I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 513 Long live Darkseid!

Looking at the earth at this time from outer space, we can actually see dozens of obvious variegated colors in the blue.

It was a battlefield filled with smoke.

Human heroes, legions and armed citizens fight to the death against hundreds of thousands of demonoids.

"Buzz--" A light green micro wormhole with a diameter of ten meters suddenly opened near the outer orbit.

The next moment, more than twenty green meteors silently jumped out of the micro wormhole, and without any hesitation, rushed towards the largest piece of variegated color.

"Hello Earthlings, we are the Green Lantern Corps special operations team from Oua. We have received the rescue message and are here to rescue you."

Kilowog's voice spreads to all public channels on the earth through the light ring.

"We will give priority to supporting areas with the largest number of monsters. If a city is in critical condition and no Earth heroes arrive in time, you can send us a message on the public channel."

"Ah, the Green Lantern Corps is finally here, I thought -"

The people on Earth were inspired by the message and immediately looked up at the sky, hoping to see the "green stars" that appeared on the day of the Heroes Conference.

"Uh, are there only these people?" The trajectory of the Green Lantern's flight could not be seen with the naked eye, but the 'UFO' was finally detected with radar, and then the local surveillance video was called, and finally 24 Green Lanterns were seen rushing towards Ukraine.

"Where are the rest of the Green Lantern Corps?" a military commander of a European country asked on the public channel.

"The Green Lantern Corps has encountered some troubles recently. The loss rate is close to 20%. It is still undergoing repairs in Europe and Asia. We can represent the Corps and will work hard to help you solve the crisis.

The earth will not fall until we are all killed, I swear! "Kilowog said solemnly.

"Good buddy, thank you!" Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Earth, said excitedly.

The Justice League has not announced any speculation about the attitude of the Green Lantern Corps, so ordinary people on earth still have expectations for the Green Lantern Corps who swore an oath that day.

But Hal Jordan understood how difficult it was for Kilowog and the others to come to support the earth.

At the very least, these Green Lanterns are acting against the Guardians' will.

Bateman asked on the communication channel: "Have you also discovered the anomaly in Bernocelli? The Justice League has arrived at the scene. Maybe you can support elsewhere."

Superman and The Flash were still on their way. He, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern passed through Cyborg's sonic boom tunnel and arrived at their destination instantly.

"There is the highest level of energy reaction from Apokolips there." Kilowog said.

"War Lord Steppenwolf has come to Earth, near Belnocelli. The Justice League is confident of dealing with him." Bateman said.

"Understood." Kilowog suddenly stopped and ordered: "Everyone has heard that Steppenwolf is handed over to the Justice League. We change our goals and follow the guidance of the people on earth to go to the city with the largest number of demons."

A red light streaked across the sky. Superman came to Ukraine and landed next to several teammates. He wondered: "Why did Steppenwolf open the sonic boom channel in a sparsely populated place? Doesn't it mean that the first wave of attacks from Apokolips is the target?" A bustling big city with heroes?”

The Flash arrived almost at the same time as him, "There's no need to think too much about it, as long as Steppenwolf is real."

Wonder Woman pulled out her sword and said, "Flash, go find his exact location."

"OK!" The Flash's figure blurred for a moment, seemingly not moving in place.

"I found it, follow me."

"I hope the Justice League can find this place later. It's best to ignore this desolate area." Steppenwolf, dressed in golden scales, wielding a newly made giant ax, stood in the center of an auditorium that had been abandoned for decades, surrounded by people. A demonoid who imprisons captives of Earthlings.

"I need more soldiers!" He stomped his ax hard, and blood-red energy erupted on the ground in front of him like a tsunami.

The energy turned into invisible fluctuations, sending the same signal to the demonoids all over the earth, a signal that Cyborg could also hear: the command to extract the power of the planet's core and activate the demonoid converter.

