the people on Earth have increased, and their future prospects are limitless. ah!"

Diga nodded slightly, "Powerful and numerous superpowers are the best way for low-level civilizations to overtake in corners."

When the Earth guy's excitement subsided, the reporter from Musk Star raised his hand and asked: "Your Excellency, Holy Sister, you just finished explaining the lamp beast before, but you haven't said how to escape from the central energy battery of the green light."

"Oh, I almost forgot when you interrupted me." Harley coughed lightly and said seriously: "Actually, it's very simple. Lantern beasts are intelligent and can judge a person's character through contact with their thoughts and breath.

Just like the Green Lantern ring selecting Green Lantern, it has its own set of selection criteria that have been implemented for many years.

I think you won't doubt the noble character of the chosen Lantern, right?

The lamp beast is the ultimate version of the ring, and its selection standards are higher, requiring the host to have fearless courage, a spirit of sacrifice, outstanding talents, devout beliefs, noble sentiments, and a pure character."

Saying too many words in one breath, Harley's mouth felt a little dry. She picked up the water glass and took a sip. Then in the eyes of everyone's admiration, she finally said: "It picked me, fell in love with me at first sight, and said that I The hero it has been waiting for for three billion years.

Alas, to say that I was scheming to steal Green Lantern energy would go too far.

Who knew there was a lamp beast in the battery before?

In fact, I don’t really want to destroy the energy battery, but the lamp beast is too enthusiastic for me to refuse! "

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