"Boom!" Those places on Earth where demonoids visited in advance and left behind mother boxes, such as Gotham's Seventh Avenue, where the earth cracked and a two-story-high metal ellipsoid slowly emerged from the spewing magma. Underground, a five-story strange tower shaped like Darkseid's dick, a mixture of dark red rock and metal, was solidified on the ground.

This is the "barracks" of Apokolips, the demon-like transformation tower.

"Instruction: Activate the energy system."

"Command: activate defense system."

Mechanical sounds came from the top of the tower.

The next moment, the huge earth fire energy and the spiritual essence unique to the Life Star were extracted from the core of the earth.

Spiritual essence and part of the energy are used for the production of demonoids; earth fire energy rich in various metals is used to create demonoid weapons and armor; part of the pure energy is used to build an ellipsoidal energy barrier to wrap the demonoid transformation tower Inside.

"Instructions: Locate areas showing signs of life."

The demonoids near the tower, their eyes flashing with fire, were looking around for human gatherings.

"Order: Collect organic matter."

The demon-like creatures crazily pounce on the humans around them,

"Directive: Process organic matter."

The demonoids throw the humans they hunt into the transformation chamber.

"Whoosh whoosh!" In the transformation room, tubes flowing red hot liquid pierced into the human body.

Humans were enveloped in flaming red energy, struggling and wailing hysterically.

But with the infusion of red energy, the struggle slowed and eventually stopped.

Their skin became gray-brown, rough, and chapped, their eyes were replaced by firelight, their mouths split toward their ears, occupying most of their faces, and their teeth grew sharp.

"Directive: Order organic matter."

"Puff thump thump."

Just like a hen laying eggs, from underneath the transformation tower came out one by one a fully armed, hissing demonoid.

"Command: Long live Darkseid!"

They climbed up and without any confusion or hesitation, they immediately joined the army of demonoids and shouted in weird accents: "Long live Darkseid!"

"Order: Collect organic matter."


Use the earth's resources and population to create warriors to invade the earth.

This set of instructions is being circulated and executed tirelessly.

Steppenwolf looked at the transformation tower standing in front of him with satisfaction: he was hiding in the desolate, remote and sparsely populated Bernocelli, while transformation towers were rising in major cities around the world to create crazy demon-like creatures. Who is the first threat? And metaphor.

Even if the Justice League is aware of his arrival, they will definitely demolish the Transformation Tower before they can find this.

By then, Darkseid must have already achieved his purpose of coming to Earth.

If he loses to the Justice League, he can retreat calmly without being blamed by the Demon King's nephew afterwards.

Well, he descended on Bernocelli purely to reduce attention and delay the time it took for him to collide head-on with the Justice League.

First of all, he has never met the Justice League in this universe, but he has dealt with the Justice League countless times in other universes. Therefore, he knew how difficult Zheng Lian was.

Secondly, unlike other planetary civilizations invaded by Apokolips before, the purpose this time is not to kill and plunder.

It's best if you can successfully capture the Earth, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

As long as Darkseid finds what he wants, it's victory.

"Alert, alert, intruder detected."

Just as Steppenwolf was thinking proudly, a rapid alarm sounded from his mother box.


Before he could check the identity of the intruder, a huge force fell on his chest. It was like a cruise missile exploding directly. The shock wave of dozens of times the sonic boom blew away the walls and roof of the nearby demon-like and dilapidated auditorium like lamp grass. .

"BOOOM!" Steppenwolf slammed into the transformation tower, the fiery red energy shield flickering.

"Steppenwolf, the Justice League has been waiting for you for a long time." Superman was suspended in the air, his red cape flapping in the strong wind, "You have no chance, tell the demonoid to stop all actions immediately."

"Why? You should go for the transformation tower with the energy defense shield!" Steppenwolf asked in confusion.

"Killing you won't take longer than turning on the phone. In ancient times, we killed Hua Xiong with warm wine. Today, we turn on the phone and kill the wolf!" Bateman said coldly.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" Steppenwolf was angered by his words. Instead of hiding in the defense shield of the transformation tower, he took the initiative to pounce on Bateman.

Bateman stood still, with a proud sneer on his lips.

Five seconds later.

"Your Majesty, save me!" Steppenwolf lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, with Wonder Woman's metal boots on his back. A golden rope was tied around his neck, and was pulled tightly by the heroine's left hand and the Vulcan Sword in her right hand. his neck.

The sonic boom tunnel was two meters in front of Steppenwolf.

Through the space door, the heroes of Zhenglian could see the dark emperor with gray-brown cracked rock skin on the opposite side.

Thanks to Harley, the heroes had seen his appearance as early as at the Heroes Conference.

"Darkseid? Order the troops to retreat. The earth is not a place where you can run wild." Superman said in a deep voice.

"It's just you?" Darkseid's eyes glowed red, and his dazzling beam of light suddenly shot out.

Bateman from behind shouted urgently: "It's Omega rays, close the channel quickly."

"Uh!" Cyborg held Steppenwolf's mother box, and the red arcs on his body jumped wildly.

It’s a long story. In fact, as soon as Darkseid became red-eyed, Bateman alerted him and Cyborg immediately closed the door.

"Buzz--" At the moment when the omega rays were emitted, the sonic boom channel was closed.

"What a risk!" Bateman wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Be careful, you must not be hit by omega rays, it is a fatal attack."

"You should be the most careful." Superman said.

"I have been prepared for a long time." A flash of light flashed in Bateman's eyes, and his expression was even a little eager to try.

"According to the information provided by Harley Quinn, omega rays cannot be avoided yet." The Flash said with a smile: "It seems that she has not thought of space jumping."

Wonder Woman tightened the Lasso of Truth and said coldly: "Since he can't negotiate, then there is no use for him to keep it."

Steppenwolf was frightened and begged for mercy: "Don't—"

"Tsk—" The sword flashed, black blood spattered, and Steppenwolf's head rolled down a few meters away, dying with its eyes closed.

Hal Jordan landed next to the corpse, holding the mantra lasso still around Steppenwolf's neck, lifting the severed head to look left and right, and scanning continuously with the green light ring.

"What are you doing?" Wonder Woman asked confused.

"Check if he is really dead." Hal Jordan said.

"My head is off, so of course I'm dead."

"That's not necessarily true. In the first lesson of joining the Green Lantern Corps, the instructor told me about the Witch Harley pretending to be dead - uh, why did I say this?" Hal was stunned.

"Stop chatting here and rescue the humans in the Transformation Tower quickly." Bateman said solemnly.

Hal immediately said: "I will rescue them and bring them to safety.

I don't want to be a good guy like Superman, but I want to leave a good impression on you and the people of the earth.

Just like that day when I endured your nagging and repeated provocations in the sewer, no matter how angry I felt, I had to maintain a humble and open-minded attitude so that you would allow me to join Zhenglian.

In fact, most of what I do is to make people remember me and praise me. "

Superboy, Bateman, Heroine, Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg all looked at him dumbfounded, their jaws almost dropped to the floor.

"What are you talking about?" Bateman swallowed.

"Oh, No——" Hal Xiang suddenly came back to his senses and cried out in horror: "Why did I just say everything in my heart? Damn it, will my reputation be expelled from Zhenglian?

Moreover, I also want to please the heroine and find a chance to date her - shit, I am controlled by evil magic. What am I saying, God, I can't be a hero! "

Diana's eyes fell on his left hand holding Steppenwolf's head, and her expression became very strange - Green Lantern was firmly holding the Lasso of Truth.

"Hehehehe" she couldn't help but laugh, "The rope in your hand is the lasso of truth. It can make people say what is in their heart."


"Hahaha" the other heroes couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Hal's face flushed and embarrassed, Dachao said gently: "Thoughts can be changed, the important thing is that you insist on doing the right thing now——"

"Stab - boom!" Before he finished speaking, a scarlet ray suddenly appeared, drawing an irregular "Z"-shaped path in the sky, and hit Dachao's head with lightning speed.


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